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24.01.2022 The Gut Health Guide This 50 page e-book contains a large vault of tips, trick and education to help you start your gut health journey that is easy to follow while it also explains and motivates you along the way. You will receive:... - The 50 page 7 day cleanse protocol e-book containing 14 recipes - Healthy snack ideas - Nutritional summaries: the break down of the recipe with all of the macro and micronutrients that you are getting in each meal - Shopping list: everything you need to buy or order for your week - Tips & tricks from our Osteopath & Naturopath, Dr. Rebecca Farthing, to help motivate you and keep you on track You can purchase this e-book from our shop and get your gut health on track today! --> #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #guthealth #guthealthmatters #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #foodthatheals #loveyourself #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
23.01.2022 [HELLO MONDAY] May your Monday be great and your coffee be strong Seriously if you are using coffee to keep you going to help you stay awake..... be sure to drop Sally a line. Our resident clinical naturopath has lots of tips and tricks to help those 3pm slumps... #naturopathy #naturopath #totalbalance #osteopathy #coffee #tired #fatigue #autoimmunediesae #thyroidhealing #naturalmedicine #functionalmedicine
23.01.2022 ARCHIES THONGS!! The only footwear you need this summer... With up to 2.2cm of orthotic support, Archies Thongs incorporate the same amount of support that you would find from an ‘off the shelf’ orthotic, however with the patented design, they look just like normal thongs. The support found within Archies Footwear may help to support the foot in a more biomechanically appropriate position thereby easing the stresses and strains that would otherwise be transferred to the mus...culoskeletal system. As such, the thongs have been extremely popular with many of Australia’s Elite Athletes and leading Health and Fitness Experts. The thongs are made out of an unbelievably comfortable, high quality foam material and really have a "wow" factor for anyone that tries them on. Once you get used to them, you will never want to take them off your feet and most people say that they simply cannot wear ‘normal thongs’ after wearing Archies Thongs! We believe if you try a pair of our Archies Thongs, you won't want to go back to your old ones! Available in Black, Pink, Coral, Navy Blue, Sky Blue, Mint and Grey; there are only 2 questions to be answered... how many pairs do you get and in what colours?? Available in a range of mens and womens sizes. Be your colour and join the Archies revolution To see the full range of Archies Thongs, visit our store --> #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #archiesthongs #archsupport #summerstaple #beyourcolour #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
21.01.2022 OATS Such a yummy breakfast option that will keep you full for hours. Oats have so many benefits for our health thanks to all of the fibre that they contain. They are low GI meaning they are digested over a longer period of time and have less of an effect on our blood glucose levels.... The fibre in oats helps keep our bowels regular, our gut happy, keep us full and satisfied for hours, and can also have beneficial effects on our cholesterol levels and therefore heart health. Oats are also budget friendly and so versatile. My favourite way to eat them is as porridge warmed up in the microwave with some warm berries and peanut butter. But you could also make overnight oats, pancakes using oat flour, muesli - the combinations are endless. BASIC PORRIDGE RECIPE 1/2 cup oats 1 cup milk OR 1/2 cup oats 1 cup water 1 scoop protein powder TOPPING IDEA 1/2 cup blueberries 1 tsp nutella or peanut butter Enjoy! @dietitian.laura #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #oats #recipe #porridge #overnightoats #muesli #fruit #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
20.01.2022 [ THE GUT BRAIN CONNECTION ] As a Naturopath one of the areas of research I find completely fascinating is, the gut brain connection! The gut aka the second brain has the capacity to switch on that feeling of butterflies in your tummy when you get nervous or excited or that instinct your gut tells you when something isn’t right with a certain person or situation. We’ve all had it and you know you should always trust your gut right?... This secondary brain of ours is capable of operating independently of the brain and spinal cord but relies on stimulation from the autonomic nervous system via the vagus nerve. So what do you know about this vagus nerve? Let’s take a moment to appreciate the boss nerve! Aka the 10th cranial nerve that runs down the entire midline of the body from the brain stem to the abdomen, it is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves, it is responsible for a vast range of signals from the digestive system and organs that are carried to and from the brain. The Vagus Nerve is known to be largely responsible for the mind-body connection as it is the mediator between thinking and feeling and delivers information from the gut to the brain. I’m very basically touching on some of its functions, just let it be known the integrity of your vagus nerve really does have a huge impact on your quality of life! Some things you can do to support the vagus nerve naturally are Deep and slow breathing. Taking slow deep breaths actually turns on the vagus nerve enough that it acts like a button to stop the stress response. That to me, is just so damn cool! (pranayama included in Naturopathic yoga has taught me to do this regularly and it’s truly life changing!!!!) Yoga & meditation of course. This goes hand in hand with the above (ask about our 12 week online Naturopathic Yoga subscription, once again, life changing!) Proper nutrition including probiotics and essential fatty acids in particular omega 3 Regular exercise and/or any movement you can manage Having a good old laugh is also incredible for vagus nerve stimulation as laughter induces diaphragmatic movements that improve it’s tone!
