Translationz in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Translator
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9034 5299
Address: 1 Queens Rd Suite 413 3004 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 We are continuing our monthly Interpreter Inductions and finding the experience immensely valuable. Although we cant meet face to face, during our virtual meetings we are able to hear interpreters questions and review our companys values, policies, systems and procedures with them. Translationz continues to hire fantastic interpreters. For information on joining our team view: #interpreting #interpreters #translation
24.01.2022 Today we celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) Translationz is supporting a challenge for everyone to go mouse-less for a part of the day. Were encouraging you to unplug your mouse and only using your keyboard (tab/shift-tab, arrow keys, enter, spacebar, etc) to navigate and interact with content. Everyone deserves to have the same access and opportunity to read publications, use websites, attend events, respond in emergency situations, and find out about gover...nment policies and programs. There are over 1 billion people living with a disability worldwide according to The World Bank. People with a disability have a right to also be able to experience web-based services, content, and other digital products. #gaad, #accessibility, #a11y
23.01.2022 For over 15 years Translationz has been providing professional translation and interpreting services to government and business across Australia. We are Australias choice for professional translation and interpreting services. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.
23.01.2022 Cambodian Independence Day On November 9th 1953 Cambodia declared independence from France. King Norodom Sihanouk began claiming independence a few years earlier in 1949 and became successful in gaining full independence in 1953. Due to his accomplishment, Cambodian citizens viewed him as the father of independence. Every year, Independence Day is celebrated in many places around the country. The most crucial one takes place at Independence Monument in Phnom Penh. On this d...ay, all the leaders and representatives of state organisations and public departments must participate and celebrate the formal ceremony in the morning. Usually the roads around the Independence Monument are closed to provide the space for the ceremony. The whole ceremony is broadcast on national television and radio. Other channels also broadcast it from the National TV. Therefore, the people around the country can watch it. See more
22.01.2022 Celebrating NAIDOC Week 2020 Always Was, Always Will Be. NAIDOC Week is celebrated every year, usually in July but due to COVID-19 restrictions has been moved to 8th November to the 15th of November. NAIDOC celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC Week encourages the participation of local communities through government agencies, local councils, schools and workplaces. There are many events that take place this week for all to attend to gain more education through avenues like art exhibitions, dance performances and classes, panels of experts, storytelling, markets and yarning circles. For more information on NAIDOC week and what events are on in your area go to:
22.01.2022 A vital service for vulnerable people who need help.
21.01.2022 Interpreters value their professional development. There was a great turnout this past Saturday for a session about genetic health concepts created by Queensland Genomics. Genomics is dramatically changing the future of medicine.
21.01.2022 Coronavirus Face Masks Guidance Video with Translations into 15 Languages. Victorias Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton explains face mask recommendations for people living in the Melbourne, Australia and surrounding area. This information is pertinent for any community around the world. In this video, the Chief Health Officer explains how to put on and take off a mask safely, and which type of face mask is most efficient in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Follow the link to the VicGOVDHH youtube page you will find this information in English and translated through subtitles in 15 different languages, along with instructions on how to make youre own cloth mask. #COVID19 #Translation See more
21.01.2022 National Reconciliation Week. 2020 marks twenty years of shaping Australias journey towards a more just, fair and reconciled nation. NRW week has just begun, and there is a lot planned over the 7 days to bring our community together. Share, support and celebrate by tuning-in to a multitude of virtual events, and by joining in on the conversation online. The next event is scheduled for 9:05pm tonight. A concert featuring Alice Skye, Bubsy Marou, Jimblah and Christine Anu. To find out more about these events, go to #nationalreconciliationweek #InThisTogether2020
