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25.01.2022 , , . How you... wake up each day and your morning routine (or lack thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days which inevitably create a successful life! Rather than depending on your mood and your circumstances for a great start to your day, choose to be proactive and make mood and circumstances respond to your work. Either you run the day or the day runs you. A default routine for so many people is to immediately pick up their phone, check the news, email and social media and go about their day. There’s no way you can think clearly, focus and do your best work in the morning if you are constantly reacting to others’ expectations or getting distracted by the news. Our minds and body are fresh in the mornings; take advantage of your clean slate. Resist the urge to replay yesterday’s soundtrack, get sucked into worrying about tomorrow, or get distracted by the news. Many successful people spend the first hours of each day alone, to reflect, think, meditate, create or read. Find something that motivates you and look forward to it every morning. Time management starts right from the minute you wake up from the bed. 5:15-17 , , . , .
21.01.2022 ; , ; , , . 28:7 When last did you receive a letter? Fewer and fewer people are using letters. Most people use email or text messages to stay in touch and with our busier than ever schedules, who has time to sit down and write an actual letter?... It’s getting harder and harder to find stationery for sale, but there are still people who use it despite changing communication habits and technology. These people still know the importance of a handwritten letter. There's nothing like a handwritten note of thanks to showing just how much someone appreciated a gift. Stationery may be old-fashioned and out-of-date to some people, but giving thanks is never out of date. When someone does something nice for you, you should thank them: be it verbal or written, and when the Lord blesses you, you should take the time to thank him. Giving thanks isn't a time-consuming, difficult thing we simply close our eyes and say, Lord, thank you for your blessings. You know what He's done for you so thank Him specifically for every blessing and never forget what He's done for you.
18.01.2022 , . 16:17 I don’t think there’s a person alive who doesn’t like french fries. When they’re hot and fresh and crisp and golden like these, they’re pretty hard for anyone to resist. How many of you get french fries any time you go out to eat?... Now let me ask you this: Have any of you ever had to pay the french fry tax? The french fry tax is not a government tax. It’s a Mom and Dad tax. It’s what happens when Mom or Dad reaches over across the table and takes a french fry out of your box! Some people might consider this stealing. The french fry was in the box that came with your Happy Meal! But let me ask you another question: Who paid for the french fry? Who paid for you to have french fries with your meal? Unless you already own your own business or unless Grandma grabbed the bill first, the answer is probably Mom and Dad. It was Mom and Dad who earned money to buy your french fries. So when you think about it, is it your french fry or is it Mom and Dad’s fries that they allow you to enjoy? The french fry tax is a good reminder that the blessings we enjoy are not ours but are gifts from the Lord. That goes not only for our possessions but also for our money. Yes, we work hard to earn money, but the Lord gives us moneyalong with everything else he providesto manage for him. He wants us to use our money, our talents, and our possessions for him. And a big part of using our money for him is giving! Most people don’t give even close to that. We like to use money for ourselves, and we don’t like to give it away. But remember the lesson of the french fries: The money is not really ours. It belongs to God. Is it too much to ask that we give back at least 10 percent to God?
16.01.2022 "" . With today's modern technology and everything getting done from our smartphones, what happens if you forget ...your phone or lost the tickets you paid for online? You can't get in, can you? You know one day, we're going to have a chance to go to Heaven. We'll have a chance to walk on streets of gold, to see all of the great heroes of the Bible, and best of all ... to see Jesus. But guess what? You can't just walk into Heaven. The Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus (Romans 3:23-24). What does that mean to you? It means there's a steep price to get into Heaven. Because we are sinners, we deserve to die. But Jesus, who was without sin, died in our place. He paid the price for our sin, and in doing so, he bought our ticket to Heaven! But there's one thing that remains: you have to accept the ticket. If someone offers you a movie ticket, you have to take it in order to see the movie. Jesus has offered you the gift of salvation, but in order to get into Heaven, you have to accept that gift.