19.01.2022 We've all heard the saying 'run your own race'. Now is a great time to do just that! In a time where social media shows us all our connections 'successes' we can easily fall into the trap of only seeing our 'failures'. To run our own race is to look to our future, not get caught up in what those around us a doing, and to not be held back by our past. ... To run our own race is to appreciate what we have in life, recognise our goals for ourselves and strive for them and to celebrate our successes. To run our own race is to grasp happiness and make it our own. Whatever your race looks like, I hope you win, succeed and make it your own. You've got this #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #runyourownrace #successmindset #winningatlife #happiness #focusonyourself #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
19.01.2022 It remains to be seen if the whole packet will change that.... or make me feel guilty for being a ziggy piggy! #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #yummyfood #notsohealthysnack #yummyinmytummy #cheatday #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
19.01.2022 [ NUTRITION ] Our 2nd Pillar of Health Eat whole plant foods at every meal: This will help you feel satiated and limit added sugar and refined carbohydrates you may be consuming. It will also ensure you reach your micronutrient requirements. Win/win!... Include a healthy source of fats at every meal: Including healthy fats (omega 3 & 6) will help keep you fuller for longer. It will also provide our essential fatty acids. These are "essential" meaning our body requires them for our existence. They cannot be synthesised in the body, we must get them through the diet. They have many roles within the body, too many to mention, but commonly we know they are needed for cardiovascular health, hormone production and brain function. Flax, chia seeds, hemp, walnuts & avocado are all great plant sources. Pay attention to signs of deficiency & listen to your body: Our body will always have a way of communicating that something isn't right. Its up to us to listen to what it is telling us. If you are unsure, it is important to work with a professional to correct them. Signs of abnormality can present in numerous ways and are often linked to deficiencies of essential nutrients. If you are unsure, book a consultation to come on in and we can dive into your nutrition ~ Sally #naturopathy #naturopath #chelseaheights #pattersonlakes #totalbalance #osteopathy
18.01.2022 WHAT IS DRY NEEDLING? In the course of your treatment at Total Balance, your practitioner may suggest dry needling. Don’t worry, it might sound a little scary, but it’s actually quite painless. Dry needling includes inserting acupuncture needles into various trigger points on the body. By stimulating the trigger points, located in specific muscle bands, practitioners can undo ‘knots’, relax overactive muscles and reduce pain.... HOW CAN DRY NEEDLING HELP? Dry needling stimulates neural pathways, which can help fast track healing, as well as manage pain. It can assist with: - Sports injuries - Back and neck pain - Joint pain and torn muscles - Frozen shoulder - Easing tension and stiffness - Migraine and headaches #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #dryneedling #acupuncture #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
18.01.2022 Hows the weather Melbourne! We hope you are out making the most of it, soaking up as much vitamin D as you can. Get out there and make yourself happy ... @takemetoaustralia
15.01.2022 [THE PHYSICAL PILLAR OF HEALTH] Move your body: Move in a way that makes you feel happy, don't call it exercise if you are "allergic" to it. Just make a conscious effort to incorporate movement you love. Every. Single. Day... Get enough sleep: Get into a proper sleep routine, read a book, have a bath, take time to relax without any devices after 8.30pm. This registers to your brain it is time for sleep. Nourish and hydrate your body adequately: Provide your body with the fuel it requires to meet its physical demands. Be sure to incorporate a range of whole foods (foods that are found in nature) of differing colours to ensure you are providing your body with a wide range of nutrients. Try to always go for foods that are nutritionally dense over processed/refined foods. Drink adequate water to stay hydrated. How do you know how much to drink? A rough guide is 30ml per kg of body weight e.g a 65kg woman will require roughly 1.95 litres per day. #naturopathy #naturopath #clinicalnaturopath #functionalmedicine #totalbalance #chelseaheights #pattersonlakes #bayside #morningtonpeninsula #osteopathy
13.01.2022 Dietitian or nutritionist? It’s a fair question to ask as in Australia, there are many different nutritional professionals who all appear to play similar roles. A dietitian is: A professional who applies the science of food and nutrition to promote health, prevent and treat disease to optimise the health of individuals, groups, communities and populations. A dietitian has undertaken at least 4.5-5 years of tertiary study that includes a range of theory and professiona...l practice in clinical nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and foodservice management. A dietitian is able to work in the public health sector, in private practice, community-based settings, food service settings, as well as clinically in a hospital setting. What is a Nutritionist? There are a number of different ways to become a nutritionist in Australia, as there are no technical requirements that need to be met in order to call yourself a nutritionist. A nutritionist may be someone who has undertaken