Townsville Youth Council | Community
Townsville Youth Council
Phone: +61 7 4727 9458
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25.01.2022 Apprenticeships and Traineeships are now open for 2021 with Townsville City Council. Check it out at the link below APPLICATIONS CLOSE 9 AUGUST 2020
25.01.2022 ATTN: Alligator Creek Community and Young People Grab a free drink and a snack, from the Feel Good Foodie truck, and connect with other locals affected by the floods and access information from service providers, including: Townsville City Council Disaster Recovery Team... Townsville Hospital & Health Disaster Recovery Team Townsville Community Information Centre National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency For more information, email: [email protected]
25.01.2022 Amazing work by Townsville Youth, Aiden Skinner on utilising the E-Petition platform to raise awareness and strengthen the conversation on the Murray Sports Complex!
24.01.2022 For all the High School students about to enter into Exam periods, We hear you, We see you, We understand your levels of stress might be heightened now. ... Here are some facts to dispel some of those myths on stress. Goodluck! #tsvyouthcouncil #exam #highschool #stress
24.01.2022 Hump Day Reminder! You got this but just in case you might not feel you do, there are services: Headspace Townsville - 4799 1799... Twice Blessed- 4728 3586 Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800 Lives Lived Well- 1300 727 957 More information on youth services can be found here #selfcare #mentalhealth #youth #awareness #stigma #taboo #tsvyouthcouncil
21.01.2022 Spread the word
21.01.2022 Taking that obligatory group shot before our first meeting at Council Chambers
20.01.2022 Introducing our Townsville Youth Councillor's for 2020-2021. Hi, my name is Keesha and I am the group administrator for Townsville Youth Council. I have the honour of working for amazing and inspiring young people in Townsville to advocate and lead on issues impacting Townsville Youth. We have finalised our planning for 2020/2021 and identified four focus area's: ... Youth Mental Health Sustainability and Environment Domestic and Family Violence Youth Participation & Inclusion During the next 9 months Youth Councillors will be working with their mentors to understand the local issue and build their leadership skills in their chosen area of interest. I am very excited to see the development and growth of the group and to strengthen the Townsville youth voice. Stay updated and connected on our Instagram and Facebook page. If you feel your interest align to our focus areas and you would like to collaborate or join, contact us at [email protected] K
19.01.2022 For those whose missed the live streaming of the Youth Councillors presentation to Council this week- HERE IT IS! The speech order is as followed: 1 Keesha Booth - TYC Group Administrator... 2 Youth Councillor Lauren Croaker - Youth Mental Health 3 Youth Councillor Emma Lynam & Zoe Parker - Youth Participation & Inclusion 4 Youth Councillor Georgie Coburn - Domestic and Family Abuse (Respectful Relationships) Unfortunatley our Environment and Sustainability focus group were not available but we will be presenting at the March 2021 meeting. #townsvilleyouth #tsvyouthcouncil #youthempowerment #townsvilleshines
18.01.2022 Public Service Announcement
18.01.2022 Social Inclusion Week is coming up this month... Are you interested in hosting a little event? The objective of your event may be to convey one of the key social inclusion themes: ... every Australian should have the chance and the choice to learn, to work, to be involved and to have their voice heard. An event guide can be found at the link below
17.01.2022 Are there people within your street or neighbourhood that may be vulnerable or socially isolated? Maybe some people have been doing it tough since the COVID-19 pandemic, or you may know of someone less fortunate than yourself in need of support this Christmas. ... Complete the entry form below for your chance to WIN $200* towards celebrating with your neighbours this Christmas.
16.01.2022 Access to Sanitary Products is a RIGHT, not a Privilidge! Thank you to everyone who has supported this campaign so far! The drive does not end till the 31 August The Bag Donation Bins can be found at any Woolworths or at Council Office at 103 Walker St, Townsville City.... You can donate packaged: Menstrual Cups, Pads, Tampons, Period Pants Share the Dignity works to make a real, on the ground difference in the lives of those experiencing homelessness, fleeing domestic violence, or doing it tough. They distribute period products to those in need and work to end period poverty here in Australia. When someone is doing it tough, the last thing on their mind should be dealing with their period. Learn more at: We assist these those in need through collecting thousands of period products each year through our collection drives and campaigns and distribute them directly to charities across Australia. #homelessness #Domesticviolence #periodpoverty #periodpovertyawareness #townsvilleshines @sharethedignityaustralia
16.01.2022 Do you enjoy cooking or want to improve your culinary skills??? Check out Jamie's Ministry of Food online classes for Townsville Youth below. Bookings essential
15.01.2022 Want to give to those in need during Christmas? You can donate: Food Money... Gifts Directly to local organisations helping those in need this Christmas. Visit the link below
14.01.2022 Walking into the weekend like...
13.01.2022 We want to say a special thank you to Heatley Secondary College for allowing our two Youth Councillors, Cr. Cobrun & Cr. Hinton in the Domestic and Family Violence focus group to join in on the Grade 9 Love Bites sessions on teaching young people how to have respectful relationships. Unfortunatley 1 in 3 young people will experience sexual assault before they turn 18 years old and we want to play our part in changing that statistic for Townsville Youth.
