Tradekeeping | Business service
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25.01.2022 Its hump day tomorrow ! Lately I have been reading a few business self-help books and honestly, its been such an eye opener for me. In fact, its changed the way I do business! I have never been the kind of person that really gets into these types of books or look into alternative ways of doing things. I actually used to be the kind of person that would wake up, and immediately get onto emails, text messages and social media ( sometimes even while I was still in bed) ...I would end up getting through my day with a mix of continuous phone calls, meetings and tasks that made me feel like I was busy but in the end only accomplishing half of what I needed to do. Honestly, I actually thought that was just what was required to run a successful business. But lately I have actually slowed down a little, I prioritise my days, I outsource the aspects of my business I waste time on, I do not go onto social media as much as I usually do ( this has honestly been the hardest for me) and I work with an intention and purpose to get things accomplished. I feel like my energy levels have increased, business seems smoother and my work life balance seems to be heading to a much happier medium If you are stuck in a rut, or have gotten yourself into a business that you feel stuck in, please know there is always a better way to do things. Sometimes all it takes is a small change to achieve something big. #letmehelpyou #tradekeepingcanhelp
24.01.2022 This winter has been terrible - almost everyone I know has had the flu / cough / allergies etc .. As an entrepreneur I believe it's important to work out when you need to rest and when you should just push on and work. It's a fine line I'm still trying to grasp #work #balancingact #justdoit
24.01.2022 Were in Bali for a few days for some much needed r&r after the busiest start to the year weve had in awhile - Sometimes you just need to take a break Whats your long weekend plans? #bali
23.01.2022 This is by far my most favorite pic! My fridays are spent with these two - it’s what I look forward to each week. Each week I hustle all week so that I can spend Fridays doing this What do you look forward to each week? Is there anything holding you back from doing what you want - if it’s finance - let me help
23.01.2022 What more does a Monday need to start hustling then cheese and vegemite rolls Last week before the holidays - Im so excited for Christmas!! #vegemitekid #aussielife
20.01.2022 Spring is here !!! I've been feeling a little under the weather last week so haven't been able to post as much as I would like - however I'm back and feeling great and this amazing weather makes it all the more wonderful to be out and about! Happy hump day everyone - let's make it an amazing day today
20.01.2022 Took awhile but I finally have a useable website Thanks to the guys at #evariinsure - they helped simplify my attempt at a website (without judging my effort) Any feedback/recommendations/ideas on the site would be appreciated
20.01.2022 Happy Humpday Bookkeeping tidbit for you: Bookkeeping is an essential part of your business. If youre new to managing finances, these 7 bookkeeping basics will help you get started: ... - Track your income - Track your expenses - Categorize your expenses - Track drawings - Know what your bottom line is - Put money aside for your taxes and GST - BE Consistent Getting on top of bookkeeping will lead you to less stress, work and wondering how you are going with your business. You dont have to know it all And when you start to get overwhlemed as your business grows its time to get a bookkeeper
19.01.2022 Happy Thursday Today I listened to so many podcast and info on coronavirus - it’s such a talked about topic at the moment! There’s so many small businesses that have been hit hard with this and I guess I just wanted to say - please don’t stop shopping local. A lot of these businesses need you and if everyone just stopped, there will be a lot of small businesses that will be forced to shut and we will lose some amazing stores/products/services
19.01.2022 In the midst of all the madness at the moment - sometimes all you need to calm down - is to take a deep breathe and have a cuddle #takeabreathe
19.01.2022 Happy Thursday Today I listened to so many podcast and info on coronavirus - its such a talked about topic at the moment! Theres so many small businesses that have been hit hard with this and I guess I just wanted to say - please dont stop shopping local. A lot of these businesses need you and if everyone just stopped, there will be a lot of small businesses that will be forced to shut and we will lose some amazing stores/products/services
19.01.2022 For most of us, most of our expenses occur weekly or monthly and you pretty much know what to expect. However, things happen and life can be unpredictable! What happens if an essential piece of machinery to your business breaks? Do you have funds to cover it? If not, can you get access to it quickly? Do you have a replacement? I honestly cannot stress enough how important it is to plan ahead When it comes to running a business, planning ahead will not only save you hassle and stress, it will give you peace of mind #stressless #planningahead
19.01.2022 Sorry I have been a little quiet lately - I got married this week !!! And as we decided that we would do a DYI wedding my time was a little limited Not only did we not realise how much time, management and organising it takes to do it all yourself I think we seriously under-estimated how much work it takes to organize a wedding! It was an absolutely amazing day and I wouldnt change a thing - but I definitely have a new found appreciation for weddings planners #weddingplanning #marriage
18.01.2022 It's been a little while since I've been able to put up a post. Work and life got hectic, and I have to admit my effort to balance it all was not as effective as it should have been. However, I am now back on track - so just wanted to send you all some positive vibes for your day! With all the terrible things that are currently happening and continue to happen around the world - let's all try to create a balanced life - with positivity and kindness !
