TPI Tasmania | Community group
TPI Tasmania
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25.01.2022 Thanks to the hard work of all Tasmanians, more restrictions are easing earlier.
24.01.2022 Following a letter that has been sent to both Coles and Woolworths - - asking that DVA card holders be included in the list of acceptable... concession cards for the purpose of the Online Priority System. A copy of the letter was also sent to the DVA Secretary, Lis Cosson AM CSC. The Secretary responded this morning advising that her Department will continue to have discussions with Coles and Woolworths on Tuesday. A response has also been received from Coles which states -"Thank you for your contacting us regarding our Coles online priority system. COPS is currently being made available to vulnerable customers who are customers of My Aged Care and NDIS. We are working hard to expand this new service to more people, in addition to our other efforts to support those most vulnerable in our community. We apologise in advance to anyone who does not currently meet the criteria. If you are elderly or sick or isolated and not able to go to the shops to shop instore, You can call us on 1800 455 400 and we can submit your details to be able to shop online if eligible. We encourage customers to continue to utilise our Coles Community Hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7am to 8am, which is exclusively open to elderly customers and others in need of assistance. You will need to present a government-issued identification card. You can also send a representative such as a friend, neighbour, relative or carer to shop on your behalf just give them your ID to show upon entry. Coles Community Hour is available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to people with the following cards: Pensioner Concession Card Companion Card Commonwealth Seniors Health Card Health Care Card Seniors Card Disability Card On Tuesday and Thursday from 7am to 8am, Community Hour is exclusively open for emergency services and healthcare workers who: Can demonstrate they are registered with AHPRA; Have a workplace ID; or Are wearing their work uniform. If you need more information about Coles Community Hour, please visit Yours sincerely, Elisha Coles Online Customer Care" The TPI Federation will continue to ask Coles, Woolworths, IGA and others to consider the Veterans, War Widows and their families at this most trying of times.
23.01.2022 *** CORONAVIRUS PAYMENT WHICH VETERANS WILL GET $750? *** More than 225,000 Aussie veterans and their dependants are set to get a one-off payment of $750 as of the Government's $17.6 billion stimulus package. You're in line to receive your share if you receive one of the following benefits: Service, Disability, War Widow(er)’s, Special Rate Disability or Age & Wife (paid by DVA) Pensions Income Support Supplement Gold Card or DVA Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders Veteran or Wholly Dependent Partner payment Permanent Impairment compensation under MRCA or DRCA The payment will be automatically paid into your bank account between 31 March and 17 April from either Services Australia or the DVA. You don't need to do anything, but make sure your bank details are up to date on MyService or by calling the Veterans’ Access Network (VAN) on 1800 555 254. More details:
22.01.2022 myGov branded phishing email alert DVA have been advised of the following phishing attack: The hosted content includes the myGov branding and appears Legitima...te in appearance to the recipient. The content relates to COVID-19 payments offered by the Australian Government. The content prompts users to log onto an online portal and to provide scans of passport and driver’s licence in addition to a picture of themselves holding the document. If you receive an email of this nature, either at work or home, please do not open the attachment. You should delete this email immediately. The 3 simple rules to remember to protect yourself and your information from malicious emails are: 1. Don't open messages if you don't know the sender, or if you're not expecting them. 2. Be suspicious of messages that are not addressed directly to you, or don't use your correct name. 3. Don't reply to or forward chain letters you receive by email. For additional information with regards to these types of attacks, please refer to the following links: _________________________________________________________________________________ Assistant Director Governance & Ministerial Events Section | Parliamentary & Governance Branch Ph: (02) 6289 1196 | Ext: 601196 | [email protected]
