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Top Knot

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Address: Mobile 6019 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 *Inspirational post of the day* Your brain is sacred space. Ideas and thoughts shouldn't take up space here like discarded items in a hoarders house! Every (ok maybe not EVERY but most) thoughts that occupy your mind should be purposeful. If they are not- find somewhere else for them to live. A journal or the notes section of your phone works well. ... Clearing your mind of the crap gets rid of that busy feeling. That feeling of always having something to do. That feeling that leads to overwhelm and can give you headaches in my case If our bodies are temples then our minds are the alters. Only bring to the alter things you want to see happen. Our minds are powerful manifesting tools. What we think we create/ become. In other words, overthinking, anxiety, always being 'on' have no place in this temple. Take some time and clear out the space. Make it sacred again and see how much easier life flows

24.01.2022 Ive somehow managed to hurt my neck. Dont ask me how, maybe it was all those sick moves I was pulling at work last night to pass the time So today I am resting as much as I can, and slathering myself in this gem. It smells a bit funky Im not going to lie but it seems to be helping with the pain, and is a lot better for you than tiger balm and other similar muscle rubs (that contain a lot of nasties hidden in their ingredients). This does come in a rub as well (wh...ich if I had I would be using) but the oil is just as good and in my opinion should be in everyones arsenal, especially if you do any form of active exercise where your muscles get sore and tight. (Or like me just like to whip your hair back and forth with too much oomph!) If you have been channelling a bit too much of your inner Beyoncé recently and need some tlc in the neck department I have a couple of appointments that have become free tomorrow (Thursday) for some fine tuning. I will be up in the beaches area if you are up that way but happy to cover the CBD and surrounds too. Hit that book now button to secure your spot. In the mean time, keep rocking out (gently).

24.01.2022 Stormy skies in #Scarborough today mean no markets this evening I am still braving the wild weather for any private bookings, so if you are rugging up inside the house and feel like some extra tlc then please get in touch. The weather is wild but it doesnt mean your emotions need to be #reiki #headmassage #stressrelief #wellness #health #holistic #healing #selfcare #love #balance #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellnesstribe #perthsmallbusiness

23.01.2022 Price list: Hello to all my new followers, its so lovely to have you on board. As many of you have been asking, I thought I would repost my price list for you. A full list can be found under the services tab however for those who just want to know how much a session is- this is for you. 30 minute session - $50 15 minute session $20 ... No need to break the piggy bank to treat yourself to some self care

22.01.2022 Weekends. A time for long lies, family time, chores, and... Massage?! Yes folks thats right. I have some rare spots available next Saturday 10/8 (and potentially next Sunday 11/8) for those of you who have been asking about weekend appointments. These don't come around often so if you are interested please request your time asap. I don't know when this will happen again (perks of working in hospitality also) so if the weekdays are busy and this is your only time to indulge, get on this whilst you can :) First come, first served

21.01.2022 Reviews: I would like to ask a favour from all of you who have had a massage from me over the past few months. If you could spare 2 minutes to leave me a review on here this would really help me get my services recognised, and help potential clients know I am not some random weirdo who is going to rock up to their home. I am just one woman trying to help as many of you as I can with my gift, and can only reach so many people through my social media efforts. Reviews help me ...get noticed and give me credibility, and in turn help me help more people. I would appreciate it immensely if you could find the time to leave me some positive feedback.

21.01.2022 You may have noticed I have been a little quiet on here recently- you would be correct. I have been busy doing life , sorting myself out and generally trying to refill my cup after a long year. I am still here though, and whilst not as active I am still present. I am still available for reiki and massages and still very much on board with this gift I have and want to share with others. What I have realised is- I am maybe less on board with what the social media experts t...ell you to do- posting every day, sharing to stories, calls to action etc etc. Truth be told, its bloody exhausting. My gift comes from the heart and so should my messages, so with this in mind my posts from this point on may be less frequent, more in-depth and more heartfelt. I wont apologise for not conforming to the norms - its just how I roll If you would like to take a bit of time out for yourself before the Christmas chaos- I have both weekday and weekend appointments available for reiki and head massage. If you would like to treat yourself or a loved one to some TLC once the Christmas crazies have past- I have gift vouchers available, sent by email, starting from $50. Please feel free to message me for any advice, questions or appointment requests. My inbox is always open Love and light

