Town & Country Vet Nursing in Hay, New South Wales | Pet service
Town & Country Vet Nursing
Locality: Hay, New South Wales
Phone: +61 431 666 659
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25.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I love coffee, I REALLY love coffee, but sometimes I need a little more to recharge. I will be on HOLIDAYS from the 11th to the 26th of July, and will not be in my region to take bookings during this time.... If you need an appointment before I go please contact me ASAP as availability is limited!
23.01.2022 Let them be horses. Turn them out, let them run. Let them buck, let them leap, rather in the field than the arena, right?... Give them a herd, even a herd of two. Let them be with other horses, what’s a life without friends? Give them downtime, not just days off riding, but days to enjoy life. Happy horses are trainable horses. Take the rug off, let them feel the sun. Let them roll in the mud, a little dirt never hurt anyone. Escape the arena and explore, don’t stick to the well worn path. The most beautiful places are usually found by accident. Showing them how much you love them doesn’t have to come from buying expensive things. You can buy every rug, all the boots, the best tack, wash them, groom them, feed them, put them in the best yard, with the best facilities and wrap them up in cotton wool, but one day you’ll realise the best thing you could possibly do... ... is just let them be horses.
23.01.2022 Lots of people often have trouble visualizing what their overweight animals should look like at a pet weight. Veterinarians will give various descriptions to ow...ners, such as how there should be a tuck in the waist visible from both the top down and from the side profile for many breeds. Here are some outlined photos of overweight dogs to show what a rough acceptable weight would look like on them. Every breed is unique and will have different attributes for their build and body style depending on their lineage. Drawing overlays by Jasmine Thomas See more
23.01.2022 Never underestimate the value of good gumboots! #coveredinit #toolsofthetrade #outbackvetnurse #cattlecare #happyasapigin #myfeetaredry #wherecaringmeansmore
23.01.2022 An international arricle but relevant to the industry here in Australia. I am a ZERO TOLERANCE BUSINESS and this is written in my policies/terms and conditions/treatment agreements. This means I have the right to cease a service and not provide for you again if you participate in any kind of abusive/harrassing/bullying behaviour. Be kind
23.01.2022 I love this infrograph on seizures in canines; recognise the signs!
22.01.2022 **ALERT** With many of us back into spring gardening, the Animal Poisons Helpline has noticed an increase in cases of snail bait poisoning. We would like to r...emind all pet owners about the safe use of snail bait. Most snail bait products that are available in Australia and New Zealand contain either metaldehyde, methiocarb or iron-EDTA. Dogs often find these products highly attractive and will ingest large quantities (the whole box) if given the chance to do so. Some products may be labelled as pet friendly whilst others incorporate a bittering agent to deter ingestion. In our experience these bittering agents do not stop curious dogs and whilst some snail baits are considered safer than others, it is important to note that a large ingestion of any of these products may result in life-threatening poisoning. To prevent snail bait poisoning in your pets; Ensure your pets never have access to the packaging. Many of these products are available in cardboard boxes and can easily be chewed through. Use as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Do not sprinkle excessive quantities or heap pellets in any particular area. Applying more than recommended can drastically increase the risk to pets. Be careful not to sprinkle any pellets onto pedestrian pathways next to your garden. Passing dogs may find these highly appetising and you may inadvertently poison someone else’s pet. Consider pesticide free solutions such as manually removing snails. If your pet has ingested any snail bait, early assessment and intervention where appropriate can be lifesaving. Please call the Animal Poisons Helpline immediately on 1300 869 738 (AU) or 0800 869 738 (NZ) for advice, even if your pet looks well. Our service is free for all pet owners. For pet poison updates, sign up to our mailing list at
22.01.2022 BEWARE The following website is NOT a legitimate national registry. Vets and pounds DO NOT use this website to check your animals details if they are lost and the website is NOT connected to the legitimate/commonly used search tools that vets and pounds will enter your pets microchip in to find you
