Tim Forrester Landscapes in Geelong, Victoria | Home improvement
Tim Forrester Landscapes
Locality: Geelong, Victoria
Phone: +61 427 563 830
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25.01.2022 All the detailed stonework at eastern view project finished... Including a new staircase on the south side of the house..... Phew what a mission! Now just to tidy the place up, reinstate turf, install path toppings, plant plants and mulch.... Thanks heaps for the couple of days chop out again Dave from @golandscaping you legend! _ #stonework #surfcoast #stoneretainingwall #stonemasonrygeelong #stoneworksurfcoast #stonemasonrysurfcoast #stonesteps #stonepath #statement #stonemasonry #stonegarden #gardening #easternview #aireysinlet #anglesea #timforresterlandscapes #torquaylandscaper #surfcoastlandscaper
24.01.2022 A bit more progress at the other Eastern view job. It just keeps growing.... Were now cladding the in ground water tank with custom cut mudstone to achieve a dry stack look. Me and dave from @golandscaping will be tied up on this for a little while longer than Id anticipated by the looks.... Worse places to work I guess! #stone #stonework #stonegarden #stonesteps #stonemasonry #stonecladding #stoneseat #cappingstone #landscapeideas #landscapedesign #landscaping #
23.01.2022 Well that took longer than anticipated! Fireplace and courtyard finally finished after a myriad of tricky details like finding a match for the existing tiles ( got some close then had to do artistry get perfect match!), finding matching bricks to rebuild curved entrance steps, fixing drainage in an old cracked slab with fall that goes in weird directions and battling the weather when trying to do the rendering to name a few! finished product is worth it though. l cant wait to see it fired up! #outdoorfireplace #tuscanvilla #spanishvilla #spanishcourtyard #terracotta #outdoorroom #spanishhomes #terracottatiles #woodfire #fireplace #courtyard @ Saint Kilda East, Victoria, Australia
23.01.2022 Pollished off stage two of a little garden upgrade at Eastern view today.... the breif was to build two sets of stone steps and widen usable area near tennis court while retaining existing vegetation and having new work look like it has been there for years and fit with existing sandstone wall. The stone bench seat was a nice little addition too. Just need to wash of the marking paint from a few of the rocks now! As always it was awesome working on this one with the legend Dave from @golandscaping ! #gardenideas #stonesteps #stonework #greatteam #landscaping #gardenpath #stoneseat #landscapingideas #benchseat #gardenseat #stonemasonry #stonmason #oldstone
22.01.2022 Sub optimal weather for using heavy machinery on soft clay. Boo! #crapweather
22.01.2022 Weekend boredome relieved.... #backyard fun #cooperspaleale #wastingtime #lovemybackyard #balancedrock #ballance #granite #messingaround
21.01.2022 It took a while with me n @golandscaping on the job but finally cladding on tank is complete. Came up alright. Now to landscape the surrounds... _ _ #stonework #stone #stonemasonry #crazypave #stonecircle
21.01.2022 Side steps at eastern view project. #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingtorquay #lanscaping #landscapingideas #stonework #stonemasonrygeelong #stoneworksurfcoast #stonegarden #surfcoast #aireysinlet #stonesteps
21.01.2022 Its a wrap for 2019 with Eastern view finally done! Im super happy with how this last project for the year turned out. I cant wait to see the planting grow and really make the scene pop. #merrychristmas #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingtorquay #landscaping #landscapephotography #greatoceanroad #easternview #aireysinlet
20.01.2022 Smashing out a simple pizza oven at home while Ive been forced to wait on my preferred excavator contractor for the next eastern view project I just started.... Id much rather be ploughing on with the new job but at least Ill be cooking epic pizza in a week or so! #woodfiredpizza #pizzaoven #woodoven #fillingintime #homeimprovement #rustic #yummypizza #landscapinggreatoceanroad
