Top End Steel Supplies in Pinelands | Metal supplier
Top End Steel Supplies
Locality: Pinelands
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25.01.2022 Happy Friday to all! Thankyou to all applicants that applied for our role of Sales-Administration. This such position has now been filled. Reminder: yes, we are open tomorrow from 8am to Noon! ... #steelpinelandsweare #steel2u #steeldarwinopensaturdays
21.01.2022 Happy Friday to all! What a fabulous dry season we are having! This "awesome" young lady, Dani, walked in the door late February, and joined our team on the day of her birthday!... Then Dani (and Sam's), Ruga came along to join our dawwwg team, along with Boo & Buddy!! Dani has a wealth of steel industry knowledge, awesome flair and a fabulous sense of urgency! So call (89310055), or pop in, and Dani will assist you immediately! She loves the odd chocolate bar to!! hehehe...... More team news to come on Monday!! Watch this space.......! Great work team, big week once again. Open Saturday from 8am to 12noon! Stay safe from COVID all! #danisteelpinelands #danirugasteelsalespinelands #teamdanidarrendanielclinttonymarkbectampinelandssteel
19.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our lovley Accountant Rebecca Ireland (Bec)! Never allow Bec on a jumpy castle! Happy Birthday to our lovley Accountant Rebecca Ireland (Bec)! Never allow Bec on a jumpy castle!
17.01.2022 Morning Darwin! Great day ahead, coming right up! Open now........!... #dryseasonsteelpinelands
14.01.2022 Thanks NT once again this week, for your fabulous support and patience within one yard at present! Thankyou also to our Kununarra, WA Clientele, for purchasing from our locally owned business!! We welcome Megan to our Sales Team this week, who hit the ground running, you absolutely rock! We look forward to your footy wins with the Crocs, right Tarmon & Renee!! A great team we have, thankyou all! (Welcome back Kim to, stay in NT this time hey!) We also welcome our little ma...te - Ethan Cox - our 1st Apprentice..yeahhh! Been on the welder, go mate! For all your requirements, pop on in, or call 89310055, the awesome girls Dani, Megan and Bec, will certainly assist you all, whilst eating their chocolate bars, or Mentos! (always eating haha), or Dan, Clint, Mark, Kimmi or Chicky (Tony), in the Workshop! #steelpinelandswearemoving #steelpinelandslocalbusiness
12.01.2022 Afternoon NT, Please be advised we will not be trading tomorrow (Saturday 26th June). We will be back open on Monday 7am!... Have a great weekend all! TESS Team
11.01.2022 Have you heard we are moving???............. Well correct it is...... we are on the move, to a bigger and better property, with so much more room to move..... 8 McKinnon Road, Pinelands - just around the corner!! We are currently back to one yard at: 870 Stuart Highway, so please grin and bare with us, with our high volume of traffic!... Thanks to all the positive vibes towards us all, it means alot, and supporting our Local Business through this COVID! We will keep you updated on our progress........!
11.01.2022 Supporting Local Business! Awesome Croc & Wildlife Tours they do! Beaut sign Adam....corner Stuart Highway & Arnhem Highway! #pipewedosteelpinelandstopendsteel... #supportingadelaiderivercruisessteelpinelands #deliverytodaytoadelaiderivercruisessteel2utruck See more
10.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our Chief Darren Vanderhaar! Working away at our new & exciting premises!! Thanks again to our awesome Clientele & Friends for your positive on-going!... Current yard was on traffic overload again week, so it’s time to checkout! Thankyou also to our new takeaway lunch spot....gotta sport Local Business!!!
09.01.2022 We wish Frank Paesel all the best at the Red Centre NATS - Alice Springs! Rock n Roll Frankeeeee........!
07.01.2022 Up in lights today we go! We thank Sign City, and AM Cranes for a fabulous job!! Reminder to all - now located at 8 McKinnon Road, Pinelands... Its go, more to come! #steelindarwinpinelands #8mckinnonroadpinelandswearenow #biggeryardsteelpinelands
04.01.2022 Hello NT Due to our move, the guillotine will be up and running again within 24/48 hours - will keep you all posted. Still attend 870 Stuart Highway, Pinelands for any requirements, or call 89310055 to place your order with Dani and Megan.... Apologies for any inconvenience at this time. TESS Team #supportlocalbusinesssteelpinelands
02.01.2022 Good Morning NT! Well, what a right now at our "new and improved" premises - 8 McKinnon Road, Pinelands! No more traffic congestion! Yay!... A massive thankyou to all that was involved in this amazing setup - very very much appreciated! Photos to come! Darren, Tam & Staff!
01.01.2022 Yeahhhhhh Frank Paesel!!!