21.01.2022 Can you please forward this invitation to your Members and ask if they wish to participate in the DVA evaluation of the DVA Treatment Cycle that commenced a li...ttle more than 12 months ago? Remember that this affects TPIs in many ways. We were given an exemption for physiotherapy and exercise physiology appointments but other Allied Health appointments such as, but not limited to, psychologist, chiropractors, dental, diabetic educators, neuropsychologists, Occupational Therapists, Optometrists, Osteopaths, podiatrists Speech pathologists. Thank you Pat McCabe OAM President 0417 291 546
19.01.2022 The 2021 ANZAC Day Organising Committee is working hard to ensure that planned 2021 ANZAC Day activities in Hobart are staged in conjunction with COVID-safe gui...delines. As has previously been communicated, all those wishing to participate in the traditional Hobart ANZAC Day parade and commemorative services for 2021 are required to register their attendance. The online registration link will be made available as soon as possible (subject to final approval from Department of State Growth and Tasmania Police) - all participants MUST register once this is available, in order to receive an official entry ticket. In the meantime, registration forms for particular aspects of the event are now available on the RSL Tasmania website at
18.01.2022 Open Arms update 16/4/2020 Rob Marshall ‘I’ve started in my new position here at Open Arms. It’s a rather strange time to be learning the ropes but it’s great s...o far. Attached is Open Arms Factsheet about supporting the Veteran Community through COVID-19. Open Arms remains open for business during this period. We are encouraging clients to access mental health support though phone and video options. In response to the pandemic, our Client Assist Call Centre’s 24/7 operation has been brought forward and is now live. They are accessible 24/7 by calling 1800 011 046. Our free and anonymous counselling line Safe Zone Support continues to be available during this time. Call 1800 142 072 to access this service. Our Group Treatment Programs and Suicide Prevention Trainings have been postponed while we work on an appropriate online delivery method. All clients who enrolled will be contacted and offered support. The Open Arms website has been updated with additional self-help resources to support the veteran community including a specific COVID-19 Calming and Coping page. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact if there is anything I can assist with. Cheers, Rob Rob Marshall Community and Peer Advisor - ACT Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling 1800 011 046 | | A service founded by Vietnam veterans, now for all veterans
18.01.2022 Join us during Veteran Health Week for a free beginner friendly Defence Family yoga session followed by a light breakfast on Salamanca Lawns. Numbers are limit...ed : Bookings essential. Contact Jane on [email protected] to book your spot (or send us a message using the button below). See more
18.01.2022 13th NATIONAL DIGGER'S BOWLS CARNIVAL 2020 Attention: All current defence force & ex-servicemen/women
17.01.2022 ANZAC DAY TO BE A SPECIAL EVENT AT NORTH HOBART The North Hobart Football Club and the TPI Tasmania (Totally and Permanantly Incapacitated) Returned Servicemen... and Women have partnered to honour all those who have served this Sunday. The TPI have created a new ANZAC Day trophy for the winning team and medal for the player of the match for the game against Launceston Football Club. Below men’s co-captain Jack Sandric, Iraq veteran and North Hobart supporter Joshua Wier and Emily Mifsud from our women’s team display the medal and trophies. Emily’s great great grandfather served in France and Belgium during World War 1 where he was wounded twice, went back to the war and survived the conflict. On Sunday a beautiful restored honour board honouring local footballers who served in World War 1 will also be unveiled in the foyer of the Gorringe stand. A big shout out and well done to Graham Halton OAM from the TPI who has done a huge amount of work to make Sunday a special day. The Development League starts at 12.10pm and the Seniors at 3pm. Tickets are available at this link from 6pm tonight.
16.01.2022 This is a challenging time, but we know how resilient defence families are. To help out, we are offering FREE spouse memberships ...during May! All APOD memberships linked to a DVA Veteran Gold or White Card can now add a spouse to their account, this means your spouse will gain their own membership, entirely free! Login today to add your spouse and unlock further savings on groceries, gifts, fuel and loads more! Add your spouse at:
16.01.2022 DVA has released a Fact Sheet with comprehensive information that you may require in relation to the Coronavirus and how it will affect Veterans. This can be found at
15.01.2022 They went with songs to the battle, they were young. Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe.... They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. Lest we Forget.
