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25.01.2022 Trisplaining: Tri Brain.. We all experience tri-brain during an event, particularly in transition. We ignore race official directions and/or warnings, we become confused about what we are doing, and/or we can’t locate our bike, etc. The most effective way around this AND not squandering precious time is being prepared and organised. Practice, practice, practice your T1 & T2 during training through Brick Session (race simulation swim/cycle or cycle run sessions). Extra tip: Be organised in transitions by having your race day equipment laid out on a towel in the order in which it will be used in the race. Don’t have anything around your bike that you won’t use less is more!
24.01.2022 Trisplaining: The need for speed The sweet spot in training for improvement means enough volume, but not too much. Going fast but not too fast too often or when you should be training slower. This point is called overreaching, when you will be fatigued but where working out improves fitness, but before the onset of over-training, which leads to illness or injury. Its a simple formula: Workout + Rest = Improved Performance. Need more specific programming assist then ask me.
22.01.2022 Trisplaining: Trail-Running Technique 101 Thinking about Adventure Racing or want a change to your road running? Trail running is a great option but it's not simply about slipping on your runners and heading to the nearest nature reserve. Here are some hints for a safer, faster and more enjoyable time: Use a shorter stride, especially when compared with road running. Always keep your feet underneath you to maintain your balance on variable terrain. Don’t over stride. Keep... your eyes down and scan the trail, 3 to 4 metres, in front of you for obstacles. Try not to stare at your feet. Swing your arms. This helps you to relax your core and keep your balance. Obstacles ahead, then be like a goat and pick the most sure-footed route. Steeper terrain, then further shorten your stride. Maintain your cadence by taking small, frequent steps. Super steep? There’s no shame in walking. Bonus: You minimise erosion by not bombing down steep trails and you have time to look at the scenery. It’s downhill time, so add some extra body balance by running with your arms away from your body and even with a circular or rotating action is good. Postural time! Keep your back straight. On uphill's, avoid the temptation to lean forward as this can reduce your ability to breathe effectively. On downhills, avoid leaning back as this puts your weight behind your feet and can strain your body, both can lead to injury. Finally, trails can be great fun and an alternative to your long road run but be aware they can be more physically and mentally fatiguing too, as time and elevation rules not distance or pace! See more
22.01.2022 Trisplaining: Dont over think training Whether youre a newbie or experienced athlete, its tempting to, do what the pros do; riding-eating-drinking-wearing. Ultimately you must find what works for your goals and lifestyle and build a consistent training foundation. Yes, its not as fun however your improvement and confidence will come from being prepared, rested and well-trained, not from having the latest gear or the fanciest mega bike. Extra tip. One thing you can do like the pros is complete regular strength workouts. Great choice given current circumstances. Check out the free strength workout:
22.01.2022 Trisplaining: What saying do you 'live' by? Not a so much a tip but I do like a good quote to help me focus on as I muddle through life. One that’s tattooed on my mind for more than four decades is ‘Chances favours the prepared mind and body’ (I added "and body" to the original quote) or one I saw recently ‘You don’t have to be great to start but you do have to start to be great’. What's yours?
21.01.2022 Trisplaining: Push dont pull. When cycling focus on the push phase of the pedal revolution, from 12 oclock through to 5 oclock, as it is where you produce the most power. Dont do the old school push down and pull up as its not as efficient. Tip: To train your cycle muscles as part of your indoor trainer warm-up complete single leg drills of 30 seconds on, switch leg for another 30 seconds on for several times in an easy gearing with 90 RPM Visualise smooth circular action with forceful push phase (but not jerky from leg to leg).
21.01.2022 Developing your immune system has lifelong benefits not just during COVID-19!
21.01.2022 Fellow athletes. This article provides an idea of what the future might look like when triathlon racing restarts....not when. That will depend heavily on local regulators restrictions, associations and event organisers capabilities. There are quotes from Ironman CEO as well as ITU, including extensive guidelines from ITU. In the short-term, for us athletes, it will continue to be about setting process goals in our training rather than racing goals. Obviously keep safe! All the best.