22.01.2022 Today is Vet Nurse Day! THANK YOU to all the amazing people who have shaped me into the nurse I am today. THANK YOU to every vet nurse for every time you were pooped, peed, bled, vomited, or anal glanded on.... THANK YOU for every bite scratch and bruise you copped when trying to fix your patient. THANK YOU for every sleepless night, or private cry you spent thinking of the ones you couldnt save or who may not make it. THANK YOU for every test you ran, bit of advice you gave, every sample you took, every medication you administered, every nurse consult you lead, every baby nurse you trained, every image you took, every messgae relayed, every phone call triaged, every mouthful of abuse you wore unfairly but with grace. THANK YOU for dedicating years of schooling, and ongoing training, for giving up meals and family occasions for minimum wage just to ensure the animals get the best care. THANK YOU to every nurse working in every field; GP, emergency, conservation, zoos, teaching, independent nursing, locum nursing,lab animal, farm care, specialty and shelter medicine... It can be a dirty, heartbreaking, thankless profession. But I see you all and I thank you #whatVNsdo #thankavetnurse #vetnursesofinstagram #vetnurseday
21.01.2022 Us vet nurses are pretty great! We know an awful lot Between our knowledge of behaviour, pharmaceuticals, husbandry, phlebotomy and so much more across multiple species we cant know everything If theres one thing we like more than client education, it is self education and that is why we undertake CPD and further learning every year across the entire duration of our careers If you want to know about something that Im not sure about, that does not make me a bad nurse. ...That lights a spark in me to go and learn about that thing so I can help you! It might take me longer, as I need the time to do the research, but in the end I come out a better nurse and you come out a better owner for it So please, never hesitate to ask me anything and dont be disheartened if I tell you initially that I dont know, because I will do everything in my power to learn more for both of us If it is urgent, I will never hesitate in finding you someone who can help you immediately. Plus, furthering my knowledge as a vet nurse is always a good excuse to sit down with a coffee and a piece of cake while I learn, which I dont get to do very often See more
21.01.2022 Equine Herpesvirus Horse owners, please note I am aware of some positive EHV patients in my area. EHV is most commonly passed through gear and environmental sharing such as nose to nose contact, bits, feed buckets, stables etc.... I santize my gear and myself between EVERY patient to ensure I do not pass on any communicable illness so please do not feel the need to cancel your appointments. I have a very strict biosecurity procedure in place for this exact reason. There are different strains of EHV which can causes loss of appetite, fever, swollen lymph nodes, dull demeanor, nasal/eye discharge, a cough or difficulty breating and can cause abortion in pregnant mares, or neurological symptoms depending on the strain. Young, old, immunocompromised, and unvaccinated horses are at highest risk as are horses that travel a lot or are in contact with high numbers of others. For more information on EHV please visit
21.01.2022 Not loving the urn options the crematorium has to offer, or perhaps you didnt get one but have changed your mind? Here is another example of our made to order, customisable keepsakes! #petloss #keepsake #handmade #supportlocalbusiness #petcremation #inlovingmemory
21.01.2022 Safety assessments! Do you know how many risks to your animals hide on your property, or even in your house? Not sure where to start or what to look for? I can come to you, and will do a comprehensive report with potential hazards and suggested mitigation strategies
20.01.2022 Pretty excited to be assisting an NT researcher with her project around feral pig movements and genetics. She will need blood samples from non NT pigs so if you are a pig hunter (I know a lot of my clients are) and would like to get involved please get in touch and I will pass on her details
19.01.2022 If you are in the vet med field, you understand why I posted this #blooddonationsaves3lives #stickaneedleinit @blood_hound_australia #dogsdonatebloodtoo #vetmed #veterinarynurse #veterinarynursing #veinporn #canineblooddonorhero
18.01.2022 I am very troubled to hear of recent dog baitings in one of my local towns. Recognising the symptoms of possible baiting can mean the difference between life and death for your dog. Read more on our blog
18.01.2022 This gorgeous ex racehorse turned feelot extraordinare was feeling a bit sore. With some TLC and my remedial therapies she will be back to work in no time! #outbackvetnurse #feedlothorses #workingponies #remedialvetnurse #remedialtherapiesforanimals #lowlevellasertherapy #vibratherapy #wherecaringmeansmore
