Total Myotherapy in Drouin, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
Total Myotherapy
Locality: Drouin, Victoria
Phone: +61 414 335 743
Address: Suite 13, 22-26 Princes Way 3818 Drouin, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Holiday time! I am signing off for a few days as we head off on our annual family holiday. Appointments for next week are filling up fast - please feel free to log on at to check availability and secure a time. I will be back in the clinic on Tuesday 14/11. Cheers, Alby
24.01.2022 Thanks for the shout out Ben! If you want to join the gym but aren't keen on the larger ones with busy class timetables then be sure to speak to Ben at Drouin Health and Fitness - a great boutique gym with heaps of parking at the rear #strength #mobility
23.01.2022 We all know that the year is coming to an end very fast. So why dont you book in a treatment to ease those niggles and aches with some massage to get you through the festive season. . . . .... #myotherapy #massage #warragul #drouin #gippsland #bawbaw #health #muscles #remedialmassage #takingcareofyourbody See more
23.01.2022 @Regrann from @yourminiphysio - Cramp is a nightmare isn't it, imagine getting it in the middle of a tournament or a marathon. Urgh! . . So what is Cramp A cramp is the TIGHTENING of a muscle into the contracted state. We contract & relax our muscles everytime.. that's what muscle do anyway! .... But in the case of cramps, the muscle just stays CONTRACTED.. and when it stays that way for too long w/o relaxing, you feel sharp & intense pain. . What causes cramps Leg cramps can be caused by many conditions, ranging simply from dehydration to something more serious like kidney/liver disease.. Some examples listed above . . However, in most cases, the cramps that we as ATHLETES encountered are the stiff muscles & possibly dehydration too! So if you STRETCH regularly the muscles that's always affected at home, do adequate WARM UP pre-workout & HYDRATE yourself, you shall be able to reduce the chance of getting cramps. If your conditions improve, good! Make it a habit! . If it's not improving & still bother you a lot or causing SEVERE pain (to a point you could no longer stand it), you might want to ask your GP to investigate further & perhaps precribe you some painkillers & muscle relaxants. . #myotherapy #massage #massagetherapy #running #cramp #athletes #sports #injury #exercise #muscles #treatment #body #dehydration #energy See more
23.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS! Total Myotherapy is moving... I look forward to working alongside the team from Action Rehab in Drouin. My new space is light and bright, provides a proper waiting room and there is ample parking at the back of the building.... Bookings at the new space commence on 19th April. To book phone 0414 335 743. All appointments until the 19th will be at the Healers Shack. Happy Friday!! #strength #mobility #localtherapist #myotherapy
22.01.2022 What a great day yesterday at the Soft Tissue Congress. It is so good to be in an industry that continually looks to improve and provide a better service. Total Myotherpay is committed to ongoing training and education to ensure we provide our clients the most up to date and effective treatment possible. . . . #drouin #warragul #bawbaw #gippsland #myotherapy #remedialmassage #massage #manualtherapy #alliedhealth #musclepain #dryneedling #exercise #mobility #strength #wegotyou
21.01.2022 Exercise is just as effective as certain medications for treating anxiety and depression - John J Ratey
21.01.2022 This group of muscles is blamed in many cases of shoulder pain. It plays an important role in shoulder stability and function, but these muscles and tendons often take a beating because of issues going on elsewhere (scapula, thoracic spine, etc) The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. As you can see, they insert and wrap around the ball of the shoulder at different angles. When functioning properly, the rot...ator cuff acts to stabilize the ball of the shoulder in the socket. It works to centre the ball in the middle of the socket so that the joint can work properly (spin,roll, glide freely). It is often trained in isolation at the gym or in rehab. While this can play a minor role, it must be trained for its purpose, so that the whole group of muscles does its job to centrate the joint. #myotherapy #remedialmassage #fitness #health #healthymind #exercise #gym #running #shoulder #rotatorcuff #painfree
20.01.2022 Have you or has someone you know been putting up with a persistent ache or pain? No one should have to put up with chronic pain. We may be time poor and may not want to part with a lot of money but getting help to reduce pain and increase mobility is a process. There is no 'quick fix'. ... Your commitment to regular treatment is key to obtaining results that will remain long term. So, are you ready to make a change? I can almost guarantee you'll feel better for it.
