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25.01.2022 Site visit yesterday and this did entertain me. #newtownmural #politicalmural #newtownlandscape #communitylandscape #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

25.01.2022 We're very excited to be working with heritage architects Design 5, in the conservation and restoration of the Old Bega Hospital and landscape; for reuse as a community facility. #design5architects #colonialarchitecture #coloniallandscape #heritagegarden #restoringlandscapes #hospitalgardens #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #toposlandscape

24.01.2022 Walking through a unique landscape of Tasmania, adapted over time to coping with both ice and fire. #subalpinewoodland #tasmaniantemperaterainforest #snowgum #richeapandanifolia #nature #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #toposlandscape #toposdesign

24.01.2022 Concept landscape design sketch, for our project currently under construction.... Very much looking forward to seeing it evolve. #landscapedesignsketch #gardendesignsketch #landscapeconstruction #bondigardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

23.01.2022 A photo of the existing condition of house and garden, which is soon to get a major refurbishment; including a Federation-style garden in keeping with the heritage of the home. In collaboration with Interior designers @march_twice_interiors. ... #federationsydney #federationgardens #federationhomes #heritagegarden #mosmangardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

22.01.2022 A welcomed rainy, coastal walk. The native-succulent groundcover, has naturalised so well. #pigfaceplant #carpobrotus #succulents #bondilandscape #coastallandscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign @ Bondi to Bronte Walk

21.01.2022 Sometimes it's relaxing, to just look up. #bangalowpalm #archontophoenixcunninghamiana #frangipani #plumeria #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

21.01.2022 Our new project, opposite Lane Cove's natural river corridor, has some beautiful sandstone, rocky outcrops to incorporate into our design. #azalea #sandstone #bushgarden #australiangarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

20.01.2022 I'm finding that as Sydney becomes more densely populated, roof gardens are becoming increasingly popular. Progress photo of roof garden. Landscape design by @topos_landscape Plants supplied by @alpine_nurseries. ... Architecture by @archeroffice. #roofgarden #greenroof #habitatroofgarden #bondigarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

20.01.2022 The colourful, bright red, spring flowers of the Japanese quince. #chaenomelesjaponica #japanesequince #maulesquince #japanesegarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

19.01.2022 Inspiration via @seb_gardener. I love the whimsical nature of the buxus, sculpturally wrapping itself around the base of the apple trees. I understand the photo was taken from the Jardin du Grand Launay, on the Cotes d'Armour. One of France's remarkable gardens. ... #buxussempervirens #malusdomestica #landscapeart #gardenart #environmentalart #frenchgardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

19.01.2022 Finding myself easily distracted by Sydney's colonial houses and other people's gardens. #variegatedshellginger #alpiniazerumbet #acanthusmollis #brazilianredcloak #megaskepasmaerythrochlamys #buxusjaponica #boxhedge #sydneycolonialhouses #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

19.01.2022 Inspiration, courtesy of @alandscapearchitect. We love the playful and sculptural aspect of this private-residential, water feature or swimming pool. #landscapeinspiration #swimmingpool #waterfeature #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

16.01.2022 Inspiration, courtesy of @studiodinamo, of a contemporary courtyard design. Amazing the effect you can achieve in a small space; with a few ingredients of white gravel, bamboo and evergreen ground covers. #courtyard #moderndesign #gravelgarden #bamboo #asiangarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

16.01.2022 Family Christmas celebrations in my childhood, bushland garden. #nswchristmasbush #ceratopetalumgummiferum #scribblygum #bushgarden #countrygarden #70sgarden #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #southcoastgardens

16.01.2022 Up close to the native iris, found as a clumping herb in dry, eucalyptus forests. #nativeiris #patersonia #eucalypttforest #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

15.01.2022 Spring has sprung in Sydney. The gorgeous racemes of the wisteria climber. #wisteria #wisteriasinensis #deciduousclimber #springflowers #bondigardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

15.01.2022 Progress photo of garden design, nearly one year old now. Landscape design by @topos_landscape Plants supplied by @alpine_nurseries Hard landscape built by Steve Nash Double Bay ... Soft landscape by Diamond Gardening #bondigarden #beachgarden #alpinianutans #dwarfcardamom #plectranthus #sandstonepath #pandoreajasminoides #bowervine #agapanthusbabypete #merbaubattens #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygarden #toposdesign #toposlandscape

13.01.2022 My interest in plants and gardens came from my parents. Watching them make their own garden, weaving the native sclerophyll forests and sandstone outcrops, with exotic plants. Here's a relic from their home. A "Your Garden "magazine from the 1970s....Such vibrant colours!... #bushgarden #yourgardenmagazine #1970sgardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

13.01.2022 Having fun with this 3D sketch, for a sub tropical garden refurbishment, near the ocean. #sketchup #photoshop #foliagegarden #subtropicalgarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

13.01.2022 Site visit last week, to assist @rowlandslandscapes, with a plant species analysis and inventory; of a 3 acre site. There were some beautiful sandstone, retaining walls and established vegetation. #siteanalysis #plantinventory #maturegarden #tropicalgarden #sandstonewall ... #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign See more

12.01.2022 A lovely way to spend Sunday morning, wandering around Glenmore House Open Garden. #mickeyrobertson #glenmorehouse #kitchengarden #sydneycountrygarden #sydneygardens #outdoorroom #landscapearchitecture #gardendesign #gardeninspiration #landscapedesign #toposlandscape #toposdesign @ Glenmore House