18.01.2022 I spy with my little eye something beginning with T! (And its not tree! )
17.01.2022 In the country they call this a traffic jam Pardon my reminder written on the windscreen #countryvetnurse #countrytrafficjam #countryroads #rurallife
17.01.2022 Today is world veterinary day. For all the staff working in the field from veterinarians, nurses, managers, receptionists, kennel hands and everybody else, your...e all superstars. Vetmed is a team sport and no clinic would function if we didnt all play our vital roles. No one position is less important than another, as without us all, together, we would fail to meet the needs of our patients and their owners. We never stop, even when we are off the clock. We get bombarded from people we "know" out of hours about issues we cant fix from home with the expectation we can wave a magic wand for free, we spend our out of hours thinking about the day we've just had or a case coming in tomorrow that we are worried about, we do further study in our own time, we come in multiple times a night for emergencies or to monitor that critical patient. Every clinic i know is running understaffed so we are all doing the work of multiple people giving up our right to lunchbreaks, time away and time spent with loved ones to ensure no animal in need is missed. Last night, whilst just going about my own business, i picked up a critically injured cat off the road and rushed it to the closest emergency hospital (calling on the way so they new to expect me), knowing it had a poor prognosis and hoping owners could be contacted. Then i had to clean the blood out of my car. Thismorning I called that clinic to see if an owner was found and to check the patient outcome in case of some god given miriacle. Im thinking about my own cats thyroid issues, my own dog's arthritis, my other dog's ear infection, my family members pets. We dont just switch off when we clock off. So thank the receptionist who answers and triages your call. Thank the kennel hand who ensures your pet stays clean fed and walked while in hospital. Thank the nurse who monitored your pets surgery or noticed their change in condition. Thank the clinic manager who ensures the staff are paid and the clinic is fully stocked. Thank the vet who diagnosed your pet's condition and promptly started treatment to make them feel better... it takes a village See more
17.01.2022 Another issue vets are facing with this mouse plague Leptospirosis. I am currently in discussions to find out if I can get a discounted lepto vaccination day organised. Please comment here if you would be keen to vaccinate, are in my service area, and how many dogs you would have needled if this went ahead.
16.01.2022 On Thursday Willow played with lilies in my office. She didnt eat anything. She only batted at them and got the pollen all over her before I shooed her away. W...e laughed initially but thank God something in my head told me to google it. I read, "All parts of the lily - including the stem, leaves, petals, stamens and pollen - are poisonous to cats. Even minor exposures (cat chewing on a leaf or getting pollen on his or her haircoat or whiskers) can be fatal." "Cats typically do not survive, even with aggressive therapy (such as dialysis)." I freaked out. Threw her in the shower (that wasnt fun) and immediately took her up to Blue Pearl Emergency & Specialty Hospital. Due to covid, they came and took her from my car and after her exam the ER doctor called me. She said her prognosis was very poor because they found the pollen around her mouth and on her tongue. She even said, "in my experience Ive never seen a cat survive lily poisoning. Most owners only realize theres an issue when the cat is sick and by that point its just too late" Insert hysterical crying here. She said that her only saving grace may be that we sought treatment quickly but realistically she might not make it through the night. They made her throw up, gave her activated charcoal and aggressively treated her with fluid therapy and other meds. Thank God after 2 days in the hospital, she pulled through!!! We will go for a recheck soon but her doctors are confident her organs didnt suffer any long term damage from the poisoning. I cant tell you the intense guilt I felt and still feel for buying those stupid flowers. I felt like a murderer, terrible fur mom, terrible person. Ive had cats my entire life and have never heard of lily poisoning. The vets response to that was "most people only find out the hard way" The doctors, technicians and staff at Blue Pearl really are the best! They saved our baby. Please SHARE this with your friends. I would hate to see anyone go through this!! Thank you all for your support during that gut-wrenching 2 days. Were thankful our girl is back home! No. More. Flowers. Ever.