14.01.2022 The Departmental Secretary has just advised us of the following outcome As you know we have been working closely with a number of supermarket chains to ensure vulnerable veterans can access a range of priority assistance services from supermarkets when purchasing online or shopping in-store. While the Gold Card is not a concession card it does identify our most vulnerable veterans, and war widows, of which there are over 120,000 across Australia.... From today, Gold Card holders are eligible to access the priority services offered by Coles, IGA, Foodworks and Woolworths. . The services being offered include priority online ordering, home delivery, in-store collection and access to a range of boxed basic grocery items which is delivered by Australia Post. More detail on the offerings from each supermarket can be found at the following links: Coles Foodworks IGA Woolworths While Gold Cards may not be identified on landing pages (as we are waiting for updates to the websites), the DVA Gold card is listed or can be included when completing the online registration process. We will be providing more information to veterans about these initiatives through our usual communication and social network channels. But I would appreciate your assistance in highlighting these services to your members. I am pleased with this outcome and thank you all for your patience. Regards Liz Liz Cosson AM CSC Secretary Department of Veterans’ Affairs E: [email protected]
14.01.2022 TPI Federation Remembers On 15 August 2020 we will be marking the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. To acknowledge this significant anniversa...ry, as well as of all those who served during this war, the Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, and the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, the Hon Darren Chester MP have launched the #OneInAMillion campaign. #OneInAMillion is a communications initiative to raise awareness in the community about the over one million Australians who served during the Second World War, it has two elements; o #OneInAMillion: Wall of Respect a social media wall of photographs, and o Hearing their stories a series of eight compelling interviews in the form of short animated videos that share moments of inspiration and courage. We are seeking your support for the ‘#OneInAMillion: Wall of Respect’ project, by encouraging your members to post a photo to their social media wall of them holding a photograph of a family member who served in the Second World War, and use the hashtag #OneInAMillion. Since 2 June this year, the Minister has also been posting a daily social media series, 75 days, 75 stories, about Australians who lived through the Second World War, from those who served to the many who contributed on the home front. I would appreciate your assistance in communicating this information to your members, and encouraging their involvement in sharing an image for the ‘#OneInAMillion: Wall of Respect’ and listening to the video and social media series
14.01.2022 MEDIA RELEASE - the Hon. Darren Chester MP, Minister for Veterans' Affairs - Wednesday, 27 May 2020 REMEMBERING OUR FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE WHO HAVE SERVED THIS Na...tional Reconciliation Week, all Australians are encouraged to learn about our nation’s shared history, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation. Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester said Reconciliation Week provided an opportunity to reflect on the service of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their contribution to Australia’s wartime history in every war and conflict since the Boer War at the turn of the twentieth century. This year’s theme for National Reconciliation Week ‘In This Together’ is a perfect representation of how Indigenous men and women have served our nation alongside non-Indigenous men and women for more than 120 years, Mr Chester said. It’s estimated that at least 1000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people served during the First World War despite regulations that discouraged their enlistment. In the Second World War more than 3000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people served. One of those who served in the First World War was Corporal Harry Thorpe, from my electorate of Gippsland, who enlisted in February 1916 and arrived on the Western Front later that year, Mr Chester said. During