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Transit Australia
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21.01.2022 Melbourne Airport - Unsilocited Proposal -
20.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers - 4 April 2019 Thank you to all subscribers who have returned their refund notices. All those who selected a cheque or direct deposit have been paid. DVD options have been noted and the DVDs will be despatched late April. The DVDs have been compiled but need thorough checking before duplication.... There are still some 40 subscribers who have not responded. If you are one of these please return your letter as soon as possible so this exercise can be completed. Electronic subscribers will be contacted shortly.
15.01.2022 Tallawong Metro Station declared complete -
14.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers - 25 February 2019 Notices have been sent to subscribers outlining arrangements for the refund of unfulfilled 2018 subscriptions. Please select your refund option and return the form to the postal or email addresses specifed. If you do not receive a notice please advise by email to [email protected]
12.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers - 21 August 2019 I am pleased to advise that the checking of the back issues DVDs is almost complete and has proved worthwhile detecting errors such as missing pages or pages out of order etc. The finished product will be better for the laborious checking process. Thanks to everyone for their patience. I will be away until 7 September and on my return will have the DVDs reproduced, packed and posted. This should occur September. There are still 22 subscribers who have not responded. If you are one of these please return your letter as soon as possible.
11.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers - 6 June 2019 Thank you to all subscribers who have returned their refund notices. All those who selected a cheque or direct deposit have been paid. ... DVD options have been noted however the checking of the DVDs prior to reproduction has been delayed due to personal circumstances. We now expect to despatch the DVDs before the end of June. Thanks for your patience. There are still some 40 subscribers who have not responded. If you are one of these please return your letter as soon as possible so this exercise can be completed.
09.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers We apologise for the delay in processing refunds of the unfulfilled part of your 2018 subscription. There have been legal, administrative and operational matters relating to the Transit Australia Digital partnership to be dealt with before this could happen. We are now in a position to begin processing refunds and you will shortly receive an advice offering you a cash refund or alternatively a set of the three DVDs con...taining every issue of Transit Australia and its predecessors for 1946 to 2018. Volume 1 of the DVDs was released several years ago but there was a serious scan quality problem with part of Volume 2 which prevented its release. 11 years of issues have now been rescanned to an acceptable quality and Volumes 2 and 3 will be ready for release very shortly.
09.01.2022 Important Announcement for Transit Australia Subscribers - 10 November 2019 It has been a long haul but I am now able to advise that the first batch of the Transit Australia Back Issues DVDs has been mailed to our print subscribers who chose that option as refund of their part 2018 subscription. The balance will follow in the next few days. ... The DVDs will be available for purchase by others via the Transit Australia website this coming week. We are having difficulties identifying our digital subscribers and have not had the cooperation of our digital partner that we would have expected in order to identify and contact those with outstanding issues. Discussions are continuing and we hope to progress this soon. We have had email contact with several digital subscribers and the DVDs will be mailed to them this week. You know who you are. If you were a digital subscriber who had unfulfilled issues of the magazine please contact [email protected]. There are still a number of subscribers who have still not returned their refund letter. If you are one of those please contact us so that this whole exercise can be finally wrapped up.
05.01.2022 Special Announcement It is with much regret that we advise of the recent unexpected death of the Editor of Transit Australia (TA), Tony Bailey. Tony became the Editor of TA in August 2006 and at the beginning of this year he indicated his desire to relinquish the role.... Many will not be aware that Tony was confined to a wheelchair in latter years as a result of polio in childhood. Tony did not allow his physical issues to limit his pursuit of achievements and he neither sought nor accepted sympathy. Since 2014 Transit Australia Digital (TAD), a partnership between Tony and The Little Website Company, has been the publisher of Transit Australia. The decision had been made to cease publication at the end of 2018 due to declining readership, lack of contributions and decreasing viability. With Tony’s death it is not possible to complete the current volume and the June 2018 issue will be the final issue of Transit Australia ending 73 years of the journal in various formats. A pro rata refund of subscriptions will be made as soon as possible and subscribers will be contacted in the near future to effect this. DVDs of all copies of Transit Australia from 1946 to June 2018 and its predecessors will be available shortly. Subscribers are advised to watch the TA website and Facebook page for updates on developments. Email enquiries: [email protected]