Tracey McBeath Health & Happiness Coach in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Health & wellness website
Tracey McBeath Health & Happiness Coach
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Just fantastic, well done Dr Liz Fraser Low Carb Canberra & Dr Ron Schweitzer (a GP from my local medical centre!). Liz did a fantastic presentation on Metabolic Syndrome this year at the inaugural Low Carb Lifestyle Long Weekend. She has kindly agreed to me putting this up for public viewing on YouTube.... You can find this here:
24.01.2022 Don’t forget tomorrow night I will be chatting LIVE to Exercise Physiologist, Brodie Cambourne! We will be unpacking the CAC (coronary artery calcium score), and talking about whether fitness really does = health. Click get reminder, and we hope to see you then! Tracey xx
24.01.2022 If you missed our live interview with Dr Peter Brukner OAM last night, you can now listen to it on our podcast, available on most platforms. Check out previous ...guests including the 2020 Australian of the Year Dr James Muecke AM, Flip Shelton's natural muesli and porridges and Tracey McBeath Health Coach,with host @the_running_dj Happy listening! #sugarbyhalf #podcast #health #healthy #nutrition #jerf #food #realfood #lchf #disease #change #education #help #listen #weekend #drive #spotify #google #apple #official #guests #host #lifestyle #thankyou #knowledge
23.01.2022 If you’re interested in just my thoughts, a new blog post is below. If you’re on my subscribers list, this will be coming your way tomorrow, along with more news. If you’re not on my list and are interested in some of what I say, please sign up on my website. Tracey #newthought #wellbeing #blog #mythoughts
22.01.2022 This week we celebrate World Alzheimer’s Day. We know so little about this disease. However, the more we learn, the more we see a metabolic component to it. Let’s talk about it. #alzheimers #keto #insulinresistance
22.01.2022 I’ve found another little gem to enrich your soul. It’s on Stan.
21.01.2022 Yesterday not only marked the start of the new year, but also the beginning of #organuary! I’ve teamed up with my mates Laban Ditchburn & Niall Clerkin to increase the awareness out there of both the nutritious and ethical benefits of including organs meats in our diets. We were lucky enough to have been interviewed recently by the amazing Belinda Fettke. In this snippet I share how I’ve made it work in my family (it’s still a work in process as with everything...!). Here’s the video > To learn more about Organuary, head here: You can join in the fun on social media by tagging #organuary and tagging a few mates who might be open to giving these parts of the animal a bit more Share your favourite way to include organ meats below! #organs #organuary #nosetotail #health
21.01.2022 This is why I love Mark Sisson so much Mark's Daily Apple. Wise enough to share his experience and know this won’t be what it will be like for all.
20.01.2022 Great summary on the confusing world of collagen.
18.01.2022 NEW ONLINE COACHING PROGRAM RUNS FOR 5 WEEKS, BEGINNING MONDAY 23RD NOVEMBER! I have been inundated with people who have ‘fallen off the wagon’ during the challenges of this year. I also get messages almost every day from people who just can’t seem to make the #lchf #keto #carnivore work for them over the longer term. You have all the knowledge.. but you still can’t reach your health goals.... If that sounds familiar, then this program is for you. You already understand the science. You’ve read, you’ve listened, you’ve watched. You know why it’s the way to eat for overall optimal health! Yet you still struggle with old habits and the love of certain foods, you emotionally eat or drink when you’re stressed, you struggle to stay motivated. Join me LIVE every Monday night beginning on the 23rd November via Zoom over 5 weeks, finishing up just before Christmas on Monday 21st December. Why put things off until the new year? Perhaps if you start now your health could have already improved by then? There’s not much time to think about, and rather I suggest you don’t give it a lot of thought. If you’re reading this and it’s speaking to you, then what are you waiting for. Perhaps this could be the perfect Christmas present for you? This program is not about the food. Instead it is about giving you back the control you need to make the right decisions for you and your life. Not what other people think is best for you. Each session will look like: Session 1: How do we bridge that gap between knowledge and behaviour change? Why does this look effortless for some, and so hard for you? Session 2: Understanding how habits are formed in the