Tony's Tropical Tours in Port Douglas | Tour guide
Tony's Tropical Tours
Locality: Port Douglas
Phone: +61 7 4099 3230
Address: Captain Cook Hwy 4877 Port Douglas, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Winter in the Tropics? No, no winter here. Suns shining Rainforest is lush Blue as far as you can see and a mild 27 degrees Photo by Rob Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland Visit Queensland, Australia
25.01.2022 Some you may not have known... 1.It is the largest native vertebrate in Australian Rainforests. 2 It is the second heaviest and the third tallest bird in the world ( the ostrich is 1st) 3.Once the eggs are laid, it is the male’s sole responsibility to incubate the eggs, a process which takes around 50 days. He rarely eating or drinking during this time.
25.01.2022 How to be successful at being a tourist. A snippet - care of the The Yungaburra Hotel Highly recommend the great lunch
25.01.2022 Sunday morning - sunshine a mild 28 degrees and day- dreaming under the shade of a tropical palm Lifes great ! #FourMileBeach #PortDouglas Visit Port Douglas & Daintree
25.01.2022 S-P-L-E-N-D-I-D S-E-A-S-I-D-E S-U-N-D-A-Y In Port Douglas expecting a Tropical 27 degrees. Winter in Tropical North Queensland ... #sunrise #portdouglas #tropicalwinters
24.01.2022 A seasonal start to the day at Cape Tribulation. A few stormy clouds lifting to a warm sunny day. Love our Rainforest
24.01.2022 ... The Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a species of parrot that is a favourite in the Far North. These colourful characters are found pretty much everywhere in the Region at present. They are quite noisy during the day as they zip around and feed and even noisier at dusk as they meet for their end of day catchup. Randall Lieschke #birdingphotography #australianbirds
23.01.2022 We '* :*googled *.*' our symptons and it turns out that we definitely need a holiday ! Happy weekend all !
23.01.2022 Time for some Tuesday .... #daintree #tuesdayinspiration #tropicalflora #tropicalbutterflies #portdouglasdaintree
23.01.2022 Wow, a great start to the week, when one is able to share such special photos. Another great sighting of the Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo by Randall on the Atherton Tablelands. Randall Lieschke ... Atherton Tablelands Explore Tropical North Queensland #treekangaroo #tropicalnorthqueensland
23.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to pull over, wait and enjoy the view. Black-necked stork in flight mode photographed by Randall. This is Australias only stork, he can grow to 1.5 metres in height and was formerly known as The Jabiru. The males eyes are black and the females eyes are yellow. This one is definitely a graceful female.... #birdsofaustralia #birdlife #tropicalbirds
22.01.2022 Its been 4 months to the day since our last visit to the Mossman Gorge. We cant wait to take our guests there today as the Gorge reopens and allows us to share this magical place with all. Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland Ecotourism Australia #mossmangorge #daintreenationalpark #daintreerainforest
22.01.2022 Stay strong Victoria. To everyone in Victoria, we know it must be awfully difficult but keep up the good work and youll get through it. From all of us here in the Port Douglas and Daintree region, were sending you good vibes. credit HATWA ...
22.01.2022 Some Friday Fun. How well do you know our area and it's amazing array of creatures and wildlife. Can you name where we've been and what we've seen? From 1 to 9 ? Tune in tomorrow for the answers #portdouglas #daintree
22.01.2022 Bird watching takes time, patience and silence and at the moment we have plenty of that. Randall has been out and about exploring and photographing a few that we thought wed share with you. Female eclectus parrot - Golden Bowerbird - Male Shiny Flycatcher - Purple Swamphen - Female King Parrot and a Blue Faced Honeyeater. #birdsofthetropics #tropicalbirds #birdsaustralia
22.01.2022 Cruising along the calm Dickson Inlet. Port Douglas on a perfect sunny day One Three Few ... Visit Port Douglas & Daintree See more
21.01.2022 School Holidays equates to more traffic on our roads, especially in the Daintree Area so please take care on our roads. A cassowary may just be around the next bend, so please slow down for the sake of our wildlife.
21.01.2022 From to OTK Were on another adventure exploring The Tablelands and beyond. #outbackqld #tablelandstours #farnorthqueensland
21.01.2022 Pretty self-explanatory really isnt it? This message is aimed at both visitors and locals. Smoldering ashes just covered up with sand are dangerous and not acceptable (put them out with water or better still dont light a fire on the beach), nor are your beer bottles and cans and chip packets left behind !!! Feeling disappointed after our beach walk today Want to take something back with you from your day on the beach...then make it your garbage ! ... #dotherightthing #collectyourgarbage #lookaftertheearth Getty pics.
