TitanAg | Agricultural cooperative
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25.01.2022 Were loving seeing the cattle market keep its stellar performance this year with Bull Sales going off the charts the last few months. Have you purchased any bulls recently?
24.01.2022 We cant get over this picture @timbophelan posted today! Love it and just what we need to get through the week! #agriculture #australia @elders_limited
24.01.2022 What are you doing to get the crop in in time? #makinghaywhilethesunshines
23.01.2022 Jumping into Monday like... Whats happening in your corner of the globe this fine Monday morning? In central west NSW, one of our clients @haddonrigstud is preparing for their Merino StudnOpen Day and watching Winter crops grow. Wed love to hear your news!! . . .... . . . . . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #farmer #farm #cropping #crop #familyfarm . . . .
23.01.2022 Canola coming up! Whats yours looking like? The team at TitanAg have been very busy over the last few months as sowing kicks in and now cotton planting is cracking on! Everyone in our team are looking fwd to taking a day off here and there while the crops grow and the sun shines. Wed love to hear your news and see your planting pics! @elders_limited #agriculture #agchatoz #australianag #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #foodandfibre #insecticide #cropping #planthealth
22.01.2022 The Trade Minister is still yet to hear from his Chinese counterpart. What next for barley? FarmOnline
22.01.2022 Looks like this kelpie agrees with us; titanag chemicals rock! Head to your local elders store to arrange a quote order. . . .... . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #cropping #crop #familyfarm @australianowned #farmboy #nature #elders @elders #agchem #fertiliser #insecticide #animalhealth #cottonproducts #herbicides
21.01.2022 Happy weekend yall! Wishing you warm days, rain where its needed and good health! . . . . .... #agriculture #agpics See more
21.01.2022 Big storms brewing out West.
19.01.2022 To plant barley or not to plant? That is the question! While the price remains relatively strong, many people like @titan.ag farmer @cblomfield are still planting barley, despite recent trade disagreements. What are you doing in your corner of the country? Wed love to know! Send us your planting picks to feature.... @elders_limited #agriculture #aussieag #agchatoz See more
18.01.2022 The canola at this time of year is just unbelievable, especially in a season like this! Have you taken any good canola shots this year? Weve been trying to think of a way to describe the yellow? Electric? Canary? Just beautiful!
18.01.2022 Great article about dual purpose crops!
17.01.2022 One of our favourite photos from this year from TitanAg farmers near Canowindra!! Check out the retro Honda! . . . .... #australianagriculture #agchatoz #aussiecropping #titanag #agchem #thankafarmer @bastiandunhill #thankafarmerforyournextmeal See more
16.01.2022 Can you guess what these two crops are? . . . .... #australianagriculture #agriculture #farming #agchatoz #wintercrop #agchem #agrichemicals #fertiliser #insecticide #titanag See more
16.01.2022 What ewe looking at? Fat ewes and healthy lambs on natural pastures - we dont think theres anything better than that. @elders_limited #agriculture #agchatoz #australianag #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #foodandfibre #insecticide #cropping #planthealth
14.01.2022 Nice fat lambs on the ground over the weekend . Have benefitted from low stock handling and fantastic @TitanAg animal health products
13.01.2022 We love this pic of cattle grazing in the lush green grass of the Marthaguy region! How are your cattle looking atm? Did you know we supply all sorts of animal health products to Australian farmers? Well, we do! Talk to your Elders agent today to arrange an order! . . .... . . . . . . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #farmer #farm #cropping #crop #familyfarm
13.01.2022 Do you have a good business idea or ag innovation that you want to bring to life? Not sure where to start? The Farmers2Founders program offers expert mentoring, funding and resources to help farmers bring their business ideas to life! Theyre currently taking enrolments for the 2020 program, starting in September and we really encourage you to apply. Farmers2Founders is the only ag startup program in Australia encouraging ground-up innovation to solve real-world programs! Re...ad more here! https://www.farmers2founders.com/ideas-program AgriFutures Australia Meat & Livestock Australia Australian Wool Innovation Wine Australia Grains Research and Development Corporation #agriculture #aginnovation #foodandfibre #agstartup #startup See more
13.01.2022 Preparing harvest plans with B&W Rural and Customised Farm Management. In good hands!
12.01.2022 After a big fall in both old and new crop values last Monday when China lodged its preliminary decision to impose the duties the market has rallied slightly.
12.01.2022 A Monaro grazier fattened 1200 lambs on new brassica species, Pallaton Raphno, with just 120mm of rain. Elders
11.01.2022 Ever seen agchem modelled this well? M.e.t.s.o.f.u.r.o.n 600 For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops and broadleaf weeds and brush species in pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas.... Contact your local Elders agent today to arrange an order. #agchem #agriculture #australianag #ausag #herbicide #agchatoz #farming #ausfarmlife @elders_limited
11.01.2022 Kicking away the drought years with a bumper canola crop ...
10.01.2022 Motors on the move out at Moree! How good is that?? - on farmer Charlie Harris farm up North! . . .... . . . . . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #farmer #farm #cropping
10.01.2022 To give the boot to ryegrass, broadleaf weeds and paradoxa grass in cereal crops, try TITANAGs Chlorsulfuron! Stocked widely in all Elders stores, well help you control those pesky weeds. Contact your nearest Elders agent today! . . . .... . . . . . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #farmer #farm #cropping #crop #familyfarm
10.01.2022 Big Western skies lift the spirits. the best part of our job is hearing from Aussie farmers about the success they have growing crops and breeding livestock with the help of TitanAg chemicals! #agriculture #australianagriculture
09.01.2022 Hope all of our @TitanAg farmers had a fantastic week and sowing is going well. Rain has fallen out in the Far West so hoping to get a bit of sun to keep lasting! @elders_limited #agriculture
09.01.2022 Life is just better with TitanAg Wetter! TITAN WETTER 1000 WETTING AGENT A bio-degradable spray additive that increases wetting and absorption of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. . .... . . . . . . #agriculturechemical #chemical #sorghum #wheat #canola #chickpeas #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #production #agriculture #ag #primaryproduction #farming #foodandfibre #agco #followphoto #farmers #farmer #farm #cropping #crop #familyfarm @australianowned #nature #elders @elders #agchem #fertiliser #insecticide #animalhealth #cottonproducts #herbicides
09.01.2022 We love our little helpers at @titan.ag ! Got any pics of your little Tuckers on the farm? Wed love to see them! #familyfarming #titanag
07.01.2022 Our wheat, low in moisture, good flour extraction rates and with a bright white colour, is still preferred by many end-users.
06.01.2022 Sheep-o! We love this picture from Orange, NSW! As Winter leaves us, and Spring arrives - were working with Aussie farmers to wean their lambs and calves, ensure against fly strike and ensure maximum growth with all of this green grass around! How are your sheep looking as we head into Mid-September? . . . .... #animalhealth #sheepbreeding @elders_limited See more
06.01.2022 After China threatened (and have since confirmed) a barley tariff, Allan and Helen Wood at Deniliquin decided to plant what was left in their sowing program with field peas instead of barley. What would you do?
03.01.2022 Its nearly beer-thirty and were still promoting agchem! Where do you get your current agchem from? Is it working? Is it sold at a reasonable price? TitanAg wants to take the guess work out of AgChem - we provide reliable, consistent and fairly priced chemicals to farmers across Australia, and we enjoy doing it. Give your local Elders representative a call today and arrange a trial! . .... . . #agchem #australianag #aussiefarmers See more
01.01.2022 Keep an eye out for these diseases this year!
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