Transformative Counselling & Psychotherapy for Women in Flemington, Victoria | Therapist
Transformative Counselling & Psychotherapy for Women
Locality: Flemington, Victoria
Phone: +61 422 526 087
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25.01.2022 Read that again & again & again. You are worthy. That is your birthright.
25.01.2022 Happy supple Saturday! Remember are woman. You are equipped at all times and you will rise. Harness your strengths, step into your majesty and celebrate your beautiful gifts. If you can dream it you can do it. Trust!
25.01.2022 Someone needs to hear this now. You are loved.
24.01.2022 Something beautiful to begin your week. There really are no limitations....all things are possible. Namaste
24.01.2022 Choose day choices. Unleash your inner warrior. There is strength in asking for help. It does not diminish anything. If fact it highlights your value of self and worth. It says there is so much more I am meant to be and I am going to discover how to be the best me. Namaste
22.01.2022 One of the first areas you can work on when in the process of a journey of transformation is words. Both your internal and external words. These are a powerful tool in healing and ascending this journey. Be present, be aware and be the shift you are hoping for.
22.01.2022 Thursday thoughts..... You are totally capable of this. With the right support of a nurturing, compassionate and caring therapist who helps you to locate your enduring strength, courage and love. So understand, your limiting thoughts are not who you are. They are simply thoughts. When we realise this, we are inspired to take our divine power back and open to creating the life we always hoped for.
21.01.2022 Happy Friday! The time is Now. Step gently into the life you have always hoped for.
19.01.2022 We all experience self-doubt from time to time. This could result from trauma, abuse, neglect and unrealistic expectations placed upon us. When you feel confused or weakened in taking the right course of action, especially when your safety is impacted. Just stop for a moment. Ask yourself, what would happen if you made that choice. Ask yourself, what is it in my mind that prevents me from taking this step. Separate that thought, for it is only a thought. Now fill it with co...urage and determination. Remember, in life, we never fail, we only learn and grow. So dust yourself down, shake it off and step into your power of CHOICE today. Namaste
18.01.2022 Happy Monday. Right now the world is experiencing many changes. There seems many uncontrollables swallowing us up. We worry for our loved ones and ourselves. We wonder if it will ever be the same.... As we are consumed by the media and wellbeing of our world, we can sometimes forget about self-perseverance. Looking after you is vital to your health. ... Be conscious of what you put into your body. Does it nurture you? Where was it sourced? Is it humane as this carries an energy that impacts our systems. Be conscious of your thoughts Are they positive and nurturing to both you and those around you? Be conscious of your words Negative talk, both self talk and external conversations can impact your energy centres. Ever felt really drained and depleted after talking to someone who is always negative or angry. Be conscious of your actions Do they serve you and others around you positively? Are they necessary? What are the consequences? Take some time. Gift yourself a walk outside. Even if its raining, the sun is always there. Breathe and centre yourself. Build energy and sustenance. This is self-care and vital for you. Remember your worth. Namaste
18.01.2022 Happy Aquarius full moon! Shes beautiful and arrives in perfect timing to provide you with strength and clarity. For the world, this is necessary and needed now. You are a child of the universe, born of the stars. This chaos will pass. It wont be the same, but neither will you. It needed to change for us to reconnect with what is truly important. This is a good reflection for your full moon ritual if you have one. If not, tonight is a powerful night to begin. Just get com...fortable, light a candle and focus on your breath. Close your eyes and visualise what your heart hopes for this day. Ask for what you hope for in your life. Be clear and precise. Step out of ego and the material world with this. Ask from your heart. Clear what is in your way. Harness your strength and courage. Aim your bow and focus. Wishing you all a bountiful and beautiful full moon
17.01.2022 A creed to live by.....
16.01.2022 Happy Friday. My message for you this day is: Attach to nothing....connect with everything... I wonder what that brings up as you reflect on this. Spend some time gently sitting with this. What are you attached to? How does that attachment make you feel? It can be really heavy and dense. Why do you feel you need that attachment. These are really big questions but incredibly relevant if change is something you hope for. When we release that attachment we create a space to fill our lives and ourselves with events and people that support our freedom. We let go of the heaviness so we become light in our footsteps. Lightness alleviates stress, anxiety and tension. This then impacts our ability to moderate triggers, think clearly and provides a new powerfully invigorating energy. This produces healthy endorphins that support your health and happiness. We then find ourselves gaining an even deeper connection and experience in life. We feed our spirit experiences that encourage connection on an even deeper level. Let that penetrate. What will you choose this beautiful day? Namaste Sheshia
16.01.2022 Be aware of patterns that repeat. Notice your energy, your level of clarity of mind, your motivation & focus. What is transpiring around you and within you are reflections of where you are with self. Are you honouring and practising self perseverance? Are you listening to what it is you need? Are you nurturing wholeness and calm in your heart. Listen....breathe into it....celebrate your freedom to choose that which supports you. Namaste
16.01.2022 Sharing a memory of when my business was in its birthing stage. For me, what I do is an extension of who I am personally. I live in presence, within my breath and my heart centre. Living and being present in this space ensures my work and purpose is secured in authenticity. This is mandatory for this work I have been called to do. Namaste
15.01.2022 A little reminder this day. What a beautiful mantra.
15.01.2022 Rise up this day!
14.01.2022 This is everything. When you find yourself putting more focus into pleasing and appeasing others, you are reducing yourself and your worth. It is a red light when you neglect or forsake your own needs. It it not selfish to have boundaries in place. These speak of your worth to yourself. When you understand this, your vibration rises, and those who will support and respect you, will be given the space to enter. If you have to try and please people around you, the relationship is not authentic. You never have to try and please. This should be your mantra and way of being in the world. you living fully.