21.01.2022 How the right translation service can help any business grow. When it comes to reaching clients and customers, communication is vital. Miscommunication can lead to costly misunderstandings and legal issues. To reach your business revenue goals, the right translation company can hugely benefit your business. The right translation partner can not only help your brand reach more audiences but also help maintain customer loyalty. To find out more about how a translation company can grow your business, go to #translationcompany #interpretingcompany
18.01.2022 Meet Stephanie, A Mandarin Interpreter employed with Translationz. She interprets in Queensland hospitals, clinics, legal offices, and other facilities. Stephanie is a certified and professionally trained interpreter with deep knowledge in medical terms and procedures. We asked Stephanie what she enjoys about her work:... I enjoy the variety and challenges from daily work. Learning new things and getting feedback for a job well done. Compliments that I receive from both the patients and the professionals is very rewarding. I particularly enjoy doing mental health interpreting as the human brain and consciousness is very fascinating to me. What advice do you have for interpreters new to the industry: Apart from attending professional development training, I listen to podcasts such as ABCs All in the Mind, Health Report, Law Report, and watch television programs to broaden my general and medical knowledge. When I am on assignment, I always try to build up a good rapport with the patient as it will open up a door for a good working relationship. The patient is often vulnerable, they dont understand the medical system here, and they are worried about their condition. When they see an interpreter, they usually feel very relieved for the help and many feel more assured. We should keep in mind that we are not medical professionals and we must refrain from giving any medical advice. Also patients have different personalities and opinions, we should keep a neutral attitude, not to judge or even educate them. If you feel you are misunderstood or the patient is demanding or emotional, interpreters should be calm and honest, provide explanations with respect. Keep a good eye contact is also very helpful. I feel so lucky to have found this profession! Thank you for the important work that you do, Stephanie!
18.01.2022 An interesting article by the Babble Magazine on the unique problems Wikipedia faces due to the websites goal of bringing the worlds knowledge together. Click the link below to read more.
14.01.2022 Translationz interpreters have been involved in live press conferences hosted by the Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet to relay important information about the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Stephanie in the picture below.
11.01.2022 Happy Independence Day Uganda!! Today marks the date that Uganda peacefully became independent from the United Kingdom on October 9th, 1962. The Ugandan Constitutional Conference was held in London in September 1961, which was organised to pave the way for Ugandan independence. A year later, Uganda officially became an independent nation. ... Celebrations each year include performances by well-known artists, cultural demonstrations, and traditional festivals.
11.01.2022 Our team facilitated a discussion with senior executives on the topic of best practices for multi-lingual service in contact centres. The participants shared their experiences and challenges in implementing multilingual services. It was great to hear so many companies personalising their customer experience by offering support in many languages.
11.01.2022 Live concert online this Sunday the 6th of September at 6:30pm.
11.01.2022 This is our amazing view today where we are on location providing interpreting and interpreting equipment services. Our client is hosting a media event on location in Coogee, NSW near Sydney. Spectacular view! It doesnt get much better than this! #bestjob #interpreter
10.01.2022 Happy National Day Spain!! The National Day of Spain or traditionally referred to as the ‘Día de la Hispanidad’, is a day of celebration, commemorating the history of the country. The 12th of October celebrates union and brotherhood between Spain and the international community. ... This is a festive day in most Hispanic America, mainly celebrating the historical and cultural ties between Spain and their common Hispanic and pre-Hispanic native-American heritage. The Historical background of the National Day of Spain derives from the marriage and joint rule of Isabella I of Castile and Fernando II of Aragon in 1469, thus marking the de facto unification of Spain. After the fall of the Kingdom of Granada in January 1492, the Hispanic Monarchs sailed westwards to discover the Americas. The commemoration emphasises the discovering of America and the pioneering efforts and contributions of Spain in America and to the world through centuries, from the world exploration to the Spanish influence and shaping of Hispanic American societies.
