Tim Hamilton | Political candidate
Tim Hamilton
Phone: +61 7 5327 3477
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24.01.2022 Another great initiate by the downtown Caloundra team. We have had some creative submissions and have already had some good results, with more to come. https://www.downtowncaloundra.com.au/shopfront-improvement/
24.01.2022 I realise I have given the other candidates a little bit of a head start but with your help I will run them down in the home straight. As a fully self funded candidate I am Truly Independent and beholden to no-one (apart from my bank manager!). I do not have a large team working behind the scenes, just a dedicated number of family and friends volunteering their time. If you have any time to spare over the next few weeks and would like to give us a hand, jump across to the web page and register or just PM here and I will contact you. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.
24.01.2022 I have had quite a number of people contact me saying they had not yet received their Postal Vote ballots in the mail. I have spoken to ECQ and they have assured me they have been sent out and should arrive today or tomorrow. There is also a misunderstanding that Postal Votes dont have to be submitted till the 7th of April. This is incorrect. Postal Votes must be completed and posted prior to 6pm on Saturday the 28th. So, in realty they must be posted by close of business Friday 27th, TOMORROW.
23.01.2022 First of the signs going up!... and before you ask...,yes that is me under the hat doing the hard work. Apparently my son is better at taking photos than me . We should get them all up over the weekend. If you see a great location that you think I should be at, please let me know.
23.01.2022 I was very proud to be involved in getting this to Caloundra and will be working hard to have it return this year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K627rianxR8
19.01.2022 What a beautiful Sunday afternoon here on the sunshine coast. To all my supporters, I appreciate your words of encouragement. To everyone that comments here, I just want to remind you that whilst I encourage debate, it is to be in a respectful manner. If I deem discussions becoming heated or disrespectful, I will delete them. Now I think we should all step away from the keyboard, take a few deep breaths and enjoy the last few hours of what has been a glorious day.
18.01.2022 I am a firm believer in keeping Party Politics out of local government. I am a true independent and have never been a member of a political party. By not being affiliated with any one political party I can more effectively advocate our needs to State and Federal governments without a party bias.
18.01.2022 Its time for some local leadership. I have been manning the polling booth at the Caloundra Community Centre for the last week and am becoming increasingly concerned at the risks we are placing on our residents and volunteers to the spread of the Coronavirus. A large majority of the people attending the early voting booths are in high risk categories. ... The majority of our volunteer supporters are in high risk categories and for a number of us, these are our friends and loved ones. It is impossible to maintain the 1.5m recommended distance when corralled into a queue and handing out How to Vote cards. I have put forward the following proposition to the other candidates in Division 2. We stop handing out How to Vote Cards. We put up signs detailing our How to Vote information We put all of our cards in Brochure stands and have them located where people are able to take one if they wish. We limit our supporters to 1 (or 2 in the case of the candidate not being there in person) We position ourselves in a location that allows people to come to us if they wish to ask questions. I will be recommending we come to a similar agreement for Election Day, but for now, I hope to get everyone on board and show some courtesy and respect for the members of the community were hoping to serve. **Update Good news, Division 2 Sunshine Coast Council Candidate Terry Landsberg and Peter Tramacchi - Sunshine Coast Council Candidate for Division 2 support this motion! Unfortunately Shane Scriggins and Brady Sullivan have rejected this proposal as they believe this would be detrimental to their chances of winning. This is unfortunate but I won't give up just yet. ***Update Good news, common sense has kicked in, the ECQ has introduced new rules for the management of Polling Booths forcing ALL candidates and their volunteers to no longer be on site. How to Vote cards will no longer be available at the polling booths but will be on display. This is a sensible precaution which we applaud. Written and authorised by Tim Hamilton, 16 Ann St, Dicky Beach, Qld 4551 for Tim Hamilton (Candidate)
15.01.2022 Family, Friends, Neighbors and Community. Let’s look out for each other. If anyone needs anything, picked up, dropped off or anything else, PM or call me. I have time.
13.01.2022 Getting our elton on down at the yellow brick road.
13.01.2022 Good Morning, a totally non election related post this morning. We have an old printer/photocopier that we no longer need. It needs some TLC but still functions. If anyone knows of a charity that may need it can you PM me please.
11.01.2022 The Sunshine Coast Regional Council is one of the fastest growing regions in the country and the 9th largest council in Australia with an annual operating budget of $528 million and capital expenditure budget of $320. It is imperative that Councillors have the experience and knowledge to ensure this is spent wisely to the benefit of all. I believe that over the last few years Caloundra has not seen its fair share of that capital expenditure, given it is the fastest growing region within the Sunshine Coast. If elected, I will be your voice in Council demanding a fair share of expenditure on our regions infrastructure.
