Trace Elements Healing Centre | Businesses
Trace Elements Healing Centre
Phone: +61 402 003 305
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25.01.2022 A seed deposited in the soil, attracts to itself everything necessary for its growth... all you have to do is take this lesson from the seed... deposit the required idea in your subconscious mind and allow it to grow #traceelementshealingcentre #thepowerofyoursubconsciousmind #feelasifyouhaveitalready #anythingispossible #wisdomofyoursubconsciousmind #haveconfidence #naturopathsrock
24.01.2022 Feel the earth underneath you, Feel the wind over you, Feel the grass and the clouds and the sky, You are part of everything you are nature #traceelementshealingcentre #nature #onewiththeuniverse #freedom #earthsmedicine #herbalmedicine #foodasmedicine #naturopathsrock
24.01.2022 Welcome to "Cooking with Sam". Sam is our little chef in the making and today he is making a "Nut Muesli and Berry Parfait", one of his favourite breakfast's and after school snacks... enjoy... and as usual, comment below if you would like the recipe, we are very happy to share #traceelementshealingcentre #cookingwithsam #healthyeating #nutmuesliandberryparfait #healthystarttotheday #breakfast #yummysnack #easyhomecooking #omega7 #fibre #probiotics #proanthocyanidins
19.01.2022 If you guessed... Asparagus racemosus or Shatavari... you would be correct. I LOVE this herb, Shatavari is one of the key herbs I use in the treatment of female hormonal and reproductive conditions...It's a wonderful herb for natural fertility, pre-conception care and menopause... such a beautiful herb racemosus #traceelementshealingcentre #asparagusracemosus #shatavari #naturalfertility #preconceptioncare #femalehormonalconditions #menopause #hotflushes #naturopathsrock
17.01.2022 Taro card of the month... "Seven of wands" is about re-evaluating your position and facing your life challenges, imaginary or real. You may be coming from a darker place with your thoughts and it may be difficult to stay balanced. You may be at odds with yourself, the left foot doesn't know what the right foot is doing and at a deep soul level there is conflict within you... possibly envy... if so, acknowledge it You are on the precipice, concerned you may fall and y...our emotions are adding fuel to this fire (fighting spirit). Your defensive mechanisms are at play here... are they helping you stay ontop or are you defending yourself against something that doesn't even exist? These feeling comes from within, your fear has you in fight or flight. Is this a battle you still want to fight? Is it WORTH it..? You need to realise you can no longer fight for something you no longer believe in, ask yourself, do I need to move on? Do I still believe in it anymore..? The conflict here is more about our belief system that we have to maintain victory. Building up our beliefs = defences, sometimes we can be constantly defensive, is there really a challenge or do we just want to fight to maintain our position, whether we need to or not. What you fear may not be real anymore, now is the time to reassess what is actually important to you This card can come up alot in relationships when we build up our defences to keep other people away, the lie we tell ourselves is if we do this we never really get hurt but in reality we never fully connect or have meaningful relationships either The challenge is between the souls journey and the ego. By the time you move on from this card you would have to have resolved your doubt. Do not misuse that fighting spirit by defending what is no longer valued. Remember... certainty can be a defensive behaviour, the only certainty is that change is envitable and we need to face life's challenges imaginary or real... Resolution is at hand... have faith in yourself, you are the only one that can do it, no one else can do it for you... I love knowing this because I know that if I want change to occur for myself only I can make it happen, it does not and never will be because of someone else... very empowering Let me know if this helps or sheds light on your situation #traceelementshealingcentre #cardofthemonth #cardoftheday #sevenofwands #naturopathsrock #fearrealorimaginary #whatdoyouvalue #youhavethepowertochange #itsinyourhands #reevaluateyourposition
17.01.2022 A handful of nuts or seeds and a piece of fruit... a wonderfully balanced, quick and easy, healthy and nutritious snack... they truly are nature's takeaway #traceelementshealingcentre #naturestakeaway #healthysnacks #abundantearth #essentialfattyacids #vitamins #minerals #foodasmedicine #naturopathsrock
