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Touch Of Meraki in Sydney, Australia | Arts and entertainment

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Touch Of Meraki

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 414 693 962

Address: SYDNEY 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Saturday Night Attire .. party season is baaaacckk! Hope you’re all dressing up, even if you’re staying in.. - -... #saturday #saturdaynight #saturdayvibes #dressup #out #out #sparkles #sparklydress #sparklyfashion #sarahshakeel See more

24.01.2022 How stunning are these !!!

24.01.2022 Happy Easter Folks! We hope youre enjoying lockdown holidays!! Stay safe and keep up the creativity!! See you on the other side. - - #happyeaster #happyeastereveryone #eastersunday #easterbunny #easterlockin #lockdown #isobunny #iso #isolation #cv19 #easter2020 ... #keepingthesparkalive #keepcreative #creatives #bodyart #facepaint #bunnyface #bunny #whiterabbit #downtherabbithole #aliceinlockdown See more

24.01.2022 Wow ... what a weekend!! We had a double whammy of spectacular events on both Friday AND Saturday that were hosted by the incredible team @teamevent. We absolutely loved being a part of both their White Christmas party and their Summer Picnic. Set up right by our stunning harbour .. it really was something special. Thank you for having us, we loved adding our signature sparkles!! We look forward to the next spectacular event. ... - - #events #sydneyevents #corporateevents #evententertainment #glitterbar #glittermakeup #glitterlife #christmasevent #christmasparty #bodyart #bodygems #bodyglitter #touchofmeraki #braidbar #glambar #eventsupplier #sydneyparties #festivalmakeup #creativemakeup #teammeraki See more

24.01.2022 Well its definitely not been the best start for 2020 for our country. However despite the devastating crisis we are dealing with, it has been heartwarming to see how much support has been given to us in this desperate time. Humanity can be pretty amazing when we all work together and aid one another instead of work against each other. Its a beautiful thing to see. We have chosen to support a number of charity groups and for anyone who would like to offer support but not s...ure where, here are a few pages you can head to with links for donations. - - Change only happens when individuals take action lets all act together to make this amazing world of ours better for all. if we all individually do our bit to lessen our carbon footprint, things would change. - - @wireswildliferescue @wwf_australia @redcrossau @nswrfs @vinniesnsw @givit_aus @cfavic @salvosau @foodbankaus @celestebarber - #australia #australianbushfires #charities #donate #giveback #humanity #helponeanother #decreasecarbonfootprint #awareness #climatechange #fireseason #aussiewildlife #saveaussiewildlife #saveaustralia #wwf #wires #redcross #vinnies #celestebarber #foodbank #firefighters #nswfirefighters #ruralfirefighters #vicfirefighters @ Australia See more

23.01.2022 Or is it Monday Smonday?! When you do the thing you love.. Monday’s are like Friday’s! We hope you all kick start your week with positive vibes .. and own the shit out of your Monday tomorrow! - -... #monday #positive #positivevibes #mondayshmonday #getit #creativelife #dowhatyoulove See more

21.01.2022 How cool is this!!

21.01.2022 Because we need to see something beautiful right now ...

19.01.2022 Pretty Poppy in Pink! Back when clubs were open and weekends were about socialising not social distancing... Were getting there though!! - -... #glitter #glitterart #faceart #events #jewels #gems #gemart #bedazzled #bejeweled #ivy #outout #pink #sydneyevents #sydneyparties #eventlife #faceandbodyart #sparkes #glitterlife See more

18.01.2022 WERE BACK IN BUSINESS!! We are looking forward to getting out the glitter and gems again and joining you for your special events and parties!! Its been a strange time, but we are SO ready to get back to it! Lets make some magic together. Covid safe... obviously! -... - #events #sydneyevents #sydneyparties #covid19 #outofcovid #backtowork #openshop #glitter #bodyart #gems #sparkle #glitterart #faceart #bodyglitter #partyart #sydneycreatives #sydneyparties #outofiso See more

