Total Body Benefit in Bondi Junction | Sport & recreation
Total Body Benefit
Locality: Bondi Junction
Phone: +61 409 226 321
Address: 385 Oxford Street 2021 Bondi Junction, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 ? Debunking the Myths of Warming Up ¿ There are so many myths out there when it come to warming up and why we should do it. From stretching out our muscles, increasing core body temperature to turning individual muscles on - but is this true? Watch my latest video to find out! #workoutmyths #warmup #exercise... #exercisephysiology #totalbodybenefit #letsgetmoving #painfree #fearfree See more
24.01.2022 There is huge difference between the most efficient way a movement can be performed when completed in optimal conditions and what is the most optimal way for the individual in front of you. Despite having multiple experiences of pain and some structural changes due to previous injuries doesn't mean we cant load that bad boy up and get those individuals moving fear free and pain free. Humans are adaptable! Give them the stimulus and watch them grow!... #totalbodybenefit #exerciseright #exercisephysiology #humansareadaptable #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree See more
23.01.2022 There's no time like the present to exercise! A study recently suggested that every time we say we will "exercise later" we set off the reward centre in our brain giving that feeling of accomplishment. This makes it much harder to practice discipline and results in most people not actually exercising later at all. My tip this week, don't put off later what you can do right now! ... #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercisenow #exerciseright #letsgetmoving #discipline #getitdone #routine See more
22.01.2022 In my last video we spoke about what warm ups aren't and the myths surrounding them. This week we're talking about what is an effective warm up. To keep this as simple as possible for everyone.... the best way to warm up is to do the movement itself - that's it! #warmup #exerciseright #exercisephysiology #letsgetmoving #weeklyvideo #taitsinsights #brutalhonesty #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree
22.01.2022 Pain is always complicated and for athletes leading into comp it can be even more stressful. A little history for this athlete was pain with bench press 6 weeks out from comp and unable to do anything above 60kg. We cleared anything nasty from picture and implemented a simple management strategy for getting him back to bench. 2 weeks in, @jamesulmy was back on train with his peak and smashed a cheeky 110kg bench. The second part of this was he was painfree doing it too! ... If you want to know more dont hesitate to flick me a message or book in where we work with you to help develop your tools for managing pain experiences. @adonisathleticspaddington #exercisephysiology #exercise #exercisescience #pain #painscience #science #painmanagement #prehab #rehab #rehabilitation #paintoperformance #performance #powerlifting #weightlifting #strongman #lifting #exerciseismedicine #ESSA #bench #benchpress #crossfit #gymnastics #strength #strong #strengthtraining #goals #biopsychosocial #BPS #evidence #loadmanagement
22.01.2022 Sharing a little story of my own experience with pain over the long weekend. ~ Due to a bit of a stressful situation as well as quite a few hours of physical inactivity, which I seem to be intolerant to these days, I was experiencing a fair bit of back pain. My quickest way to resolve this back pain (on the side of the road in the middle of country NSW) was to deadlift and squat while changing my tyre in order to clear my mind of any catastraphising thoughts. Ticked both my boxes of 'am I able to deadlift and squat' and by the time I had finished changing my tyre my back was feeling better...mind you the drive home drove me a bit crazy too. ~ #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #squat #deadlift #letsgetmoving #managingpain #realmenwearpink #longweekend @ Nundle, New South Wales
21.01.2022 Maybe we should stop making assumptions about each other. There seems to be some assumption that because those who use a BPS evidence informed approach, they just haven't spent enough time studying biomechanics to realise how much it matters. ... The reality is, I spent most of my years studying it to trying find that 'miracle cure for pain management' everyone kept talking about. Now I am not saying biomechanics doesn't matter but I would just suggest that maybe we ask the person who is raving on about it, how important they think it is. There is reason why groups like SFMA etc. They all have different and sometimes contradicting thoughts on biomechanics and how things "should" work but they all seem to be able to provide strategies for pain management from a reductionistic approach. #exercisephysiology #exercise #exercisescience #physiotherapy #physio #chiro #chiropractor #sportschiro #sportschiropractor #pain #painscience #science #painmanagement #lifting #exerciseismedicine #ESSA #biomechanics #squat #bench #deadlift #bps #biopsychosocial #weightlifting #gymnastics #crossfit