15.01.2022 Sometimes we focus so much on what could happen and worry about that... essentially stuff we make up (when in actual fact it may never occur) We lose sight of what we can do right now in this moment... do what you can now in this very moment, that will take you to the next moment and who knows what lies there #traceelementshealingcentre #dowhatyoucan #whatcanido #analysisparalysis #anticipatoryanxiety #momenttomoment #naturopathsrock
13.01.2022 Get ready for "Cooking with Sam"... Halloween edition Sam will be showing you some deliciously tasty and healthy trick or treat ideas and some very naughty ones too. Come and join him tomorrow at 6pm and see the deliciousness. #cookingwithsam #traceelementshealingcentre #vegan #yummy #vegetarian #healthykidssnacks #halloweentastytreats
13.01.2022 Taro card of the month... "Four of Cups" You may be assessing the foundation of the "love" you have in your life, how happy am I with my love? What is it offering me?.. It may feel like something is missing in your life and that may be because you aren't looking at what spirit is offering you, you are more focused on what is missing. When we focus on what is missing we disconnect with what we actually have. There is a reluctance here to reach out and make one's life ...fulfilling, almost an apathy. Review where you are at with your emotional contentment i.e. What you have in life in regards to happiness, joy and fulfillment. There may be a longing for a deeper connection? The wonderful thing here is that "Life" does indeed offer us more but we have to put our hand out to accept it, we CAN and DO create that for ourselves. Stop day dreaming and take action, start participating in the world. Look at what is causing the discontent and accept the renewal of energy that is being offered if you want it. It is right there, reach out and grab it with both arms #traceelementshealingcentre #taro #cardofthemonth #cardoftheday #fourofcups #renewalofenergy #emotionalcontentment #divineconnection #createwhatyouchoose #focusonwhatyouhave
11.01.2022 Card of the month... "Ace of Cups" The gift of Divine, Unconditional, Spiritual Love. What a beautiful card to get for the month of December, not only does it symbolise unconditional love and infinite peace (which is the gift of spirit to us in this life) BUT also spontaneous joyful events that just come up. The gift of blessings and joy that bubble up like those delicious champagne bubbles. An outpouring of emotions (from happiness or tears) and feelings of joy t...hat can well up from within You may notice that there are 5 streams pouring out of the cup that never empties... these streams of change and transformation symbolise what you give out is what you create or get back for yourself... remember persistent thoughts and feelings grow wings and become things... this isn't just what you think and feel about yourself BUT how you judge, think and feel about others. Be mindful, stop those negative thought processes before they have chance to take hold, what you think or feel from within, regardless of who or what it's directed toward is what you are creating for yourself. It is our human capacity to show love and compassion for all living things, our capacity to accept love into our life, this card shows the abundant, limitless capacity of the element of water You can't hold onto love, it has to be given freely BUT you can find love within yourself. This is sacred love, not mundane every day love (if there is such a thing). The Ace of Cups is not a relationship card, it's about the joy of life... Joy can come from the simplest things... Remember this, in what can be a crazy time of year... go in meditate or create or pray, whatever word works for you and connect or unite with the divine in yourself and others #traceelementshealingcentre #cardofthemonth #cardoftheday #aceofcups #innerpeace #joy #unconditionallove #simplepleasures #thegrail #thesourceofalllife #blessings #naturopathsrock
10.01.2022 How and what you think and feel when you are doing something can change your life. Think about it the next time you are washing the dishes... if you are thinking, "why do I always have to do these, I fricken hate washing the dishes", let's face it washing the dishes will always suck... but if you think, "you know I like eating off clean dishes, I'm going to scrub these suckers till they sparkle"... doing dishes may not suck as much anymore #traceelementshealingcentre #tasks #howyoudoit #naturopathsrock #whatyouthinkandfeelisimportant #simpletasks