19.01.2022 #Halloween is over and that means only one thing- the countdown to #Christmas is on! Such a festive, fun filled time- unless you are one of the many people that are juggling a family, work and a million other responsibilities already. In which case Christmas is just an added stress you could probably do without right?! But in the spirit of all things festive I am here to try and make at least part of it a little bit easier for you. That all consuming task of present buyin...g. The one that seems never ending and can burn a hole right through your bank account quicker than Hayleys comet Let me introduce to wonderful gift vouchers Available for both head massage and reiki they are here to save the day when it comes to present buying They can be bought online and emailed to you- so you dont need to leave the house to organise a present for someone. Check bonus points here Are a wonderful alternative to socks and pjs for a stocking filler or the secret Santa gift that you never know what to buy for Have a 3 month expiry date so dont need to be used right away- they can be saved for the time after Christmas when everyone feels a bit blue and deflated and never has any money to spend on themselves (hello cheeky little self care sesh- treat yo self whilst your at it why not ) Did I mention you dont need to leave the house when getting a massage either? I come to you (or your giftee) so you/they can stay at home in their pjs if thats what makes you happy (thats what makes me happy so I know these things ) Aiming to make your life easy and help you tick a few things off that Christmas list early #stressless #livemore #christmas #giftideas #wellness #health #selfcare

19.01.2022 Now available- Reiki Ive had the absolute pleasure of spending today being attuned for my reiki energy. This has been a lovely day of giving and receiving energy healing and has left me feeling blissed out and carefree (not something I am commonly feeling right now!) For any of you who suffer with stress, the busy mind or an inability to switch off this is for you.... For those who cant find their way in meditation- this is your jam. And of course all my migraine sufferers- this absolutely relieves the tension caused, and that causes your headaches. I will now be offering reiki as both a stand alone full body session and as an add on to my therapeutic head massages. If you would like more information or to book your session of this wonderful healing process, send me a message. Cost will be $70 for a 30 minute head massage +15 minute reiki session , or a full body session for 45 minutes.

19.01.2022 One of the main causes of anxiety is overthinking. Believing we have to figure out something that is 5 steps ahead of us and which in all possibility, may not even happen. But anxiety says it could. And that is enough for us to come up with a plethora of solutions or possible outcomes for this imagined issue. One of the best coping skills I have learnt for managing my anxiety is to root myself in the present day more often. To not think about tomorrow or next week, but to jus...t deal with today and even this hours tasks. It can be a huge challenge at first because your mind automatically wants to jump those 5 steps ahead. But when it stops that default reaction and just learns to be in the moment, it is life changing. The noise that constantly whirls around your head is gone. The knotted feeling in your stomach no longer exists. You breathe better, eat better, sleep better. Its like your body takes a huge big sigh of relief and says phew finally. Head massage can help you out with this. It allows your brain to calm down and just be in the moment, training it to take some time out. Like meditation. If you struggle to get there by yourself then this could be the next best thing for you. Why not give it a try and see for yourself? #wellness #health #headmassage #massagetherapy #holistichealth #complimentarytherapy #perthwellness #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellnesstribe #smallbusinessowner #femalebusinessowner #anxietyrelief #anxietymanagement

18.01.2022 I will be in Kewarra beach tomorrow afternoon if anyone would like an appointment

16.01.2022 Taking some #timeout. #selfcare is important for everyone, and Ive been feeling the urge to retreat a lot lately (hence being a bit quiet on here). The busy mind has been creeping back in and along with it the #headaches and #migraines so Ive been doing my best to simplify my life and just live day to day. Its insane what a little bit of #stress can do to your body. Recognising it early is now my key to keeping it in check. Honouring my needs vs stuffing them down until ...they have no option to erupt is essential to my #mental and #physical health. What is your body asking for? Are you honouring it? Appointments available next week for reiki and head massage if this is what your body and soul needs. Message me for bookings #headmassage #reiki #stressrelief #timeout #health #wellness #perthwellnesscommunity

