TJ Consultations in Waterloo | Astrologist & psychic
TJ Consultations
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Phone: +61 433 128 423
Address: Cope Street, Waterloo 2017 Waterloo, NSW, Australia
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24.01.2022 A super sensitive yet exciting Full Moon in Pisces greets us on 2nd September 2020 (In Sydney). Full Moons tend to relate to completion, endings and also achievements. Because it is in the sign of Pisces the energy of this lunation has a very sensitive romantic quality to it. And the aspect to Uranus does give it this surprising, electrifying, unpredictable (in a good way) and innovative quality as well. This Full Moon is tied to what you were doing in your life around the N...ew Moon of 24th Feb 2020. Look back at things, strategies and actions around then because they will come up in some way over the next couple of weeks. For further hints, look at the Pisces, Virgo and Taurus parts of your charts.
24.01.2022 Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is coming out of retrograde and going direct within 24 hours. Its something to cherish, but you might not be feeling the fullness of the Greater Benefics effects due to it being in its fall-sign until 18th Dec (the sign being Capricorn which is ruled by taskmaster Saturn). But Jupiter is still Jupiter - so this is still a time to grow and expand, even though Capricorn/Saturn slows you down just a little. Instead of going guns blazing toward your goals, Jupiter under Saturns rulership asks you to keep your feet grounded firmly in practicality and long term vision. For more information look at which house corresponds to the sign of Capricorn for you.
24.01.2022 Today's message Ignite the codes of your master blueprint. Listen to the universe's wisdom and your inner voice.
24.01.2022 The universe is extremely responsive to our strongest thoughts and emotions. The forces of life are eager to bring us the very things we give force to. When our... needs and wants seemingly go unmet, we should remember what we do not need. The only way to prove ourselves to the universal forces is to be grateful and appreciate of what we have now. See more
23.01.2022 Todays message from spirit.
22.01.2022 The 9 week cycle has begun. This is a good tip here.
22.01.2022 Good video with mars station retrograde three days away. Listen to the forecast for your rising or sun/moon sign.
22.01.2022 Listen to the eclipse horoscope for your rising sign.
21.01.2022 On Tuesday September 15, Venus in Leo will square Uranus in Taurus, from 10 Leo to 10 Taurus. This creates a lively and unpredictable quality that can make life... exciting. While its fun to watch the aspects planets like Venus make week to week, especially if you want to time day to day life to the cosmos, from a personal development perspective, its even more important to understand what aspects Venus makes in your birth chart. Heres what I have to say about Venus in aspect to Uranus in your birth chart, especially as it influences relationships. Venus in Aspect to Uranus With the planet of rebellion influencing your heart, love must be unconventional. Uranus likes to challenge the status quo and do things differently, so your love life and your partners are likely to be quirky or have a few unusual qualities. While others may be surprised or even critical of your choices, the authentic love choice is always whats right for you. Uranus represents the black sheep archetype, for he celebrates individuality rather than conformity. Its more important to honour your unusual desires in your heart than try to fit a person or partnership into societys sometimes limiting definition of acceptable love. Your personal love needs can be met only by stepping outside the box. This quote, from Ralph Waldo Emerson, captures some of the trailblazer energy around love for you: Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. The form of your ideal relationship doesnt exist as a standard convention. Its up to you to develop a strong sense of individual tastes and desire to help you create it. You may buck convention or challenge social and family norms about the way to love, showing those around you, through your actions and choices, that love really does come in all shapes, sizes, and colours. Read more:
20.01.2022 #clientfeedback #GodBless
19.01.2022 #repost Jupiter is now station direct Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is coming out of retrograde and going direct within 24 hours. Its something to cherish, but you might not be feeling the fullness of the Greater Benefics effects due to it being in its fall-sign until 18th Dec (the sign being Capricorn which is ruled by taskmaster Saturn).... But Jupiter is still Jupiter - so this is still a time to grow and expand, even though Capricorn/Saturn slows you down just a little. Instead of going guns blazing toward your goals, Jupiter under Saturns rulership asks you to keep your feet grounded firmly in practicality and long term vision. For more information look at which house corresponds to the sign of Capricorn for you.