21.01.2022 Working from home and need some practical expert advice? Follow the link to some great guides for everyday people working from home focusing on nutrition, physical health and mental well being. Some are even great to use post COVID-19.
21.01.2022 Trisplaining: Slow is better. How to successfully come back from a break - Post COVID-19 lock-down! 1. Plan to improve. Without a plan any road will get you there! Map out how you intend to improve session-to-session, week-to-week and beyond. How will this map fit with your family and work-life? When youve established the map then dont forget to measure and record what youve completed. Finally, celebrate your wins along the way. 2. Be in the moment! Forget about comp...aring yourself to where you were, or rather how far you are from where you were, and focus on the day-to-day process of training again, and what that entails. 3. Train-to-train. In the early weeks, your sessions should focus on volume not intensity, extra important with the swim due to pool closures. Forget those virtual races you may have dabbled in. Training to failure or too big a volumes across all activities, when youre out of shape is the quickest way to exhaust or injury yourself completely, mentally, and physically. 4. Patience is a virtue. In the first weeks (and months if the worst happened and a long break due to illness) youll feel as though youve never trained before (particularly with several weeks of not swimming) however your aerobic capacity, and muscle strength and memory will return quickly, as will your pace and times. 5. Build better habits. A long break and easing back into training are an ideal opportunity to focus on better habits. Think about improving your form. Improve your hydration and nutrition habits. Work on your flexibility and mobility. Include strength, drills, and skills rather than just ploughing mindlessly into each comeback session. And post-COVID-19 lock-down ensure continue; good hygiene, distancing and checking on those who are less mobile and/or at high risk. See more
20.01.2022 Trisplaining: Ex-hill-arating. Hill sessions strengthen all the big running and cycle muscles, helping make you much less injury-prone, stronger and faster. Well scheduled training up an (modest) incline places the similar demand on your muscles as weight workouts--your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves must lift you up the slopeand its more sports specific (I am a BIG advocate to complete weight workouts too). You also get the same endorphin rush as an interval speed sessionbonus!
17.01.2022 Trisplaining: Healthy eating healthy training healthy you! Are you carrying more excess lock-down baggage than helpful for good health and endurance training? Extra bulk reduces economy and slows you down at all levels of intensity. Junk foods guarantee over processing, high sugar-sodium-fat content, but they also slow us down. Stick to quality lean proteins, whole grains, legumes, varied colour vegetables, low GI pasta and better fats instead, which provide long-lasting energywithout the peaks and crash of junk foods but remember everything in moderation, rather than some restrictive diet. Your mantra is for a faster healthier you. Checkout further nutritional information at or message me.
17.01.2022 Trisplaining: What bike should I ride? This is a BIG question often asked by those relatively new to the sport and equally those that are old hands for differing reasons. Firstly, this is a different question depending on what multi-sport you are going to compete in and how deep your pockets are! For this answer I will focus here on triathlon. The next tip is for everyone. Pay for a professional bike fit. A 3D bike-fit should be used by the more competitive athlete as part o...f their next bike purchase. For those new to triathlon, I would typically recommend using a road bike which you can ride as-is or purchase clip-on aero bars (unless you come with a long cycle history). After your first tri-season or so then think about upgrading. Once you have a solid training and tri-racing history then comes the upgrade to a triathlon specific bike. In short, tri-bikes not only provide a greater aerodynamic advantage over traditional road bikes, but they also reduce the neuromuscular transition from bike to run for triathletes, ultimately resulting in a quicker run off the bike. See more
17.01.2022 ....have you lost your mojo? Also, think others in your immediate community that may need assistance or a call to ask RUOK too!
17.01.2022 The games we play. This works both ways...I know for a fact my partners last set of golf clubs were more expensive than was stated.