16.01.2022 Important Announcement Little marshmallow, my wheels of steel, got taken to the steel crushers this week- her injuries from a previous incident were just too severe to save This means- I no longer have a car to get around in. So I am back to running sessions from a couple of potential spaces in and around the CBD. ... Also- I am not going to be in Cairns for very much longer, so if you have been thinking of having a massage or trying reiki but have been putting it off for a later date- now is the time. Myself and pup are taking some time off and then moving on to pastures new for a while. Its time for a change of scenery and to get my adventures back on (now with a sidekick ) I hope to see as many of you as I can before I leave, its been an absolute pleasure to meet you all and serve you all through this wonderful healing process Love and light Lucy

15.01.2022 Inspirational post of the day/ week- Find your happy So many of us get sucked into this version of what life "should" be. We live someone else's blueprint and wonder why we are miserable. We work a job we don't enjoy and wonder why we are stressed. We stay stuck in situations we know don't serve us, and wonder why we don't grow. It can be so easy to get stuck in the routine, to think that 'this is it' that life isn't meant to be all sunshine and rainbows (and i'm not saying is!) But we are not meant to be miserable, stressed, unhappy, ill or living in fear all the time. The world is abundant and you get to choose your story. So if things are not working for you, find another way. Follow your happy, however odd that may seem to the masses, and do you. Because no one else is living your life but you. Those who get it will support us. Those who don't will watch in a year or 2 and ask- how did you do that? because they will still be in the same spot, doing the same thing, living the same life, not having the courage to follow their dreams. Don't be that person. Find your happy and stalk the hell out of it!!

15.01.2022 I dont think there are many things in the world that can bring me as much joy as bringing peace to animals. Giving miss keva reiki at bed time is honestly one of my favourite things to do. Anxious by nature, she quickly settles right into our impromptu sessions and the audible relief that soon follows is so heartwarming that It doesnt matter if Im in a funny position, or my arm has gone dead. I know the new year can be a time when we all set out with the very best of i...ntentions. When we promise ourselves we will do more things for ourselves, look after our bodies and minds more and generally try harder this year. Its a lot of pressure to start a new chapter off on. I am not one for New Years resolutions, prefering to do something each day to make a difference. I am however one for helping those who truely want to action their own goals, and who have a desire to make things happen now. If you have decided that 2020 is the year you do you then I would love to help you find some balance and calm with reiki and head massage. I am mobile in and around Scarborough so shoot me a message for availability. On the flip side, if you have decided you want to crawl under a rock after the festive season and not come out for a while, I can help find you find a sense of calm amongst the chaos I cant promise you will be as chilled as keva, but we can sure give it a good go

13.01.2022 I don’t think there are many things in the world that can bring me as much joy as bringing peace to animals. Giving miss keva reiki at bed time is honestly one of my favourite things to do. Anxious by nature, she quickly settles right into our impromptu sessions and the audible relief that soon follows is so heartwarming that It doesn’t matter if I’m in a funny position, or my arm has gone dead. I know the new year can be a time when we all set out with the very best of i...ntentions. When we promise ourselves we will do more things for ourselves, look after our bodies and minds more and generally try harder this year. It’s a lot of pressure to start a new chapter off on. I am not one for New Years resolutions, prefering to do something each day to make a difference. I am however one for helping those who truely want to action their own goals, and who have a desire to make things happen now. If you have decided that 2020 is the year you do you then I would love to help you find some balance and calm with reiki and head massage. I am mobile in and around Scarborough so shoot me a message for availability. On the flip side, if you have decided you want to crawl under a rock after the festive season and not come out for a while, I can help find you find a sense of calm amongst the chaos I can’t promise you will be as chilled as keva, but we can sure give it a good go

