Total Vitality ; Giulia Mezzapica Naturopath- Virtual Consults in Strathfield, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Total Vitality ; Giulia Mezzapica Naturopath- Virtual Consults
Locality: Strathfield, New South Wales
Phone: +61 403 172 737
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25.01.2022 proof that there are no independent safety studies for the safety of fluvax.. yet they give it to our most frail and vulnerable.. including babies.. you decide!
25.01.2022 Get your popcorn out and keep joining the dots. Finally someone questioning the bullshit narrative. Please listen to every word spoken. Well done andrew bolt ... please share to people that you feel need to hear this . And by the way this is what all the doctors and scientists who have been censored, have been saying for close to 2 months now.:.. See more
24.01.2022 Have you made this swap? McGill University chemical engineering professor Nathalie Tufenkji decided to test tea bags after she was given one in a Montreal cafe... that looked like it was made from plastic. She asked her graduate student Laura Hernandez to purchase several tea bag brands from Montreal stores. The scientists then tested them to see if they left any plastic particles behind. The results, published in Environmental Science and Technology Wednesday, far surpassed the researchers' expectations. "We were shocked when we saw billions of particles in a single cup of tea," Tufenkji told CBC News. In total, the researchers found that steeping a plastic tea bag at 95 degrees Celsius released around 11.6 billion microplastics and 3.1 billion nanoplastics into a single cup. #wildaware #tea #plastic #teabag #savethisplanet See more
24.01.2022 if you're still worried... here's some reassurance from a local dr
24.01.2022 this is how we work.. if you haven't tried nauropathy yet.... here's the offer.. free 15 min teleconsult to find out if I can help your health issue.. nothing to lose everything to gain.. contact me via messanger.. or reply "I'm in!" to this post.
24.01.2022 Interesting take on the flu shot and covid death rate
22.01.2022 WHY 'WORLD HEALTH WEEK' IS MORE IMPORTANT THIS YEAR AND HOW TO NOT BE IN THE "AT RISK" GROUP This year, the phrase "World Health Week" (April 7-13) means something totally different to any other year. Previously, it just brought awareness to looking after ourselves and putting healthy practices into our lives. At no other time in modern history is World Health Week more relevant....Continue reading
22.01.2022 taking orders, now available..
22.01.2022 the amazing effects of midicinal cannibis.. if you know someone who has a neurological condition.. let me know, I have the ability to put you in contact with the right clinic to legally access this medicine
22.01.2022 Barbara Beskind, 95, is a trailblazer who is redefining our perceptions of old age. Watch the conceptual designers fascinating End Well 2019 talk about designing for aging adults here
20.01.2022 There have been a lot of accusations of conspiracy theories, fear-mongering and pseudoscience being used against those who have posted contrary information, lin...ks, articles and videos through this coronavirus pandemic, and theories of what might be coming in the future. Slowly, more of the alleged theories are appearing to be coming true. More studies are showing the virus was man-made in a lab in Wuhan, China. Studies are showing the PCR testing for coronavirus is inaccurate but being used by the WHO and world governments to make radical changes to restrict our way of life. Classifying COVID-19 deaths is a complete scam, orchestrated by the WHO to cause fear amongst populations, by classifying deaths by any chronic disease, shooting, suicide, or other cause as being from the virus, and the mortality statistics then promoted by a biased and alarmist media. More accurate statistics of the plandemic are emerging, of a survival rate of 99.9% on average, with very little to no medical treatments available and no coronavirus vaccine. So why all the fuss? Despite having many less incidences and deaths now, or nearly none at all, we are seeing tighter restrictions in workplaces, having to give names and contact details prior to entry into shops or cafes, being recommended to wear masks when we go out now (but not earlier in the plandemic when there were more cases!)