14.01.2022 Trust in the process of your life. What is meant for you, whether it is to teach you or compliment you, is so important to your spiritual growth. Attach to nothing but connect with everything. Namaste
12.01.2022 Happy Sunday goddesses!
11.01.2022 Ethereal transformation. Change can feel really uncomfortable, even a little scary. It asks for you to trust. It asks you to think and be different in your world. What if this is all you have ever known? What if this and the people around you, are the ones that formed how you existed in the world? Ask yourself this question. Does this currently support you and encourage your growth? Stop and listen to your consciousness. Breathe into it. Allow yourself a sense of stillness. The only person you need to listen to and trust is self. It will not let you down if you open to...listen.
10.01.2022 This really is a time of tremendous personal growth and healing for many. Within the anxiety, lies your strengths. Strengths you never knew you had or had subdued in order to fit into the world. Now our world is changing and awareness and consciousness is being activated. It can feel scary to many who are unaware of the power they have. The power to create the life you have always hoped for. ... For those of you feeling this shift, I am here to hold you safely within this process. I will assist you gently to understand. I can be contacted via email at [email protected], via my website: or mobile: 0422 526 087. We are in this experience together. Namaste
10.01.2022 You have nothing to lose and everything to gain here
09.01.2022 Never give up. You are necessary and worthy
09.01.2022 Happy Monday!!! Begin the shift. You know the only thing holding you back is YOU. You can do this. You have always known deep down that this is not the story you want to create. Listen to that and take the step forward to commit to YOU.
08.01.2022 Friday feels..... Get your dance on ladies
08.01.2022 Happy ‘choose’ day! Time to take your power back. Do this, breathe this, embrace this, understand this and be damn proud of you.
06.01.2022 You are safe to feel exactly the way you do. It is not a problem to solve, but a process you are in. While there can be tendencies to dissect, micro-manage, or judge your most vulnerable experiences, each one just needs your complete trust in allowing it to show you all it intends to reveal. As you open up in this courageous and heart-centered way, each feeling is given permission to guide you along a journey that like a wave always brings you back, no matter how far it pulls... you out. In your most natural expression, may you simply feel all that is here to be felt, even daring to notice the blank spaces where it seems as if theres nothing to feel at all. May you simply feel while allowing time to be your guide. May you dare to feel, even without trying to know more than this moment reflects or match together evidence like puzzle pieces that are already destined to reveal lifes biggest picture the moment it is meant to be. As you feel your way to freedom, you shall come to realize how no hurtful feeling is ever in the way of a more preferable feeling. It is merely the case that all emotions are shuffled in a precise intuitive order of experience to ensure the completion of your healing, no matter how overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing it ever seems to be. This is why, no matter what is being felt, you are safe to feel exactly the way you do. Matt Kahn. See more
05.01.2022 Sunday reflections....self-care is the most precious gift you can give to yourself, freely.
05.01.2022 Thoughtful Thursday..... It’s ok to have flat days. It’s ok to not feel ok. To not feel motivated. To not want to feel or do. This is a sacred time. A time when you gift yourself....time. Time to nurture, time to heal, time to just be....still. In this healing time, your body relaxes and recalibrates. ... So honour yourself without guilt. Surrender to the desire to just ‘be’. Tomorrow is a new day, and with your new revitalised energy, you can make clearer decisions, focus clearly, and give to all those who need you more abundantly whilst keeping some of that love, some of that giving energy, for you. So today....just ‘be’
04.01.2022 Be still....allow the heart and essence of you to emerge. You are exactly who you have been waiting for
03.01.2022 Choose day reflection activation. You are born of the stars. Never forget that. It is your freedom & birthright to shine. Know that. Namaste
03.01.2022 I know someone needed to hear this today.... Self - perseverance is so so important for your health & wellbeing. Boundaries say I care about who I am and my values. They provide a benchmark to protect you and those you love. Sometimes those boundaries slip, and thats absolutely ok. It means you put your feelings and values second. Youre real. Dust yourself off, forgive yourself but commit to who you are. Remember, the only person you owe anything to is yourself. That is li...ving authentically. When you honour your worth, those that dont mirror these values, fall away. Sometimes this can be painful for we believed them and their words. If those you placed trust in fall away, as much as it hurts, it is the greatest gift for your soul (though it doesnt feel like it). You see, we form attachment through our expectations. These then become unhealthy attachments as your sense of self, self-worth and confidence plummet into a spiral of depression. So you see, it may hurt for a long time as you recall and your soul remembers how much you trusted and how good it felt. That never goes. But a greater experience is borne from that pain. Have gratitude for that experience but also gratitude for one of the greatest lessons in self/love and self-respect. Namaste. To discuss this personally with me I can be contacted on 0422526087.
03.01.2022 Super Spiritual Saturday reflection. The energy has been intense of late as we begin to experience a shift. Our external worlds reflect this with global events ramped up. This was the time of stillness for many as we allowed the world to do it’s thing. ... Now is the time for you to take the wisdom and the teachings of this time and put them into action This means, ensuring personal boundaries are in place, living your best authentic self, practising kindness and compassion to self, thereby vibrating on that frequency to all residing on this Earth and releasing reducing energy, people and situations that do not encourage expansion of your heart. Choose carefully, stay present in self and just love.
02.01.2022 Sunday self-love. Activation. Know that you are such a vital part of our expansive universe. You were born to shine and let your beautiful energy be shared. That is the meaning of life...awakening consciousness.
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