12.01.2022 Change Situations don’t change unless you are willing to put in the effort Circumstances will remain the same unless you actively seek out alternative ways to do things ... Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- he wasn’t wrong. We complain day in day out about our jobs, our #health, our relationships and anything else that doesn’t work for us- but how many of us actually seek out ways to make this better rather than just complaining about it? In order to see #changes you have to #commit, and this can be super scary for a lot of people. But it doesn’t have to be big or long term. Start with small steps. Something you know it is almost impossible to fail at, and work your way up to the bigger things. This week I am committing to eating better (I’ve gotten a bit lax on my #AIP diet and my body is letting me know), honouring my needs above anyone else’s (including the dogs ), and connecting with one new person. What can you commit to this week to help get on your way to improving your health and #lifestyle. Let me know in the comments #health #wellness #holistic #healing #reiki #massage #corporatewellness #livebetter #changeisgood #perthsmallbusiness #perthhomebasedbusiness #perthwellnesstribe

12.01.2022 Exciting news I have something new coming to my services from next week Something that compliments the head massaging beautifully, and adds an extra little woo touch to the mix. The best part is- your furry friend can get involved too (because we all know how much I love pups ). Guaranteed to help chill both of you out and restore balance to any household (dogs pick up on our energy so when we are stressed they are too!) ... Give me a if you are excited for this below- details to follow soon

11.01.2022 I have the worst medication induced headache today. Yes you read that right. I took meds to help with the pain and they have in fact caused more pain. Ive been doing really well at keeping a clean system the past month. I fell off the bandwagon the last week or so and got super stressed as well yesterday (one of my big triggers). Before you could say poof I had a sore head, a sore back and generally anxiety through the roof. I took some meds to help with things hoping... I would get a peaceful sleep and feel rested today. What I actually feel like is hungover and hit with a truck!! Sometimes I just need reminders that medication is not really the answer. That it is infact toxins we are putting into our bodies, and that the more I regulate my system through food, supplements and a balanced life, the more it rejects these things when I revert back to my default of thinking this is the answer. Medication has its place do not get me wrong, but those pills last night have done nothing but make me need to take more pills to combat the effect. A cycle it is so easy to get into the habit of. So instead of popping pills Im going to detox my system, drink my greens and learn to manage my stress better. Because ultimately that was the issue all along

10.01.2022 Join me this #halloween for an evening of mystery and massage. Let me work my magic on you down at the #scarboroughsunsetmarkets with some reiki and head massage , set to the beautiful backdrop of the Scarborough sunset Looking forward to meeting you all there dogs welcome too #scarborough #markets #wellness #health #perthsmallbusiness #healing #energyhealing #witchy #holistic #reiki #community

10.01.2022 One of the best parts of my job? Getting to meet all the pups when I go visit my clients. This gorgeous girl is 3 months old and was an absolute delight whilst mum got some much needed tlc this morning. I have such a soft spot for animals so please, if you have any pets, dont feel this stops you from organising a visit (quite the opposite). Such a pleasure to meet you miss Ella and I look forward to my next visit

09.01.2022 A reminder that when we quieten our mind and stop forcing the answers, they more often than not appear by themselves. Appointments available this coming week if you need some help to calm the farm. Click the book now button to secure your spot

08.01.2022 Change Situations dont change unless you are willing to put in the effort Circumstances will remain the same unless you actively seek out alternative ways to do things ... Albert Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results- he wasnt wrong. We complain day in day out about our jobs, our #health, our relationships and anything else that doesnt work for us- but how many of us actually seek out ways to make this better rather than just complaining about it? In order to see #changes you have to #commit, and this can be super scary for a lot of people. But it doesnt have to be big or long term. Start with small steps. Something you know it is almost impossible to fail at, and work your way up to the bigger things. This week I am committing to eating better (Ive gotten a bit lax on my #AIP diet and my body is letting me know), honouring my needs above anyone elses (including the dogs ), and connecting with one new person. What can you commit to this week to help get on your way to improving your health and #lifestyle. Let me know in the comments #health #wellness #holistic #healing #reiki #massage #corporatewellness #livebetter #changeisgood #perthsmallbusiness #perthhomebasedbusiness #perthwellnesstribe

08.01.2022 Some awesome information about how to use your oils to relieve head and neck stress. if you need help in choosing and ordering some of these awesome gems then let me know and i would be happy to help