10.01.2022 Ok, its all done and dusted, I dont think we will have a result in division 2 for a few days but I could be wrong. I am looking for good uses for corflute signs. Keep it nice! Also just warning all my friends and family that Christmas and birthday cards for the next 50years may be my how to vote cards!
10.01.2022 Evening all, I hope you all had a great weekend. As you know we don't have a big team of workers behind the scenes, just a small dedicated group of family and friends, so we are in dire need of some more volunteers to help hand out how to vote cards at the 5 polling booths on election day Sat 28th. If anyone can give us an hour or two it would be really appreciated. Please DM or call me and we can work out times and locations that suit.
10.01.2022 Another benefit of the new polling booth rules is that I get an hour or two to get some chores done around the house. And before any one asks, this is not a service I will be supplying if I am elected.....unless you ask really really really nicely . Have a lovely Sunday everyone, stay safe.
10.01.2022 Why would you want to live anywhere else?
10.01.2022 Great Initiative Graeme.
09.01.2022 Just completed the @ [481913581930056:274:Golden Beach parkrun] . It was great to see so many people out enjoying our healthy lifestyle. We are so privileged to have such a beautiful place to get out and about and we need to make sure we keep it that way for the generations to come.
08.01.2022 TGIF....Happy Friday everyone! Polling booth locations have been announced. CCSA Hall, 1 Nutley Street, CALOUNDRA Caloundra Community Centre, 58A Queen Street, CALOUNDRA... Currimundi State School, 17 Buderim Street, CALOUNDRA Golden Beach State School, 34 Gregory Street, GOLDEN BEACH Caloundra City Private School, 200 Pelican Waters Boulevard, PELICAN WATERS The early voting booth is at the Caloundra Community Centre, 58A Queen Street, CALOUNDRA with early voting starting on the 16th.
08.01.2022 Evening all, to try and encourage people to take advantage of early voting the ECQ has advised that early polling booths will be operating from 9am to 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday this week and next week, also the booths will be open on Saturday the 21st from 9am to 5pm. Please take advantage of the early voting option if possible. For those that have some flexibility, mornings have been busy, but the afternoons are pretty quiet.
07.01.2022 Good luck to all the Candidates in Division 2 and across the Sunshine Coast. Whichever candidates are fortunate enough to be selected by the voters will have a huge responsibility in an incredibly difficult time and will need everyones help and support. I applaud all those that have put their name forward and encourage everyone who is not selected to offer whatever help they can to the incoming council and the community as a whole. A huge thank you to everyone that has helped out, I couldn't have got this far without you.
07.01.2022 We all know people that are being impacted by the loss of employment. Please share this around
07.01.2022 Good Morning all, my Facebook Consultant (thanks Josh) tells me that it is better if people like my page and not just my posts. So could I ask if you haven't already done so, and you feel so inclined, could you please like my page. Happy Hump day!
06.01.2022 I would also like to offer some special thanks to a few people that have been unbelievably helpful over the last few weeks. I am humbled that these people have gone above and beyond to support me. Tim and Kelli Dwyer. You guys have been amazing with all your insights and advise. Thank you for allowing Jen and I to invade on your weekends. Loraine Porter and my mum Val Watson, you two have been my cheer squad from day 1. Thank you so much for all the help.... Darren Carter and the team at ComputerCut. You guys have been incredible. The turnaround for all our signs and print media has been unbelievable. All of the people that volunteered for today. Even though we ended up not being able to use you, I thank you dearly for putting up your hand to help. For my early morning team this morning that helped me get all of the polling booths set up. My sons Josh and Luc, Mark Goyder, Sean and Ben. And finally to my wife Jen who has been my campaign manager, my filter, and my biggest supporter. Love you all.
05.01.2022 I greatly appreciated being invited to the Caloundra Rotary Club's weekly breakfast meeting this morning. I had a great time, good breakfast, amazingly welcoming company and I even won the heads and tails competition (will be enjoying a glass of the red later this evening)
05.01.2022 Please take care when voting today and especially take heed of social distancing. How To Vote cards will be on display only in the booths, so I have attached mine for your reference, should I be deserving of your vote! Being out and about is the last thing I want anyone doing in these circumstances, however, it has been confirmed that the election is going ahead regardless so please just take care of each other. PS: Nutley Street Polling Booth is not opening today.
05.01.2022 Mail outs all ready to go. I would just like to send a huge thank you to DC and the team at Computercut Signage, Branding, Printing A proud local Division 2 Business. We walked into his office on Monday morning with a few ideas and his amazing team had our corflutes ready by Wednesday, Brochures for Mail outs by Thursday and Posters for Shop windows by Friday. Unbelievable effort by them!
04.01.2022 Ok, it’s all done and dusted, I don’t think we will have a result in division 2 for a few days but I could be wrong. I am looking for good use’s for corflute signs. Keep it nice! Also just warning all my friends and family that Christmas and birthday cards for the next 50years may be my how to vote cards!