18.01.2022 Happy Monday ! Its a choc sultana kind of day Hustling this week - but theres always time for chocolate Choc peanuts or sultanas ? #chocolate
17.01.2022 What a day to be working on a boat #arrowpearl #clientonaboat #pouringoutside
15.01.2022 When you've spent all day moving - there's nothing better then reading this !! Recommended read everyone #getyourshittogether #organised
14.01.2022 Happy Monday! Anyone else feel constantly busy ? It's so important to be intentional with our time. Write lists and tick things off, make a plan, give yourself goals!! Do whatever it takes to make sure you stay on track Let's start the week with this in mind and make this week amazing. Here's to a full productive week #productive #letsdothis
14.01.2022 A little reminder to all small business owners out there who work hard and do long hours every single day!! Its worth it, keep it up But please make sure you give yourself some time out if you need it. Don't burn yourself out - take some time to look after yourself - your business and your health will be so much better for it
13.01.2022 What do you love most about being an entrepreneur? I LOVE the flexibility except when it comes to bookkeeping a routine for bookkeeping is vital in keeping a business organised!!! Couple of Daily Tips for you: Look over your Accounts Receivable and Payable for the week not just the day! Have a clear picture of what your income and expenses are and avoid not only late payments but bank errors and fraudulent activity Review your cash on hand Not every business has flu...ctuating cash but watching your bank account will enable you to stick to your budget and be motivated to stay on top of your late payments Document and file receipts It is way easier to file or document a handful of receipts daily then it is to sort through a pile each week/month make it easier on yourself! A little each day goes a long way in business See more
12.01.2022 Keep at it - good things take time ! Play the long game #tonyrobbins #persistencepaysoff
12.01.2022 I love Christmas - it is such a beautiful time of year - it is my absolute favorite ! Christmas carols, The food, Family gatherings, Presents The count down is on - 5 days to go #lovechristmas #thistreeisamazing
11.01.2022 This is by far my most favorite pic! My fridays are spent with these two - its what I look forward to each week. Each week I hustle all week so that I can spend Fridays doing this What do you look forward to each week? Is there anything holding you back from doing what you want - if its finance - let me help
11.01.2022 This week our wedding bands were completed - and I'm so excited about it They look amazing! Just wanted to share one of my favorite little quotes and some inspiration for you on this chilly Sunday night. Bring on Monday! #shinelikeadiamond #peaceofmind #sundaymotivation
10.01.2022 Packing has started!!! Like most people - I do not like packing. In fact - I hate it! I generally procrastinate until I have a few days left, panic and then stress myself out trying to do everything in two days! However, I do admit that once it's done - it's always a strange sense of accomplishment. Getting rid of clutter and rearranging your life is actually quite therapeutic ! I'm not saying everyone needs to start packing and move But make some time to get organized and declutter - I guarantee you will feel amazing after #declutter #organised
10.01.2022 Happy Thursday What crazy weather and storm we are having ! To all my new followers - I just wanted to give a quick introduction - my name is Debra and the gorgeous girl in my pic is Lucy Ive been a bookkeeper/mortgage broker for 12 years and recently also opened up an online clothing line called Lucy Jean clothing. It is a passion of mine to be able to help small business owners - from helping sort out your accounts to helping source a loan.. Its a hard job owning a small business and Id love to help make things easier