20.01.2022 My pain is not my technique, it's not my scans and it's not my posture. My pain is an accumulation of stressors associated with physical, mental and sociological pressures. It's the narratives I tell myself everytime I go and do something. This is scary AF for me due to previous experiences I've had. I am determined to not let this be a barrier to my participation any longer. By the end of the year I'll have a 100kg Jefferson curls for reps... Mark my words! ... #totalbodybenefit #exercise #exercisephysiology #painscience #pain #biopsychosocial #BPS #painmanagement #backpain #chronicpain #chronicbackpain #jeffersoncurls #lifting #weightlifting #powerlifting #deadlift #resilience
19.01.2022 I do not give a flying fuck what you lift, so long as you give your absolute best! When you give it your best, that's when you start to pump up joocy results. So proud to see this client smash a 5kg PB and get a 30kg deadlift for 6 reps. Shit does not get more exciting than this! ... #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree #pb #deadlift #joocy #pumpitup #trainyourassoff #rehab #giveityourall #tryyourbest #workhard #exercise #exerciseright See more
17.01.2022 Just some fresh reminders for everyone out there this weekend. Load management is key to managing pain, not technique. Humans are adaptable and can tolerate stresses if trained. There is no good or bad technique, however efficient and inefficient does exist depending upon context. I'll just say that one more time for the people in the back, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD TECHNIQUE. ... Hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying their socially distanced weekend. #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #powerlifting #weightlifting #squat #bench #deadlift #lifting #loadmanagement #performance #BPS #biopsychosocial #technique #education
16.01.2022 I love Indiana Jones... literally still want to be him. Good looking, athletic, smart and always gets the girls. Anyway to the point... should we have to same response to practitioners who don't upskill or don't use an evidence based approach? Just yeet them right out the damn window and leave them behind with nothing? If so, how would we classify an evidence based approach to determine who should stay and who shouldn't? Who would even regulate this!? ... #exercisephysiology #physiotherapy #chiropractor #alliedhealth #evidencebasedpractice #evidence #science #health #exercise
16.01.2022 ¿What are Allied Health professionals? In today's video I'm talking about shifting the belief that we are 'fixers'. Whether we use manual therapy or exercise, our goal should be to get people moving again on their own without relying on us. We should not be instilling fear or reliance by telling an individual they are 'broken' or they can be/need to be 'fixed' ... what a load of bs! #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #alliedhealth #debunkingmyths #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree
16.01.2022 Don't forget to check this bad boi out on spotify and iTunes! If you have any questions on current or precious Eps don't hesitate to shoot a message through to @ellen.masson_ep or myself. You may be lucky enough to score yourself the opportunity to come on! Today's podcast coming out soon, with our first guests ever @arbillaexercisephysiology, will be on a study published recently on the effectiveness of weight loss and reducing pain/disability in people with disorders. Should be a spicy one! Any suggestions of booze I can drink while doing this would be appreciated. #totalbodybenefit #intotheredzone #exercisephysiology #exercise #science #paperreview #weightloss #painmanagement #pain #painscience #disability #booze #alcohol #podcast
15.01.2022 Prepping for the podcast tomorrow! Which of these bad bois do you guys think I should pair with my whisky tomorrow? Don't forget, any and all questions regarding posture are welcome! We will be answering them at the start of the podcast with co-host @ellen.masson_ep and @dlaspina_exercisephysiologist. EP 6 coming right at ya!! ... #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercisescience #exercise #posture #podcast #intotheredzone #lifting #powerlifting #weightlifting #rehab #rehabilitation #musculoskeletal
14.01.2022 A client of mine got told the weight she is lifting wasn't very much and she should get a belt so she could lift more by a male who weighs +40kg more than her. The weight she was lifting was a pb for her and she came to me feeling quite demoralised and down on herself. If you do not have something nice to say then dont say anything at all. You dont know why that person isn't lifting as much as you, you dont know why that person isn't using a belt and you certainly have no clue why they are lifting and the impact that comments like that can have on a person and their future training. #exercisephysiology #powerlifting #deadlift #fuckbullying #besupportive #mentalhealth #strong #liftothersup #lifting #community #totalbodybenefit #goals