17.01.2022 Trisplaining: The window to the whole body. No, its not your eyes! Little understood fact but long known [by your dentist and other health professionals] your oral health is ultra-important to your sports performance and a healthy you. Numerous studies show that athletes have a high prevalence of oral disease, including dental cavities, tooth erosion, bleeding gums and periodontal disease. In addition, the associated oral inflammation can not only reduce quality of life but... also is associated with reduced athletic performance. You often read there isnt a silver bullet but in the case of oral health and better sports performance the simple key is periodical dental checks and daily oral cleaning. Your dentist will also monitor non-typical oral issues such as cancer markers, so its important to let them know if you have been diagnosed with a skin melanoma too. Lastly, as athletes we consume sugars, i.e. gels, drinks and bars, during training so oral health is even more important post session. See more
17.01.2022 Trisplaining: Down-under Spring is here and traditionally this would be the time of year when we are ramping up for the tri-season BUT theres COVID-19! Being active for life isnt simply about training to race but I know many of us need an event to focus on. To help you plan here is an Oz-Kiwi website that provides events and updates (it says "running" but caters for all endurance events). Be mindful that event organisers will need to have a COVID-19 plan and races may be re...stricted or even cancelled based on last minute government restrictions. If you need some additional coaching support for your current and 2021 planning message me! You can also checkout "Planning for Success" under free stuff on my website: too. Be safe out there and please check in on those in the community who may be at a higher risk just to say gday and how RU? See more
16.01.2022 Trisplaining: The need for speed. The ‘sweet spot’ in training for short term improvement and longevity in your sport means enough volume, but not too much. Going fast but not too fast too often or when you should be training slower or recovery sessions. This point is called overreaching, when you will be fatigued but when working out improves fitness and performance, but before the onset of overtraining, which leads to illness or injury. It’s a fine line but a simple formula: Workout + Rest (+ nutrition) = Improved Performance. Do you want to improve? I can provide individualised programming assist, message me now.
16.01.2022 Trisplaining: BE post-COVID ready - Visualise the force! Learn to visualise the things you want to happen. Making them real in your mind is a crucial step to making them real in the outside world! Continual practice can make positive things happen. Use positive reminder cues during race season like, computer password of Iamfirst1! or on your bathroom mirror write Fast Strong Unstoppable (great mantras too!). Extra tip: The opposite is also true too, focusing on negatives also makes them more likely to happen. Extra extra tip: As mentioned above practice your positive race mantra which can also help to reinforce visualisation outcomes on race day.
15.01.2022 Our mind is THE powerhouse of our body.... This short article highlights how our mental-self dictates our physical-self too with some practical suggestions in the current self-isolation circumstance.
15.01.2022 Dont read this at your peril! Regardless of where you live we are in social distancing times. Some of us are still, thankfully, in a position to maintain outside physical activities. This recent research article provides much needed common sense approach to distancing whilst running and cycling.
15.01.2022 Trisplaining: Keep it simple stupid When (not if!) you feel yourself starting to hurt or fall apart, whether it’s in training or a race, go back to basics. Refocus in the moment and think of all the small things, your: catch, pull, touching your thumb on your thigh every stroke, high elbows, body position. Only worry about things you can control . . . you can’t control your competitors or the swell, so don’t try. Extra tip: This refocusing technique works across your cycling and running too: by refocusing on your form you can bring your mind back on to positives rather than being absorbed by the negatives!
14.01.2022 Trisplaining: How well do you pick-up? Swim, ride and run that’s itwrong. Lots of small things you need to know and do well, help you to faster race times. One such skill is the ‘pick-up’ through aid stations. On the bike this not only ensures you’re able to grab much needed hydration and nutrition whilst still moving BUT safely too, so you don’t knock over other competitors or volunteers. On the run it’s a little safer and easier but skill is still required to down cups of fluids without gaging and puking back-up.