09.01.2022 Did you know that only 2% of us can actually multi task effectively? We get told to multi task but most of us are actually reducing our productivity by trying to do so! I personally noticed this in the last couple of weeks. Life for me has been very hectic - having to pack and move office and house, managing 2 businesses, planning a wedding and honeymoon and trying to fit in spending time with my daughter and family. Trying to do it all actually made things worst I star...ted so many projects and felt like I was achieving nothing! However, once I started concentrating on just completing one job at a time I manage to see some results! My biggest tip: Do one task at a time before you move on to the next. Even if it's just an email or text. Simplify your life! Trust me things will get easier! You may even have time to go for a nice walk to the beach like me
07.01.2022 Quite a few people have recently asked me what it is that I do compared to an accountant (CPA). So to summarize it: Bookkeeper: looks after your day to day transactions ensuring everything is allocated correctly for your business, reconciles your accounts, provides monthly reports and sorts your payroll and super CPA (Certified Public Accountant): advises on your tax and financial circumstance, prepares and lodges your tax returns.... Do you need help with either ? I can definitely help with the first - and know some amazing people that can help with the 2nd :-) See more
07.01.2022 We’re in Bali for a few days for some much needed r&r after the busiest start to the year we’ve had in awhile - Sometimes you just need to take a break What’s your long weekend plans? #bali
06.01.2022 If you own a business - it is essential to have a system to manage your books! Do you have an accurate way of tracking your cash in and out? Do you know what your bottom line figure is for the month/ qtr? #getpeaceofmind #letmehelpyou
06.01.2022 When your weeks been hectic - nothing beats cuddles with my Lucy #timeout #worklifebalance
05.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone!!! I had my 40th birthday celebration this weekend - so definitely needing this coffee to get me through today! Bring on an amazing week !! #mondaymotivation #coffee #bookkeeper
05.01.2022 You can do Anything, But not Everything!! Today I took a little time out to reset and look at my business as a whole. Where can I improve? Am I working efficiently? What am I procrastinating on? It is so important to take some time out to work on your business and not be consumed by working in it! Is there anything that you can delegate to someone else or outsource? Office tasks, cleaning, data entry etc. Focus on the bigger picture and I'm sure you will make big strides in your goals
04.01.2022 Are you motivated today? Let's get out there and make our dreams happen !! #dreambig
04.01.2022 Happy hump day everyone its been a very long week of moving office and house - but there's nothing quite like the feeling of being completely unpacked after living in boxes It's cold and miserable day outside - it's pouring, freezing and I'm pretty sure I heard thunder as well! So I've decided to work in my comfy new lounge with the tv on in the background (the little joys of working for yourself ). Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! #loveworkingfromhome #rainyday
02.01.2022 2020 - what a great number!! After a much needed break in Bali - Im back and ready to make 2020 BIG !! Whos as excited as I am about this year
02.01.2022 Had a great day today working with these girls from SeaCountry cruises! Honestly, up until I started working with them - I didn't really know much about the Kimberly and our amazing state. I think for me, it was an automatic presumption that in order to see amazing coastlines, gorgeous natural habitat and in turn have a relaxing holiday that I would have to go overseas. How wrong was I! We live in such an amazing state - and Broome and the Kimberley is such an amazing tr...avel option that I have now booked to go there next June !! @kimberleyseacountrycruises #livealittle See more
01.01.2022 Have you ever had a client linger on an invoice too long? It is important to keep track of your due dates and send reminders. Quite a few of the cloud accounting programs can have this option set up for you to make things easier. Dont leave invoices until they are extremely overdue (30 days +). It may seem a bit harsh, but it could be an idea to put a penalty in place if they are overdue. It is so vital to have regular cashflow, it can make or break a small business!
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