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Society of Polish Culture in Victoria in Brighton East, Victoria | Society & culture website

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Society of Polish Culture in Victoria

Locality: Brighton East, Victoria

Phone: +61 3 9530 0301


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25.01.2022 POLISH MUSIC DAY - Melbourne 2019 Great event! see the photo report. See you next year, 2020 !!! Sunday, 29 September 2019... Polish Music Day at Deakin Edge, Federation Square 1.The Spirit of Poland - Alan Kogosowski plays Chopin. Chopin Piano Recital to launch the 7th EMMC Melbourne 2019 2. Final of the 7th Ewa Malewicz Music Competition - Melbourne 2019 - Polonez Song and Dance Ensemble performance, - "Mazurkas" - Stanisaw Deja (Poland), Chairman of the competition jury, - "Polskie Drogi" - Adam Piechociski (violin), Stanisaw Deja (piano) 3 - Tribute to Krzysztof Komeda - performed by Adam Simmons Creative Music Ensemble with a feature pianist Tony Gould.

24.01.2022 We regret to inform you that due to Covid-19 restrictions in Victoria and other Australian states, the Organizing Committee of PolMusicA is forced to cancel the music competition and the Polish Music Day festival in 2020. We apologize to all participants for any inconvenience. Applications for the competition will be reopened on 1st February 2021. The new competition dates are: 22 September - 3 October 2021. Applications submitted so far will continue to be accepted for the competition in 2021. For any resignations from the competition, please inform us by e-mail: [email protected] See more

24.01.2022 WINNERS of the 7th Ewa Malewicz Music Competition Melbourne 2019 Group A - 12 and under... 1st Prize - Andi Wu Piano, student of Mikhail Solovei 2nd Prize - Serena Yitong Zhang Piano, student of Glenn Riddle 3rd Prize - Patrick Hill Cello, student of Margarita Iourgaeva Group B 13 16 years 1st Prize - Louise Turnbull Violin, student of Ivana Tomaskova 2nd Prize - Michael de Huy Piano, student of Glenn Riddle 3rd Prize not awarded Additional Prize: The best performance of F. Chopins work Andi Wu (by Friends of Chopin Australia )

23.01.2022 76th anniversary of Warsaw Uprising On August 1, 1944, the Polish Home Army (Armia Krajowa, AK), a non-Communist underground resistance movement, initiated the Warsaw uprising to liberate the city from the German occupation and reclaim Polish independence. The impetus for the military action was the ongoing retreat of the German forces from Poland, followed by the appearance of the Soviet Red Army along the east bank of the Vistula River. By October 2, 1944, the Germans had suppressed the uprising, deporting civilians to concentration and forced-labor camps and reducing Warsaw to ruins.

23.01.2022 Only 4 years ago...13th National Polish Arts Festival in Melbourne, PolArt 2015 (27 Dec 2015 - 3 Jan 2016). Next one (15th) soon in Sydney - PolArt 2021 !!! Watch the video, lots of festival friends !!! Music: Andrzej Jagodziski Trio

23.01.2022 A newly discovered short story entitled Undula by Polish Jewish writer Bruno Schulz (1892-1942), translated with a short introduction by Stanley Bill.

22.01.2022 Dzikujemy George uk-Kozika za wieloletni sub dyplomatyczn jako Generalny Konsul Honorowy RP w Melbourne. yczymy wielu radoci i zasuonego wypoczynku.