14.01.2022 , . 15:13 We all need hope. In the past couple of months, I’ve been getting more and more messages and comments from people who are in the midst of anxiety in their lives.... I’ve heard from people going through divorces, people who have lost their jobs and those who are struggling with illness. One thing that almost all of them have in common is that they’re grasping for something to give them hope. Hope that things will get better. Hope for healing. Hope that God will be with them while they’re going through turbulent times. The Bible has a lot to say about hope, and today I want to share, and hopefully encourage you with this message of why we as Christians should have hope in Christ. A Christian’s hope isn’t an escape or wishful thinking, but something that a Christian is meant to do. We have a hope in eternal life, which means that we can attack today with a renewed strength.
14.01.2022 . . . I love this quote. I have it in my notebook, highlighted and outlined. My aim is not to achieve greatness, but rather to remind myself to focus on simple steps I can make in my personal and professional world to make a difference..without getting overwhelmed. As Marketing & Communications Executive, I am surrounded by a whirling adversity of digital reform, design and social media development, implementing new standard...s, introduce new and exciting content on social platforms and website launches.and re-launches!!! The challenges can be staggering., and that only counts the ‘day job’ part of our life. Yes, it can be overwhelminghowever, now is a great time to be who I am. By the very nature of our my work, I am placed at the network and have the opportunity to affect meaningful change for our school community. Every morning, I take a deep breath and look at this note. I can’t do everythingnor do I want tobut I can do one thing to take a step forward.
09.01.2022 ? When we expand the boundaries of knowledge, we enter new and unexp...lored territory, and we typically work at the limits of human experience and the human mind. Inevitably, that means that we make some mistakes. These sayings turn I never made a mistake on its head, instead of being an accomplishment, calling it out as proving oneself lacking in achievement. There are benefits in certain areas to never making a mistake. - We appreciate astronauts and brain surgeons having perfect records. - We appreciate postal delivery people never making a mistake. - We appreciate drivers never making a mistake. But scientists, researchers, artists, politicians, parents, business executives, and anyone else who often has to chart a new path under new circumstances, will either make some mistakes, or they will stick to the most limited, boring, common paths, and never try anything new. Arguably, never trying anything new may be a mistake in some circumstances.
08.01.2022 " , ." We have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike. And while the universal force of gravity ...gives them a shared destination, the expansive space in the air allows each snowflake to take their own path. They are on the same journey, but each takes a different way. Along this gravity-driven journey, some snowflakes collide and damage each other, some collide and join together, the wind influences some... there are so many transitions and changes that take place along the journey of the snowflake. But, no matter what the transition, the snowflake always finds itself perfectly shaped for its mission. I find parallels in nature to be a beautiful reflection of grand orchestration. One of these parallels is of snowflakes and us. We, too, are all headed in the same direction. A universal force is driving us to the same destination. We are all individuals taking different journeys, and along our journey, we sometimes bump into each other, we cross paths, we become altered... we take different physical forms. But at all times we too are 100% perfectly imperfect. At every given moment, we are perfect for what is required for our journey. I’m not ideal for your journey, and you’re not perfect for my journey, but I’m perfect for my journey, and you’re perfect for your journey. We’re heading to the same place, we’re taking different routes, but we’re both exactly perfect the way we are. Think of what understanding this great orchestration could mean for relationships. Imagine interacting with others, knowing that they too each share this parallel with the snowflake. Like you, they are headed to the same place, and no matter what they may appear like to you, they have taken the perfect form for their journey. How strong our relationships would be if we could see and respect that we are all perfectly imperfect for our journey.
08.01.2022 . Last Friday night we were sitting at a restaurant and just enjoying a family night out after few weeks dealing with COV...ID restrictions. Sitting at the table and chatting away, keeping social distancing between tables and people, one can't sit and not looking at the "little things", like the salt and pepper shakers on the table, always there and if not, we expect it. But let me ask you something, is that the only thing we expect to see on the table? Who sets a table of just salt? If you're going to have a salt shaker on the table, you're going to need a pepper shaker too. Salt and pepper are complements to foods that come together like peanut butter and jelly. Salt and pepper are usually in similar containers, but on the inside, they don't look alike at all. They don't taste alike either, and yet despite their differences, salt and pepper go together perfectly. True friendship is like salt and pepper. People can have many differences; but despite those differences, they can find common ground to share good times and bad. Salt and pepper can take a bland, boring meal, and turn it into something delicious. True friends can take a bad situation and turn it into something wonderful. You'll never find salt without pepper. And like salt and pepper, true friends are the ones that'll stick with you no matter where you are, what situations you face. You don't have to be exactly alike or have everything in common; you just have to be willing to be there.