18.01.2022 Todays message: have some fun. Let your hair down a bit.
18.01.2022 Our obsession with our Sun Sign or Star Sign might be a reflection of societys obsession with the individual ego, the conscious mind and ones creative output ...(qualities of the Sun). Equally, you could say I am a New Moon phase or I am a Full Moon phase as this description indicates your instinctive personality urges, from an emotional, unconscious and soul perspective (Moon qualities). Your Sun or Star sign is one of the easiest astrological factors to generalise, making it easy to cater to the general public via sun sign columns. A few minutes research or inquiry with an Astrologer can confirm for you what Moon phase you were born under. Your Moon phase describes important features of your personality and reflects the underlying pulse of your life. Your Sun sign is subtly, but essentially, different depending on which phase of the Moon you were born under. The combination of Sun Sign and Moon phase creates a holistic description of an individual as it caters to the masculine/ yang (Sun) and feminine /yin (Moon) aspects of human nature. Read more:
17.01.2022 #repost I wrote there's a chance of another wave because of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on 12th November. Planets deliver again. Hopefully it gets better soon. God bless.
17.01.2022 Mars goes retrograde tomorrow at 8.23 am Sydney time!
16.01.2022 Welcome to Mars stationing retrograde in the next 24 hours. Things/actions of importance being placed on hold (because of neglect in the past or trying to go ahead too quickly too soon). Its important to note that Mars went into shadow end of July and within two weeks of that Putin (and some others leaders) announced that he was registering a vaccine for covid-19 (around 11th August) and now that Mars is stationery, that progress has come to a grinding halt. By the way this Mars cycle is progressing the somewhat good news is we could have some positive news/progress around a potentially successful trial and the wide availability of a vaccine around/just after 18th of December.
16.01.2022 Some of us are born to be active warriors and revolutionaries. Others are born to be teachers, healers, helpers, and servers. Not all of us will march in the picket lines, rally folks to go to the polls, or boldly go where we have been forbidden to tread. Some of us must stay home, in the background, to do the praying, crying, healing, and teaching it will take to move us all forward. -- Iyanla Vanzant
16.01.2022 Mars square Saturn (restriction on movement enforced by authorities) becomes a bit weaker around 11th October and after. I see more movement restrictions will gradually start to lift after that date, especially after 13th November.
16.01.2022 * NEW MOON - Sept 18th * There is a brilliant New Moon in Virgo on 18th Sept 2020 which gives you abundant opportunity (it trines Jupiter and Pluto and is ruled by Mercury in harmonious Libra) - opportunity for planning and strategising for the next few months ahead. Virgo being an earth sign, ruled by Mercury is about quality control, planning, information analysis and how to make things better, more refined if you like. The ultimate aim here is a critical analysis of your V...irgo house topics (in your chart) and issues to facilitate a better, more organised sustainable future. Collectively Virgo also relates to health and some practical aspects linked to health management. The actions / plans you initiate around this new moon will come to fruition or completion around the Full Moon of February 27th, 2021. As I always say, we live and operate in patterns. Note them. Itll help.
14.01.2022 #repost *waiting for this* Lets talk about my favorite planet - one I refer to as Papa Saturn.... Saturn has been retrograde since 11th of May and turns Direct on 29th of September thereby ending a period where we were made to revisit, review, reasess and restructure our plans and strategies for the long-term - particularly those related to the Capricorn house/part of charts. Remember Saturn has been in Capricorn since late December 2017 and now with its upcoming direct station (if weve done the work) we are ready to pay attention to and use Papa Saturns lessons (both recent and the ones weve been working on since 2018) to progress our long term plans, and also to remove whats not working for us anymore in our lives. Good news is Saturn now is on a home stretch to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius on 18th of December 2020 - officially ending its once in approx 36-year conjunction with Pluto, an influence thats played a big part in the debacle that 2020 has been. Upon its entry into Aquarius, Papa Saturn will be geared up for its hugely important and much anticipated once in 20-year grand conjunction with Jupiter on 21st of December. More on that later.