16.01.2022 Us vet nurses have to be quick on our feet! #sidestep #fitness #farmfitness #farmvetlife #oh&s #floatlikeabutterfly #nearlygotme #outbacknsw #workingdogsofinsta #merino #rams #mobilevetnurse #outbackvetnurse
16.01.2022 Most of you will be familiar with my face by now however my other half does a lot of work supporting me and the business! Occasionally he will answer the phone, he runs errands on my behalf when I cant, he is a wealth of knowledge regarding all things farm, and will even come out with me as extra hands on deck when I think I might need them
16.01.2022 , In the last 24 hours, I have seen 2 breeders I know post about a health issue they have found in their breeding program. They... have been open and honest - the very thing everyone wants from a breeder EXCEPT if youre another breeder who wants to proclaim you dont have issues in your lines and the honesty from someone else is a threat to your breeding program or a great reason to kick another breeder whilst theyre down to attempt to make your breeding program look superior. It is shocking to know that in 2020 with all the access we have to even the most basic health testing such as hips and elbows and a full DNA screen that there are still breeders out there not testing breeding stock. If there are tests available for the issues in your breed and you dont use them in your breeding stock then you should absolutely not be breeding. You are the problem, you are selfish, you are greedy and you dont truly care about the future well-being of your breed or fancy. Given most puppies from a litter end up in pet homes, they need to be healthy, long lived and well temperamented to be good companions and not break the hearts of their families earlier than they should - if you cant offer this then reconsider breeding. If youre in the purebred world, then please be open and honest even if youre just an owner and not a breeder - be honest about the health conditions in your dogs/breed so others may learn. When Gavin my Dane was diagnosed with IVDD Id never heard of another Dane having it until private messages started coming in after I publicly shared the diagnosis - oh, it was alive and well in our breed but shhhhh dont tell anyone as people will love a reason to trash that breeder/line. When a previous Dane was affected by the most horrible atopic allergies and early onset osteo arthritis through his entire body I was publicly vilified and attempts to discredit me were great because people with siblings who wanted to stud their dogs might be affected even though there were many dogs related with serve allergies and one was put to sleep young with a similar osteo arthritis case. If people are treated like this then theyre less likely to come forward and share and so are the people who see others treated like this. TEST TEST TEST, if you dont test you dont know if your dog is affected by a condition. Anyone who says we dont have hip issues in our breed and does NOT test cannot say that because they dont have the test results to prove it - dogs with hip issues for example, generally go unnoticed until they get so bad they cant hide it anymore and given most of a litter ends up in a pet home, the breeder may never know how that dog is. And if you think this is just a Pedigree thing, think again....its just that people who cross breed largely do not do any testing at all. Cross breeds are a combination of purebreds and all breeds have their own issues so cross breeds are not immune - there are no perfect dogs. If you havent been testing then you can start today. If you dont know where to start then contact your breed club and ask them - online research will also have you find your breed issues - get onto breed specific FB groups and forums where pet people are because theyre more likely to share their issues and you can start to see if there are other issues you should be testing for or watching out for - is something new emerging etc. Support people who come forward and share even if your support is simply not saying anything negative.
15.01.2022 Friday funny! My room mates sing sad songs when they hear us leave for work and dont get to come
15.01.2022 I AM SLOW AND SLEEPY - SHINGLEBACK LIZARD. Posing little threat to humans, the shingleback lizard often ventures onto roads in search of warmth, as they are not... able to produce their own body heat. Amazingly in mating season, they are often seen with the same partner who they have tracked down each year after living in solitude during winter. The stumpy head and tail look similar as a defense mechanism against predators. They love to eat plants, berries and yellow/bright flowers, but will occasionally eat insects. They cleverly store energy in their tails to keep them alive during the winter, when they go months without food. Watch out for these harmless reptiles on our roads.
14.01.2022 Country vet nurse in the big smoke! Whilst I have been travelling between my stomping ground of the Riverina/Far West and Canberra I have now opened up appointments in the ACT! I offer the same exceptional services to pet owners and veterinarians, I just now have more ground to cover!
14.01.2022 For the month of October we are giving everyone who leaves us a review a 10$ discount of their next product or service!