a tertiary degree in nutrition, such as nutrition science but may also be an individual who has undertaken a 3-12 week course in nutrition. Although a dietitian may have a larger scope of practice, it doesn’t always mean they will be a better practitioner than a nutritionist. It is important to remember that like in any profession there will be some amazing practitioners and some poorer practitioners. It is important to ensure you are considering a practitioner based on their scope of practice, as well as the quality of the practitioner. If you are unsure of what you should be eating, need assistance with your diet, or would like to learn how to take a more balanced approach, book an appointment with our dietitian, Laura, today! To get a more indepth view into the difference between a Dietitan and Nutritionist, check out Lauras blog "The difference between a Dietitian and Nutritionist: --> link in bio #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #dietitian #nutritionist #bettereating #healthylifestyle #loveyourbody #differentfolks #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
13.01.2022 How Complaining Rewires your Brain for Negativity Negative thinking and frequent complaining can actually rewire our brains for continued negativity. Research shows that most people complain once a minute during a typical conversation. Complaining is tempting because it feels good. But like many other things that are enjoyable such as smoking or eating hot chips for breakfast complaining isn’t good for you. Our brains thrive on efficiency. They conserve energy and try not t...o work any harder than they have to. When you repeat a behavior, such as complaining, the neurons in your brain branch out to each other, allowing the flow of information to the right place. Over time, as this behaviour is repeated, this flow of information becomes a well walked path where the destination is known and easy to get to. This makes it much easier to repeat that behaviour in the future so easy, in fact, that you may not even realize you’re doing it. The brain has done its job. It has produced an efficient process that doesn’t really require much energy. It has just built a permanent bridge, rather than a temporary one that constantly needs rebuilding. This allows your brain’s neurons to grow closer together, and the connections between them become more permanent. This is known as, Neurons that fire together, wire together. Complaining has now become your default behaviour. Negative thinking has also become your default. This changes your persona for the people around you and how they view you. You are negative. For more information on negativity, how it effects your health and what you can do to stop it, check out Becs blog "How Complaining Rewires your Brain for Negativity" --> #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #negativity #wiredtocomplain #changeyourperspective #rewireyourbrain #bepositive #behappy #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
11.01.2022 FIBRE, WHY IT'S IMPORTANT, AND HOW IT CAN HELP SUPPORT A HEALTHY GUT Don't forget that we have GAP FREE nutrition and dietetics at the moment!! Laura is an absolute wealth of knowledge, and this video gives you a bit of an idea of just how much she knows!... Head to our website, or give the clinic a call on (03) 9773 8085 to book an appointment. The image and tips that Laura mentioned in the video will be up later today - so keep an eye out! #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #nutrition #dietetics #fibre #guthealth #video #igtv#pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
11.01.2022 Exercise can help maintain mental fitness as well as reduce stress and anxiety. Studies show that exercise can help reduce fatigue, improve alertness and concentration as well as enhance cognitive function. Exercise also helps produce endorphins which are the natural pain killers for our brain. Plus they help promote sleep which in turn helps reduce stress. ... Studies have found that by exercising, you can reduce your overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilise mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. And all it takes is about 5 minutes a day! One vigorous exercise session can help alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety for hours, and a regular schedule may significantly reduce them over time. #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #exerciseformentalhealth #exercisetoreduceanxiety #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #loveyourself #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
10.01.2022 PAINFUL SHOULDER AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT A painful shoulder can be tricky, frustrating and extremely common. Around 1 in 5 of the general population are affected by a shoulder complaint throughout their life, which unfortunately often persist. Even as professionals we admit this to be true. Shoulder pain symptoms can persist for longer than expected, activities which we love doing often have to be modified or avoided, and pain can even finally disappear only to pop up again ...once we start getting back into routine. This kind of stubbornness is not a great quality for a joint we use all day every day! The complexity of the shoulder ultimately lies in the large number of joints, muscles and other structures which are at play in the region. To fix a shoulder injury, the focus initially should be on a 6-12 week shoulder strengthening program devised with your health professional. They will be able to assess any weaknesses you have and help devise a program suited to you and your condition. They will also be able to make sure you are completing your exercises effectively and safely. It’s important to know that your shoulder is likely to NOT require an X-Ray, Ultrasound or MRI. And Cortisone injections and/or surgery shouldn’t be the first port of call in most cases either. The recent evidence suggests corticosteroid injection provides significant but temporary pain relief, which most often does not outweigh the combination of safety and pain relief seen with manual therapy and exercise. To find out more about shoulder injuries and rehabilitation, check out Becs blog "Painful shoulder and what to do with it" --> #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #shoulderpain #bodydontfailmenow #healthebody #noshortcuts #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