13.01.2022 Have you got your tickets for the first game of the WNBL tonight in Townsville?
11.01.2022 >> CREATING YOUR FUTURE JOB<< Are you 15-20 years old? Have a hobbie you want to turn into a business? Not sure where to start and need help with your idea?... This 14 week program might be your jam. QYS have partnered up with Australian School of Entrepeneurship & QLD Government for this amazing opportunity Give QYS a call on 4771 3648 Check it out below.
11.01.2022 On Wednesday, we had the privilege of helping out our local Townsville Senior Citizens Welfare Association spread mulch on their garden beds. They received 10 cubic meters of mulch as part of the Water Smart Initiative from Council. Members realised that they were physically unable to spread this amount of mulch in a reasonable time so we put our hands up to help them. This community initiative aligned with our Environment & Sustainability focus area and was internally coord...inated by our two leads Youth Councillor Lewis Batic & Saskia Logan. Thank you to everyone who attended including Veteran Terry James DSM. A huge thank you to Helene from the Community Development team at Council for coordinating the project and new partnership. A great grassroots initiative and an even better BBQ feed afterwards - thanks Warren! #tsvyouthcouncil #youthparticipation #volunteerism #mulching #communitydevelopment #townsvilleshines #civicparticipation
11.01.2022 I would like to know your thoughts on this...
11.01.2022 Townsville Youth Council are presenting at the Ordinary Council Meeting at Council Chambers. You can Live Stream it at the link, starting at 1pm. We will be providing updates on our work for each focus area! Thank you Madam Mayor and Councillors for giving us this opportunity!
10.01.2022 We are seeking to increase membership representation for the following youth demographic: Young people with a Disability Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBT+... Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Male Further information can be found at the link:
10.01.2022 Are you aged between 10-16 years old and feeling bored? Maybe the TAIHS Lighthouse Program can help. Check their poster and calendar of events for furthers deets...
09.01.2022 Social Lane is back! 5pm-8:30pm Stockland Shopping Centre (old Westpac Bank car park)... Lots of fun activities...
09.01.2022 Minus18, Wear it Purple and Facebook present the Wear it Purple Pride Party, a celebration of LGBTQIA+ youth in honour of Wear it Purple Day. Join us for erfor...mances by Montaigne, Electric Fields, Cub Sport, The Merindas, Ben Trillado and G-Flip, and messages from very special guests including Benjamin Law, Frances Cannon, AJ Clementine, Nevo Zisin and Courtney Act + MANY more special surprises! See more
09.01.2022 Happy #WorldHumanitarianDay
07.01.2022 No words can describe how proud I am of our four Youth Councillors who presented at the Ordinary Council Meeting today. They updated Council on their four focus areas and what they have done and want to achieve for this financial year. Thank you to our mentors who came to support and to Madam Mayor for giving us the opportunity to provide quarterly updates to Council.... Don't mind me, I am just fangirling over here!
05.01.2022 With the world population over 7 billion people, here is what it would look like if it was condensed into a village population of 100 people....
02.01.2022 TYC Group Facilitator's met with Project Booyah participants this week to discuss the role of Townsville Youth Council and the importance of owning your voice and story. >>They find many youth don't believe their voices matter and if you are passionate about activating the Townsville Youth Voice, applications are still open until the 31 August 2020. >>For further information check this link out:
02.01.2022 How did we identify these focus areas for 2020-2021? Leading into each financial year we (Townsville Youth Councillor's) discuss and map out current and emerging youth issues. Once all this information is collated by our group administrator, she looks at grouping the responses into focus areas. This year we identified four (4) focus areas we are committed to by either advocating, raising awareness or participating in events which provide a platform for young people to consul...t futher on to understand the local youth narrative. For each focus areas we are then linked with a mentor to guide us over the year to expand our knowledge on the focus area, build our networks for collaborations and partnerships and build critical leadership skills for our future endevours. Every fortnight we discuss these focus areas collaborativley and then in our focus groups. We set quarterly milestones to ensure we are progressing towards a common agenda and can map our progress using TRELLO, a free project management platform managed by our group administrator. At each meeting we all have a turn in learning how to chair, vice-chair and be a secretariat to a formal meeting which is aimed at building our soft skill development as well as our interpersonal skills. At each meeting our group administrator teaches us how to facilitate group dynamics by teaching us how to facilitate group ice-breakers and conversation starters with our Council Patron, Cr. Liam Mooney guiding us through the meeting governance and formalities. On the 27 October 2020, we will be presenting to Council at their Ordinary Council Meeting on our 2020/2021 focus areas and we can't wait to take up space and discuss all things Townsville Youth. Live streaming will be available on the day. #tsvyouthcouncil #youth #townsvilleshines #youthempowerment #dfv #environmentaljustice #sustainability #inclusion #diversity #mentalhealth