11.01.2022 #ProudOfOurProfession #WhatRVNsDo
11.01.2022 We are back to work on MONDAY! We are feeling VERY refreshed after 2 weeks off and are excited to get back to providing your animals with the best of care #backtowork #nolongerinholidaymode #refreshed #recharged #wherecaringmeansmore #bestanimalcareeverywhere
10.01.2022 It's a bit wet today, giving me some vital time to catch up on office work! Its also a great opportunity for me to run a little Q&A so if you have a question for me, of any kind, leave it in the comments! #rainday #outbacklife #bogged #rainedin #whatVNsdo #q&a #clientengagement #ownereducation #happyhealthyanimals #wherecaringmeansmore
09.01.2022 To our AUSTRALIAN friends ~ The snakes are definitely out and about ~ as we've encountered a few already during our walk. Be aware and keep our pets safe ... For more information about snake bites signs, symptoms and first aid tips, go to Stay safe
08.01.2022 I dont just work with stock dogs! Pets dogs of ALL breeds are welcomed with open arms #allbreedswelcome #ilovedogs #dogsofinstagram #wherecaringmeansmore #outbackvetnurse #supportlocalbusiness #riverinansw
08.01.2022 Do you know how to recognize pain in your exotic pet? Our pets can't tell us how they're feeling, but they do express themselves in their posture and behavi...or. Recognizing pain is crucial in providing effective treatment and care. Want to learn more about pain in exotic pets? Download the full graphic and watch our "Recognizing Pain in Your Exotic Pet" lecture from AMC Staff Doctor La'Toya Latney: #AnimalPainAwarenessMonth #UsdanPetTips #ExoticPets
08.01.2022 As an ER doc, Id like to ask that you all read the below if you own a pet. I know that times have changed since your grandpa owned the beagle that lived in t...he shed, and that he had her fixed for $80. I understand that you feel you should be given free help because you rescued your beloved cat from the alley behind your house. I know that when you are confronted with an 8k estimate for the GI surgery needed to remove the sock from your puppys intestine and 3 days of hospitalization, you feel upset and maybe even angry. You think the veterinarian is benefitting from your distress and your pets illness, and you may find yourself using language like absurd, outrageous, or even...cruel. The below is my medical bill from the human hospital stay I had June 3-June 6 for two vertebral compression fractures WITHOUT surgery. Less than 3 days in hospital. I received an MRI and a CT, but no procedures. The total thus far is 32k. And thats just the start. But guess what! I have insurance. So I only owe $3783. You think the hospital pitied me because I broke my back? Nope. I just had insurance. If Id had no insurance, Id have collections after me in no time. Your vet is not evil for charging their services. Most of the time, their charges are far less that the equivalent in human medicine. If you dont have pet insurance, you need to understand that you could be responsible for several thousand dollars during an emergency. And for surgery, general anesthesia, and several days of hospitalization? THAT. IS. CHEAP. You have three options with how you respond to this increased cost in veterinary care, which is still a phenomenal discount compared to human medical care despite equivalent expertise. 1). GET PET INSURANCE. 2) set aside funds every month for vet emergencies or 3). Dont get a pet. But even more importantly, for the love of your pet, do not go hating on your vet. Ive had people scream at me on the phone because they thought I was financing my Maserati with their misery. With the level of burnout and even suicide we are seeing in this profession, there might not be enough vets around in the future to help in the crisis you are currently blasting them for. Please, be kind, and please get pet insurance. update- Hi all! Thank you for all the responses! Id like to add that I have insurance for my own hound mix pupperoo through Trupanion, which is EXCELLENT. Its only $44 per mo with my deductible, and I just switched to them a month ago (hes 9 years old). As an ER vet I see clients time and again that wouldnt be able to pay the emergency vet costs otherwise, and the relief mentally/emotionally is priceless to them.
08.01.2022 Human medicines are not safe for your animals!
07.01.2022 NOTICE OF PRICE CHANGES Hi all, I have MOVED. I will still be servicing the same region, however next time you book an appointment the travel fee may be different. I will discuss this with each client as I take their booking.
07.01.2022 I currently have a spot available on Thursday late afternoon run in HAY. If you need to make a booking please be in touch
06.01.2022 Who doesn't love a lap full of puppies on the first working day of the week!? The only difficulty is getting a photo of them all! #puppywellness #neonatalcare #dogsofinstagram #toocute #puppiesoninstagram #australiancattledogs #outbackvetnurse #mobilevetnursing #wellnesschecks #wherecaringmeansmore
05.01.2022 What do I mean when I say PPE?PPE is short for personal protective equipment Why do I use PPE? Its not because I think your animal is mean, or gross! PPE protects both myself and my patients while I undertake my services, I love my job and want to be able to do it as long as I can! ... I work with animals who have the ability to possibly make me very sick, injure me severely, or even kill me. PPE reduces the chances of this happening so I can continue to help your animals, it can also assist in ensuring that I dont pass a communicable illness from one of my patients to another! If you see me wearing or using PPE -such as gloves, ear protection, safety glasses, a muzzle, hobbles, hi-vis, scrub tops, hair/boot covers, face masks, braces etc- please be thankful that I value my ability to treat your pets safely and efficiently! #ppe #vetppe #zoonosis #veterinarynursing #veterinariansafety #mobilevetnursingcare #whatVNsdo #notgrossedout #notscaredofbiganimals #selfcare #selfemployed #ilovemyjob #itreatallspecies #wherecaringmeansmore
05.01.2022 Ive been waiting for the owner to recieve this before I posted it, very happy with how it turned out "When we adopt a dog or any pet, we know it is going to end with us having to say goodbye, but we still do it. And we do it for a very good reason: They bring so much joy and optimism and happiness. They attack every moment of every day with that attitude." #petloss #petmemorial #pawprint #handmade #withlove #grieving #wherecaringmeansmore #supportlocalbusiness #buyaustralianmade #inlovingmemory #dogsofinstagram
05.01.2022 I value responsible cat owners! Please for the wellbeing of your cat as well as native animals, ensure they are desexed and kept indoors
05.01.2022 If you are one of my clients being affected by this awful mouse plague- please make sure you keep the packaging for any baits you lay, place them out of reach of pets and be familiar with symptoms of poisoning in your pets so if they are inadvertently exposed you are able to seek treatment fast!