his service Harry was involved in the operations near Ypres in Belgium and was involved in the dangerous job of seeking out German infantry hiding in dugouts and pill boxes his great courage and leadership earned him a Military Medal and a promotion to Corporal with his citation reading, By his splendid example and disregard of all danger he inspired those under him. On 8 August 1918 the Allies began their major offensive and the following day Harry was wounded for the third and final time. Corporal Harry Thorpe is buried in the Heath Cemetery in France, alongside his friend and fellow Indigenous soldier Private William Rawlings, another Military Medal recipient who was killed on the same day. Sadly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were not even classed as Australian citizens until 1967, but that didn’t stop them from serving their country with honour and distinction. While wearing the uniform Indigenous men and women were treated with respect and dignity, however, tragically this was not the case in their civilian lives, Mr Chester said. Today, I am proud that the Australian Defence Force boasts more than 1800 full-time permanent Australian Defence Force (ADF) members who identify as Indigenous, which represents 3.1 per cent of the total permanent ADF workforce. This is up from 2.8 per cent last year. To those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have served, and are currently serving, I say a simple and heartfelt, ‘thank you for your service’. Over the course of National Reconciliation Week, I encourage all Australians to take a moment to pause and reflect on the service and sacrifice of Indigenous service men and women in times of war, conflict and peacekeeping operations. ENDS See more
14.01.2022 The Brereton Report The Brereton Report, compiled by Judge Paul Brereton, did NOT find evidence what Judge Brereton found was credible information. There is a huge gaping hole of difference between credible information and evidence. It is not at all clear whether the credible information amounts to evidence that would hold water in a Court of Law or whether it is simply hearsay and/or biased allegations. That Judge Brereton recommended investigation by the Fede...Continue reading
12.01.2022 All surviving WWII Veterans are eligible for a Commemorative Medallion and Certificate of Commemoration that mark the upcoming 75th anniversary of the end of la...rgest global conflict of the 20th century. It is produced by the Australian Government Department of Veterans' Affairs and more information is available here Lest we forget! #rslwamateship #TeamVeteran See more
12.01.2022 It is with much regret that I have been advised of the passing of our Past-Director, John Poland. John was a TPI Victorian Federation Director for approximatel...y 10 years and contributed much over that time. His friendship and insight were invaluable to all who knew him. John's passing will be felt by many of his friends and colleagues. The TPI Federation and Directors wish to express their deep condolences to John's wife, Barbara, and their families. R.I.P John See more
11.01.2022 Congratulations Sir Tom Moore
09.01.2022 The Long Shadow Book Launch The Vietnam War continues to cast a long shadow over a generation of Australian servicemen and servicewomen. Five decades after t...heir service in Vietnam, many veterans live with the enduring impacts of that conflict. Based on interviews with veterans and analysis of hundreds of medical and scientific studies of veterans’ health, 'The Long Shadow: Australia's Vietnam Veterans Since the War' is a comprehensive examination of the entire range of medical legacies of the Vietnam War. In this book author Peter Yule also tells the story of the political battles over veterans’ health, and examines the reactions of government to veterans’ health issues. Director of the Australian War Memorial, Matt Anderson, said This medical history lays to rest some of the misconceptions and establishes for the first time an accurate picture of the health of Vietnam veterans. Many veterans believe that their service and sacrifice were never properly recognised and that their health problems were ignored, trivialised or denied altogether. This book provides a way to share those experiences from a veteran perspective, Follow this link to purchase your copy of 'The Long Shadow' and to watch a video recording of today’s book launch from the Australian War Memorial