18.01.2022 Peperomia in natural granite pot. _ _ _ _... #stonegarden #stonepots #indoorplants #indoorgardening #balance #zengarden #stone #granite #cuteplants See more
18.01.2022 What a soggy day! As annoying as it was trying to lay the interior bricks of this outdoor fireplace, the rain really is appreciated! the fireplace is going to be a monster! bricking up front arch and sloped interior once sides have cured enough to support the weight. #outdoorfireplace #spanishvilla #terracotta #workingintherain #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingtorquay #landscaping
17.01.2022 Vegetable garden growing like crazy! #veggiegarden #raisedbedgarden #wickinggarden #wickingbeds #landscapingtorquay #landscapinggreatoceanroad #armstrongcreek #lanscaping #landscapingideas
16.01.2022 first pic is concept sketch of cool outdoor fireplace for the stkilda project. it may or may not have a nook or two on the side for wood storrage... Still in consultation with clients. Either way its really going to bring this once drab part of the patio to life! 2nd shot is of scene as is now and last is of all the mess and destruction needed to achieve the first! #outdoorfireplace #fireplace #spanishvilla #outdoorroom #landscapinggreatoceanroad #lanscaping #landscapingtorquay #landscapingideas #tuscanvilla
15.01.2022 Curved stone steps done! Just need to tidy up and put toppings between lower steps an mulch surrounding garden. The last photo is the pile of wobbly rocks we had to hand split into these regular steps. Time consuming but worth it. Great teamwork again by Tim Forrester Landscapes and @golandscaping ! #goteam #goodresults #stonesteps #gardensteps #stonemasonry #stonework #mudstone #curvedpath #stairway #landscaping #landscapingideas
15.01.2022 Chunky rustic retaining wall with a little nook for firewood weve been working on. Almost wrapped up the stone work on this whole section today. A few hours on Monday and shell be ready to be prepped for planting out and laying turf in front. Stone is honey granite supplied by @transrock_ #stonework #stoneretainingwall #landscapinggreatoceanroad #honeygranite #bigrocks #aireysinlet
15.01.2022 I may have been rained off work again but at least this weather is good for the veggies! Happy little plants #raisedbedgarden #wickinggarden #rainyday #happyplants #veggiegarden #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscaping #armstrongcreek
14.01.2022 I popped by the Hawthorne garden construction project that @golandscaping and I did last year, for @fluxconstruction, to check in on the irrigation system we installed. The stunning house was designed by @editionoffice and the garden designed by @eckersleygardenarchitecture is looking awesome a year on. Such a fun project to be involved in! #crazypaving #landscapingtorquay #landscapinggreatoceanroad #armstrongcreeksmallbusiness #geelonglandscaping
13.01.2022 Some progress shots from me and Daves ( @golandscaping ) latest project at eastern view. Job purpose is to clad old concrete tank to make it a feature instead of an eyesore. Weve custom cut the side cladding, drop face capping stones and pavers from yellow mudstone. The pale crazy pave is Indian sandstone which well blend back into the yellow mudstone in the center. Should look sweet I reckon. #crazypave #mudstone #stonework #stone #stonemasonry #drystonewall #stonefeature #landscaping #stonecladding #altartothegods
13.01.2022 Too hot to garden outside today! Monsteria in custom granite pot. - - #stonepots #stone #stonepot #indoorgarden #indoorplants #indoorplantsdecor #indoorplantstyling #monsteria
12.01.2022 More fun with succulents! Mini succulent garden in a custom made granite pot. - - - #succulents #stonepots #stonescape #stone #succulentsofinstagram #succulentlove #tinygarden #funinthegarden #cuteplants
12.01.2022 Just like slicing a loaf of bread! Splitting steps with @golandscaping #greatteam #stonesteps #stonemasonry #landscapeideas #landscaping #aireysinlet
10.01.2022 Filters FTW! They hide all the mess on site #stonework #stonesteps #stonemasonry #stonemasonrygeelong #drywall #stonewall #retainingwalls #cappingstone #stonemasonrysurfcoast #landscapingtorquay #landscapinggreatoceanroad #easternview #aireysinlet