05.01.2022 Ive shared this before but because so many of my clients are working dog owners I feel the need to share it again. There is nothing wrong with starting your pups late! Let them take the time to grow
04.01.2022 Hey guys just want to let anyone know if you decide you want to surrender your dog to the pound and place in the pen can you let us know so we can let the rescu...e group know straight away that saves the dogs sitting in the pound for over a week, you wont get into trouble and it doesnt cost you anything. If anyone is thinking of surrendering there dog please note the rescue group does an amazing job they come straight away for unwanted litters where the dogs get desexed, all their vet work done, fostered then adopted to good homes only. So please dont be ashamed or feel like you cant ring at the end of the day your doing whats best for the dog. Please remember to Desex your animals so we can minimise the impact of the unwanted animals and have a good think whether you need a pet in your life as they come with responsibility and need the love and care they deserve not to be a burden on you. 0427083624 is my number. See more
04.01.2022 Do you know the signs of snake bite in your pet? with warm weather they are getting out and about! Ensure you are prepared for this years snake season by familiarizing yourself with signs, symptoms and first aid for bites!
04.01.2022 Feedback is an integral part of business growth, especially for new businesses, aditionally, the veterinary profession is rife with burnout and ethical fatigue. Please, if I have provided you with a product or service, leave me a positive review, its those little things that can really make someones day! And if there is ever anything you think I can improve, dont hesitate to contact me directly to ensure your next experience is better.
04.01.2022 Big or small, I will nurse them all! #chickensoninstagram #allanimalvetnursing #farmvetnursing #outbackvetnurse #wherecaringmeansmore
03.01.2022 Chalk and cheese these 2! One is hard to keep the weight off, the other is hard to keep the weight on! I offer weight management consults if you arent sure where your animal should be at #fattofit #ruralvetnursing #weightconsultant #animalhealth #wherecaringmeansmore
03.01.2022 Today is WORLD CHOCOLATE DAY, so we wanted to remind you although we absolutely love chocolate, its not a treat for your pet. The active ingredient in this de...licious snack, THEOBROMINE, is toxic to most animals. So if your furry friend gets into your secret stash, call us for advice immediately. Click the link below for more information:
02.01.2022 2 years ago I was featured on The Invisible Farmer page, a movement promoting women in Ag. I was so humbled by this opportunity and looking back it's amazing to see how much further I have come, and how much more I can still achieve in the future. Here's to strong women, may we know them, may we raise them, may we be them <3
02.01.2022 4 out of 5 dogs & cats over the age of three years have some form of dental disease. Make sure youre looking out for signs of periodontal disease such as tartar build up, bad breath, reluctance to eat harder foods & other symptoms #PetDentalHealthMonth
01.01.2022 This shortage is worldwide, and not just for veterinarians but also veterinary nurses- THIS is why I am committed to serving my rural community in the Western Riverina as well as supporting the rural vets and nurses in my area. I have studied 2 years to gain my veterinary nursing qualification and an additional 2 years specialty nursing qualification, I undertake regular further education and I have worked in animal care roles both in clinic and in agricultural settings for 9 years. I am here to support the animals and their owners of my community now more than ever while my colleagues are being stretched so thin. You would be amazed at the things I can do to help you and your animals as an independent veterinary nurse, all you have to do is call! #WhereCaringMeansMore
01.01.2022 Just a quick wellness visit for this adoreable fluffball! #bigorsmallwelovethemall #kittywellness #catsofinstagram #neonatalcare #outbackvetnursing #itreatallspecies #wherecaringmeansmore
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