22.01.2022 "Behind every great man theres a great woman" ...? or vice versa ...?! Grayna Bacewicz (composer, violinist) - Wanda Rutkiewicz (climber) -

22.01.2022 75 years passed since the end of the war! The Polish soldiers were fighting the Germans from the very first day of the war in 1939, until its end in 1945. They ...contributed greatly to the Allies victory, by fighting fiercely not only in Europe, but also in Southeast Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Today we would like to remember them as those who were active on every front, where people fought for the freedom of Europe. We are grateful for their service, struggle, and bravery. We created for you an animation consisting of archival materials from such sources as the East News, the Sikorski Institute, the Imperial War Museum in London, the National Digital Archives and the Polish Press Agency. ------------------ #VEDay

22.01.2022 Sun, 27 Oct - 12pm, Chamber Music Duo Only One Concert in Australia !!! Adam Piechociski (violin) & Stanislaw Deja (piano) Polish Marian Shrine, 6/8 Aberfeldie St, Essendon Admission - free

21.01.2022 Competition 7th EMMC is underway...

19.01.2022 Festival video shots - part two !!! Bardzo dzikujemy za relacj Chris Bajkowski z Bumerang ! Polish Festival @ Federation Square, Senivoda, Polonez Song and Dance Ensemble

18.01.2022 Sat, 14 March 2020, 3pm - Masters of Melody (only one recital in Melbourne ) Dominika Zamara - soprano, Konrad Olszewski - piano St Johns Southgate - 20 City, Southbank

18.01.2022 We may be biased, but there's nothing better than Polish comfort food - complete with plenty of carbs, potatoes and butter. What's your go-to Polish comfort food?

16.01.2022 Polish Festival@Federation Square Sunday, 17 Nov 2019 10am - 5pm Program in the Deakin Edge Theatre: 10.30... Frederic Chopin Society in Victoria under direction of Irena Janus-Olchowik, President of the Society Victoria Chapman, Emily Chapman piano, flute, vocal 11.00 Official Opening in Deakin Edge OBERTAS - Polish Song nd Dance Company (Brisbane) under the direction of Henry Kurylewski Krakowiak, Hosa Dyna SYRENKA - Polish Folkloric Ensemble (Sydney) Nowy Scz 11.15 Presentations of Polish Music Schools Allegri - Polish Music School in Moonee Ponds under the direction of Dana Czarski Ruby Rio piano Emma Thornton piano Jasmine Orval piano Sandy Young piano Rachel Sekhon piano Madison Ostrowski piano Isabella Como, Aleyna Isic Violin Duo Dana Czarski acc. piano Polish Music School in Box Hill under the direction of Adam Piechociski Haoqing Leo Liu piano Matthew Yan - violin Kieron Fenner - violin Polish Music School in Scoresby under the direction of Roman Syrek Jesper Shi - piano Polish Music School in Endeavour Hills under the direction of Grace Pinkowski Cheryl Zhang - piano Aidan Vu - piano Alyssa Davidson - piano Polish Music School in Endeavour Hills under the direction of Sylwia Michalska Veronica Mrz piano Polish Music School in Cranbourne under the direction Ela Stplewska Alexia Balet - violin, Emily Tomasiuk acc. piano Violin Duo Michelle & Chanel Patryarcha, Emily Tomasiuk - piano Youth String Ensemble (34 musicians ) 12.40 Winners of the 7th Ewa Malewicz Music Competition Melbourne 2019 Andi Wu piano Louise Turnbull violin Patrick Hill cello 13.00 Kids Dance Workshop Jacqui Paszkiewicz instructor 13.30 Whispers from the wind ~ Original Songs Ola Milena vocal, piano, ukulele, guitar 14.00 KUJAWY - Dance and Song Ensemble (Sydney) Sieradz 14.15 Inspirations Konrad Olszewski Piano Recital 15.10 Singing Friends of Poland Enjoy a feast of harmony performed by singers brought together by their musical connections to Poland. Tsinskaro (Georgian vocal ensemble) Nick Weis, Stewart Haines, Krzysztof Derwiski, Gosia Kaszubska Breathing Space (Australian Choir) Andrea Genat, Liz Johnson, Therese Virtue, Lilliana Hajncl, Luisa Macmillan, Lou Clayton, Sue Green, Liljana Tasevska, Catherine Heywood, Karen Vella, Joan Powling, Jackie Getson Polish Duo Gosia Kaszubska and Zosia Kaszubska - piano 15.45 Finding the Chopin style Recital by Nagano Kotaro (Japan) - winner of the Australian International Chopin Competition 2014 16.20 Memories/Powroty ~ Music & Poetry Marta Kaczmarek vocal, poems Roman Syrek piano, accordion, trombone Alicja Shaw-Syrek - violin