14.01.2022 Lunar eclipse By Astrolger Sally Kirkman. This month’s Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse, when the light of the Moon is ‘eclipsed’ in its relationship with the Sun & Earth. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Sun & Moon are at opposite sides of the zodiac, the Moon in Gemini & the Sun in Sagittarius. A shadow is thrown during an eclipse which is why eclipse symbolism is said to be ‘shadowy’ & hidden. Once the shadow lifts, the eclipse brings what’s hidden to light or sheds a new perspecti...Continue reading
13.01.2022 *some positive news* Jupiter turns direct at 17 Capricorn on the 13th of September and Saturn turns direct 25 Capricorn on the 29th of September. What this means is we are starting the final push to get these two out of 2020s Capricorn madness and into Aquarius for the grand conjunction on 21st December. Part of the reason why we lack meaning purpose and movement this year is Jupiter, the giver of blessings in the Cosmos or the greater benefic as its called, is in the sign... of its fall for the entirety of 2020 (meaning it cant do its job well). So getting Jupiter out of Capricorn and into Aquarius is a little bit of an improvement for it so it can start functioning a bit better comparatively.
13.01.2022 The purpose of life is to bring the soul and spirit into alignment. When these two energies, the subconscious and super conscious minds, are in alignment, you in contact with the divine Self. You recognize and are able to fulfill your lifes purpose. You receive guidance and support from within rather than from outside. When Spirit is aligned with your soul and you are attuned to it, you are continuously provided with opportunities to learn greater lessons and realize greater spiritual fulfillment. See more
12.01.2022 Offering detailed written horoscopes for rest of the year.. and how 2021 will begin for you. DM for fees and availability.
12.01.2022 Todays message
11.01.2022 #clientfeedback #Godbless
11.01.2022 *Mercury retrograde horoscopes by sign* "The final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 has arrived and will predominantly take place in Scorpio. This cycle starts officially on October 13, but we will begin to feel the slower pace as early as September 23. Mercury mostly spins backwards in the intense, passionate, and emotional seas of Scorpio, meaning that we are all taking a deep dive into our desires."
11.01.2022 #clientappreciation #review #GodBless
11.01.2022 "Mars retrograde is not so much about moving forward but kindling some inner light. It invites a greater capacity to paying attention to how our courage, purpose and will live inside us. It could be an inner pursuit for understanding how we use our energy, which would inform what we do and how we move once the paths open up again. And they will." - Safron Rossi #astrology #marsretrograde
11.01.2022 A Lunar Eclipse in Gemini will sing in the night on November 30, 2020. Lunar Eclipses represent that destiny has comeredirecting your path rapidly and in...tensely. Lunar Eclipses are three times more powerful than a Full Moon and often are highly emotional. They mark turning points, endings, breakthroughs, and momentous achievements. With this luminary falling within Gemini, this energy will be infused within the cosmos. Gemini is a zodiac sign that craves communication, stimulation, and adventure, so we will collectively feel this infiltrate our lives. We will be drawn to express ourselves verbally or through writing to better relay a highly important message. You will be ready to step outside of your comfort zone and connect with other people. Gemini is a social zodiac sign so, we, too, will be eager to relate to those who we know and meet. Send a lovely text, email, DM, or compliment and allow yourself to be direct about your point of view. This is the first of two eclipses in Gemini. The second will take place on June 10, 2021. Watch for what takes place now, as a second act will take place then. Find out how you will be affected in your Power Horoscopes! Please share them with all of your friends and networks! Feel free to tag @MrKyleThomas on Instagram. Peek ahead into your December horoscope: Learn how your life is evolving in your January horoscope here: Read my yearly predictions for your love and sex life! Dive in here: Immerse yourself within your love and relationship horoscopes for 2021: Peer into shocking predictions about your destiny from 2020 to 2040: Interested in a personal astrology + Tarot reading to predict your year ahead? Find when you will harness the love, success, fame, or money you deserve. Book a reading on my website or slip into my DMs. Package details: May the stars ever be in your favor.
11.01.2022 September is nearly here For those born in September, Im offering 10% on consults this month. DM for enquiries.
11.01.2022 Moon conjunct South Node at 20 Sagittarius November 16 (US/Canada), November 17 (Australia) The brand-new moon grapples with themes of letting go, life purpose ...and non-attachment as it encounters the South Node. You might question your beliefs or wonder about your values. It’s possible to change an entrenched tendency or habit, as the Moon on the South Node invites you to let go of any action that doesn’t serve you. This Moon aspect is more about endings, closure and saying goodbye, so focus on what you’re ready to walk away from. As you do, you’ll take steps towards a more authentic life. Join my monthly Astrology Guide for insights you need to make empowering choices, live in harmony with the planetary cycles, and stay inspired by astrology all month long.
