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Top Job Coaching

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 498 652 917


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25.01.2022 This is one of the best articles about LinkedIn that Ive seen recently so had to share. It includes some excellent examples of Summaries - your personal introduction, and great tips on how to spruce up your profile for 2020. I was also pleased to learn that writing in the first person about yourself is still highly recommended (Ive never been comfortable with the 3rd person approach). So after youve celebrated, start your year with a refresh of your profile. Of course,... if you need some help, give me a buzz.

24.01.2022 Sharing a graphic that illustrates the key concepts from a book called Managing Oneself" by Peter Drucker. What this highlights is the perfect preparation for career planning and for finding new opportunities based on fit with strengths, values, interests, etc. It also highlights that responsibility for career planning and progression sits firmly with us, and while our companies can support us in that, we have to be in the drivers seat. This explains the paradigm shift that we have been living with for a while now. Instead of what is my company doing to develop me, its now all about what can I do to develop/manage myself so that Im ready when opportunities present themselves. BIG change still for many who have been socialised into the first approach, and now have to adapt and change to the second one.

23.01.2022 I saw someone post "instead of stockpiling loo paper, we should be stockpiling learning" - what a great thought!! Heres the link to the State Library of Queensland. They offer an amazing array of online courses via (now owned by LinkedIn). Join the State Library for FREE if you live in Queensland, and then get for FREE through that. I used to pay for as part of my commitment to lifelong learning, but now I can have that benefit for FREE! A...nother great benefit of living in Queensland! There are thousands of courses and many of them offer a Certificate of Completion, so keep that for your Professional Development records. Its fantastic to be able to list recent learning activity on your CV - it shows your commitment to staying current which is SO important now.

20.01.2022 Heres another good jobs resource from the Government - Jobs Hub. Latest updates on where the jobs are during COVID19 timing, and includes government jobs as well. Give me a shout if you need help with job search.

18.01.2022 Exciting news! The 50 Best Places to Work Study 2020 has been released. I love reading about how these companies inspired, invented, innovated and introduced new initiatives whilst navigating this changing landscape. For job searchers, look at what the best are doing, learn how they are different, relate this to your target employer list and be able to clarify why you want to work for those companies. If you dont have a target employer list, then now is the time to... create one, and get working on how to introduce yourself to those companies. LinkedIn is a fantastic place to start your research... Look up each company, follow them, read their articles, notice any names mentioned and follow those people to keep in touch with trends and news Who is working there? What roles exist? What do those people do? Notice who in your network has connections to these people and have informational interviews to get the inside story about what its like to work there, and who they hire. Start a gap analysis that compares what these companies want with what youve got to offer, and narrow the gap. Theres never been a better time to take charge of your career! #50BPTW20 #jobsearch #careerplanning #careercoach

17.01.2022 National Careers Week starts next week, from May 18 to 24. Check out the website to see the FREE webinars and other events that might be useful to you. Send me any career-related questions you have too and Ill help where I can! Have a great week.

17.01.2022 How do you maintain your mental wellbeing when youre in job search mode? Queensland Health have launched the Dear Mind campaign to encourage adults to prioritise their mental wellbeing - SO crucial when job searching! Which building block resonates with you at the moment? #careertips #careercoaching #careermanagement #loveyourcareer #jobsearch #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing

16.01.2022 Hey everyone! We all need some moments of laughter and lightness in our days - especially at the moment. Hope you get a smile from this article :-) Reach out with your career questions, and I'll happily give you my thoughts. Comment below with any burning questions or career challenges. Stay well and safe, and smile for at least a while today :-) Lynda

15.01.2022 Happy New Year! Happy New Decade! SO WHATS YOUR 2020 VISION? For me, its about helping you! Helping you understand how youve added value to your employer or organisation. Helping you know what differentiates you from others and how to tell your stories.... If youre thinking about whats next for you and your career, or have a role youd like to apply for and need help, give me a call on 0498 652 917 or email [email protected] BACK at my desk from Monday 20th January, 2020. See more

14.01.2022 FREE ONLINE COURSES - If youve been affected by COVID-19, then you may be eligible for some upskilling from TAFE QLD and CQ Uni. Check out link below.

13.01.2022 Theres definitely something for everyone in this list of FREE online boredom-busting resources. Ive just had my dopamine hit from visiting elephants, gorillas and dolphins - all from my desk, and feel re-energised for the next project :-) Where will you visit?

13.01.2022 Great to see education organisations getting on board with some free and useful resources. Anyone in Admin or Medical Admin - courses for you.

13.01.2022 Want to move to a new role or go for that promotion? You have to collect data about your success! The best career stories have evidence to back up their statements - what data are you collecting to demonstrate what you can do??

13.01.2022 If youre between jobs WATCH THIS VIDEO. I love J.T ODonnell - the Founder of Work It Daily. She tells it like it is and has amazingly useful advice about everything to do with jobs. I 100000% agree with what shes saying, and her American accent really belts home the message (Bahahaha). Do yourself a favour and watch it all the way through - it has Q&A as well. Brilliant content. What were your key takeaways?? Let me know in the comments.

12.01.2022 Want FREE career coaching? TAL - a leader in Insurance, is offering 3 x 1 hour career coaching sessions to eligible customers of theirs so check it out. Im honoured to be one of their coaches, through Career Management Services, along with several other amazing coaches nationally. This is an incredible offer - especially during these challenging times!