16.01.2022 All about IT for seniors and more - free courses. PROGRAM BE CONNECTED... Program Be Connected. Every Australian Online to rzdowy program, ktrego celem jest podniesienie kompetencji cyfrowych osb powyej 50 r.. Federacja Polskich Organizacji w Wiktorii zostaa oficjalnym partnerem programu w 2018 r. i prowadzi sie PCCV. W ramach programu nie tylko prowadzimy zajcia komputerowe i aktywnoci online dla seniorw, ale take popularyzujemy nowoczesne technologie oraz umiejtnoci wrd czonkw polskiej spoecznoci w Wiktorii. Kada zarejestrowana w programie osoba moe korzysta z bezpatnych kursw e-learningowych, ktre dostpne s na platformie Be Connected. Tematyka kursw jest bardzo bogata, poczwszy od obsugi rnych urzdze elektronicznych, poprzez korzystanie z aplikacji mobilnych i webowych, koczc na edukacji o bezpieczestwie w sieci i netykiecie. Kursy dostpne s w jzyku angielskim. JAK SI ZAREJESTROWA? Aby mc doczy do naszej sieci Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc. wystarczy wej na stron Nastpnie klikn w fioletowy przycisk Sign in/up, ktry znajduje si w prawym grnym rogu. W nastpnym kroku zostaniemy przeniesieni na stron z dwiema opcjami, logowania po lewej i rejestracji po prawej. Korzystajc z tej drugiej opcji - New account uzupeniamy niezbdne do rejestracji naszego konta pola: imi; nazwisko; nazw sieci (Tutaj wpisujemy Polish Community Council of Victoria Inc. Po wpisaniu 2-3 sw wyszukiwarka powinna nam wskaza nasz sie. Wybieramy sie klikajc w jej nazw.); adres mailowy; haso. Na koniec rejestracji naley zaznaczy zgod na doczenie do programu Be Connected (zgoda na otrzymywanie informacji od Be Connected jest dobrowolna). Jeli prawidowo zarejestrowalimy si na platformie, powinnimy zobaczy nasze imi w prawym grnym rogu. Nastpnym razem, jak bdziemy chcieli skorzysta z platformy, kilikamy w przycisk Sign in/up i korzystamy z opcji po lewej stronie Sign in. JAK KORZYSTA Z KURSW? Aby mc skorzysta z kursw, klikamy w opcj Topic library dostpn w pasku menu. Kursy podzielone s na kategorie tematyczne. Szczeglnie polecamy kursy zwizane z bezpiecznym poruszaniem si w sieci i zarzdzaniem aplikacjami. Jest te sporo kursw o obsudze urzdze elektronicznych, od komputera przez smartphona koczc na tablecie/ipadzie. Wrd kursw dostpnych na platformie mona rwnie znale stref releksu pen ciekawych gier, ktre pozwol zrelaksowa si lub powiczy szare komrki. Opracowanie: J. Tarnowska

15.01.2022 Today in Poland we celebrate the 229th Anniversary of the Constitution of 3rd May. In 1791, Poland adopted a governmental act known as the Constitution of 3rd May. Called by Irish statesman Edmund Burke the noblest benefit received by any nation at any time, the act included some radical reforms, and was designed to address the Commonwealths political ailings, but came as too little and too late. Still, the document became the worlds second-oldest codified national consti...tution (after the US Constitution of 1789) and the first constitution in Europe. The Polish document remained in force for less than 19 months though. Only a couple years later the country was dissolved altogether, making it a historical event without precedent. The Constitution of 3rd May was a reflection of the Polish spirit, which, after all, allowed the Poles to survive 123 years of partitions and then 45 years of Soviet communism. May 3rd was a state holiday until 1939, the outbreak of World War II. Thereupon, first the German and then the Soviet occupiers forbade Poles from celebrating this important day, which became a pretext for many anti-Communist manifestations. And now, in free Poland, the Constitution of May 3 is celebrated once again and Poles treat implementation of this basic law as one of the breakthrough events in Polish history.