10.01.2022 Congratulations to the following interpreters who completed the Mater Medical Terminology Course.
09.01.2022 Introducing Translationz Arabic interpreter, Malake. Malake has been interpreting for over 25 years, starting her journey as a volunteer in the Arabic community before gaining her NAATI certification. With her many years of experience, she has achieved vast knowledge interpreting both in medical and legal disciplines. Malake is highly sought after with her professional attitude and welcoming demeanour. When asked if she has any tips for interpreters wanting to join the field..., Malake replied: My tips for all new interpreters be yourself always, behave like a professional and never rely on just passing the initial test, keep up with reading and practicing when you not working , attend lots of workshops, its very important, most of all collect lots of brochures from clinics about all health issues especially when its available in both languages, it makes your job much easier. See more
09.01.2022 Each year Victoria Law Foundation organises a week where law firms and community legal centres offer free legal advice via telephone, Skype and video conferencing. This is the 40th Anniversary of this event. The aim of Law Week is to demystify the legal system and make learning about the law accessible to all. Translationz is honoured to be participating in this event and helping communities where access to the law is difficultparticularly those whose first language is not English. Understanding complex law terminology is difficult for most and even more so when English is not your first language. #law #LawWeek #UnlockYourLaw #CourtsOpenDay # #languageservices #naati #interpreter @YourLawVic
09.01.2022 We are so proud of our exceptional interpreters! Permission was granted to post feedback with names omitted. My name is (Client Name) on 26/9/2019 Your company interpreter Jason. Jason has demonstrated good professional ethics and professionalism at (Hospital) for my interpretation. He arrived at the post half an hour earlier, the service attitude was sincere and good, and the level of interpreting reached the level of simultaneous translators, which made me and the doctor s...hocked! Not only did he provide me with the best service, but he also did an excellent interpretation for my wife who came to the hospital for emergency. He did not count the time and wholeheartedly served us and made me and my wife and doctors and nurses at the Hospital very moved! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to your company! I am proud of having such an outstanding interpreter in your company! Thank you! See more
09.01.2022 Fantastic news for Australian Residents as the new cases of COVID 19 have reached record lows. Only 80 new cases across the country over the weekend.
09.01.2022 Translationz has been instrumental in translating important COVID-19 information. It is crucial that people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have access to up-to-date, relevant information. Translationz often receives the English version of public health documents in the evening and we deliver translated versions in multiple languages by 9am the following day. Thank you to our translators who work tirelessly to help protect our community during these challenging times. Translated documents for CALD community available here:
08.01.2022 Designing the Archive 2019 conference was held in Adelaide on 21st-25th October and was a huge success. Translationz staff were at the conference with full set up of our interpreter equipment (some of our tech people set up at 4 am). We also staffed top-notch professional French interpreters-John Benson, Yveline Piller, Odile Blandeau and Isabelle Guinebault. The conference was about exploring how data and information managers, records managers and archivists are using or can use, human-centered design approaches to ensure it delivers benefits to the customer. Every conference we do is unique. We work with our clients to understand their needs and we tailor the type of equipment we recommend to achieve a successful outcome, cost-effective and on budget.
07.01.2022 We are pleased to welcome Cassi, Amy and Mic to the Translationz Team. Cassi is studying a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Tourism, Management and Human Resources at the University of New Castle. Amy and Mic are studying a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Japanese at Griffiths University.
07.01.2022 A heartwarming article about a Hong Kong based linguist who wanted to preserve a dying language. Her solution to bringing back this forgotten language - Free eye clinics, specialising in cataract surgery. Bringing back sight to many villagers who had been blind for years. Click the link below to read more:
07.01.2022 The International Day of Tolerance invites us to think about the biases we have and reconsider the way we treat those around us. It does not force anyone to agree with or participate in practices they do not typically engage with but simply respect and tolerate the different ways culture manifests and the different ways people express themselves. Read more.