09.01.2022 Healthy eating on a budget is achievable by eating food from the five food groups, following dietary guidelines, and probably most importantly, writing a shopping list and following it!! Many people think that eating healthy is expensive and necessitates all the latest health foods. It's important to remember that to have a healthy diet, we don’t need to be filling our diets with loads of supplements and costly specialty foods. Inst...ead, we should be prioritising the five food groups, following the dietary guidelines, and shopping with a grocery list and meal plan in mind. Completing a healthy grocery shop is one of the first steps to having a healthy and balanced diet. Grocery shopping can become expensive without a plan, especially if you are an impulse shopper or go to the store when you are hungry! Here are some of my top tips for eating healthy on a budget: - Sit down and plan out yours and your family’s meals for the week - Make a shopping list - Buy seasonally - Opt for fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables - Buy in bulk/ cook in bulk - Look out for specials and shop around - Opt for plant-based options - Skip superfoods - Opt to increase your water intake - Eat more meals from home - Opt for home brand options - Compare products and read the labels For more information on how to eat healthier on a budget, check out Lauras blog "Healthy Eating On A Budget" --> #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #healthyeating #healthyeatingonabudget #nourishyourbody #nourishyoursoul #healthylifestyle #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
08.01.2022 HEAT PACKS Something you may not know, is that @thewildfloradispensary is Bec's creation (Bec is our director, as well as a naturopath and osteopath). This means that each product on our online shop or in the clinic with one of these labels, was made by Bec herself!! Sometimes with a little help from members of the Total Balance team... So yes, these heat packs are made by us and aren't they beautiful? We've got a few different shapes, as well as a variety of colours and ...patterns. Come into the clinic and check them out! #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #heatpacks #wheatbags #heat #product #products #shop #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
07.01.2022 Kindness. A simple thing that can turn ones day from a bad one to a good one. There are many health benefits to kindness, here are a few; When you are kind your body releases feel good hormones called serotonin, making you feel as good as the person you were kind to. ... Kindness eases anxiety. Thats to say that you being kind to others may help relieve your anxiety! Kindness is good for your heart! When you are kind the hormone oxytocin is released which helps your heart by aiding the dilation of blood vessels and therefore lowering blood pressure. Being kind can help you live longer. When you are kind to others you are more likely to develop a larger network of family and friends. People with larger networks have been shown to be at lower risk of heart disease. Kindness reduces stress. The act of helping others has been shown to have a reduction on stress levels. Oxytocin, which is the hormone released when you do a kind act, is known to reduce inflammation. So by being kind and triggering some oxytocin release in your body and therefore reducing your inflammation, this can have a knock on effect by helping with health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, chronic pain, obesity, and migraines. So while we all know that the reciever of kindness gets the benefits of feeling good, as the giver of kindness you can get some great benefits too! Winners all round! #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #kindness #bekindtooneanother #kindnessishealthy #kindnessmatters #bekind #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
04.01.2022 HASHIMOTOS DISEASE // UNDER-ACTIVE THYROID Feeling tired Insomnia Weight gain... Can't lose weight No appetite Brain fog Lack of memory Depression Puffiness in the face, hands, feet Lack of motivation These are all signs of Hashimotos Disease - an auto immune condition where your immune system attacks your own thyroid and it becomes under-active. Leaving you feeling... Well not great, actually. Hashimotos Disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and unfortunately is commonly missed. The initial tell-tale signs of Hashimotos are subtle and are easily missed on routine investigations. The good news is - Hashimotos is totally manageable! Do you or someone you know have Hashimotos? #osteopathy #naturopathy #wellness #hashimotos #disease #hashimotosdisease #thyroid #underactivethyroid #hypothyroidism #pattersonlakes #chelseaheights #edithvale #aspendale #carrum #chelsea #bonbeach #seaford #carrumdowns
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