14.01.2022 Trisplaining: Self-improvement Swim, bike and run sessions can leave you stiff, painful, and stooped. Managing any back pain on the bike can be tough but finding a better, more comfortable position can work wonders. What can you do? Firstly, treat yourself to a professional bike fitting (theyre worth every cent); have a regular remedial, MYO or sports massage to work on those tight and sore spots (and/or using a foam roller); on your recovery days try vinyasa yoga; and work on core stability to strengthen your overall posture for improved comfort AND performance. Checkout the website for free foam roller routine (
13.01.2022 Trisplaining: Not feeling like returning to the pool? Try a lunch time quick session. Refocus on your technique and think of the small things, like your: catch, pull, touching your thumb on your thigh every stroke, high elbows, body position. Only worry about things you can control...some time in the pool is better than no time! Once youve got your swim mojo back then its time for the squad. Extra tip: This refocusing technique works across your cycling and running too: by refocusing on your form you can bring your mind back on to positives rather than being absorbed by the negatives!
13.01.2022 Trisplaining: Runners stomach. All of us will suffer at some stage that feeling on a long run that makes us search out for the nearest loo or bushes! If its only once, then most probably a lack of hydration or something eaten recently. However, if its happening more regularly then action should be taken to reduce potential during training and racing. To your training log or diary add your; pre/during run eating and hydration habits and timings. With this in hand seek med...ical advice (e.g. sport nutritionist or dietitian). Extra tips: Recent research suggests [Four week] probiotics supplementation was associated with a lower incidence and severity of GI symptoms in [recreational] marathon runners so you could give this a try. Risk insurance make sure you know where the loos are on your training run routes and maybe carry some wet-wipes too for the emergencies! See more
13.01.2022 Its official for 2020 ITU Multisport Champs cancelled but lots of reshuffling too! Extract from ITU about 2020-23 Multisport World Championships, "The Executive Board of World Triathlon has approved on a meeting held this Thursday to postpone the Multisport World Championships, due to be hosted in Almere (The Netherlands) from September 4 to September 13, 2020. The event will now take place in 2021, with dates to be confirmed at a later stage. The Multisport World Championships in Townsville (Australia) has been subsequently moved to 2022, while Ibiza (Spain) will now host the event in 2023."
12.01.2022 More cycle infrastructure better for everyone...
12.01.2022 Trisplaining: Heart rate training. We need practical and easy methods to assess out training intensity to elicit performance improvement. All too often we focus on how fast we are going or pace as our only measure, one which is sometimes counter productive. Perceived exertion or how we feel is excellent for all activities, as is using our heart rate to gauge intensity (i.e. the higher the HR the greater the intensity - most sports watches provide heart rate monitor) and, wattage or power for the bike (if fitted). Heart rate training intensity can be split into HR Zones and its important to train in the right zone. So, now we have several valid easy measures for intensity. Sweet! Each one is interdependent but combine two or more during your activity and see your improvements happen in real-time. Or sync to something like Strava to assess trends and improvement over time. Need some support to assess your correct heart rate zones then message me for a field test or further information. See more
10.01.2022 Trisplaining: Fit for purpose. One of the BIG cycle hacks to improve your comfort and performance is: a 3D or computer cycle fit. Its money well spent. A professional fitter uses a computer-generated 3D model to assess; bike/shoes/pedals/you - for best physiological and sport specific fit. Can be completed on your current bike or better yet an excellent selection tool if you are in the market for a new bike. Yes, cycle shops will offer a bike fit however: 1. Is it for a t...riathlon fit, 2. Is it a simple visual guesstimate based on "my years of cycle experience" and/or 3. takes account of your specific body structure and other cycle equipment. Even small changes can reap big benefits. Extra tip: Any significant set-up changes is best done outside of race season and our bodies change over time so its a good idea to have another fit every few years (not just at buying time!). See more
09.01.2022 Trisplaining: Get the beat. My heart rate (HR) is too high on my long runs, why? This is often asked by those new to endurance running or using heart rate as a training tool. The usual high heart rate cause is simply you are running too fast! So, you need to run slower. Other possible issues can be dehydration. So, make sure you are well hydrated before you start your run and continue drinking throughout. Heat and humidity can impact your heart rate. So, try to run during ...cooler morning or evening times. Another issue is too much caffeine or too little sleep and/or recovery. Lastly, during long runs you may notice your HR starts out OK but after an hour or 1 hrs it starts to slowly climb. This is common particularly in warm weather and is called HR drift. If your HR drifts above above 10 beats, then walk for a minute and restart (you may need to do this a couple of times to finish your run). Another common issue is you started out under fuelled or you arent refuelling during your run. So, this is where a sound nutrition plan comes in before, during and after. Need further support message me. See more
07.01.2022 Trisplaining: No silver bullets. Building your race performance is about the long game. Its some perspiration in training, having defined goals plus all the trivial or small things you can do to ensure your training and racing consistency. Things like life-balance, training warm up/cool downs, good nutrition, sleep, well designed training program, rest, varied training, body awareness, hydration, exercise mantra, proper fitting shoes, having fun, positive outlook, etc. Sounds complicated but focus and planned small steps towards an active-life will reap big future rewards both physically and mentally! Seize the current reduced training volume to become a better you! Need some guidance? Message me today.