14.01.2022 Was mucking around on Thursday morning and stupidly rolled my ankle. Decided I should probably do a little rehab. Here is my 90kg safety bar squat rehab for ankle sprain 5 hours after the accident. Was also able to comfortably run on it by Saturday morning! #rehab #mobility #sprainedankle #squats #safetybarsquats #selfcare #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree
13.01.2022 Had the biggest win against my 2years of chronic lower back pain during skills testing last week. Smashed out a 170kg deadlift with sucky technique (knocked the bar away from me twice), managed to recover it, then had to grind like a boss and got overly excited and shouted knowing I had it which made me hitch a little. Without my consistency to training, wanting to get better and patience of my coach, @the_sportperformancecoach, I would not have achieved this. ... There wasn't anything special I did other than not give up and do my best with slowly exposing myself to deadlifting. Next goal is 200kg baby!! @adonisathleticspaddington #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #powerlifting #weightlifting #deadlift #pain #painscience #painmanagement #BPS #biopsychosocial
12.01.2022 10 for 10 overhead squat with an awkward object. Was planning on doing my dining table till I hit the roof with it and thought that may be irresponsible. Squatting "your spine" seemed a little more appropriate. @ellen.masson_ep @arbillaexercisephysiology @jeff_the.running.ep ... @dlaspina_exercisephysiologist #exercisephysiology #totalbodybenefit #exercise #quadzillas #squats #powerlifting #weightlifting #spine #spinehealth #exercise #quarantine
11.01.2022 Today's the big day! First day of Total Body Benefit AT Adonis Athletics Paddington! Bookings available online now! #totalbodybenefit #paddington #exercisephysiology #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree #changeofscenery
10.01.2022 It's always super exciting to see clients get quick results. Amer has never been able to do front squats in the 5 years of serious training. With a couple simple exercises he was able to crush them in 2 weeks. Always inspired by your hard work and discipline buddy! ... Interested in improving any of your lifts or technique? Book a session online today! #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #frontsquat #doyouevenlift #painfree #fearfree... ... #Repost from @amer1142 ... Look who can use a front rack position @totalbodybenefit working his magic. Todays session front squats: 1x5 paused @105kg 4x8 @100kg (not paused, but forgot on the first 2 reps lol) #powerlifting #squats #legday #frontsquats #training #quads #progress #gym #gymlife
09.01.2022 Sometimes all it takes is some good communication to rebuild someone's confidence in their ability to move. Thanks for listening Lord Stu. - Repost from @lord_stuie_thirteen -... My back is currently tighter than a mosquitos butt hole! - Thanks to @totalbodybenefit for taking time to stop me from having a metal meltdown! - @elliesilversfitness @teamesf_ @loadedlifting @sbdapparel @adonisathleticspaddington - #squat #deadlift #powerlifting #fitness #gym #bodybuilding #bench #workout #benchpress #strength #motivation #crossfit #fit #squats #training #strong #fitnessmotivation #legday #weightlifting #powerlifter #gymlife #muscle #fitfam #power #strongman #strengthtraining #personaltrainer #gains #girlswholift #bhfyp
08.01.2022 The big @skwatty_dubbington here has been having some shoulder pain for a few weeks after military press had been added into his new program. After a short talk and a little pain science education, we together came up with a simple solution that could be easily implemented into his program. Our first focus was to reduce intensity as his pain experience was dictated by weight. Thus, to keep RPE to a 7 in his program we implemented 4 second eccentrics. ... The big dog was to continue over the following weeks reduce the eccentric phase of his lift and focus on upping intensity. BAM BABY! 3 weeks on he had a significant decrease in shoulder pain and is back go his original function capacity with more room to increase his strength. @adonisathleticspaddington @the_sportperformancecoach #totalbodybenefit #exercise #exercisephysiology #powerlifting #weightlifting #militarypress #barbell #gym #strong #pain #painscience #BPS #biopsychosocial
08.01.2022 I have decided to include my official title Dr. Sumo in my profile for insta. Sumo is starting to be consistently good and my tolerance is building. Hips are less sore and I am enjoying the challenge. Although my position for sumo is awesome and look efficient as heck, I still need to take my time to conditioning myself to this be a position. @the_sportperformancecoach ... @adonisathleticspaddington #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #exercisescience #adonisathletics #adonis #powerlifting #deadlift #sumodeadlift #learning #conditioning #painscience #pain