09.01.2022 The good old days...
08.01.2022 Telehealth and medicine delivery
08.01.2022 The attached document was approved by the TPI Federation Board at the recent TPI Federation Congress meeting -
07.01.2022 A list of ANZAC Day services being held across Tasmania next weekend is available on our website at A reminder that due to COVID restrictions, you may be required to register attendance in your local area. Please contact the appropriate RSL sub-branch for specific requirements in your local area. See more
06.01.2022 This ANZAC Day, Light Up The Dawn Visit for more details #anzacday2020 #lightupthedawn
06.01.2022 The Australian Veterans’ Children Assistance Trust (AVCAT) tertiary scholarship program will continue in 2021. Scholarships can provide up to $4,000 per year..., for three years, to full-time students at university, TAFE or RTO. An eligible student must be the child, stepchild, foster child or grandchild of an ex-serving Australian veteran. Applications open Monday 18 August 2020 and can be done online. Scholarships will be awarded to students based on financial need and academic merit, with applications closing midnight AEDT Saturday 31 October 2020. Further information about eligibility and the program can be found at
03.01.2022 In November last year, the Australian Government announced an investment of $30 Million for a network of six Veteran Wellbeing Centres across Australia. It la...ter transpired that those Centres were to be set up in Townsville, Darwin, Perth, Adelaide, Wodonga and Nowra. Upon becoming aware of the locations, RSL Tasmania wrote to the Minister Chester and urged him to reconsider and include locating a Centre in Tasmania. The question was asked many times are Tasmania’s veterans less important than those on the Mainland? On 20 January 2020, Minister Chester confirmed in writing to RSL Tasmania that there was currently no provision for the establishment of Centres in other locations. RSL Tasmania, with the support of a number of other Ex Service Organizations, has continued to lobby both the Federal and State Governments to have a Veterans Wellness Centre in Tasmania. RSL Tasmania welcomes the joint announcement made today by Minister Chester and Minister Barnett, shown below, that the Federal and State Governments will jointly fund a feasibility study in Tasmania to look at an integrated, nationally connected service for the State. Last year, RSL Tasmania commissioned a survey of over 4000 of its members in which they had the opportunity to tell us how we could improve and change to meet the needs of veterans and their families. The results were published in March this year, in the RSL Tasmania Report ‘Supporting Tasmania’s Veterans’. Moving forward from the Report, RSL Tasmania has developed its new Strategic Plan with the wellness of the Defence Family as our main purpose as we move forward. Regards Robert Dick State President RSL Tasmania JOINT MEDIA RELEASE Thursday, 25 June 2020 The Hon Darren Chester MP Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Minister for Defence Personnel Guy Barnett Tasmanian Minister for Veterans’ Affairs SUPPORTING THE TASMANIAN EX-SERVICE COMMUNITY VETERANS and their families in Tasmania will be able to have their say in how to access support with the Federal and Tasmanian governments jointly investing $120,000 to undertake a feasibility study to look at an integrated, nationally connected service for the state. Federal Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester and Tasmanian Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Guy Barnett today announced the joint initiative, which will see the veteran community in Tasmania consulted and asked about how they can be better supported across the state. We all have a passion for supporting veterans and their families, and it is important we all work together to continue to improve their health and wellbeing, and to provide individualised services based on local veterans’ needs, Mr Chester said. I thank the Tasmanian Government and Mr Barnett for their commitment to veterans and their families. I also thank the Member for Braddon Mr Gavin Pearce MP, a 20-year Army veteran, and Member for Bass Mrs Bridget Archer MP who have both strongly advocated for veterans and their families in Tasmania. This builds on a feasibility study which is being conducted in the Australian Capital Territory in conjunction with the ACT Government, as well as the Federal Government’s $30 million investment in a network of six Veterans’ Wellbeing Centres across the nation. State Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Guy Barnett said this announcement is a welcome step forward and further builds on work already underway to support Tasmania’s veterans and ex-service personnel. The assistance, support and advocacy for veterans and their families has never been more important, and this feasibility study will look at what services are required and where, and how best to deliver that support, Mr Barnett said. This is an opportunity to work together to increase available services and supports to the veteran community, which will include both government and non-government input for a coordinated local approach. The feasibility study will include broad stakeholder engagement, data collection and consideration of potential connection with research institutions. Further details regarding the feasibility study, including how to be involved, are available on the DVA website.
02.01.2022 7 October 2020 The federal government announcing two cash payments as part of the 2020-21 budget. Pensioners will receive a $250 cash boost in December and anot...her $250 in March next year. The money will go to aged and disability pensioners, veterans, people on carer payments and family tax benefit recipients. Commonwealth seniors health card and pensioner concession cardholders are also in line for the cash.
02.01.2022 From Monday, Tasmanians can spend more time with their loved ones in aged care facilities.
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