07.01.2022 RUOK? Resilience and common sense are admiral qualities to possess. As is to know when to reach out yourself, or ask when someone may needs support too. Ask someone today, who may be at higher risk during COVID-19, RUOK? or simply Gday with a smile.
06.01.2022 Trisplaining: Peaks Troughs Maintenance I recently came across a great quote, "we are an experiment of one" In a well-structured program, which has a focus on performance improvement and lifelong physical activity, will have periods of peaks, troughs, and maintenance. More peaks (i.e. higher intensity, effort, and/or endurance) and troughs (i.e. rest and recovery) leading towards and during race season and some introspection post-season followed by maintenance workouts a...dding some stressors but easily manageable within your lifestyle. Obviously, the period between peaks, troughs and maintenance will depend upon other life commitments, like, family, work, racing focus, health, holidays, etc. Remember 'we are an experiment of one' and all the pieces in the jigsaw puzzle needs to be considered for longevity in all things we want to achieve. If you'd like additional support on your journey message me. See more
05.01.2022 Trisplaining: Namaste: What’s your mantra? Our conscious and subconscious mind can work both for and against us. All our training can quite easily be thwarted if, on race day, our head is filled with negative thoughts. To help us change our mindset or as a refocus mechanism, using a ‘mantra’ is great. Make them personal, positive, easy to remember and practice during training and low priority races so using it becomes ‘second nature’. My personal race day favourite is, FSU ‘Fast, Strong, Unstoppable’ (I have FSU written on my race shoes!) or may be 'Stronger every K' or 'I’m Fit, Fast, Fierce'. Extra tip: to reinforce your mantra out of training you can even use it as your laptop password! ‘Iamnumber1!’ or write it on the bathroom mirror, be creative.
05.01.2022 The Community in which we Live. I sincerely hope you and your significant others are in excellent health, physically and mentally, amid the global pandemic and uncertain sporting times. Your ongoing support of during the last six months has continued to allow our commitment to making charitable donations, in 2019 AU$5,429.16 and the first six months of 2020 AU$2,426.75 to Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders and Cancer Research.... Im sure you are aware physical exercise has enormous benefits to your overall health however as we look to the future and focus on emerging races there is also a renewed need to ensure you develop a structured approach to your exercise program. Working on your skills and technique now can also be an enormous boost for future improved performance outcomes. Please dont hesitate to contact me should you need additional support. Also, forget to checkout weekly tips on this page or regular update articles and blog on the website at: Lastly, in the spirit of our wider community it pays dividends to occasionally checking on those in your local area who are at high risk. A simple smile and hello may be alls that needed.
05.01.2022 Why use an accredited coach? Call me bias however when I decided to give triathlon a go 38 years ago I looked to find someone who could coach me almost from day one - you dont know what you dont know. Now it seems far too many new to the sport seek advice from social media contacts - good, bad or those not well informed. I came across a study on novice and experienced runners focusing in on injury reasons. Published in Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports, here are ...their conclusions: "More experienced runners have a lower rate of injury. A novice runner [self coached] should use a recognised structured training programme. These results suggest that graduated loading is important for novice runners, and that load modification may be important whilst recovering from an injury, however full recovery from previous injury may prevent future injury." So, one reason to seek an experienced coach, particularly as a novice, is to help prevent injuries...theres one excellent reason! See more
05.01.2022 Trisplaining: You are what you eat... Eating healthily isnt boring nor is it about pill popping just in case youre not eating right. A well structured annual training program must include every day, training day and race day hydration and nutrition. A little planning and some good daily choices will see a far better you race day!