08.01.2022 Big news everyone- I'm re-opening my books for appointments Spots will be strictly limited to enable me to keep a good life balance- so if you are looking to book please keep this in mind and book early. I will be covering an area from Kwinana to Mandurah and out to Baldivis at the moment (see map below). ... I'm excited to bring some healing back into the community and can't wait to make some new friends/associates along the way

07.01.2022 How stress can affect your body

05.01.2022 Everyones definition of #reiki is different but for me, it is the ability to send good vibes and healing energy to whatever/whoever I am working on. I consider it the modern day version of casting a spell like my #witchy ancestors would have done many years ago. I find myself doing this subconsciously a lot in everyday life and never really stopped to think about how I use my #reiki energy outside of when I work on people. This little list is super helpful for ways to... incorporate it daily, and to bring more positive healing energy into your life. If you are not reiki attuned or just need some healing yourself then please get in touch as reiki is one of the things I love doing the most and almost everyone could benefit from it in some way. For the full list check out the original post on @crystalreikihealer #health #wellness #reiki #balance #stressrelief #calm #energy #goodvibes #healing #selfcare #perthwellness #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellnesstribe

05.01.2022 Burnout is not a badge of honour! Ive shared this post/ picture a couple of times since I came across it yesterday but wanted to come in here and post my thoughts on it for you lovely people. You may have noticed I have been pretty quiet the past few weeks- since I moved to WA, and even before then, I have been trying to heal myself. This has come in the form of walking the dog, sitting in the hot tub, napping and eating proper food again.... There is nothing admirable about the place I had gotten myself into before I left Cairns. The fact that I was fully ignoring every sign and signal my body was yelling at me to stop, slow down, take better care of myself etc etc. Yet in an industry built on good times and cheap thrills- I was probably one of the ones taking better care of herself than most Burnout is not a badge of honour. Getting one nights sleep in 3 days is not brag worthy. Eating one days calories in 2 days and living off coffee and red bull is not normal (or healthy). Going to bed when the sun comes up is only sustainable for so long. It took my body to start shutting down on me for me to realise that I needed to change something. For me to no longer be able to eat foods because I couldnt digest them properly. For me to be in so much pain I could barely move. For me to be diagnosed with an auto immune disease at 34 and told I needed to seriously change my lifestyle or else I would be bedbound. Burnout is not a badge of honour. Dont let yourself get to breaking point before you change your habits. Small things can make the world of difference. Invest in your health. It will be the best investment you ever make #wellness #health #holistic #massage #complementarymedicine #integrativemedicine #integrativehealth #preventivecare

04.01.2022 Did you know? Overthinking can give you a headache? Like a computer with too many tabs open that freezes and shuts down- our brains do the same. Something I like to do to try get out of this place where I feel overwhelmed with information and things to do, to the point my brain cant cope and gives me an almighty headache in response, is to write to do lists. These are literally a list of everything I feel like I need to do, that is occupying space in my head at any particular time. I dont give them a date or time to be done by (because helooo more stress), I just get them out my brain onto paper so I can move onto other things. A brain dump if you will. If you dont already practice this, the end of the week is a great time to start. All fresh for the week ahead.

04.01.2022 Whilst I may not be one to subscribe to the ‘new year, new me’ bandwagon, I know a lot of you will be looking for ways to help improve your life and health around this time. This little infographic below helps highlight some of the benefits to Reiki, and how it can help in everyday life. Now of course the best way for you to know this is to feel it first hand- and book a session with me. But if you are curious and have no idea what the heck Reiki can actually help with (alm...ost everything FYI) then hopefully this will convince you to try it out. I have appointments available from this week onwards, so if you are feeling curious, or want to start the year off on the right foot, send me a message and we can book you spot that suits I am mobile in the Scarborough and surrounding areas- so no need to make a trip home once you are done. Reiki is like magic. It shouldn’t work but it does. And that my friends is the beauty of it