10.01.2022 Todays message. Use your power.
10.01.2022 Todays message.
09.01.2022 Today's message
09.01.2022 #repost #se#septoffer For those born in September, Im offering 10% on consults this month. DM for enquiries. :)
09.01.2022 Just some fun.
08.01.2022 * NEW MOON - Sept 18th (Sydney Time) * There is a brilliant New Moon in Virgo on 18th Sept 2020 which gives you abundant opportunity (it trines Jupiter and Pluto and is ruled by Mercury in harmonious Libra) - opportunity for planning and strategising for the next few months ahead. Virgo being an earth sign, ruled by Mercury is about quality control, planning, information analysis and how to make things better, more refined if you like. The ultimate aim here is a critical anal...ysis of your Virgo house topics (in your chart) and issues to facilitate a better, more organised sustainable future. Collectively Virgo also relates to health and some practical aspects linked to health management. The actions / plans you initiate around this new moon will come to fruition or completion around the Full Moon of February 27th, 2021. As I always say, we live and operate in patterns. Note them. Itll help.
07.01.2022 Welcome to the season finale of the web series called 2020, which goes from Sept to Mid November. Fasten your seat bealts ladies and gentlemen.
06.01.2022 Exactly 4 weeks from now, Saturn will leave Capricorn after 3 years!! Being Capricorn rising I'm super excited! Those with strong Capricorn, Libra, Aries and Cancer placements would have felt it the most since Christmas 2017. A sigh of relief and a breather is coming - pay attention to themes and plans and ideas that came up between 21st March and 1st July 2020 for you because that period gave us a preview in a way of what's to come (and I don't mean corona).
06.01.2022 This is a magnificent article on 9/11 and the astrology of it. *Saturn-Pluto Shocks the World* In hindsight, the symbolism of the Saturn-Pluto opposition accurately describes the tragic events. Ruthless religious extremists (Pluto in Sagittarius) used aircraft as projectiles (Sagittarius is an archer) to destroy (Pluto) the Twin Towers (Gemini) in the financial (Saturn) heart of a large city (Gemini), damaging many other buildings (Saturn), transforming (Pluto) life as we know it, slowing the economy (Saturn), inhibiting travel (Saturn in Gemini), and paving the way for major increases in security (Saturn). Two cities were targeted with two planes each (Gemini). All the terrorists were foreigners (Sagittarius).
05.01.2022 Good article this. Mercury in Libra (my natal Mercury is placed here). Time to strike a balance, negotiate diplomatically and to add that sweetness to your communication (until Mercury runs into that currently ongoing malefics-party between 22 to 29 degrees of cardinal signs).
04.01.2022 "You cannot run away from your problems. You can distance yourself in order to look back and assess your situation, but you can't get away from a persistent problem. Until you are willing to sit in the middle of the problem and pick it apart, piece by piece, until you get to the core, you will not be able to resolve it." Iyanla Vanzant
03.01.2022 Todays message.
02.01.2022 Lets talk about my favorite planet - one I refer to as Papa Saturn. Saturn has been retrograde since 11th of May and turns Direct on 29th of September thereby ending a period where we were made to revisit, review, reasess and restructure our plans and strategies for the long-term - particularly those related to the Capricorn house/part of charts. Remember Saturn has been in Capricorn since late December 2017 and now with its upcoming direct station (if weve done the work) w...e are ready to pay attention to and use Papa Saturns lessons (both recent and the ones weve been working on since 2018) to progress our long term plans, and also to remove whats not working for us anymore in our lives. Good news is Saturn now is on a home stretch to leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius on 18th of December 2020 - officially ending its once in approx 36-year conjunction with Pluto, an influence thats played a big part in the debacle that 2020 has been. Upon its entry into Aquarius, Papa Saturn will be geared up for its hugely important and much anticipated once in 20-year grand conjunction with Jupiter on 21st of December. More on that later.
01.01.2022 The meaning of houses in a birth chart.
01.01.2022 "Oh, he is going to love me" Speaker: Gina Hatzis -Too Much Woman for Speaker Slam
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