10.01.2022 What healthy and positive habits would you like to develop... come on exercise that willpower muscle, hold yourself accountable, declare your goals #traceelementshealingcentre #starttoday #willpower #puttingofftillanotherdayneverworks #holdyourselfaccountable #declareyourgoals #katherinemilkman #naturopathsrock
09.01.2022 My kinda cup of tea... a great way to end a walk with new and old friends... what kinda tea do you enjoy after a Wednesday Walk? #traceelementshealingcentre #herbaltea #teawithfriends #wedesdaywalkwithanaturopath #freshair #healthyliving #enjoyexercise #likemindedconversations
05.01.2022 Welcome to "Cooking with Sam... Halloween Edition". Sam is our little chef in the making and today he is making deliciously tasty and healthy treats and some naughty ones to. Check out the "Cockroaches", "Witches Fingers" "Monster Faces", "Googly Eye and Wiggly Worm Cupcakes" and "Witches Broomsticks". Just in time for our trick or treaters...enjoy... and as usual, comment below if you would like the recipes, we are very happy to share #traceelementshealingcentre #cookingwithsam #healthyeating #halloweentreats #yummysnack #easyhomecooking #naughtytreats #veganhalloween #vegan
05.01.2022 Willpower and Self control are two of the main factors responsible for success... now before you freak out and think "OMG, I have none"... this is a muscle that can be exercised and developed... breathe... the sun will come up tomorrow and hey you may start a new journey and discover something new about yourself #traceelementshealingcentre #willpower #selfcontrol #starttoday #startnow #developpositivehabits #success #jamesheckman #johntierney #rediscoverthegreatesthumanstrength #naturopathsrock
03.01.2022 There is a power and intelligence within you that far transcends your intellect... your subconscious mind Whatever you experience to be true or real subjectively, can then become your reality, your subconscious mind does not argue with you... it merely implements what your conscious mind tells it to... What is your conscious mind telling you to believe is true? #traceelementshealingcentre #yoursubconsciousmindispowerful #thoughts #feelings #healing #changeyourthinking #naturopathsrock
03.01.2022 Get ready for... "Cooking with Sam", tomorrow (Saturday 14/9/19) @ 4pm, Sam will be making a delicious "Nut Muesli and Berry Parfait". Tune in, they are one of his favourite breakfasts aswell as snacks, just quietly, one of mine to #traceelementshealingcentre #cookingwithsam #breakfast #yummy #healthykidssnacks #nutmuesliandberryparfait #sugarfreeeating
02.01.2022 Sometimes the people that need the most help are the ones that never ask or say so... those are the people we really need to "just be there" for... think about the people in your life that just need you to be there... it can make a huge difference #traceelementshealingcentre #justbethere #contributiontoothers #theonesthatareusuallythereforeveryonesometimesneedhelpto #love #be
01.01.2022 "Three of Swords" A wound that has pierced the heart some time ago... the pain of the heart that is held onto by the mind You could be noticing a feeling of "separated-ness", there is a connection here between emotion and memory. A recent wounding to the heart may have bought up past hurts... the mind is recalling past hurts (remember those hurts aren't happening now, respond only to the now) The pain of the "3" destroys the intimacy of the "2", there is sense ...of separation because there is one that is not involved, could be that original cutting of the umbilical cord or triangular relationships. Feeling emotionally disconnected to the people around you, there is a split emotionally or even physically from another person. When this card appears it suggests that love and loss are intertwined and to experience true love, loss and grief must also be acknowledged. The mind has bought up old hurt(s) for you to be able to deal with in a new way. Now it's the time to heal it. Your mind is creating the hurt by thinking about it so you can then "re-work" that hurt. We can help this by tapping into that forgiveness energy, your spiritual connection to everything, re-connect and choose a relationship with life, yourself and others Affirmations that may help at this time are..."I am able to give and receive love more and more with each passing moment now" "I am able to manifest my goals easier and easier now" #traceelementshealingcentre #tarocardofthemonth #tarocardoftheday #threeofswords #mindrecallingoldhurts #oldwounds #feelingseparate #forgiveness #reconnectwithself #love #naturopathsrock
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