brain, and then seeing we don’t have to be a slave to them. This session will cover emotional eating & stress eating. Session 3: The keys to effortless weightloss. The two important steps to focus on if you want to be a little lighter. Session 4: Understanding the true source of motivation. Tapping in to something way more powerful that’s there for you 24/7. Session 5: Making all this work for you, and lots of questions and answers. Interested in learning more? I hope so. I would love to spend these 5 Mondays with you before we all have a break over Christmas. Click here to learn more, and please share with anyone else you think might be interested. Tracey xx #health #lifestylechange #habitchange #emotionaleating
17.01.2022 My husband and I have talked so much about this film! So hopeful and inspiring. So much we can do to protect our natural world we are so connected to
17.01.2022 Who says muscle decline and weakness is all a part of ageing? I’ve reached 8 weeks eating #carnivore as part of my #hashimotos #autoimmune healing plan. But it’s only been a full week without dairy because that was really tough for me to give up. But I got there in the end, and since doing so my guts and that last bit of brain fog have finally started to right itself. I haven’t shared how I’ve been going for a while because of a number of reasons. But I’ve been learning... so much about this illness, myself and have gone deep in to the realm of understanding things like #lectins. It’s been fascinating. I did have a very proud moment yesterday while doing a weight training session with my 18 year old son. He did comment on how strong I looked and was super impressed with his mum. Not bad for a 47 year old mum of 5. #mumgoals I don’t often share pics because I’m acutely aware of what we tend to do, which is compare ourselves. But I love one of @charliemackesy pictures he posted yesterday, which said, what do you think is the biggest waste of time? Comparing yourself to others. We’re all on our own journey, and no one knows what the path has been like for anyone else. So always keep your eyes on your own path, and know you’re always doing your best! And with new thought comes new behaviours. Insights! That’s how change happens. And that’s possible in us all. Have an awesome Monday
16.01.2022 Just in case anyone saw the rubbish on Channel 7 Adelaide on eggs being linked to diabetes....
15.01.2022 You are naturally confident Just another area where I had been innocently looking in the wrong direction. Where I thought I had to learn to be confident. That I thought I had to learn the tricks and tips from someone else. Like with so many thing, we are taught to think the answers lie outside of ourselves. Confidence was something I definitely thought I had to learn.... We can definitely learn the tricks, tips and techniques, and I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. And there’s a billion dollar industry out there promoting this. But like most things in life, is this really where the answers live to being ‘more confident?’ What if we saw that true confidence was simply showing up with a heart and mind that was fully open? Is there anything more beautiful that you being YOU with an open heart? I used to think the opposite of confidence was insecurity. But actually, the opposite of confidence is self-conscious. When we’re focused on ourselves, we may feel like we’re not confident because we’re fully aware of what we’re feeling inside of ourselves. Acutely and painfully even sometimes. But if we can shift our focus, we are likely to see a natural inbuilt confidence rise to the surface. This example in my own life illustrates this well. I often get asked how I have the ‘confidence’ to record videos, do live streams, talk to a large group of people, own my own business. Whatever looks like it would require a lot of confidence to do by others. Well, by firstly knowing now that I have always had confidence and that is innate in all of us, I started to see that the only thing getting in the way of me being confident... was the attention to my thinking that told me otherwise. I started to shift my focus. I shifted it off me and my internal feelings (what others would think of me, how I looked, how knowledgeable I sounded, how practiced I was etc..), and put my focus right on my audience. To you, to the person I’m interviewing, to my client. You don’t have to be interesting, you just need to be interested. It was like a magic switch. I had spent the majority of my life from a teenage girl thinking I wasn’t confident. I went from a little girl who used to sing, dance & play the piano for anyone, to a ‘shy’ women who wouldn’t do any of that for anyone out of fear of what they thought of me. What if I made a mistake? What if they didn’t like it? What if they laughed? Because, I reasoned, all of these perceived possibilities would affect who I was, my wellbeing. But would it??? Well... um.. no. Just like confidence, wellbeing is within us too! Life changing stuff, and all things I point my clients to, both in my coaching and in all my programs. Particularly in the 5 week one starting on the 23rd November! If you’re curious, join me. Happy Friday #womenshealth #confidence #innatehealth #wellbeing