17.01.2022 Weird, uncertain times were all going through. Especially for us creatives, who rely on events and predominantly large gatherings for our income to come in! This fiasco has created quite a snowball effect and is hitting HARD. We just have to remember that it WILL get better. So in the mean time, try to do positive things to keep your head in a good place. Its easy to latch onto negativity and be taken on that road .. which can lead to depression and all kinds of mental hea...lth issues. Today, I am going for a walk, then attacking my storage unit and spring cleaning, making lists and organising myself for the future when things are better again and we can pick up our glitter sticks and makeup brushes and do what we do best and make people happy! To all the amazing event businesses we work with and to all the creatives we cross along the way... stay strong. If anyone wants to have a chat .. just send me a message or pick up the phone. Love to all. - - #staystrong #creatives #keepcalmandcarryon #reset #regroup #bepositive See more

16.01.2022 Backstage doing hair and makeup on @livcontortion for an event with the amazing team from @event_emporium. - - #events #corporateevents #sydneyevents #hairandmakeup #creativemakeup #creativemua #gold #50thanniversary #anniversary #goldtheme #goldmakeup #golden #performers #circustheme #circdusoleil #circus #glitter #glitterart #creativehairstyles #sparkle #tbt #throwback

16.01.2022 These are so cool!!!

15.01.2022 Happy hump day!!! - - #booty #cutiebooty #glitterbum #toosh #glitter #glittermakeup #glitter #bodyart #bodypaint #bodypainting #henparty #hendo #sydneyevents #sydneyeventsupplier #partysupplier #shimmer #sparkleart #bedazzled #bare #barebutt #humpdayvibes #humpday

15.01.2022 Bewitched.. this gorgeous, unique design by one of our talented artists, captured in the crowd - - #faceart #facepaint #uniquedesigns #bewitched #spellbound #club #clublife #sydneyevents #sydneyclubs #sydneymusicscene #bohemian #bohostyle #bohoart #glitterart #meraki #festivalfashion #festivalmakeup #festivallooks #red #rubyred

15.01.2022 Our kinda Hopper !!!

14.01.2022 Stepping into the week like .... @jennydinovi - - #bodyart #glitter #glittermakeup #glitterart #bodypaint #bodyjewels #festiveseason #festivallook #festivalvibes #festivalfashion #festivaloutfit #bejewelled #bedazzled #glittertits #jewels #sydneyevents #sydneyparties #sydneyeventsupplier #eventsupplier

13.01.2022 In our world .. were all fantastical, creative, magical creatures.... - - #magical #unicorn #mermaid #creatures #fantastical #mermadia #unicornicus #creatives #imaginativesouls #reallivemermaid #fairy #magic #thefunlife

12.01.2022 We heart this !!!!

11.01.2022 So a thing happened ... our work was published in the latest edition of @ellementsmagazine. Our founder @leorabekk, did a collaboration with a very talented team of artists and this is the result. - -... Photography @varunbondwal Model @anissavb Styling - @leorabekk & @ra_production_ HMUA - @leorabekkartistry Body Art - US @touchofmeraki Costume @leah_lelash @ - - #published #magazine #magazineshoot #editorial #publication #creativemakeup #creativeeditorial #sydneycreatives #theelements #ellementmagazine #glitterart #glittermakeup #bodyart #creativemakeup #fashionstory #beautyeditorial #bejewelled #gems #bodyjewels #aqua #air #fire #earth #motherearth #mothernature @ Sydney, Australia See more

11.01.2022 One of our beauties on Saturday nights at Dressed by @beccpaulsoncreativeco! We love these girls! - - #touchofmeraki #merakiart #dancer #dancers #catsuit #captainhat #glitter #glitterart #glittermakeup #faceart #facegems #festivalmakeup #festivalstyle #festivaloutfit #sparkles #clubmakeup #ministryofsound #ivy #merivale

11.01.2022 Doll Face. - - #halloween #halloweenmakeup #halloweencostume #doll #dollmakeup #dollface #dollfacemakeup #creativemakeup #creativemua #glitter #glittermakeup #glitterart #bodyart #faceart #sydneyevents #sydneyhalloween #clubmakeup #sydneyclubs