08.01.2022 A few people have been asking about how my business has been going lately with the combined impact of COVID-19, gyms, closing and recession looming and if I'm being honest it's been pretty rubbish (clearly sensored by Keely, as you know how many profanities I would usually use)! The good news is, as an allied health professional, I am considered an essential service and as such I have significantly adjusted my business model to meet isolation and social distancing requirement...s. I have shifted most of my services online by utilising the telehealth model to allow me to continue to see clients and help them with their rehab and training needs whilst maintaining the necessary personal safety and distance required at this time. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of my services as an AEP at this time, whether it be to help with an exisiting condtion, that sore back from spending a bit more time on the couch than usual, or just wanting a personalised program to suit personal goals and needs, please feel free to have a chat with me about how I can best help. To those who have already signed up for weekly programing, online consults or even brought by a knife to be sharpened, I cannot thank you enough for your support during this tough time. #exercisephysiology #painmanagement #isolation #alliedhealth #essentialservices #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #aep #totalbodybenefit #exerciseright #exerciserightathome #homeprogram #paddotogether See more
07.01.2022 First, don't hesitate to use things like ice or heat or whatever the hell you think feels good manage your current pain experience. Second, it's not your technique. Change up your training by trying different exercises or reducing overall stress to improve recovery. This is where you should talk to your coach. Third, if it feels good do it and that includes changing technique but that doesn't mean it was your technique. It may just be doing something different that is all took to feel better. Fourth, it's not your technique... not sure how many times I'll need to repeat this. Tissue is adaptable which means you can learn to accommodate anything. If it didn't work like this why the hell are we all training? #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #pain #painmanagement #technique #loadmanagement #adaptation #lifting #powerlifting #weightlifting #squat #bench #deadlift #misconceptions
07.01.2022 For 13 years this client of mine has been told that there was something wrong with him. From a 'disc buldge' to 'you're out of alignment' and even 'your pelvis is rotated'. I remember the first session I had with him and after listening to his story and empathising with him about nothing being able to sleep in his own bed or play with his kids, it was that exact moment, I told him that I thought there is nothing wrong with him. He is a completely normal human being that is ca...pable of great things and he needed to start to believe that as well. To this day I still remember that look of complete shock on his face. Today, after only 5 months of training with me, he was able to deadlift 85kg for 4 reps and more excitingly, he can now pick his kids up without hesitating or even thinking about whether or not he is in the "right position" to lift. #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #deadlift #clientstory #progress #workhardtrainhard #letsgetmoving See more
05.01.2022 My sad attempt at contacting @garminau All I can say to myself is GL Bro hahahaha. I desperately want to track my sprint times as I'm trying to get faster ... #trackandfield #track #sprinting #running #timing #garmin
04.01.2022 @ellen.masson_ep and I have @kowalaby from @theknowledgex coming on today to talk "is exercise just placebo?" Hot damn am I excited!!! If you have any questions don't forget to flick them through! Also don't forget to check out our last podcast with @mattrains_ep on "does technique matter?" All the joocy brain gainz! #intotheredzone #ITRZ #painscience #exercise #exercisescience #rehabilitation #rehab #painmanagement #evidencebasedpractice
04.01.2022 Physiotherapy isn't bad, chiropractic isn't bad and exercise physiology isn't bad. People often treat professions as if they are a type of treatment. They are just professions. What is unique is what each person has learnt while practicing as an allied health professional. All the flak I give toward people for the most part is for a bit of show due to the huge amount of passion I have for my industry. ... The most important thing an allied health practitioner can have is empathy for the person in front if them. I also don't think people get into this to make money. Solid chats with @ellen.masson_ep #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #physiotherapy #chiropractor #alliedhealth #exercise #continuingeducation
03.01.2022 Next podcast is available now on Spotify and iTunes! This weeks episode is on posture and anyone who has spoken to me about posture would already know how much the idea of the perfect posture really gets me riled up. Give it a listen, and our other ones if you haven't already.