04.01.2022 Trisplaining: Who taught you to breathe? Breath IN Breath OUT! Simple. Think about it, you probably didnt learn how to breathe and we all (apart from asthmatics) take it for granted how important breathing is in the bodys natural regulation of stress (physical and psychological). When running fast we just breath much faster! Learning how to breathe while running at long slow or faster speeds takes practice, just like changing gears in your car. Run tall and relaxed, both the nose and mouth while inhaling and slow forceful exhaling to get the maximum amount of oxygen to the muscles, whilst breathing out forcefully the carbon dioxide. To help regulate your breathing try belly-breathing (or my favourite is Breath 4-7-8), which means using your diaphragm muscles to fill and empty from the stomach and chest, with air on each in/exhale (used in your yoga session). Extra tip: When youve mastered techniques like Breath 4-7-8 you can also use it to relieve stress and help you asleep too! (Check this out: ) See more
03.01.2022 COVID-19 message from the Ironman community....
03.01.2022 Love yourself love your feet Your feet are the only thing that meets the ground every single time you walk and run yet theyre almost always hidden away in shoes and never shown any love. To improve proprioception and loosen the tissues on the bottoms of your feet, place a small ball (a massage spiky ball, lacrosse ball, golf ball, or tennis ball work best) on the floor and gently roll from the heel to the ball of the foot. Make this part of your daily routine; simply massage for 30 seconds on each foot every morning (when brushing your teeth) and night (in front of the TV). For extra toe loving and increased run performance benefits, pick-up a golf ball with your toes several times too. Sweet.
02.01.2022 Trisplaining: Fuelling and timing.early, little, often! Recent studies have enhanced the knowledge around the need for well-practised endurance sports hydration and nutrition. For events and training lasting less than 60 minutes, no carbohydrate ingestion is required. For activities lasting over 60 minutes, an active fuelling strategy is recommended to maximise performance. For activities lasting 60-150 minutes, athletes should consume 3060 grams of carbohydrate per hour, ...using a 68% solution (concentrations typically found in commercial sports drinks). For activities lasting over 150 minutes, higher carbohydrate intakes of 6070 grams per hour up to 90 grams per hour (if stomach tolerable) can give improved performance. New research, on endurance runners and triathletes, suggests consuming every 1015 min to maximally spare glycogen stores (body fuel) and that - regardless of your competitive level fuel early, fuel little and fuel often. This lends itself to sports drinks but also effective with gels too. See more
02.01.2022 Trisplaining: Mind over matter Booowinter is here! Personally, I love summer, which is one of the reasons I enjoy triathlon, as it’s a summer sport. However, I didn’t always want to run a marathon in the heat of summer. In my first ever Ironman, towards the end of the bike, the sun came out from behind the clouds, the air quickly became warmer, humidity increased and even before I started the run, I’d talked myself from having a solid race finish to ‘just finishing’ by on how hot it was becoming. What did I do, post-race, over three decades ago? I sought the assistance of a sports psychologist. Now there is a wealth of techniques and support mechanisms readily available. As endurance athletes your mind can work for or against you on race day. For those who’ve read any Jack Reacher books will know this quote, Hope for the best but plan for the worst. It’s not enough for you to be at your physical best, it's imperative you're mentally resilient too and have some practiced tools to help you in everyday training and on race day. What if, I just want to finish!, I hear you say but mental resilience is a transferable skill for everyday life too! See more
01.01.2022 Trisplaining: Purposely train There arent any silver bullet cycle sessions. A well-structured training plan should include variety and consistency the biggest areas youll find performance gains in. Train your weakness and build on your strength and stay mentally strong throughout. Another key tip is to improve your aerodynamics, so getting a quality bike fit will improve; comfort, efficiency, and aerodynamics, which equal more speed! You dont need to spend the big $$ buying a new bike but improve your cycle legs and aerodynamics on the bike you have. Whats saved can secure the services of a coach!