15.01.2022 Has 2020 been challenging for you health wise? I would love you to join me for 5 weeks leading up to Christmas. Starting Monday 23rd November!... Learn more here >
13.01.2022 If you’ve been following my #hashitmotos journey, you will know that I am spending 6 months working with Michelle Dowker Wellbalance to help me to heal. I’ve been 10 weeks #carnivore now, and I’m ready to start bringing a few things back in! But what I’m learning from Michelle isn’t about the food. It’s about so much more than that. One of the books Michelle recommended to me is called ‘Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself, by Mel...ody Beattie. I wanted to share what Melody shares around self care. I think there is so much I can see around this, maybe this will resonate with you too. Melody says: Self care is an attitude toward ourselves and our lives that says, l am responsible for myself. I am responsible for leading or not living my life. I am responsible for tending to my spiritual, emotional, physical and financial wellbeing. I am responsible for identifying and meeting my needs. I am responsible for solving my problems or learning to live with those I cannot solve. I am responsible for my choices. I am responsible for what I give and receive. I am responsible for how much I enjoy life, for how much pleasure I find in daily activities. I am responsible for whom I love and how I choose to express this love. I am responsible for what I do to others and for what I allow others to do to me. I am responsible for my wants and desires. All of me, every aspect of my being, is important. I count for something. I matter. My feelings can be trusted. My thinking is appropriate. I value my wants and needs. My decisions will take into account my responsibilities to myself, my spouse, my children, relatives and friends. I will examine and decide exactly what these responsibilities are as I make my decisions. I will consider the rights of those around me-the right for them to live their lives as they see fit. I do not have the right to impose on others’ rights to take care of themselves, and they have no right to impose on my rights. Self care is an attitude of mutual respect. It means learning to live our lives responsibly.
13.01.2022 For the first time in a long time, I have found this joy in my body. Cindy. This would have to be my favourite feedback from 2021. Joy is within us all, regardless of the body we present to the world. Who we are goes way deeper than that. What a gift it is to show women this possibility. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. If you’re celebrating Christmas, and you’re not able to be with your loved ones, may you still find a way to show them your love.... I’m taking a break myself now for a few weeks. See you in 2021. Thank you for being here Tracey xx #health #happiness #joy #innatehealth #insideoutunderstanding #3principles #beyou #love #compassion
13.01.2022 I love this. Thanks for sharing @kimberlees_healthy_journey The kinder we are on ourselves, the quicker we move through it. So often we’re conditioned to think the opposite though, that being hard on ourselves means we won’t do it again.. well has that worked? It didn’t work for me. But being kinder did, and also understanding where our behaviour comes from in the first place.... We always make the best decision we see to make in any give moment from inside our own head. Whether it’s best for us in the longer term or not, it’s what we see is best for that particular moment. So when we see something new, we will do something new. It can be that simple - I’ve seen it many times. This is why I don’t believe in ‘self sabotage’. What looks like self sabotage is really better described as a misguided sense of self love - because we are wired to want to feel better, and the discomfort of an urge can be super compelling! But there is a lot to be seen around needing to feel better all the time. That drive is primal, but are we powerless here? I think we are.. until we see that we don’t have to be. I hope you’ve had a magical Sunday! And if you haven’t looked after yourself in a way you would have liked, well, you can chose to be kind to yourself in the very next moment. What happened 5 minutes ago, 1 hour ago, last year or for the last 10 years does not have to define you. True freedom comes when we can see that for ourselves. Love Tracey xxx #selflove #love #care #compassion #health #womensupportingwomen #womenshealth #womenempowerment #habitualthoughts #habitchange