15.01.2022 Konkurs Muzeum II Wojny wiatowej w Gdasku "Pro Bono Poloniae" - rwnie dla organizacji i zespow spoza Polski. Termin zgosze do 18 wrzenia. Szczegy: Przedmiotem Konkursu jest udokumentowanie wskazanego wydarzenia artystycznego (koncertu, widowiska, spektaklu, wystawy, innego) zrealizowanego midzy 1 stycznia 2019 r. a 31 sierpnia 2020 r., promujcego polsk kultur w kraju i zagranic, ze szczeglnym uwzgldnieniem wtkw historycznych i patriotycznych oraz promocji historii Polski w latach 1939 1945.

14.01.2022 POLISH TALENT SUPPORT is a competition for young Polish people living abroad and interested in studying art. The main awards in the competition are one year long scholarships in fashion design, photography, interior design, choreography and acting. Thanks to this initiative, we want to enable young people living abroad education in Krakow the cultural capital of Poland. For many, it will be an opportunity to improve their command of Polish language and to make friends. Pe...ople whose knowledge of Polish is very weak can also decide to study in English in international groups: Fashion College and School of Creative Photography and take advantage of our Polish language course, which is conducted during the first year of study. In this way, we want to create a platform for exchanging of valuable experiences with representatives of Polonia from different countries. Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design (KSA) is an educational institution with 30 years of history, which can boast of numerous international successes . For 9 years, KSA has been organizing Cracow Fashion Week ,one of the largest events on the fashion map of Poland as well we are the organizer of The Cracow Design Days- Zaprojektowani.Both events aime at promoting students and graduates of KSA. More information about Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design at

14.01.2022 Launching to the official PolMusicA 2020 poster created by Polish graphic artist, Karol Kierzynka. Polish Music Competition - More of Karols artworks:

14.01.2022 Marta Kaczmarek, Roman Syrek i Alicja Syrek ju za tydzie, podczas PolFest@FedSq w spektaklu muzyczno-poetyckim "Memories/Powroty" ! Sun, 17 Nov - 4.20 pm, Deakin Edge Federation Square

12.01.2022 Happy Easter ! Radosnego Alleluja !!

12.01.2022 Off the top of your head, how many #Polish #inventions can you think of? Theres a lot more than you think! Theyve changed the way we live and, witho...ut them, the world would be a very different place! In this video, we look at ten of the most important inventions made by Poles - at home and abroad. Our tourist publication is struggling financially during the current #Coronavirus Pandemic. Wed love to continue making videos like this and other local content so, if you enjoy this video, PLEASE MAKE A DONATION to keep us going #polishinventions #scienceandtechnology #polishhistory #szczepanik #baranowski #magnuski #zamenhoff #lukasiewicz #travelslow #travelsmart #travelguide #famouspoles #Polishpeople #Poland #Polska #polandinyourpocket #polandexperience #traveldestination #travelpoland #paperclip #bulletproofvest #esperanto #kerosenelamp #kevlar #warsaw #warszawa

12.01.2022 Sun, 17 Nov 2019 - Polish Festival@Federation Square - Guide (Program, Stalls, Map)

12.01.2022 The Clare Valley, South Australia, 1870 - In an overwhelmingly Protestant, Anglo-Celtic society, pioneering Polish Jesuit Fr Leon Rogalski arrives to become the... first Chaplain to the Polish community of Hill River. 150 years on we invite you to celebrate the anniversary of this landmark arrival with events in Victoria and South Australia. Find out more here:

10.01.2022 With just over a week to go until our virtual Festival goes live, we'd like to give you a bit of an insight into what our Festival will look like. The Virtual ...Festival goes live at 9.00am Melbourne time next Sunday, 15 November. From then on, you'll be able to follow our full program which is separated into the sections that you would usually find at our in-person Festival. There is no set time for each element of our program - you can choose what to explore and when! The Virtual Festival will include the following programs: CHlLDREN’S PROGRAM Activities for kids and the young at heart, including performances from our youngest musicians and Melbourne's Polish Schools, as well as a cooking demonstration designed especially for children. FESTIVAL DANCE Performances from folkloric groups here in Melbourne, interstate groups from Sydney, Brisbane and Perth, as well as international guests from New Zealand and Poland. The program includes classic, contemporary and folkloric dance performances, dance classes run by folkloric dance groups, and an insight into the history of Polish folkloric dance from the experts Polish professional dance ensemble, Slsk. MARKET SQUARE A virtual directory of Polish businesses around Melbourne. KARCZMA All things Polish food and drink, with recipes and cooking demonstrations. MUSIC HUB Musicians young and old from Melbourne and Poland. Performances will showcase a variety of music from swing, gypsy, pop, folk inspired by Bob Dylan, through to traditional Polish melodies from the Polish highlands and beyond. MORE THAN MUSIC Musical and creative performances from local and international artists. Performances include classical music of Polish composers, poetry and discussions with Polish authors. FESTIVAL THEATRE Theatrical performances from Melbourne, Sydney and Poland. Features puppet shows, musicals and comedies. We’ve got performances in Polish and in English whatever takes your fancy! REMEMBERING THE FESTIVAL Memories of past festivals over the last 16 years, including photos, videos and a detailed written history.

09.01.2022 Polish Community Council of Victoria informs of funeral proceedings for our President Mr Marian Pawlik OAM to be held on Saturday the 8th of August 2020 at 2:00pm in Divine Mercy Shrine Keysborough. Due to unprecedented COVID -19 restrictions only 10 persons can be in attendance and this is reserved for the closest family members and friends.This service will be available via YouTube Application (the icon will be available at the time and day of the service) Polish Community Council of Victoria wishes to inform that the Special Church Service for Marian Pawlik OAM will take place at the later date as COVID-19 restrictions currently prevent larger gatherings.

08.01.2022 Those Poles - they can even turn Waltzing Matilda into a Polonaise! Well done Stanislaw Deja Pianist - I think they liked it. This was at the Polish Club in Ashfield. If you missed him at Fed Square you can still catch Stach in concert at the Polish Marian Shrine in Essendon next Sunday 27/10 , 12pm.

07.01.2022 "Mam Teatr" - Australia 2020 (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth )

06.01.2022 As a nation that has experienced its fair share of challenges, Poles are known for their resilience, indominable spirit, hard work and resourcefulness. While we... may not be able to meet in person this year, were working hard behind the scenes to bring a taste of Poland into your homes - so stay tuned for more information about how you can join in the festivities on the 15th of November, 2020. See more

06.01.2022 15 November 2020 - Virtual Polish Festival@Federation Square. Keep our website from 8am till late.... Polish colors, flavors and sounds from the past and present. Unique event, don't miss out !!!... Wsród naszych polskich goci, spotkamy si z Mam Teatr w komedii "Czas na mio", na który ju zapraszaj ulubiecy polonijnej publicznoci w Australii, Marzanna Graff i Aleksander Mikoajczak. Przedstwienie znane i niezwykle chwalone teraz dla wszystkich bez ogranicze, tylko w dniu festiwalu ! Zapraszamy !!!

06.01.2022 Nagano Kotaro - Winner of the Australian International Chopin Piano Competition 2014 in Melbourne !!!! 17 Nov, 3.45pm - Deakin Edge, Federation Square

04.01.2022 Six days to go!!!

04.01.2022 Battle of Warsaw 1920 - on the 100th anniversary of the victory of the Polish army over Bolshevism, a film directed by Jerzy Hoffman with the participation of the most outstanding Polish actors: Daniel Olbrychski, Borys Szyc, Bogusaw Linda, Natasza Urbaska (mostly, with patriotic songs we all know, interesting arrangements), Aleksander Domogarov, Micha ebrowski and many, many others...


