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25.01.2022 All thats MATTER is just frozen light. Water frozen is heavy and hard. Water as liquid can go with the flow Water as steam is unrestrained with no boundaries.... Your mind is 90% water as you are a being of light. You can be stuck in flee, fight or right in the battle of the brain that locks you into pain. You can learn to go with the flow at any time of day or night , its recognised as ease and relief and many little gains. or better yet; Let Go entirely of all that's hard. The complaining, explaining and blaming and be unlimited and free. Its all in that state of mind YOU are creating one thought at a time! Rosie Re'mind'. See more

24.01.2022 I'm pleased as punch to anounce Book No.8- and 1st childrens book is done. If you could dress up your day in any way what FEELINGS would you wear? I put on FUN, FREEDOM and POWER. It's a mindset as you get dressed- its not your externals but your internals that MATTER. What matters most to YOU? Watch for it, Look for it, Seek it out and Acknowledge it, Appreciate it, Celibrate it and Congratulate yourself that you are in sync- otherwise you might have missed those 'mighty moments' that build upon each other- that momentum that moves you from where you are to where you say you want to be- MOODS MATTER MOST- so be selective in your style :) This is how you Activate awareness- simple really when you THINK about it! #futureleaders #books #children #kidsresilience #personalpassion #lifeempowerment

23.01.2022 A frog not wanting to get wet? Doesn't seem natural. It's like Humans unaware they are more than what can be seen and so live afraid. May be normal but not natural. Picture by Matt Cole Marco. National Geographic.

22.01.2022 Until we realise that - "what we do to one, we do to all" - we've learnt nothing at all! Nothing is a zero that amplifies or enhances what went before. Are our ...actions enhancing the beauty within or amplifying the beast without? Our actions reveal our destiny. HumanCruel or HumanKind? Only One choice; what we do to one we do to all. The Power of One. One love, One Respect, One Value That All Life Matters. See more

22.01.2022 Perfect precious NOW...appreciate it or not...its your gift. A most astonishing gift if you genuinely give it some thought. Your present!

21.01.2022 Words change lives: Welcome to the Golden Age, Your words are a weapon or a wand INfluencing your life... choose Gold. Your radiance is self evident reward.

16.01.2022 Fun Fact; There are 10 x more bacterial cells in you or on you at any moment of your life than there are human cells so YOU are 90% germs and 10% human. Now lets break that further down atomically as 98% of you is space and only 2% matter that leaves just 0.04% of you that matters- that makes YOU - YOU- who knew so little could do so much-you truly are a miracle in scientific terms. So no excuses - know that with faith as little as a mustard seed- you the miracle continue to ...perform miracles every moment! Now add to that 5 followed by 30zeros is the current estimate of how many viruses wanna live in fear or get on with your day . You have gone this far because you are incredible and bodies are phenomenal without your negative input messing with the system. Thoughts are things and create accordingly.. be selective focus on the best and leave the rest. See more

11.01.2022 An expert is someone who has failed more than most as such their know how is stream lined... not on whats been but on what's becoming ... stay excited there's always more! Rosie Reminder.

09.01.2022 Value this moment... It's precious! Rosie Re"mind'

06.01.2022 Priority for Now; uplifted self flows out to uplift all. Be the tonic, let go the toxic!

05.01.2022 Excellence is developed in the peaceful state of mind of awareness that improvement is based only on what you knew then and what you know now. Another can inspire that desire to Know more. Comparing your progress to anothers is futile as multiple varied unknowns exist making comparisons invalid. When you Know better you Do better. Nothing more or less as we each do our best. Appreciate fully -You, you of yesterday and you of today as you continue to make headway! Rosie ReMind.

03.01.2022 After 3 deaths recently and 2 others terminal this channeling via me i feel appropriate to share - get comfy- longer post; "When the director yells CUT, the ac...tors don't cease being, only the part they were playing ceases for the audience. Same with death. Life is eternal., its just the visible part in play ceases. As Shakespeare noted 'All the worlds a stage...' Now we realise its a virtual stage and a virtual reality. All illusions possible and available for selection to play. (Parameters for choice narrow with your focus.) You choose with your attention moment by moment. You are the Director and you call Cut. You are spirit mastering physical reality. To Focus on the physical is to be caught up in the world of 5 senses- thats delusional. To be caught up in the body, its appearance and effects is to grossly limit and restrain your vastness. It FEELS inauthentic and OFF. Hence discord is disease. To FOCUS on the mind alone and its intelligence is to only transmit, regurgitate on repeat what we know closing off to the vast resources we don't know. This closed state is not open to receive hence unable to perceive better than before. Hence discord is distress. To FOCUS only on the spirit within deeming it superior to all- we lose the connection and mastery of 'our own dominion'. (Mind and Body) Hence discord is disconnection. We reside in the body and the mind and are open to receive and perceive what uplits ALL. You sync up as you think up. Mind as faithful servant to spirit is go between for body. It transmits and the body receives and acts on that communication. Your entire being is involved. The dead aint dead - we are., as we live life apart as a part! There are no rules for being. As you realise that YOU ARE FREE to choose how you spend your time in your reality. Blessed or Burdened? Free or Fitting in Following False rules (fake)? One feels powerful as your authentic free flowing vast self. The other feels off, inauthentic and powerless. As you identify your limits and personal constructions that serve as limits , you release that fake hold and with greater freedom of being you LIVE more fully than ever before. Experience teaches- not the words. Each experience has no words as KNOWING requires no communication. It's got. It's received. Life is limitless, life is free and YOU ARE life eternally. Stories start...Once upon A time... not Once upon THE time... its just A time and just a part that is here and now. The bigger part of you has got your back ALL THE time. Rosie ReMind.

03.01.2022 We all die someday. But not everyone LIVES everyday. Don't be one of them! All moments matter. Rosie Reminder

02.01.2022 Balancing mind/body to align with your spirit is an awakening to your mind in this moment. It's not just the things you eat that 'make up' you, it's more importantly the things you think. Right now one worries how to get their hair coloured whilst another frets how to feed 3 kids and another wonders if their loved one in ICU will live. That's always life! We are in this together but not all in the same boat. (experience) How you travel (fare) is up to you.... The only currency that counts is how you spend NOW. Some will say "Have you lost your mind?' Answer, "Yes I have. I've lost my OLD mind. That old mind filled with fear, anger, hurt, pain, suffering and stress. I've lost that old mind that focuses on lack and sees life as black. I mind my Mind and let others mind their own. It's our dominion. Our piece of Heaven whilst here on Earth. Appreciation is King for creation! Now you're thinKING See more

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