10.01.2022 Happy Halloween!!!! These are our kind of Pumpkins

10.01.2022 We at Touch Of Meraki would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas! We are so very thrilled to have been involved with so many amazing parties and events this year and hope that we have brought you joy with all our blingy, sparkly art! We look forward to creating more magical entertainment for you all in 2020!! - - Happy Christmas and a Merry Always .. much love, the Meraki tribe. ... - - #merrychristmas #happyholidays #happynewyear #touchofmeraki #glitterlove #happyholidays #thanksforagreatyear See more

09.01.2022 If you dont believe in unicorns ... then you cant sit with us! - - These gorgeous creatures were found strutting around on the weekend at a birthday party in Alexandria. Magic can be found everywhere.. if you dont believe us, youre not looking hard enough!... @myponyparty @pistachioentertainment @maryronisevents @flybyfun - - #unicorn #unicorns #pony #shetlandpony #sydneyevents #beliveinunicorns #magic #pastelhair #kidsevents #corporateevents #cute See more

08.01.2022 TBT to when life was normal and touch wasnt considered offensive and we could do things like this!! Were hanging in there for those clear days ahead... - - #bodyart #bodypaint #bodyartistist #zooproject #zoostyle #ibizaparty #ibizastyle #ibizabodypaint #animalprint #glitter #glitterart #glitterandpaint #tigerstripes #tigerpaint #ibizainsydney #themedparty #sparkly #whiteparty #fun #wewaitforyou #lookingtobetterdays #creatives #sydneyevents #sydneyparties #keepingthedreamalive

08.01.2022 We introduced Elsa to the disco life... @pistachioentertainment - - #elsa #elsacharacter #discoelsa #elsaparty #glitter #glitterart #kidsparties #sydneyevents #sydneyevententertainment #partyentertainment #birthdayparties ... #glittermakeup #glittergang #festivalglitter #disco #discolife See more

08.01.2022 Rainbow Space Cadet .. On any given day! One of our gorgeous looks last night for @airtaskerau annual conference. Thanks so much for having us once again! -... - #rainbow #faceart #creativemakeup #glittermakeup #3dart #3Dfaceart #events #sydneyevents #festivalmakeup #festivalstyle #festivallooks #festivalfashion #sydneyfestivals #corporateevents #corporateparty #corporateparryideas #aircon2020 #airtasker #sydneyeventsupplier #partymakeup #partyideas #glitterlooka #bedazzled #bejeweled #facegems #spacecadet See more

07.01.2022 This is pretty special !!

05.01.2022 Check out this sparkly creature!

04.01.2022 Last Christmas ... @ministryofsoundeventsau Oh how times have changed!!! We’re HANGING for this to be normal again! But we are taking bookings for much smaller events .. so get in touch! - -... #party #partyvibes #dancefloor #thegoodlife #partylife #clubbing #clublife #lamusica #dancing #groove #groovetherapy #ivy #ivy #ministryofsound #ministryofsoundaustralia #sydneyevents #danceevent #houseevents #musicevents See more

04.01.2022 This is some Halloween Art HEAVEN !!!

03.01.2022 Ariana Throwback to last year when we got to turn this handsome specimen @benjjkelly into @arianagrande - - #arianagrande #arianagrandemakeup #drag #glamdrag #paint #bodypaint #bodyart #hawt #costumeparty #maleglam #fabulous #glamourous #creativemakeup #dragmakeup #sultry #glossy #malemakeup #sassy #lbgtq @ Paddington, New South Wales

01.01.2022 If your wanting something super fun and a little extra ( or a lot ), for a hens party or girly gathering, we can come to your home or to the venue and help to make all your dreams of becoming a fantastical beast come true! We can cater for as many people as you need. Drop us a line for further information. - - #events #birthdays #henparties #weddings #bohobrides #engagementparties #sydneyparties #sydneyevents #celebrations #festivals #21stbirthdayideas #glitter #glittermakeup #glitterart #bodyart #bodypaint #festivalstyle

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