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Track_To_Field_Equine | Pet service

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25.01.2022 Afternoons here usually require multitasking! Today hasn’t been the best day for working on young horses #flutter #soontobeonthemarket #eurozone #daddysgirl #windyaf #offthetrackthoroughbred #darlingdownsbred #multitasking #feedtimeatthefarm #thoroughbredsofinstagram #retainedracehorse

24.01.2022 Gotta love a ‘Plain Jane’ bay mare on a spring afternoon #retainedracehorses #plainjane #otttb #polo #polocrosse #paddocktime #equine #sepoy #eurozone #easyrocking #sporthorsesaustralia #toowoomba #darlingdowns #lifeafterracing

23.01.2022 Taken through the eyes of our 6yo son Henry, from the back of his favourite fluffy horse (not pony) Malibu. One of his favourite things to do after school is jump on his horse and go riding with dad. We play tag, have races up and down the field, sometimes go riding in the mountains which is actually just an old quarry. Going on these adventures are all new to most of our thoroughbreds as they are initially trained to go around the racetrack. It’s a bonus that we can retrain ex racehorses while going on adventures with the kids! #allinadayswork #lovewhatyoudo #retrainingracehorses #stablelife #thoroughbredsofinstagram #exracehorse #polocrosse #polo #lifeafterracing #offthetrack


12.01.2022 TRANSFORMATION OF THE DAY Second ride today and she’s earnt herself a haircut! She still remains unnamed so pop some suggestions below Sire - Dream Ahead Dam - Viognier

11.01.2022 The winter coat shed... Does anyone else find the transformation from winter to summer coat satisfying? Watch this space for the after photos #wintershed #paddocktowork #offseasongrind #holidaysover #offthetrackthoroughbred #spice #seypoy #plainjane #retrainingofracehorses #retiredracehorse #polo #polocrosse #tracktofieldequine #toowoomba

11.01.2022 This is pretty awesome considering she used to try and eat me when I walked near her stable! #lovesattention #differenthorse #aussieexracehorses #ott #thoroughbred #retainedracehorses #easyrocking #marestare #tracktofieldequine #zachcochranebreakingandtraining #polo #polocrosse

11.01.2022 PICE Having her second stint since retiring from racing! She’s had roughly 6 months off and today was her first stick and ball session, she took it like a duck to water. We love how willing this mare is and can’t wait to see her progress. #retrainingofracehorses #stickandball #ducktowater #offseasongrind #sepoy #plainjane #australianthoroughbred #exracehorse #sportinghorsesaustralia #tracktofieldequine #lifeafterracing #queensland

08.01.2022 Playing ponies headed to the for the paddock!! Hopefully it’s a wet summer. #poloponies #paddocktime #welldeservedbreak #timeforyoungsters #breakertime #tracktofield

07.01.2022 Mischief by name not so much by nature, she’s not your typical chestnut mare! #chestnutmare #toprailequine #thoroughbred #zachcochranebreakingandtraining #banchory #polohorses #polo

06.01.2022 Meet Skeeta She retired from racing in 2014 and she’s one of many who has been through the initial retraining process through our breaking and training business. The retraining process for thoroughbreds isn’t a 4-6 week process, some can take months if not years. Here’s a photo taken by Calico Pony of Skeeta loving the field life. #tracktofieldequine #thoroughbredretraining #otttb #retrainedracehorse #lifeafterracing #zachcochranebreakingandtraining #qldpolo #versitileracehorse #eurekathoroughbreds #calicopony #larapintaequestrian #toowoomba


04.01.2022 The Let Down process. I’ll be honest it’s bloody hard!! We believe that giving them paddock time after racing is very important but very difficult. Do you have any tips that may help our horses? #lettingdown #otttb #thoroughbredsofinstagram #exracehorse #offthetrack #lifeafterracing #retrainingracehorses #versatileracehorses #polocrosse #polo

02.01.2022 Happy hump day! Sets day today off a few of the girls, they are a bit unsure why we are only going around at a trot. Side note - it’s our first crop in the ground in 4 years!!! ... #happyhumpday #ottbsofinstagram #theletdown #workingpolohorses #polo #polo #retrainingofracehorses #retiredracehorse #tryingtomakehay

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