19.01.2022 @Regrann from @drhawk_rehab - Are Your Hamstrings Actually Tight? - Ep.22 (HS Series 4/5) . Your pelvic position plays a huge role in how your hamstrings feel. With a neutral pelvis there is balance between the hip flexors and hamstrings. Any tightness here is ok to be stretched out. . But when we see an anteriorly tilted pelvis (like the pic on the right) it changes the game. The short hip flexors pull the front of the pelvis down . This by default causes the back of t...he pelvis where the hamstrings attach to be pulled up . It gives the hamstrings the sensation of being tight without even moving! . So that sensation of tightness, may not be true tightness at all! Stretching the hamstrings further won't make a difference. You have to slack from the other side (loosen the hip flexors, or tilt the pelvis back), to settle the hamstrings back to normal length. . This is a gamechanger for rehab: If you can't normalize that pelvis or get hip extension...the hamstrings will always take on more load when running, kicking, etc. When I saw this from @dr.jacob.harden it blew my mind. Did you guys know this concept? sound off below if your tilt is causing your hamstring tightness . #hamstrings #toronto #myodetox #anatomy #workout ____________________________ DrHawk - This information is not medical advice, if you are in pain please see your local rehab specialist - #regrann Such good information regarding the hamstrings See more
19.01.2022 Posterior to Anterior Mobilizations --------- The central and unilateral (shown here) posterior to anterior spinal mobilizations can be very useful in the diagnosis and treatment of painful conditions of the spine. These techniques are designed to passively move the synovial, facet joints of the spine and are considered positive when the movement of the segment reproduces the patient's symptoms. Once the involved segment(s) is identified, the practitioner can then provide osc...illatory mobilizations to reduce pain. The mechanism underpinning these mobilizations is not clearly understood, but is thought to induce neurophysiological changes that work to modulate the pain experience. If you are experiencing spinal pain, find a practitioner who specializes in manual therapy and can add these techniques to a multi-modal treatment approach that includes the addition of exercise. #myotherapy #health #fitness #gym #running #wellbeing #massage #remedialmassage #muscles #joints #improvelifestyle #dryneedling #exercise
18.01.2022 And just like that it's February! January is the time for resolutions, setting new goals and starting the year right! If you're like me, exercise always makes it's it way into my resolutions. Are you ticking off your goals? Have you undertaken to do something new this year? Perhaps you're part of a group fitness challenge? Or even going to have a go at our local park run?... There is so much on offer in our local area! Don't under estimate the benefits of a good remedial massage and some stretching/corrective exercises to help both before and after exercise. Treat yo-self!
18.01.2022 Why did I choose to become a Myotherapist? Due to the physical limitations following my leg injury I was not able to return to work in my field (cabinet making). When I made the decision to return to study so I could obtain a new qualification I really wanted to do something where I could help others in the same way I have been helped on my journey of rehabilitation.... Massage therapy allowed me to achieve this and so began my Certificate IV studies. Studying came naturally - I loved learning about the musculoskeletal system and the functions of the body. Taking the next step to study Myotherapy was an easy decision. I love meeting new clients and helping them on their journey to greater mobility, increased strength & reduced pain. My team of therapists played a huge part in allowing me to achieve my main goal - being able to run again. I now run regularly and have even completed a half marathon. Do you have an injury, strain or muscle weakness that is holding you back from doing something you love? I would love to help you on your journey to improvement.
18.01.2022 I am always tight and sore in the neck and shoulders- something that I hear said very often to me in the clinic. There is always an underlying reason for why we develop tight, sore, and short muscles A number of important reasons our muscles get tight: 1. Underlying instability (the brain tightens up other muscles to provide stability when it is lacking somewhere) ... 2. Habitual postures (muscles and tissues will adapt to the positions we put them in or use them in most often) - think sitting! Muscle imbalances that develop based on the way we also move. Are you quad dominant vs hip dominant? #myotherapy #massage #muscles #wellbeing #gym #remedialmassage #running #movement #health #exercise #fitness #mobility #pain #strong #neckpain #tight #sore See more
17.01.2022 Quadratus Lumborum King Of Back Pain!! If the gluteus medius is the queen of back pain the quadratus lumborum will be KING!!! This muscle will bring grown men to their knees crawling on all 4 when acting up. A shorten and tight QL can restrict pelvic movement, pull the ribcage down and put an abnormal curve in your back, making you appear to have scoliosis or a short leg. A tight QL can be caused by a weak and inhibited Gluteal muscles. When your butt is slacking your QL i...s working extra hard which eventually tires out and all of a sudden you blow out your back picking up a pen off the ground. Facts 1 Prolong tension in the QL can eventually cause sciatica pain 2 Can be a cause of acute and chronic low back pain 3 When acting up coughing or sneezing will bring sharp agonizing pain 4Deep aching pain during rest and made worst when standing or sitting 5 Any side bending, twisting, forward lean pelvic movement can be painful 6 Turning over in your bed can be extremely difficult and painful as well 7 Referral pain pattern can occur in the hips, butt, around the SI joint. Sometimes it can refer to the front as well in your groin, tested, scrotum and down your thigh. If you are experiencing any of these you should definitely check this muscle out. Tag a friend with back pain!!! #myotherapy #dryneedling #massage #exercise #betterhealth #betterbody #health #fitness #gym #running #pain #painfree #regrann
16.01.2022 Some of you may be wondering what Myotherapy really is. Myotherapy focuses on the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain and associated conditions. How is myotherapy different to physiotherapy? Apart from the level of education (physio's hold a degree and myo's hold an advanced diploma) myotherapists are usually more ‘hands on’ during treatment (more massage). Myotherapists are qualified to perform a range of techniques other than massage including... trigger point therapy, dry needling, joint mobilization and corrective exercises. Don’t be put off by those big words great results can be achieved with as little as regular deep tissue massage and some simple exercises you can do at home. I’m committed to your rehabilitation. Are you?