07.01.2022 Translationz has been operating for more than fifteen years and is a recognised leader in translation and language services. A lot has changed over the past fifteen years, as a result, we like to ensure our interpreters and translators stay up to date with what is going on in the industry. We hold monthly meetings with our interpreters, not just to give them updates on how they can help us, but to get feedback from them to see how we can assist them. Translationz mission is to enable communication, empower relationships and make a difference in peoples lives, this does not only apply to the services we give to our clients, but also to the employees of our company. #translator #interpreter
06.01.2022 Important information.
06.01.2022 For a variety of translated documents from COVID-19 advice to Business support during the Coronavirus crisis visit this website. All information has been translated into 45+ different languages. Its aim is to keep our multicultural communities safe and informed of any changes during this tough time. Victorian Multicultural Commission #interpreting #translating #languageservices
04.01.2022 A very interesting article on how bilingualism can delay symptoms of Alzheimers.
04.01.2022 We acknowledge our amazing translators today and celebrate International Translation Day. International Translation Day is celebrated on 30th September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of translators. To all the translators in the world, you are extraordinary!
04.01.2022 The Industry Observer has put together a two part get educated article, aiming to not only educate the readers on the history of the worlds oldest continuous civilisation, the Aboriginal Australians, but also show them where they can help support this community. To find out more go to #SupportAboriginal #SupportAustralians
03.01.2022 Australia holds itself out as a diverse and thriving country committed to human rights and equality. But when it comes to violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, these women are 32 times more likely to be hospitalised because of family violence and 10 times more likely to die from violent assault than other women. 90% of violence against these women go unreported. The 2min video explains more.
03.01.2022 Celebrate "Year of Welcome" with Refugee Week 2020 Refugee week is Australias peak annual activity to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. This years theme is the Year of Welcome. For online event information #RefugeeWeek #YearOfWelcome See more
03.01.2022 We stand with FECCA and other community groups calling for real action to tackle racism.
02.01.2022 For an update on novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 4/3/20 in Queensland heres a link. We provided interpreter services Persian language.
02.01.2022 We are delighted to introduce you to Translationz Arabic interpreter, Noura. Noura has been a NAATI certified interpreter since 2015 and has achieved extensive experience and knowledge interpreting both in medical and legal disciplines. Noura has the utmost engaging personality and is highly recommended by all who have had the pleasure in working with her. When asked why she became an interpreter Noura replied: Being from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse background myself, I understand how frustrating it can get when personal, vital and sensitive communications could be lost, misunderstood, omitted, or delivered inaccurately because of language barriers.
02.01.2022 Beautiful quote from Nelson Mandela. #nelsonmandela #language #interpreter
01.01.2022 Happy Independence Day Croatia!! In May 1991, the Croatian Referendum on independence was held. With 93% of voters supporting the independence, on July 7th Croatia and Slovenia signed the Brioni Declaration in which the two countries agreed to suspend all declarations and acts passed by their parliaments, in relation to those states’ secession from Yuogoslavia for a period of 3 months. On October 8th, the Sabor decided to end relations with Yugoslavia. Croatia celebrated their Independence Day for the first time in 2002. It is marked by a military parade in the capital city of Zagreb and Most major cities, including Dubrovnik on the Adriatic seaside, host a fireworks display. Many families gather for a private barbecue featuring traditional delicacies.
01.01.2022 This first-hand commentary on why language is so important to the well-being of First Nations Peoples. The author, Cassianda Day, currently works with us at Translationz. In her article, Cassi writes: Language is more than just a means of communication for First Nations Australians, it encompasses everything about life; law, history, relationships, religion, health, caring for country and more. Language is inextricably connected to cultural and spiritual identity.... It is important that we all continue to increase our understanding of Indigenous languages, create an environment to share knowledge, try to integrate Indigenous languages into our daily lives, and empower Indigenous peoples.
01.01.2022 To support our community during this difficult time, Translationz will be providing free interpreting services during Victoria Law Foundations Law Week 19-24 May. Select law firms and community legal centres are offering free legal advice over the telephone throughout next week and Tranlsationz will be supporting their efforts by providing free interpreters. For more information and a list of the languages offered please visit: @YourLawVic
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