03.01.2022 F**k your text neck! #necktraining #strengthtraining #doyouevenlift #doyouevennecktrain #textneck #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #adonisathletics
03.01.2022 After 5 years, I'm officially wrapped up at Bondi Junction and ready for the next step of Total Body Benefit, moving to @adonisathleticspaddington. Thanks everyone for all your support in the past 5 years and can't wait to share this next chapter of Total Body Benefit with you! #totalbodybenefit #letsgetmoving #exercisephysiology #appreciationpost #thanks #herestothenextfive #movingday
02.01.2022 With all the chaos and mayhem going on work has been pretty darn quiet. That doesn't stop me providing at home programs though! Here is papa crushing his home program with minimal equipment. The awesome part of home programming is you don't even need to have equipment for the average active individual. So if you're looking for some weekly at home programming I am putting the offer out at $30 a week, well below my usual rates!... #exercisephysiology #totalbodybenefit #tailoredworkout #workoutfromhome #wfh #coronavirus #sydney #exercise #exerciseright #exerciseismedicine #helpsmallbusinesses #Paddington #adonisathletics #weights #bodyweighttraining #calisthenics #exercisembb
02.01.2022 I am not anti-manual therapy. As I always say if it feels good do it! I am just anti shitty narravtives. Leading people to believe you are adjusting their tissue to where its "meant" to be so they aren't in pain anymore is one of these narratives. ... This is why I am pro exercise! However, shitty narravtives like turning on muscles/activating them is just as shitty a narrative. I guess you could say I am probably more pro evidence, pro narravtives that provide the opportunity for an individual to grow their self-effacy and interdependence. So it's not about manual therapy vs exercise but more about how we use these interventions to help people for the long term and not have them rely on us. #exercisephysiology #exercise #exercisescience #physiotherapy #physio #chiro #chiropractor #pain #painscience #science #painmanagement #lifting #exerciseismedicine #ESSA #manualtherapy #passivetreatment
02.01.2022 So proud of this absolute weapon of a human. Amanda came to me asking for help as the problem with her bench had gotten so overwhelming that she was struggling to unrack even 40kg. We sat down and discussed the situation calmly as there was a comp coming up which was a pretty big stressor. There had been some pretty negative narratives passed on, leading her to feel weak and inadequate. ... We determined that her end range extension seemed to be sensitive so we focused around normalising what that felt like. This information was passed onto other her practitioners and her coach. After our first session involving a couple exercises, Amanda was able to unrack and bench press 50kg. After 5 days she smashed out 80kg!!! A previous PB. I am really proud of you and can't wait to be there to support you this Sunday!! @embody.performance @amandarrahme @adonisathleticspaddington #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #exercise #bench #benchpress #powerlifting #weightlifting #BPS #biopsychosocial #pain #painscience #painfree #painmanagement #stronggirls #strong #girlswholift #lifting #liftlikeagirl
02.01.2022 I have been working with this absolute freak beast, @amer1142, across 4 sessions now. We've been working on managing a few experiences of pain and helping achieve more efficient lifting techniques. In 4 weeks he went from having little to no arch on his bench, to me needing to call a god damn priest to perform an exorcism everytime he benches. I cant wait to see some massive numbers coming up at nationals this weekend for this serious athlete! #totalbody...benefit #powerlifting #exercisephysiology #painmanagement #performance #technique #lifting #swole #professionalathlete #painfree #benchpress #adonisathletics #paddington #doyouevenlift See more
02.01.2022 Blew my mind when I heard this I'm not a psychologist and I certainly didn't fix anything. I laid a path down for this individual to discover on their own and I was there to help if needed, my tool is exercise to help them, help themself. #totalbodybenefit #exercisephysiology #testimonial #feelthelove #letsgetmoving #fearfree #painfree #funtionalmovement
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