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24.01.2022 Welcone to the new Total Training Facebook page.
21.01.2022 Post a question and see if we can help
21.01.2022 In Excel Ctrl and arrows move you a contiguous* block of data up, down, left or right at a time. Ctrl Page Up or Page Down move you a Worksheet at a time forwards or backwards Ctrl Enter accepts the value or formula entered without leaving the cell. This makes it quicker to copy.... Ctrl Home takes you to cell A1 on the current worksheet & Ctrl End takes you to the bottom right of the used space in a worksheet. See more
02.01.2022 *contiguous - touching; adjoining. There is only one non-contiguous state in Australia and that is Tasmania. Qld and WA are contiguous as Qld touches NSW which touches Vic etc. USA has 2 non-contiguous states in the USA. Hawaii and Alaska. Alaska is on the same land mass Canada stretches from coast to coast and therefore none of the northern states on the USA touch or adjoin Alaska.
01.01.2022 In Word Ctrl and arrows move you a word at a time left and right and a paragraph at a time up and down. Ctrl Page Up or Page Down move you a Page at a time forwards or backwards Ctrl Backspace deletes a word at a time to the left & Ctrl Delete deletes a word at a time to the right... Ctrl Home takes you to the beginning of the document & Ctrl End takes you to the end of the document See more