15.01.2022 @Regrann from @joetherapy - DO YOU HAVE A KNOT BETWEEN YOUR SHOULDER BLADES? Rhomboid | Pain & Symptoms | Clients with active rhomboid trigger points will have any or all of the following symptoms: _... DO YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE SYMPTOMS??? 1 Pain Between the Shoulder Blades: an aching (but not deep) pain that is felt along the inside of the shoulder blade. 2 Pain is usually felt at rest and not typically affected my movement. 3 The client may repeatedly reach to rub this area for relief. - The client will likely have rounded-shoulder, sunken chest posture where tight pec muscles pull the shoulder forward, producing a chronic strain and stretch on the rhomboids and middle trapezius muscles. - The following events or activities may activate or reactivate the rhomboid trigger points: _ Head-forward, rounded-shoulder, sunken-chest posture as previously described. Sitting in front of a for long periods promotes this postural distortion. Sleeping on the side can compress the shoulder between the bed and trunk. This compression forces the shoulder blade towards the spine, putting the rhomboid muscle fibers in a shortened state for a prolonged period of time, and predisposing the muscle to developing trigger point activity. ' Working with the arms held above the head, such as when a ceiling, can overload the rhomboid muscles as they undergo a sustained contraction to stabilize the shoulder girdle. Any seated activity that requires one to lean forward for long periods of time, such as writing at a desk! #myotherapy #remedialmassage #gym #running #fitness #health #tightness #triggerpoint #stressed #pain #sore #muscles #therapy #movepainfree #betterhealth
15.01.2022 @Regrann from @kinectmd - Medial tibial stress syndrome (MTSS), commonly known shin splints, is a condition of the tibia (front bone- lower leg), and can be correlated with tendinopathy, periostitis, periosteal remodeling, and stress reaction of the tibia. This condition is commonly found in athletes who make sudden starts and stops. It is caused by repetitive stress-injury on the shin and its surrounding tissues and musculature.Medial shin splints are more common anterior shin splints, where diffuse pain is along the medial border of the tibia (the junction of the lower third and upper two-thirds of the tibia), which usually decreases with warming up. Whereas anterior shin splints occur toward the outside, usually when the anterior and posterior leg muscles are disproportionate. MTSS is most likely to occur when the muscles and tendons are under excessive stress and do not have sufficient time to heal (which may result in a series of stress fractures). It’s important to rest and apply ice to the affected area during the acute phase of treatment. In order to avoid shin splints completely, wear comfortable shoes and add shock-absorbing insoles, stretch the Achilles tendon through eccentric calf stretches and strengthening exercises also ensure a proper warm up. Vacuum (cupping) therapy and soft tissue therapy are also beneficial. Strengthening abdominal, gluteal and hip muscles will also improve running mechanics and prevent lower-extremity overuse injury. Improvement of flexibility, especially propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) is important in rehab programs. #KinectMD - #regrann #myotherapy #fitness #pain #healthy #gym #running #betteryou #betterhealth #remedialmassage See more
14.01.2022 How good was the sunshine yesterday?! Hope your week is off to a flying start!
14.01.2022 Treating Plantar fascia with Kinesiology tape.... What is Kinesiology tape?!? It is a thin, stretchy, elastic cotton strip with an acrylic adhesive. Therapeutic kinesiology tape that can benefit a wide variety of musculoskeletal and sports injuries, plus inflammatory conditions. Kinesiology tape is almost identical to human skin in both thickness and elasticity, which allows kinesio tape to be worn without binding, constricting or restriction of your movement.... Kinesio tape is used for treating athletic injuries and a variety of physical disorders. For the first decade after its introduction practitioners in Japan were the main users of the therapeutic kinesiology tape. By 1988 the tape had been adopted by Japanese Olympic and professional athletes before spreading across the world. You would have noticed that more an more professional athletes use kinesiology taping improve their sporting performance, prevent injury and allow them to return to sport quicker.