12.01.2022 Really useful article detailing the best remote work job sites.

11.01.2022 (4 min read) How many of these 'most common skills requested by employers' do you have, and how would you confidently demonstrate them? Demonstrate them? Confidently? You mean SELL MYSELF?? Clients regularly complain that they don't know how to 'sell themselves', as if they suddenly have to turn into some kind of 1950s salesperson and wedge their foot in the door......Continue reading

11.01.2022 See link below for great part-time opportunity for someone interested in the Cancer Council space for Volunteer Coordination. Excellent department manager too!

09.01.2022 There are 60 amazing speakers in The Recovery Summit - and its FREE! Check out the speakers and their topics - theres something for everyone. It will be hugely positive and challenging our thinking on many fronts. If you want to be inspired, dont miss it. Links will be available for 48 hours after the talks on the free ticket, or you can purchase lifetime access as well. GREAT professional development!

09.01.2022 Heres a new job matching service helping those who have lost their jobs during COVID-19 and of course anyone else looking for a job!! Sign up now and check it out.

09.01.2022 Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas! Top Job Coaching will be back on deck Monday Jan 20th. If you need help with a resume or job application over this time, please PM me. We know this can be a difficult time for many reasons. Please remember help is a phone call away...see numbers below.

08.01.2022 Aaaaandddd GO!! Brisbanes state school kids went back to school today - HOORAY!! How many of you (like me) thought "now... I can get on with it!". According to Australias Daily Mail - one in three Australians are thinking about changing jobs this year. WOW - thats a huge number! If thats you, are you ready? With the average number of applications for an Australian job at 19 (Source ABS), and we all know of vastly higher application numbers for sought-after roles w...ith leading companies, how you do stack up? Are you up to date with the modern approach to finding a new role, or is your approach a bit dusty because its been a few years since youve pulled out the old CV or had to impress at interview.... Before you go shooting off applications to every advert for a job you think you could do, ponder the ROI involved in that versus working with a qualified Career Coach and job application writer who helps people find work they love. Happy to have a no-obligation chat about your plans. Email me at [email protected] Have a fantastic new year! See more

08.01.2022 The new normal will bring changes to how employers recruit and we have to be ready for that. With more work from anywhere opportunities, we need to build skills in video interviewing. This article will start you thinking about that. How are you preparing for this change?

08.01.2022 This is such a good article and very relevant at the moment. Time are tough, and for some, job search is really taking time. Take a look at the tips in this article about tailoring every application to the role, making sure your resume is at its best, using your network, looking after yourself, not taking silence from recruiters personally and finding your cheer squad to keep you positive and motivated. Weigh up what's really important to you, especially your values and consider what else you want outside of money. Small steps every day towards your goals all add up, so keep going. :-)


06.01.2022 Fantastic advice here from JT ODonnell about how to take advantage of opportunities right now. The title doesnt really explain the value of this video - she has great points and I 1000% agree with it all.

05.01.2022 If there's a skill that's super important right now, it's how to sell yourself in 25 words or less! OK, I'm not going to count the words, but you have to be succinct and confident when talking about yourself. Why? Because our minds are overcrowded as it is, and you want to be memorable! The job market is crowded with job seekers so you want to stand out when talking to others about what you can do. If you want to keep the conversation going, then make your 'elevator pitch...' interesting. A format I really like goes like this: 1. Describe the problem you solve. 2. Say "This is what I do". 3. Add social proof. For example: You know how most people need help to write about their achievements in a Resume or ace an interview? This is what I do. I've helped more than 250 senior managers and professionals with their job applications and interview skills. The attached SEEK article also has some good pointers. Give it a go yourself. How would you describe what you do?? Hit me up with your examples in the comments See more

04.01.2022 I thought Id share this free cover letter template from Seek, which landed in my Inbox today. Fantastic you might say? NOOOOO!! Why?? BECAUSE ITS BORING!!! And everyone else out there will send in the SAME THING! Can you imagine the poor hiring manager reading tens if not hundreds of these? (They wont!). These days you need a DISRUPTIVE cover letter. You dont need to tell the reader youre applying for the job - they know that! You dont need to say your CV is enclosed - they can see that. If you dont connect with something interesting within the first two lines, why would they read on??? Immediate connection is absolutely necessary. Give me a shout if you need a hand with that. Generic templates are just that - generic!! You need to STAND OUT in todays job search process.

04.01.2022 As we all try to make sense of what is happening now with the spread of COVID-19, some of us may have to work from home more than usual. For those of us who already do - its a useful reminder about staying productive and mentally healthy while working from home. Which tip resonates most with you?

03.01.2022 Earlier today I listened to LinkedIn Live Australia and heard Professor Gary Martin FAIM FACE talk about the Adaptability Quotient - my ears pricked up! YES, I thought. thats the quality that employers will really be looking for in a COVID/pandemic/recessionary world. As a career coach, I talk to a lot of clients about the difference theyve made in their roles, the value theyve brought, the impact theyve made, and ask for their evidence to demonstrate what theyre tel...ling me. Ill now be adding to my questions - and how have you shown your adaptability, your resilience, your contribution during these turbulent times? Im really looking forward to the stories theyll tell me. Make sure you have an answer that demonstrates your contribution. Whats yours? #careertransition #careercoaching #careeradvice #adaptabilityquotient #AQ

01.01.2022 WELCOME to Carmen Potter and Lucy Kilby who are new to our Top Job Coaching community. Remember - please send your questions to me and Ill do my best to answer them for everyones benefit! Have a great Friday!!

01.01.2022 Did you know about Queenslands FREE new Independent online newspaper? A client of mine let me know about it today, so Im checking it out. Wouldnt it be great if it was truly an independent source of news!!! Lets hope so. Heres the link. Another way to keep yourself up to date :-)

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