03.01.2022 be more dog There is something about owning a dog that makes you re-evaluate your life on the daily. Something about how they live their lives so simply that is inspiring to me, and has lead me to adopt similar principles in the past few months.... They eat, #nap, #sniff and generally have a very mindful experience of life. They dont worry about the future, about the past, about what hasnt happened yet or may never happen. They just appreciate the small things. It results in a life of a lot less #stress. Have you noticed the only time a dog gets stressed is when external factors are involved? Seems to me that as humans we have a lot of external factors intertwined into our lives, ultimately leading to a hell of a lot of stress Best way to deal with this? Be more dog. (And by this I dont mean go around sniffing peoples butts all day ). Be mindful. Be present. Honour your needs. Everything else is extra Puppy cuddles and massages come as standard for your furry friend if you need to bring them along #reiki #massage #healing #health #wellness #stress #management #holistic #perthwellnesscommunity

03.01.2022 Those post massage feels I have spaces available this week for massage and reiki if you would like to attain this level of zen #kevathediva #chilledout #massage #relax #stresrelief

02.01.2022 Stress less I have taken some time out from work recently to get my health back on track. This is not a post to rub it in anyones face but what this is, is a post about the realisation of how much stress was affecting my health. Its to help bring some awareness into how much stress plays a part in everyones life and what we can do to help this.... For all intents and purposes I was holding my shit together well. I had a lot going on yes, but i wasnt manically swinging from one mood to the next, I wasnt drinking or medicating my problems away, I was doing ok. Sure there had been better times but if I think about it Im sure I can pin point worse. What I was ignoring, was the inward signs of stress, and the effect it was having on my body. Loss of appetite, exhaustion but inability to sleep, unable to shut my mind off, worrying about a million what ifs, always feeling like I was on, headaches and migraines daily. It wasnt until I took the time out that I realised this wasnt the norm. That life didnt have to exist in this constant stress cycle. My aim now is to help others find a similar level of calm without getting to the point i did. (Hello chronic illness ) If you or anyone you know in the Perth area would benefit from a bit of stress relief then please let me know and we can book you in for a head massage and maybe some reiki too. Dont let stress get the better of you. There are ways to manage it and there is a whole other way of life without it. Stress less, live more #wellness #health #mobilemassage #mobilemassagetherapist #holistichealing #holistichealth #stressmanagement #perthwellnesscommunity #perthwellbeing #perthsmallbusiness #femalebosstribe #perthwellnesstribe

02.01.2022 Ive done nothing today- jack sh!t. And you know what- it feels wonderful I cannot stress enough the importance of taking an ACTUAL time out to do nothing on your mental and physical health. We trick ourselves into thinking we take time off at the weekends but realistically, we are busy doing chores, attending childrens parties, doing the garden, catching up with friends. And yes, whilst all this is necessary in the circle of life as we know it, it doesnt really help lowe...r our stress or busy mind. Taking time to do nothing, whatever form that may look like to you is imperative to maintaining your sanity. If you dont I guarantee your body will start to let you know it needs a break in some way or another. I get it can be hard with kids, with dogs, with the guilt that surrounds the fact that yesterdays dishes are still in the sink and youve a load of laundry to do. But start small. Start with 10 minutes or 20 and see how good that feels. Make those minutes none negotiable and soon enough you will be dedicating an hour, then 2 then a whole day to nothingness. Suggestions on how to do nothing (really do nothing) *take a nap *go to the beach *have a massage *take a float *meditate *go for a walk or drive (if you find this calming) with no real purpose *walk a dog My true and tested way to overcome my guilt associated with doing nothing: is anyone going to die if I dont do said thing (laundry, dishes, etc) at this exact moment? If the answer is yes- then do thing then re evaluate, if not then go do nothing

02.01.2022 Sometimes I go through phases where regardless of the choice I give my clients, they all pick the same oil. Right now it is Ylang Ylang. Known for its rich floral scent, this oil helps promote a sense of calm, balanced hormones and when applied to the head and face, promotes healthy hair and skin. It is one of the earliest known anti depressants, and helps balance masculine and feminine energies and helps us tap into the feminine side more If you would like to get your hands on some of this for yourself then please let me know and I can help with ordering and also uses

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