13.01.2022 Do you get neck pain sitting at your computer or driving? Do you get tension or cervicogenic headaches? Make sure you're checking your suboccipitals.... The suboccipital muscles are a group of muscles defined by their location to the occiput. Suboccipital muscles are located below the occipital bone. These are four paired muscles on the underside of the occipital bone; the two straight muscles (rectus) and the two oblique muscles (obliquus). A forward head posture, head or neck injury, breathing dysfunction or as a response to stress can cause the sub occipitals to protectively spasm/tension potentially leading to a range of issue - some of which are listed above. #myotherapy #health #fitness #improvebody #improvemind #sports #officework #gym #everydaylife
12.01.2022 @Regrann from @strengthcoachtherapy - Neck Pain Relief Commonly we find that neck joints (cervical spine) become stiff or locked much like a rusty hinge. This usually causes protective muscle spasm of some neck and shoulder muscles and weakness of others. For those who don’t know, a peanut is a mobility tool where you take two tennis balls and tape them together or put them in a sock. There are many companies that make these, I’ve used quite a few. And I’m here to tell y...ou I’ve found my favorite. . These exercises are designed to stretch and mobilize a stiff or uncomfortable neck. I've never had a tension headache, but I hear those are a thing and they suck too. Either way, these movements feel great even if your neck isn’t bothering you. I find them relaxing. The focus here is on a chin tuck while activating the deep anterior neck flexors. . Linkin Park - Numb (RIP Chester) . #Joints #Myotherapy #Massage #Exercises #Muscles #TightNeck #NeckPain - #regrann See more
12.01.2022 How's your to do list looking? A regular massage not only assists with the management of soft tissue strains and injuries but also helps to reduce stress, pain and muscle tension
10.01.2022 @Regrann from @vitasphysio - The glutes are the master control muscle for every joint below them including the ankle/foot. This crucial complex of hip stabilizers ensures we have proper balance and stability each time our foot hits the ground Have flat feet? Check your glutes. good chance they aren’t doing their job of controlling the leg which allows for the knee, ankle and foot to collapse inward. Instead of covering up the problem with orthotics which only lead to furt...her dysfunction, solve the problem by getting the glutes back online This not only corrects foot position but re-aligns your entire lower body posture - prevents injury and increases strength, power and your ability to run optimally Most people lose the glutes because of the stiffness that develops from too much time spent in the sitting position. Escape the chair, reclaim your glutes and you will solve the mystery of why you have flat feet. #myotherapy #health #betterbody #betterhealth #improve #fitness #running #gym #focus
09.01.2022 Happy 2018!! Erika from @macandernie has inspired me to kick start the year with a little bit about me. So, here are 5 things you may not know about me... * I have 8 toes. Some of you may be aware I broke my leg playing soccer in 2010 and some crappy complications resulted in the blood flow to my foot being compromised and my fourth & fifth toes being amputated.... * The majority of my family live in Italy. I have been back twice and look forward to taking the family over sometime in this lifetime. * I've had a crash course in building over the past 12 months as we commenced renovations on our house. I really should audition for The Block (not!). My father in law (Les Wright - Wright Builders) has been a huge help in how much we have been able to achieve. There is still so much to do!! * I'm mad for singing in the shower. Say My Name by Destiny's Child is my go to. * I met my wife almost 7 years ago and proposed after just 11 months of being together. You just 'know' when you've met The One! We now have two boys (Luca 3 & Rocco 10 months). See more
09.01.2022 In case you were wondering....Yes! You can claim treatments to your private health insurance (subject to your policy)
07.01.2022 February is birthday month! 1 year ago today I took the next step in my career and began Total Myotherapy. To improve my service we are making some changes.. keep an eye on the page for details. To my existing clients - thank you for your loyalty over the past year. I look forward to working with you to continue to achieve your strength & wellness goals. To prospective new clients - feel free to give me a call to chat about the pain you are experiencing. I use a range of tech...niques to ensure you get the right treatment - its not just remedial massage. Here's to greater health & mobility in 2018. - Alby #mobility #strength
07.01.2022 Limited spots available so get in early! Have a happy and safe festive season. . . . #myotherapy #massage #exercise #remedialmassage #gippsland #bawbaw #warragul #drouin #health #fitness #lifestyle #lookafteryourself #merrychristmas
06.01.2022 It's been a long time coming! Today, I am proud to launch my website which offers an online booking tool for your convenience. Click the link below to take a look or make an appointment...... #strength #mobility
05.01.2022 Here we have Benny from @drouinhealthfitness. I am getting him to do a lateral squat walk that gets those glutes burning. This is one of my favourite exercises and is really good to do if you have any issues like lower back, hip or knee pain.