11.01.2022 A few weeks ago in my support group I asked 3 questions. What have been the benefits of lifestyle change, what have been/are the challenges, and lastly what's one tip you would give you others who are embarking on the change journey? I shared their wisdom last week on their benefits. Today I want to share what are (and still are) some challenges. * Initially my biggest challenge was making the decision to start. I didn't believe I could give up bread!... * Getting my husband on board - other family members are still a challenge * Initially it was finding a doctor willing to go deeper to uncover why I was feeling so awful. Luckily I did eventually found one. * Kicking the sugar habit! I thought it would be hard to do but once i Had insight into making a real lifestyle change for myself I found it was easier than I had anticipated. Also the fact I felt progressively so much better with each week that I was off the sweet habit made it easier to stick to * Managing evening eating! * Biggest challenges have been seeing I don't have to overthink things. Seeing I don't have to spend much them and letting them go * Fear, overthinking, not believing * My biggest challenge continues to be getting out of my own way. Feeling like I need to control everything. Learning to trust my intuition, to let go of old thinking and accept the ebb and flow of everyday life is something I need to remind myself of regularly. * Giving up sugar and believing in myself! Giving up sugar, OMG this was hard. Believing that I was worth fixing.. that was hard too. * Seeing how it was MY responsibility to change my habits and take control of MY life. I always felt so powerless here and looked constantly to others to do it for me. I still forget sometimes What have you experienced within yourself? There is always so much we can see beyond what we think... and what we think is totally changeable. Challenges can teach us so much If you're looking for community, support, knowledge, wisdom and kindness, then consider joining my lifestyle lounge support group. You can learn more about joining this group here. #lifestylechange #lchf #realfood #womenshealth #mindset #change
10.01.2022 How to consume social media without it being consumed by it. Have you watched the Social Dilemma on Netflix yet? Lots of food for thought. This excellent article by Michael Neill is well worth a read with lots of ideas on we can enjoy all its benefits without being consumed by it.
10.01.2022 If you work in health and you have patients or clients who want to give lifestyle a change a go for health, the Nutrition Network programs will help you to get more comfortable with the science in this healing space. You can check out all their programs here, including their new one on reversing type 2 diabetes. I am super proud to support their work in health. Below is a great presentation on the cholesterol hypothesis by the Nutrition Network founder Prof Tim Noakes.
08.01.2022 You cannot keep science suppressed - it always finds a way to breakthrough. Here are the latest family doctor guidelines for statin use in the context of Coron...ary Artery Calcium scores (CAC). In the setting of a score of zero, you would need to treat 549 people over 5 years to prevent one heart attack - therefore 548 of these people would be inappropriately treated. Therefore individuals like me with extremely elevated cholesterols and LDL, but with a CAC of zero see no benefit. I am not anti-statin, I am pro lifestyle changes and applying statins to the populations that truly need it. It is interesting, even in those with high CAC scores one would have to treat 24 people over 5 years to benefit one. See more
06.01.2022 Does anyone else see the link between the health of our species and the health of our planet? I’m being more and more drawn in to try and understand more about regenerative farming, and I keep seeing a mirror reflecting some big things back to me. Did you see Charlie Massey on Australian Story this week?... To my ignorant mind, regenerative farming seems to hold such promising hopes for our future. A move away from industrial, large scale, profits driven agriculture to more local, sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Charlie also did a fantastic TEDx talk last year. You can listen to that here.