21.01.2022 Happy World Cassowary Day We definitely need a Cassowary emoji !!!! #worldcassowaryday
21.01.2022 hpp sprng sund .... From all the team at tns trpcl turs
20.01.2022 Our weekend hike to Mossman Gorge. Offering beauty and serenity and all within reach.
19.01.2022 C'mon Ms Premier of Queensland Annastacia Palaszczuk MP . We 're doing it really tough up here, how about you open the borders now. Flights are ready to go and so are we #ttnq #tnq... Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland See more
19.01.2022 Despite all the inconvenience and disruptions brought about by the COVID-19, we are so fortunate to still be able to appreciate, showcase and enjoy our surroundings. "The Daintree Rainforest a place like no other " #mossmangorge #queenslandwettropics #portdouglasdaintree
18.01.2022 The (Megacrania batesii) has a very small and patchy distribution along a few beach areas in Cape Tribulation, Innisfail and Mission Beach. It feeds only on a few species of pandanus, the palm also provides some shelter from predators. It is called the peppermint stick insect because as a defense mechanism it sprays an irritating fluid which smells like peppermint at any predator. This is an arduous act for the frightened insect so, if you do find one in your travels please don't touch it.
18.01.2022 Each year Tripadvisor gives a Travellers Choice award to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travellers and are ranked within the top 10% globally. This past year has been a very taxing and difficult time for us but this award is another great achievement by our dedicated and passionate team at Tonys Tropical Tours. Thank you Steve, Rob, Randall, Jens, Emily and Lili.
17.01.2022 Sunshine filtering through the greens of these ancient trees at Noah Valley in the heart of the Daintree Rainforest
16.01.2022 Through the lens of our recent guest = Celia Wigzell. Two of our Rainforest Inhabitants. Thank you for sharing these with us Celia. #daintreerainforest #daintreenationalpark... #mossmangorge See more
16.01.2022 Its another quiet weekend coming up so were off on another adventure. Who else loves venturing the unexplored. #adventuresinqueensland #explorethedaintreerainforest #visitqueensland #portdouglasdaintree #adventuretravel #thisisqueensland
16.01.2022 Spring time is here and the Brush Orchids are flowering. Watch long enough and youll spot several species of Butterfly and birds.
16.01.2022 Stunning day on Cape Tribulation Beach. No filter required when the day is as stunning as this. Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland #daintreerainforest #daintree
16.01.2022 Some great photos from our recent guest Rose Hughes on tour with Rob. Thank you for choosing to travel with us Rose and allowing us to share these with everyone.
16.01.2022 Leaving the green landscape of the Daintree Rainforest to marvel at the blue waters of the Daintree Coast. What a perfect day ! #daintreerainforest #greatbarrierreef #tropicalvibes
15.01.2022 The migration of the Metallic Starling (also known as the Glossy or Shining Starlings) is just beginning. These birds migrate down from Papua New Guinea around the end of August and start building their nests suspended from branches in readiness to breed. Photo taken last week by Randall James Lieschke #australianbirds #australianforest #queenslandparksandwildlife #wettropicsqueensland
15.01.2022 Stinging Tree / Stinging Bush (Dendrocnide moroides) Considered as the most dangerous plant in the Daintree, the Stinging Bush, Stinging Tree or even known as the Gympie-gympie belongs to the family Urticaceae. The leaves and stems are covered in thick hairs and if touched, will inflict a painful sting. The hairs can remain in the skin for up to six months, with stings recurring if the skin is pressed hard or washed with hot or cold water. There is no effective antidote kno...wn for the stinging tree although some have said that a wax strip to remove the fine hairs does help. The plant produces a cluster of watery red fruits just underneath the terminal leaves and are tasteless. A great reason to use a knowledgeable tour guide who will show you many examples of tropical rainforest trees, and enhance your experience in the Rainforest while observing these from a distance. See more
15.01.2022 Some Friday Morning Zen. If your week is done... . However if it is just starting or just keeps going (like us) then treat this as a . Enjoy it regardless. Its going to be a stunner in Port Douglas
15.01.2022 Are you ready for ? ? We plan on sunning, walking, swimming, chilling and grilling. All in between the ... Whatever you plans are...enjoy!... Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Visit Queensland, Australia #longweekendvibes #weekendfun #LongWeekend
14.01.2022 Sometimes a great photo just needs to be shared by anon.
12.01.2022 If you want to really know what makes the Daintree Rainforest so special, then explore it with a passionate and knowledgeable guide who will eagerly share its secrets and hidden gems. #tonystropicaltours guides are waiting to inspire you
12.01.2022 Gotta our filled Sunday Sugar Wharf overlooking the blue water of the Coral Sea and the endless shades of emerald green that the Daintree Rainforest offers Visit Port Douglas & Daintree #daintreerainforest... #portdouglas See more
11.01.2022 We are and * good to go * Tonys Tropical Tours is now an approved QTIC Clean Practicing Business.Our guides have also completed the COVID19 Hygiene Awareness for Passenger Transport Drivers and are all certified, so it gives us great pleasure in confidently providing a COVID safe experience. Heres our first guests on board since the 20th March and how lucky for them. They got a trifecta, A Cassowary sighting, a Bennetts Tree Kangaroo and a Taran...tula (Whistling Spider). Great weather and a great day with Jens! #goodtogo #openforbusiness #holidayhere #daintreerainforest Visit Queensland, Australia Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland Douglas Chamber of Commerce
11.01.2022 Blue skies and warm weather makes a perfect start to the school holidays And there is no better way to kickstart the week than with A laid-back walk on our beautiful Four Mile Beach Port Douglas this morning. Filling us with so much energy to tackle the day ahead Port Douglas ... Explore Tropical North Queensland Visit Port Douglas & Daintree
11.01.2022 Breathtaking views from Donovan Range along the Bloomfield Track. Exploring some remote areas in our region with Rob. #bloomfieldtrack #daintree #exploreoz
10.01.2022 In Australia, our Southern States call the month of July - one of their winter months however in Far North Queensland we call it our . Monday the 6th July 2020 on tour with . #capetribulationbeach #winterinparadise #daintreenationalpark #daintreerainforest #queenslandparksandwildlife
09.01.2022 !! Yesterday Emily finally got her stars and became an Australian citizen. Congratulations on choosing to become an Aussie, Emily. We have gained an awesome citizen and are SO pleased that you made that decision. Australia will be a better place with you as part of it. #aussieaussieaussie