03.01.2022 Should the election be postponed? I believe the Queensland Government has a couple of options. They could postpone the election. Given the unprecedented situation we are living through now, it makes sense to not put peoples lives at risk for something I am not sure could be considered essential. We have sitting councils that could continue to operate and there is an argument that says that stability is critical at this stage.... They could extend the election, open the applications for postal voting and make a concerted effort to get everyone registered and run a complete postal voting solution. I would support either of these approaches and will be encouraging our State Government representatives to adopt one or the other. If they decide to continue with the election then I recommend everyone take advantage of the Phone Voting options if you can. Telephone 1300 912 782 **Update I am pleased to say that other candidates are having the same thoughts, I have just read an email from Shane Scriggins, which he had sent earlier this morning, where he has suggested similar and asking if all candidates in Division 2 can put something to the ECQ. I applaud Shane on the idea of getting a united position and will support him fully.
03.01.2022 I have copied this from another Post, it is the best description I have seen on the Phone Voting process. Good Luck all.
03.01.2022 Postal Voting, Important Information: Over the last couple of weeks I have had a lot of people contact me saying that they always postal vote but had not yet received any information in the mail. It is Critical that you must first register to postal vote, even if you have completed postal votes in past elections. The deadline to register is Monday 16th at 7pm. If you do not register by then you will not be able to postal vote. You will still be able to come into the poll...ing booths to vote, but for a lot of the people I have spoken too, this is not an option. Please, if anyone needs help in registering, or if they are unsure if they are registered, get them to call me anytime. 07 5327 3477. Please help get the word out.
02.01.2022 Family, Friends, Neighbors and Community. Lets look out for each other. If anyone needs anything, picked up, dropped off or anything else, PM or call me. I have time.
02.01.2022 Great day down at the Caloundra Markets meeting the locals and quite a few holiday makers enjoying all we have to offer.
02.01.2022 Preference Deals. To sell your soul or not? I was advised that with 5 candidates running, preferences would play an important part in this election, as it is unlikely anyone will get a majority in the first round of counting.... I was approached by other candidates about preferences and discussed it with Jen. There were two schools of thought: i) Either we do a deal with the person we would like to win if we dont win (which is what preferences should really be) OR ii) We do a deal with the person we think will get knocked out early in the voting and therefore his preferences would come to us, and it didnt matter whether we thought he would be a good alternative representative or not. In the end we went for a third option, which was to maintain the Independent stance that I have held from day 1 and not do any back room deals for preferences. I could not do a deal with someone whos policies I did not agree with just to help me win. That kind of win at all costs attitude is the reason our state and federal politics is such a mess. So ask the other candidates have they done a preference deal? And if so, have they done it because they think their number 2 is the best option if they are not successful, or because they want to win no matter what and have sold their soul in that hope. Remember though, just because a candidate has done a deal doesnt mean you, as a voter have to abide by that deal. If you are going to preference a number of candidates then do so in the order that YOU think would represent YOU best.
02.01.2022 I believe it is important for a representative to live, work and play in the region they represent to give them a clear understanding of the day to day issues faced by constituents. My family and I have lived in Division 2 since returning to Caloundra and both our businesses were based in the Caloundra CBD.
01.01.2022 I have been privileged to have been part of the Downtown Caloundra CBD taskforce for the last 5 years and look forward to continuing to work with this talented team.
01.01.2022 I had to go into town yesterday to the pharmacy and had a chance to have a quick chat to some of the shop owners. They need our support so please do what you can. The below post was copied from the Sunshine Coast Linkedin Page. WE NEED YOU to support Sunshine Coast businesses - now more than ever. In the past few days we have seen fabulous local initiatives like @localfoodsunshinecoast on Facebook and Instagram, hinterland producers offering farm-gate purchases and even wh...arf-side fish sales! Many #SunshineCoast businesses have now adapted to offer online, non-contact and safe delivery purchase options. While Sunshine Coast Council, alongside all other levels of government, has announced several significant stimulus packages specifically for local businesses, community support is absolutely integral to the Sunshine Coast economy. What are you doing to support your local Sunshine Coast businesses? What innovative ideas have you seen introduced by the local business community? A comprehensive Business Support Page is on our website specifically listing Australian and Queensland Government support links, online networking and workshops plus a full rundown of Councils stimulus support: https://lnkd.in/ehvggWt We are all in this together #TeamSunshineCoast #covid19australia #CovidKindness No alternative text description for this image
01.01.2022 Congratulations to the Sunshine Coast Council and the current sitting Councillors. We may not all agree with everything they do and say but we can take nothing away from them as far as the Elton John concerts are concerned. Jen and I attended last nights concert and it was amazing. You have set the bar very high for the next group of Councillors to be elected and, if i happen to be privileged enough to be one of them, I look forward to seeing who the next great artist will be....leave a comment as to who you would like to see!
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