03.01.2022 Festiwal odbdzie si !...ale w innej formie.

02.01.2022 Special Opening - 10th International Drawing Biennale in memory of Tomasz Ostrowski When: Saturday 7 December, 7pm Where: Victorian Artists Society Gallery, 430 Albert Str, E Melb

02.01.2022 15th Polish Festival @ Federation Square - many thanks to all the Performers, you have done a wonderful day... On behalf of the organisers Really Big !!! - ... Thank You !!! Bardzo dziekuj !!! Tym razem mia w sobie ten festiwal co wyjatkowego, transcendentalnego, trudno opwiedzie trzeba byo po prostu by!! Wyjatkowa atmosfera i blisko moga wynika zarwno ze cisego harmonogramu, ktry zbudowali, ju teraz mona nazwa Ojcowie tego festiwalu jak Jan Szuba, Joanna Merwart, JurekiDorotka Bkowskii, Anna Terech, Aleks Terech, George Papuga i wielu, wielu innych ale te obecny Komitet z Monika Alexandra na czele, wiele serc poczonych w jedn ide. To niezwykle cenne, i to wielki kredyt wsplnego zaufania, ktry bdzie w stanie unie to wydarzenie jako jedyne w swoim rodzaju na dalsze lata, jako wyjtkow imprez w Australii wanie dziki ludziom takim jak my i jak Wy, potraficych dziaa wsplnie, jako wolontariat, jako wizja wsplnej przyszoci i propagowaniu najlepszego Polskiego wizerunku, tak mozemy byc dumni z tego wyjtkowego wita wsrd naszej Australijskiej spoecznoci i z nas samych. Deakin Edge 2020 Po raz pierwszy na scenie w Deakin Edge zespoy taneczne: Obertas z Brisbane, Syrenka a pniej Kujawy z Sydney zachwyciy. Niewatpliwie, jeli kultura polska przetrwa moga najtrudniejsze czasy w historii Polski to rwnie za spraw tanecznych obcasw. Kolorowo, rytmicznie, piewnie i tanecznie. Cz przedpoudniowa to przezntacje studentw Towarzystwa Chopinowskiego i szk muzycznych prowadzonych przez polskich nauczycieli. Przegld najmodszych adeptw sztuki muzycznych mierzcych si si z utworami polskich kompozytorw. Wielkie pochway dla Irene Olchowik za ciekawy program Towarzystwa. Wszyscy sie starali i mielimy wykonania wyjtkowe wsrd blisko 20 wykonwcw ale na szczegln moja uwag zasuya Ela Stplewska, ktrej chciabym pogratulowa wystepu ponad 30-to osobowego zespou Youth String Ensemble, ktry zabrzmia wyjtkowo dobrze i pewnie w preludium Chopina, sdz, e to wykonanie zostanie nam na duej w pamici. Mam takie dwa uniesienia, dwa wyjatkowe dla mnie osobicie momenty. Recital Konrad Olszewski zagrany niezwykym uczuciem, dziwnie moe, inaczej...Ten Chopin...wstrzymany, wyczekany z kad dramatyczn nut w napiciu...smutny i Wielki...z ojcowsk rek, ktrej ten recital by dedykowany, nigdy czego takiego nie syszaem niezwykle poruszjcy recital. Drugi, ktrego nawet nie miem porwnywa do pierwszego to koncert zwycizcw Konkursu im. Ewy Malewicz - juz po przesuchaniach miaem swojego faworyta i tym razem Patrick Hill ze swoj wiolonczel rwnie nie zawid szczegnie, e towarzyszy mu Konrad torujc mu znakomicie drog poprzez Largo z sonaty Fryderyka Chopina. Oczywicie musze wspomnie Louise Turnbull jej skrzypce naprawd cudownie wibruj, czysto i szlachetnie oraz Andi Wu, nie wiem jak to robi ale pod jego dziecic rka, fortepian jest jak oswojone zwierze... eby z tych uniesie nie wychodzi, biegn od razu do wystepu Marty Marta Kaczmarek i Kotaro Nagano Kotaro. Jake si ciesz, e nagralimy wiersze i piosenki Marty, bd mia je teraz na codzie delikatnie, zwodniczo, czarownie byc omotany ta poezj z Romana Syrka i Alicji nut. Moe sie podziele, kto wie? Kotaro zawadna fortepianem na swj sposb, to niezwyky pianista, jego chopinowska wraliwo przewysza jeszcze bardziej jego japoska grzeczno, publiczno przyja to wykonanie gorc owacj a wykonanie Moniuszko moe wprowadzic polskich pianistw w zakopotowanie. Kotaro ma juz zdecydowanie swoj wdziczn publiczno w Melbourne !!! Na koniec zostawiem sobie dwa wystpy, o ktrych miaem jedynie mgliste pojcie. Zosia Kaszubska przedstawia nam swoich spiewajcych przyjaci...pieni gruziskie wiem, e zrobiy niezwyke wraenie, nie spodziewalimy si a takich emocji. Pikne piewanie, pene pasji, harmonii to wystp ktry zrobi wielkie wraenie na publicznoci. Zostaa zjawiskowa Ola Milena gdybym mia znale wsplny mianownik, byoby to nie tylko wsplne piewanie ale mio, uczucie z jakim odnosz si artyci do swojej misji, ukochanie natury, jej praw i historii, szukanie wsplnego ttna z Ziemi, wolnoci, wyzwoleniem...bliskoci z ludmi i wsplnym o tym wyraaniu, piewaniu, byciu... Taki nasz festiwal...Pikny! Dzikuj Lucyna Bak za caodniowe, wytrwae trwanie i prowadzenie tego przedsiwzicia jako nasz MC !! Mam nadziej, e w przyszym roku zaskoczymy Was nie mniej a jesli macie jakie pomysy piszcie prosz, nasz Festiwal jest przez Was, poprzez Was i dla Was !!!