09.01.2022 Freshly hand split yellow mudstone steps for stage 3 of another little @timforresterlandscapes and @golandscaping project at Eastern View ready to roll! Not a bad effort considering the rubbish stone we had to work With. #stonework #stonemasonry #stonegarden #stonesteps #landscapeideas #naturalstone #landscapingideas #oldschool #rockchiselhammer
08.01.2022 What a day! The grass seed has totally popped at the last eastern view project. Looking lush as and framing the stonework nicely. #newturf #stonework #stoneretainingwall #stonemasonrygeelong #landscapinggreatoceanroad #stoneworksurfcoast #landscapingideas #drystonewall #stonewall
08.01.2022 home made render floats float my boat and get results. #diytools #cementrender #suchawog #3drendering #render
07.01.2022 Tidied a few loose ends today at current eastern view project after a super hot day laying turf yesterday. Very happy with how its come together. Hope to wrap up by next week. #landscapinggreatoceanroad #aireysinlet #lanscaping #landscapingideas #rockwall #newturf #stoneretainingwall #stonework
06.01.2022 More mini landscapes with the good ole succulents.... It seems the indoor plants and bonsais have taken a back seat to these guys lately. Love making the stone pots and seeing them take shape with greenery no matter the type! #succulents #stonepots #stonepot #succulentlove #smallgardenideas #gardendecor #minigarden
06.01.2022 Natural granite stone pots just waiting to be planted with some awesome indoor plants, succulents or ornamental... if these tickle your fancy, get in touch. I custom make these to order. I can freight anywhere. #stonepots #stonepot #indoorplantsdecor #gardenideas #gardenfeature #granite #indoorgarden #indoorplantlove #indoorplants #potsforsucculents #zengarden
05.01.2022 Been getting my wood carving on in the holidays. Huon Pine all purpose cooking spoon a go go..... Actually cant wait to get back to work! #keepingbusy #woodworking #summerholidays #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingtorquay #stonemasonrygeelong
03.01.2022 More fun in the garden this afternoon, planting some succulents I bought at the Melbourne international flower and garden show in one of my handcrafted stone pots. Thanks heaps @jenkins.christian for the ticket too. Your exhibit was next level awesome! #stonepots #succulents #succulentlove #melbourneinternationalflowerandgardenshow #funinthegarden #stonemasonry #stone #naturalstone #granite
02.01.2022 New carbide rock splitter and claw chisel rocked up today! Boom boom #newtoy #stonework #stonemasonry #stonetools #hammerandchisel thanks @diamach_tools4stone! Fast service as always
02.01.2022 Paradise lost... #homeawayfromhome #jungle #lush #verdant #missthisplace #rusticlandscape #lostworld
02.01.2022 Rubbish photos cause of the glare but you can kind of make out that were almost done with the grand staircase at eastern view. Another week of laying capping stones on the wing walls and the stonework will be finished. Looking forward to sharing good pics of final result! #stonework #stonesteps #surfcoast #stonetools #stoneretainingwall #statement #stonemasonry #stonewall #stonemasonrygeelong #stoneworksurfcoast #easternview #greatoceanroad #almostfinished
01.01.2022 Another Eastern view project finished. I cant wait to see the turf seed sprout and make a lush lawn up to the stonework. Now onto the next job! #stonework #surfcoast #stoneretainingwall #stonemasonrygeelong #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingideas #stoneworksurfcoast #stonesteps #landscapingtorquay #aireysinlet
01.01.2022 Starting the year back at a job in Saint Kilda where i built a massive bespoke oven and bbq area along with losts of brick paving and planting about 4 years ago. Paving and oven have settled in nicely! This time round Im going to build the lovely clients a rad outdoor fireplace among other tasks. fireplace is going along the rendered wall in the last photo. Will post progress shots next week #landscapinggreatoceanroad #landscapingtorquay #lanscaping #woodfiredpizza #woodoven #pizzaoven #brickpavers #spanishvilla #terracotta @ Saint Kilda East, Victoria, Australia
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