... what other restrictions do the authorities have in mind? Well, here's a new one. Are you ready and wanting to travel, access various services or enter your workplace, when restrictions are allegedly "reduced"? Well, make sure you have your "COVI-PASS" digital passport ready to show the authorities, to prove who you are and that you have been a good and faithful citizen with up-to-date coronavirus vaccination, immunity test status to the coronavirus, and a good health rating. This is real and coming to you soon, being highly reminiscent of Nazi Germany... The COVI-PASS is developed and available from a UK cyber security firm (VST Enterprises), and has now been accepted under contract by the United Nations for "various projects", including the post-coronavirus situation. VST say on their website that the digital passport will be expanded to be a much broader personal ID and health passport to cover all personal identification, financial transactions, health testing and history, and proof of vaccinations. Their clients and users of the digital health passport include private companies, airlines, hotel chains and leisure organisations. They say that the COVI-PASS will facilitate safe return to work and life. Why, when cases have dropped almost to nothing, naturally? More details on the COVI-PASS here - The COVI-PASS is the implementation of the outcomes of the world-wide digital ID plans from the ID2020 summit in 2018. The ID2020 alliance believes it is a human right to "prove one's identity". No, a right to PRIVACY is an essential human right. Bill Gates and Microsoft are an alliance partner to the ID2020 project. More on this alliance can be read here - If you value your right to privacy and right to choose your health options, I guess these services, and maybe more, might be limited to you in the near future. Unless you send a clear message to your governments, employers and companies that you will not be a part of their New World Order of authoritarian control of your health and your life. Stay healthy.
20.01.2022 CHECK OUT MY NEW WEBSITE!!!!!
20.01.2022 state gov't banns fluvax for kids after kids are injured
19.01.2022 WHO WANTS TO BE THE GUINEA PIG? IT COMES WITH NO PRODUCT LIABILITY for adverse reactions. LET'S MAKE THIS CLEAR...this is a business, it's not about health. WHO... WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADVERSE REACTIONS that will accommodate these fast track vaccines that are skipping the safety trials. They have for many year's been unable to make a safe and effective Corona virus vaccine with the their usual so called safety trials, so how are they going to produce one without them. See more
18.01.2022 why labels are deceptive.. read carefully..
15.01.2022 when they tell you vaccines are safe.. you can believe them if you like...
14.01.2022 Reshare. These are facts and they are not debatable. This is human biology 101. FACT: Isolation weakens your immune system.... FACT: Sitting on your couch all day weakens your immune system. FACT: Excessive amounts of hand sanitizer weakens your immune system by killing your microbiome. FACT: Lack of fresh air and sunshine weakens your immune system. FACT: Lack of exposure to germs weakens your immune system. FACT: Sugar also weakens your immune system. FACT: Lack of vitamins and nourishment weakens your immune system. FACT: Fear weakens your immune system. Our bodies need to be in harmony and balance with the bacteria and virus in nature to build immunity. This is known as the human virome which is made up of 380 trillion viruses we have been exposed to over the past 200,000 years. Our immune system needs to keep up and be in balance with the ever changing/mutating germs. This is the normal we should not fear. Do you put your faith in man made solutions that are profit driven OR the power that has been animating this earth for eons? ~Dr. Nicholas Froehling
14.01.2022 Have you ever wondered what that thick, white layer on a fresh, new baby is.....? Well, this waxy substance is called Vernix Caseosa - and it is a result of a...n important secretion - of a special oil - created in baby’s sebaceous glands. Vernix typically begins to accumulate in the last trimester of pregnancy and is thought to not only protect the baby in utero, but it also serves as a mechanism of defense after baby is born. In the past, as soon as baby emerged from its protective womb, it was quickly whisked away from its mother - to have that gunk wiped off, be given its first bath, have a whole series of tests taken, procedures done, and injections given. Luckily, research has shown that (beyond leaving the baby alone with its mother) delaying baby’s first bath- and allowing that vernix to reside on the skin - has a number of health benefits! It has antimicrobial properties. Recent studies have shown that vernix contains antimicrobial amino acids that block invasive bacteria present in the amniotic fluid from meconium contamination. After baby is born, these amino acids work to protect against harmful bacteria such as: B. streptococcus, E. coli, Staph aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans, Listeria monocytogenes, Serratia