12.01.2022 Here's a photo I took from a recent trip to Tassie. Sadly, it seems appropriate to share on Christmas eve. Whilst much of our country is ablaze- our air quality compromised and water restrictions in place; I do hope for rain this Christmas, to regenerate our landscapes and spirits. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!... #climatechange #globalwarming #bushfires #drought #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

12.01.2022 Cloud pruning of trees and shrubs, has become a popular style in Sydney's landscapes. It originates from a Japanese style 'Niwaki'; where trees and shrubs are trained into shapes that resemble clouds. #cloudpruning #niwaki #azaleas #chinesegardenoffriendship #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

12.01.2022 We were fortunate today, to get a tour of the nursery @indigigrow. A new venture based at La Perouse Public School, which propagates Aboriginal bush food and endangered species of the Coastal Eastern Suburbs Banksia Scrub. It was fascinating to learn how these plants have traditionally been used, over thousands of years.... #bushfoods #aboriginalbushtucker #easternsuburbsbanksiascrub #endangeredplants #laperousecommunity #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

12.01.2022 The simple joys; seeing a Kookaburra perched in a tree, that you grew from a seedling. #kookaburra #jacaranda #wildlifegarden #vergegarden #bondigarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

12.01.2022 Cityscape, with cascading plants on tower blocks. #greencity #verticalgarden #cascadingplants #towerblocks #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

11.01.2022 Apologies for the lack of updates in our feed! Like everyone, we're adjusting to these extraordinary times. This street tree, Melaleuca linarifolia, will be protected in one of our next projects.... Interestingly, the bark has been used throughout history, by indigenous aborigines. The paperbark was traditionally used for carrying and protecting new babies. I feel like we all need a bit of paperbark in our lives right now. #paperbarktree #snowinsummertree #melaleucalinarifolia #aboriginaluses #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

11.01.2022 On our way to another site visit; distracted by the quite joy, of peering through someone else's garden gates. #gardengates #gatehouse #establishedgarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

10.01.2022 A beautiful, existing, natural waterfall which feeds into a creek corridor; at the back of a garden. #waterfall #creekcorridor #bushgarden #sydneygardens #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

10.01.2022 An old-school, vertical garden, courtesy of the climbing fig. It naturally occurs in East Asia and its fruit is used in Taiwanese and Singaporean cuisine. #verticalgarden #climbingfig #ficuspumila #evergreenliana #asiancuisine #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

09.01.2022 The compound, palmate leaves of Virginia creeper, beginning to show their autumn colour. #parthenocissusquinquefolia #virginiacreeper #climbingplant #autumnleaves #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

07.01.2022 Site visit today, with gorgeous harbour views; from what has the potential of becoming a wonderful rooftop garden. #sydneyharbour #roofgarden #rosebaygardens #easternsuburbsgarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

06.01.2022 A traditional style, inner-city roof garden, at its concept design stage. #traditionalgarden #citygarden #roofgarden #moodboard #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

05.01.2022 Native silky fan ferns, Sticherus tener following the rocky, stream's edge on the Winifred Falls Trail. #silkyfanferns #sticherustener #nature #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

05.01.2022 Sandstone stair study, on the coast track from Wattamolla. #sandstone #sandstonesteps #hawkesburysandstone #sydneycoastwalks #naturaldesign #landscapearchitecture #landscapeconstruction #landscapedesign #gardeninspiration #sydneygardens #toposlandscape #toposdesign @ Little Marley Beach , Bundeena

05.01.2022 The vibrant-coloured Canna lily, by the sea. #cannageneralis #cannalily #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

04.01.2022 Up close to a gorgeous, pale pink rose. I'm not a rose expert, but you can see its distinctly quartered, rosette blooms typical of a David Austin rose. #roseflower #quarteredflowershape #davidaustinroses #englishshrubrose #easternsuburbsgarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

04.01.2022 Rhaphiolepis. #rhaphiolepsis #indianhawthorn #coastallandscape #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

04.01.2022 We bought this bulb at one of Bronte House, Open Garden Days. This is its first year of flowering for us and its quite spectacular! I believe its called the paintbrush lily or blood lily. #paintbrushlily #bloodlily #haemanthuscoccineus #flower #bulb #bondigarden #easternsuburbsgarden ... #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign See more

03.01.2022 The riparian landscape of Coal River, from our recent trip to Tassie. The sandstone arches of Richmond bridge, built by convict labour; a poignant reminder of how history and forced migration can change a landscape. #riparian #coalriver #richmondbridge #convictlabour #landscape #landscapearchitecture #toposlandscape #toposdesign

02.01.2022 I was fortunate today, to have an hour to wander through @rbgsydney and stumble across this ornamental, pink banana; a species of seeded banana. I understand, the seeds are quite hard and can chip a tooth! #pinkbanana #musavelutina #neindia #sydneybotanicgardens ... #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign See more

01.01.2022 Concept design drawing, for our terraced garden. Currently under construction. Development and build by Attena Group. #gardensketch #landscapeconcept #slopinggarden #terracedgarden #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

01.01.2022 Our recently installed garden, setting in well. Development by @attenagroup Landscape design by @topos_landscape Plants supplied by @alpine_nurseries ... Soft landscape installed by @rowlandlandscapes Interiors by @mxm.designstudio Stone supplied by @stsstone #slenderweaverbamboo #bambusatextilisgracilis #landscape #landscapearchitecture #landscapedesign #gardendesign #outdoorroom #sydneygardens #sydney #toposlandscape #toposdesign

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