09.01.2022 Noah Valley Stream by guest Andrew Bowman The perfect spot for a refreshing swim away from the crowds.
09.01.2022 The Daintree Rainforest, never failing to impress us. Join us soon for an adventure in Paradise.
09.01.2022 Simplicity at its best Great photo by Rian Cope Photography #queenslandsun #reefandrainforest #goodtogo #sundaybest
08.01.2022 Even on our days off we love to wander and explore this beautiful Rainforest. This is Jens, getting swept away by nature on one of our team days in the Daintree. Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Explore Tropical North Queensland #daintreenationalpark #noahcreek #noahvalley #explorearainforest
08.01.2022 Have you ever tried lying on your back and looking up to the top of the Rainforest canopy? The view is not only remarkable but also a kaleidoscope of colours and shapes. Daintree National Park Queensland National Parks ... #daintreerainforest #wettropics #explorequeensland
08.01.2022 Morning coffee under the coconut palms with a perfect sunrise on Four Mile Beach Port Douglas. Hoping everyone near and far is safe and healthy. Port Douglas Visit Port Douglas & Daintree Visit Queensland, Australia Explore Tropical North Queensland... #portdouglas #goodtogo # holidayinportdouglas
08.01.2022 A rare site caught on Rob's Iphone at Mossman Gorge. This platypus was enjoying a swim and forage at the Mossman Gorge National Park.
07.01.2022 ... We may have to start this as a new segment in our weekly posts. Latest by Randall taken a few days ago At Palmer Reef Sea Golf Club... Just another hazardous obstacle on the #palmerreefseagolfclub #portdouglasgolf #golfaustralia #queenslandgolfcourses
07.01.2022 ... The - , Approx. 14 cm long from tail to beak. The name derives from the patches on the cheeks that vaguely resemble another set of eyes. The male has a turquoise ring around the eye with red and blue bands on the cheeks while the female is more subdued in colour with silver plumage and the turquoise eye ring. Its call, usually heard in flight, is a distinctive metallic ‘tzeet-tzeet’.... Photos By: Randall Lieschke - with thanks See more
07.01.2022 Australia is home to the world’s most fascinating dangerous crawling creatures. Most of us would like to make spiders disappear, but of course this is not possible. This Four Spined Jewel spider was spotted on tour, its toxicity level is unknown like almost everything about this pretty arachnid.
06.01.2022 ... ... f.... Black Bean: Castanospermum australe emerging from the woody pod that encloses brown chestnut-like seeds. These will eventually grow to a large tree with brilliant red or yellowish flowers that are nectar-rich appearing in the late dry season or early wet season. #daintreenationalpark #daintreerainforest
05.01.2022 Photos courtesy of Suzanne McDermott who travelled with Jens recently. And another cassowary find by Jens! Thank you for allowing us to share these. #daintreetour #daintreenationalpark #portdouglastours
03.01.2022 Who else loves travelling the open road ?
03.01.2022 Tourism Australia has just released a collection of 8D audio videos which feature stunning footage from across Australia and how lucky are we that the iconic Daintree Rainforest is one of them. We'll feature one every now and again for you to sit back and enjoy Here's the first and our pick. By Dan F Stapleton Click on the Link to view it and enjoy ... #HolidayHereThisYear #planyourtrip #placestogo #portdouglasdaintree
02.01.2022 Were not sure why were spotting more wildlife lately, perhaps its because theyve had a few months of total solitude and are roaming more. Whatever the reason its always great to spot them. Please remember leave wildlife WILD, never feed them and give them plenty of space if you see them
02.01.2022 We had one those "whoooaah - Stop the Car "- Moments on tour yesterday And well worth the stop !
02.01.2022 It really has been at TTT today. In fact wed go as far as saying forget the coffee and please pass the beers and wine.
01.01.2022 Can one really love a ? in this case YES, well... a that is. With his beaut , a stunning under his chin and in full colourful ... What a handsome Photo by Randall Lieschke... Queensland National Parks Wet Tropics World Heritage Area Visit Queensland, Australia Mossman Gorge, Daintree Rainforest
01.01.2022 NAIDOC week 8th November to 15th November 2020. This week represents the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The theme, , , encourages us to celebrate the true history of the Australian continent. We thought this great by George F Photography is the perfect inspiration.
01.01.2022 The things we do for love
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