marcescens, and Klebsiella pneumonia. Vernix has wound healing properties. It has been shown to help with the quick regeneration of skin following a wound. In fact, the use of vernix with skin grafting on burn victims is currently being investigated! It moisturizes and hydrates baby’s skin. The newborn’s integumentary system undergoes immediate changes following birth, including dehydration. Because of its high water content, vernix acts as a natural moisturizer for your baby, protecting its skin from dryness and environmental exposure. It can help regulate baby’s body temperature. There is only very rarely a need for a warmer and lights! Babies almost always do better skin to skin on their mother (even tiny preemies). Studies show that infants who have it washed off have a significantly higher rate of heat loss. As the movement toward evidence-based practice has become standard, more hospitals are no longer bathing infants. So, when you deliver your baby, don’t be surprised if they arrive with a thick coat of vernix. It is there for a reason! Instead of washing it off, use that time to snuggle up to your baby and enjoy the magic of skin-to-skin..... celebrating this perfection in its entirety. *And if you are a friend or a family member of someone who chooses not to bathe their baby after birth, make sure you support - and even celebrate them - for working so hard to keep their new baby healthy. To get free diapers and other baby goods visit:
12.01.2022 rediculous! please sign this petition
12.01.2022 80% false positive rate on testing and a 99.6% rate of survival world wide. These ridiculous mandates now after they locked everyone up for months (when they t...old us just two weeks) are not about your health. Most people got their annual viruses from November through January and now have antibodies, hence positive tests. If they cared about public health, the corrupt agencies like the FDA, CDC and WHO would not allow corporations to poison your food, water, air and land. They wouldn't allow cancer causing chemicals in everything or mandate vaccines. Stop the insanity. The minute the people you elected to protect your rights decides they can dictate their tyranny for "your own safety" is the minute you should question every single thing.
11.01.2022 am I the only one who would be in the right lane? who would come with me?
09.01.2022 if you think this is you... talk to me
08.01.2022 Good for adults too...
07.01.2022 the point is.. question everything, find out the facts.. then decide if the risk/benefit equation works
04.01.2022 the voice of sensibility
04.01.2022 OUR BIGGEST FEARS HAVE BEEN CONFIRMED. THE DATA IS IN. WHEN HOT WATER IS POURED INTO A PLASTIC LINED CUP WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENS TO THE CONTENTS OF YOUR SUPE...R SMOOTH AND DELICIOUS LATTE? In a recent study by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur researchers set out to evaluate the degradation of plastic lined films in single-use cups. They found that 4 out of 5 disposable paper cups were lined with HDPE grade of plastic. In the experiment scientists poured hot water (8590 C) and left the samples for 15 minutes. Using fluorescence microscopy they discovered that approximately 25,000 micron-sized microplastic particles leached into one cup of water (100 ml). The analysis also found the presence of heavy metalsiron, chromium, and cadmium in particularin the cup’s plastic lining. The report suggests that the Ingestion of microplastics, ions, and heavy metals regularly while using these single-use products can expose us to potential health risks in the future, like cancer and infertility. Read more on our blog with links to full report. Link in bio. #plastic #responsiblecafes #cafes #coffee #oceanprotection #singleuse #circulareconomy #sustainableliving #environment #byocup #sustainability #coffeelover #coffee #microplastic #science See more
03.01.2022 WHY 'WORLD HEALTH WEEK' IS MORE IMPORTANT THIS YEAR AND HOW TO NOT BE IN THE "AT RISK" GROUP This year, the phrase "World Health Week" (April 7-13) means something totally different to any other year. Previously, it just brought awareness to looking after ourselves and putting healthy practices into our lives. At no other time in modern history is World Health Week more relevant....Continue reading
02.01.2022 frontline american doctors speaking up about the real picture, not the one the media is pushing.. if you're at all worried about covid you should watch this
02.01.2022 this generation has the sickest lifs ever... anaphylaxis, autism and cancer in epidemic proportions.. it makes one think, what's gone wrong? could it be the vaccines since all these diseases are immune system based... mmm
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