04.01.2022 @Regrann from @dr.jacob.harden - HOW TO FIX YOUR ACHING MIDBACK The thoracic spine naturally curves forward, known as a kyphosis. Day to day habits and lifestyles typically have us curled forwards, increasing this kyphotic curve. And because we tend to spend hours in that position, we begin to lock our bodies down into that posture. Then one day you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror , and see that hunchback you've formed. You've locked yourself into that increased... kyphotic curve, now having a HYPERKYPHOSIS. Getting yourself unlocked again takes just as much time as it took to get you stuck there. But it can often be done. You just have to make daily habits changes and put in work to make the change. Check the pic here. The Shortened muscles often need some TLC in the form of mobility work. The Stretched muscles need improvements in end range strength and endurance to hold you up again. #myotherapy #health #wellbeing #fitness #muscles #FutureproofYourBody - #regrann
04.01.2022 Hard to believe today is the first official day of summer!!! What comes to mind when you think of Summer? For me, summer means plenty of time outdoors, bbqs, beers in the sunshine and plenty of time with family & friends.... It also means Christmas is almost upon us and the new year is just around the corner... Let the planning for 2018 begin!
04.01.2022 New beginnings start tomorrow! Now located in DROUIN - Suite 13, 22-26 Princes Hwy
04.01.2022 We now have gift vouchers!! If you are stuck for finding someone a gift this festive season we have vouchers available. A one hour treatment is a great start if they have an ache/pain or they just want to unwind with a massage. Please contact me on 0414335743 #myotherapy #massage #drouin #warragul #bawbaw #gippsland #remedialmassage #gippyhealth #xmasgifts
03.01.2022 Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. - Albert Einstein. #internationalmensday2019 #mentalhealthawareness #positivevibes #lookafteryourself #lookafteryourbody
02.01.2022 The weekend weather wasn't ideal but it didn't bother me. With the help of others I've been working on a few new things for the business that I will share with you soon. In the meantime, we are excited for the week ahead. Our new look room and location are all systems go as of Thursday. Are you booked in? Hope to see you there soon!... #strength #mobility
02.01.2022 @Regrann from @rehabscience - Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) ---------- SMT involves specific positioning of the patient's body and a specific movement (direction, magnitude of force and amplitude) by the practitioner. In the spine, manipulative therapy most directly affects the facet joints, which are synovial joints that allow our spine to move in all three planes of motion (sagittal, frontal & transverse). Like other synovial joints, the facet joints contain synovial ...fluid and are surrounded by a fibrous joint capsule composed of connective tissue. . The facet joints are often thought to be a source of pain and often respond quite well to various forms of joint mobilization. What you should know, however, is that the popping sound you hear when having your spine manipulated/adjusted is nothing more than a pressure change in the facet joints, just like popping the joints of your hands. It has NOTHING to do with correcting the alignment of the spine. Any practitioner who claims otherwise and tries to convince you that 'tune-up' treatments are necessary to maintain proper spinal alignment is simply not reading the research or more interested in their bank account than your health. . At the end of the day, research has demonstrated time and time again that manual therapy can be helpful, but the effects are largely short-lived. A long-term recovery program should focus more on active interventions like exercise as these have much more evidence in terms of promoting long-term positive outcomes in both function and pain. Bialosky JE et al. The Mechanisms of Manual Therapy in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Pain: A Comprehensive Model. Manual Therapy. 2009. . . . #myotherapy #rehab #pain #backpain #lowbackpain #nervoussystem #nerve #nervepain #sciatica #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #chiropractic #massagetherapy #manualtherapy #exercise #exercisescience #kinesiology #orthopedics #biomechanics #physiology #prehab #medicine #spine #spinehealth #movement #mobility See more
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