06.01.2022 This picture says so much Recovery From Within. This is the reality of change, whether it is recovery from illness (mental or physical), or attempting any lifestyle change. It’s never a straight line. And what we tell ourselves when the path gets curvy, matters. We can beat ourselves up and believe our thinking that might say we can’t do it, what’s the point, I’m hopeless, I’m not disciplined enough, change is too hard...etc etc etc.. or.. we can gently remind ourself that we...’re human. That what we’re feeling will pass. And whatever we did in that moment was the best choice we saw to do. Maybe we had a lot of thinking going on, maybe we were in a low mood that day.. but it was about a moment, not a reflection of past or future experiences, and not a reflection of who you are. Instead of beating ourselves up for being human, we could show ourselves more love and compassion. If we can do that, it will take the sting out of it all, and we can more easily see what to do in the next moment we are gifted with See more
04.01.2022 Most of the shadows in life are caused by standing in our own sunshine. Is it possible you’re standing in your own sunshine? No doubt I was! Whether you see it or not, the light beams out of you from within. Start to look there to its source, and you will be amazed at what you see!... We’re only 4ish weeks until Christmas. If you’re struggling or needing more support during this time with lifestyle or looking for more direction on seeing your own source of sunshine, my support group might help. It is full of real, honest and wise women all doing the best they can with what they’ve got right in front of them. If you want to stay connected, stay on track, get back on track or just come and see what it’s all about, you can join for the next week for 20% off the one off price of $99. Use the code XMASLOVE. Learn more and sign up here: I am in this group daily, I coach from it weekly, and over the Christmas and New Year break plus most of January, it will be the only place to find me There is always more to see! And the potential within you is as bright as sunshine Happy Saturday #community #support #love #friendship #health #type2diabetes #insulinresistance #weightloss #healthgain #mindset #change #lifestylechange #habitchange #innatewellbeing #lchf #keto
03.01.2022 Do you know much about regenerative farming? Do you know what sequestering carbon means? Do you know what questions to ask about where your food comes from? I didn't know any of this until I had this wonderful chat with regenerative farmer, Charlie Arnott Charlie Arnott - Grass Fed Beef, Naturally. Get yourself comfortable in mind and body and enjoy this down to earth and honest chat I had with Charlie. Scratch a little deeper to see so much potential around the benefits to u...s, the farmer and the planet that comes with regenerative farming. It really is all connected. Thanks to Charlie for making time to chat to me. I am open about my ignorance around all of this. There is always so much more we can learn.
02.01.2022 Look what’s coming up soon! #getonboard
02.01.2022 We watched this fabulous doco on Netflix last night, called Kiss the Ground. A really balanced look at how we can actually improve our planet through the soil. Highly recommended if you’re interested in seeing what we can do to make sure our great grand children have a natural world to live in
01.01.2022 Currently 1 in 6 U.S adults takes psychiatric medication. Dr Georgia Ede. I love Dr Ede. She has taught me so much on the important of nutrition when it comes to our mental health. She is also full of compassion & wisdom, as well as a huge amount of clinical and real world experience. A must watch.
01.01.2022 How often do you question your thinking? We were having a discussion in my support lounge group about some recent pilates videos I had made for the group. One of the members made a comment that she was going to try to do them of an evening when she could, because mornings weren’t an option as she was not a morning person.... I asked just one question in response. How do you know you’re not a morning person? She didn’t respond immediately, instead a couple of weeks later sent me a message saying that comment had really gotten her thinking. What indeed was the evidence behind her final conclusion that she was not a morning person? She said she decided to see. She decided to get up at 6am and see what happened. She did procrastinate a little, but eventually got there. And actually enjoyed it. How often do you take as fact the stories that you tell yourself about who you are and what you’re capable of? Do you ever ask what is the evidence? When we think we know answers, we’re no longer curious. We unintentionally close ourself off to new experiences. There is so much freedom that comes in seeing that we can actually see beyond all that we think. If you’re looking for extra support on your lifestyle change or health journey, I have a number of options available, I’m currently not taking new one on one coaching clients, but will be again from the 12th October. Please contact me if you would like to go on my waiting list #innatehealth #insideouthealth #innatewellbeing #resilience #change #lifestyle #lifestylechange
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