01.01.2022 As COVID-19 restrictions are easing in many locations and more training is being undertaken dont do too much too soon. Think about easing into everything you undertake even if youve been active.
01.01.2022 Trisplaining: Its the revolution. Because a typical cyclist will average over 5000 pedal strokes per hour, it is especially important that you take the time to ensure proper support and alignment of your feet that are anchored to the pedal: foot - shoe - cleat - pedal - biomechanics combo. When the feet are correctly supported and aligned, the knees tend to track more naturally reducing the possibility of injury. Another tick for a professional bike fit that includes shoe type and set-up.
01.01.2022 Trisplaining: By the numbers: Cadence. Simple arithmetic. You can currently run 10k in 59 minutes (i.e., under 6 minutes per K). Your current cadence is 172 and your stride length is 1 metre. These are from a real runner’s smart watch data! If you improve your cadence by just 8 strides per minute to 180 (i.e., 5%). You will run your next 10k nearly 3 minutes quicker (or faster by 480 metres!). Cadence is simply how often your foot strikes the ground per minute ‘more efficie...nt’ is around 90 per foot (180’ish both feet). However, 180 isn’t set-in-stone as your biomechanics, muscle strength and mobility play a part. Most runners however naturally select a cadence that is lower than optimum (many in the 160’s!). Lower cadences usually equals over striding, causing lower efficiency, slower pace, and higher injury potential. Improving your cadence won’t happen overnight however focusing on your leg turnover during your weekly tempo and long runs and increasing cadence slowly (i.e., about 5% per month), you will see performance improvement in as little as 3-4 weeks. Here's how: 1. Stay smooth, relaxed, shoulders back and ‘Run Tall’ with good posture. 2. Know your cadence during long runs, tempo (i.e. race pace) and speed workouts. To improve, check your cadence on your smart watch in 'real-time' throughout your long runs and try ‘faster arms’ (moving your arms faster will improve your cadence) and maintain the increased turnover even as you fatigue. For those who come to Tuesday 5:30pm sessions you are probably sick of me saying, faster arms = faster legs (The quicker front to back you move your arms your legs will follow). 3. Extra hack is on long runs listen to high tempo music (Google music to run to 180 bpm) set up a playlist and run! 4. Towards the end of your long runs complete 4 to 6 pick-ups (Faster Arms = Faster Legs) for 30 seconds, then easy jog for 30 seconds between each pick-up. This will help muscle memory development whilst on 'fatigued' legs. 5. Final hack, a treadmill is an excellent way to focus on cadence, run form and pace, with the added advantages you run in air-conditioning, can adjust the speed, and even watch yourself in a mirror. Sweet! Lastly, don’t forget another performance metric, your heart rate, as this can help guide you on tempo and long runs to identify your specific optimal cadence (Note in speed sessions you should naturally have a slightly faster cadence). Runners' 'homework': This week check your average cadence during speed intervals (highest cadence), tempo session and your long slow runs (lowest cadence). They will likely vary by about 5-6% (Example Speed = 180+, Tempo 176 and long run = 170). If you need assistance in your run form and/or style, then book in for an online or in-person video assessment or message me direct.
01.01.2022 Trisplaining: Run bettersimple! To boost your cadence (i.e. how often your foot hits the ground per minute better is around 90 per foot), and running efficiency focus on your stride rate during your weekly long run. Stay smooth, relaxed and try to glide over the ground. Check your stride rate a few times throughout your runs to see if you can maintain the increased turnover (many smart watches provide your cadence per minute). How to improve stride rate, one hack is simply faster arms = faster legs (try it the quicker front to back you move your arms your legs will follow). Another hack is to use high tempo music (Google music to run to 180 bpm) set up a playlist and run! Practice makes a better runner.
01.01.2022 Good and not so good news for those still looking for a long race to do in 2020.
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