02.01.2022 Festival video shots !

01.01.2022 Polish classical composer Krzysztof Penderecki dies, aged 86 A titan of classical music, Penderecki was considered Polands greatest contemporary composer. He i...s best known for his tribute to the victims of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, as well as for film scores like "The Shining." Celebrated classical composer Krzysztof Penderecki died Sunday, aged 86, in his home city of Krakow, Polish media reported, citing his wife. He had been battling a long illness. The Polish composer and conductor was a classical trailblazer, often using atonal techniques in his works, though his compositions grew more traditional throughout his career. He worked with all the major symphony orchestras in Europe and the United States and was still actively performing. Pendereckis best-known pieces include Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima, written in 1960 to commemorate the victims of the first-ever used atomic bomb, and the highly avantgarde St. Lukes Passion from 1966. "I was aiming for something that seemed unreachable," he told in an interview in 2013. " A young composer, who had previously only written pieces that were ten minutes long, dared to create a work which was over an hour long much in the style of Johann Sebastian Bach." Penderecki was also known for his film scores, having composed the soundtracks to such movies such as William Friedkins The Exorcist, Stanley Kubricks The Shining and David Lynchs Wild at Heart. He won numerous global awards for his work including four Grammys, most recently in 2017. Penderecki was born on November 23, 1933 in Debica, near Krakow. He received music lessons as a child and later studied composition at the Academy of Music in Krakw. Recognition first came in 1959, when the three pieces he submitted to a young composers competition in Warsaw swept the prizes. His Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima the following year brought him international acclaim. In 1980, he was commissioned by Polands Solidarity trade union, which fought against the communist rule, to write a piece commemorating the anti-government protests in the Gdansk shipyard in 1970. He late expanded the work into one of his best-known later pieces, Polish Requiem.

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