08.01.2022 , . Plastic is one of many man-made inventions that make our lives easier. Plastic, such as this bottle, make...s it easier for us to buy, store, and use things like drinks, food, and other necessities. The problem with plastic, of course, is that it is non-biodegradable. Some materials can last for hundreds of years without breaking down. Others break down into chemicals and materials that can be harmful to the planet and us. Plastic can be recycleda process that allows us to reuse the material rather than burying it in a landfill. But many people still don’t recycle even though they should. One of the reasons they don’t is that they don’t see the harm that throwing plastic away can cause. They’ve never seen a landfill. They’ve never seen the disgusting mess that is made when people throw recyclable materials into the garbage. If you don’t see it, you don’t know the harm you have caused. I wanted to share this story with you because I want you to think of a plastic bottle whenever you’re on the Internet, especially if you’re on Facebook or any other social networking site. The Internet has brought many wonderful things into our lives, just like plastic. But there is also a lot of bad on the Internet, and one of the worst things that have happened on the Internet is cyberbullying. Even good people, who would never say a bad word to another person to their face, can write horrible, mean, and hurtful things on the Internet without thinking twice about it. Why? Because they don’t see the damage, they are doing to another person! When you can’t see the people you’re calling names or gossiping about; it’s a lot easier to go too far. You don’t see their hurt reaction. You don’t see them cry. You don’t have the peer pressure of other kids to make you stop. Just like throwing plastic in the garbage, you don’t see the damage you’re doingnot until it’s too late. Cyberbullying is bullying. It is cruel, mean, and harmful to the person being bullied. In a few sad cases, cyberbullying has even led to people committing suicidetaking their own lives because of what other people said about them. This is not what Christ expects of us. He taught us to love one another. Every kid, every person we meet, in person or online.
06.01.2022 ! Sometimes, I feel that words can have a fascinating impact. They don’t need to sound emphatic or sensational, but si...mple ones with a definite meaning can very well do the job. : We are all very busy people. Each day is packed, and there is a constant shortage of time with every passing day. We see that there are so many things to do from the time we get up. It has become a natural affair to carry on with the day without having to stop and think about what we really want. It is either work or studies, but there is a constant lack of time. Ever wonder if you were in control of this time and did only the things you wanted to do, how would this day be? With this point in mind what if you were to consciously decide and control how the day goes? If we flip this around and imagine you are running the day and your emotions, What are the top things that would occupy your day? I am not talking about the TODO list. We are referring to something more important the things that drive you and are really important to you. These are the things occupying every aspect of your life physical, emotional, relationship, work, finances. All those large areas you can think of. If all these were under your vision and control, what would you do differently? It is quite natural to think of all the problems we have before we think of getting this overarching control. If you don’t take control of what you have now, there never is a time when things are perfect. The moment you don’t take charge, events of your day take over you. There is no place for planning or staying on top of things, it will be those events which drive you. Things don’t get smooth on their own, challenges keep getting tougher at each stage. Start the habit of control today, the rest will slowly start to follow. You don’t have to do everything at once, but you need to make a start. Start with things you can master, and slowly build up the rest. After all, if you don’t have a plan for your life and priorities, someone else will.
05.01.2022 , , ... What makes a person significant? Some people think that the people who really matter are tho...se with beauty, wealth, success or fame. Others believe that it’s being creative or exciting that makes a person significant. Still, others hope to find significance in romantic relationships or through improving the world. But the Bible says you already matter. God created us humans in his imageto be living symbols of him here on earth. Humans are like ambassadors or representatives of God. We have a job (to care for the world on God’s behalf), and we have great dignity. Whoever attacks or insults human attacks, God. This means all of us are equally valuable whether we’re rich or poor, fat, skinny, bright or dull. We matter to God. We matter to the world. , ? . , . ( 8:3-6)
03.01.2022 . What's the difference between playing checkers and chess? In checkers, all the pieces are the same. They look the same; they move the same. They travel in the same direction. They take things one step or one jump at a time. Some checkers get to be kings, but even the kings move one step, one jump, one diagonal direction at a time.... Chess is a little more complicated. You have eight pawns who move one place at a time, in one direction, kind of like checkers. But then you have all these pieces in the back row: bishops who travel as far as they want on a diagonal, rooks who move from side to side, forward and back, Queens, who can move just about anywhere, and then there's the knight who kind of moves in an L, or is it a J? A lot of people think the church should be like checkers. We should all think the same, act the same, pray the same, and worship the same. But that's not what the Bible teaches. Paul says in 1st Corinthians that the Church is more like a chess set. We all have our different abilities and our talents, but we all come together for the same purpose: to seek out the King of Kings. It doesn't matter if you're a pawn, a bishop, a rook, a knight, or a queen. Whatever your talents are, you're a vital part of God's family. God has made you with a special purpose. Place those talents in God's hands, and you'll be amazed at what He can do with all these different gifts. 1 4:10
02.01.2022 . Imagine looking at yourself in a mirror, can you see yourself? Mirrors have been around for hundreds of years, and... they pretty much have one purpose: to reflect. They can reflect light, colors, and images. Can you imagine what it was like before they invented mirrors? They probably only had a lake or a pond to look at? And even then, it wasn't an accurate reflection. I don't think you have blue or green skin. The best mirrors are flat, and they have the perfect reflecting surface. They can show things the way they really are. God wants us to do the same thing. Except, He doesn't want us to reflect ourselves, He wants us to reflect the image of Jesus Christ. Because Jesus Christ was the only perfect being, who came down to live on this earth. We're not all perfect, and we accept God's grace because of that. If you reflect Jesus with your actions and what you say, people will see what it's like to become a Christian, and they may want to become Christians too. Some people may not like what they see. There are a lot of Christians around the world who are not loved because they reflect like Jesus and not themselves or the world. You have to use Jesus as your role model, and he will reflect himself through you. He can make you the perfect mirror so that people will see what He is like and what is Jesus like. He is kind and thoughtful. He doesn't do bad things, and he loves all people. Can he be like that? I know it's hard sometimes, but just like a mirror has to be in front of the object it's reflecting, you had to stand in front of Jesus to reflect His image. So next time you look at yourself in a mirror, think about how you can reflect Jesus's face today.
01.01.2022 This bible verse is one of the first verses that enters my mind when I am in a difficult season. It has always been comfo...rting to me. Each time I read this verse I am reminded that God is always there for me. God is a shelter, a safe place for those in hardship, distress, anxiety, or discomfort. He is safety from any difficultly that may come my way. I’ll never forget when God gave me a different perspective on this verse from what I had in the past. There will always be times and seasons in life that are uncomfortable, or difficult. However, once we are through the difficulties, we always end up better than before. As unpleasant as some seasons may seem, if we do not go through them, would we be where and who we are today? I have found that God often needs us to endure hardship in order for us to truly become who we need to be. In the bible, Job was chosen to undergo very difficult times. God needed him to go through the difficulties so that in the end, Job could become stronger in his faith. Anytime we are in a situation that not going the way that we want it to go, or the way that we imagined it would, we assume that God is not there for us. In reality, what is happening is that God is allowing some things in life to be difficult so that we are able to be shaped and moulded through them. God will never let us go through more than we are able to handle. He is always there. God is a refuse and stronghold when you are in a difficult season. He will help you through the difficulty, not around it. I encourage you, no matter what it is that you are going through, big or small, give thanks to God today in the situation. Know that God is there for you. Nothing will happen that is not in His plan. Stop believing the circumstances that you are in; instead, increase your faith in God knowing that He is right there with you. In the end, you will see the benefit in the past difficulty and be able to be more used by God.
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