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to load big map

25.01.2022 'Do not personally give any more conscious consideration to events that you do not want to happen' -Seth (Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfilment)

25.01.2022 'What is, is always more meaningful than what should be.' I know, on many occasions I have stood in protest to events in my life, like this should not have happened and needs to be fixed. That is where this quote comes in.. but I'm not always ready to drop blame, self pity and feeling like a victim. But when I do there is so much to learn.

21.01.2022 This poem found me today and for it I am eternally grateful, Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred. Now, why not consider a lasting truce with yours...elf and god. Now is the time to understand that all your ideas of right and wrong were just training wheels to be laid aside when you can finally live with veracity and love. My dear, please tell me, why do you still throw sticks at your heart and god? What is it in that sweet voice inside that incites you to fear? Now is the time for the world to know that every thought and every action is sacred. This is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace between you. Now is the time to know that everything you do is sacred. Hafiz In this world we are so quick to blame, make wrong and punish. I love the idea that all of our indiscretions and conflicts are from our grappling towards love and that those very events are the express way to love. Be kind and forgiving to yourself and your contemporaries, as we are all in this game together and most things really don't matter as much as we think they do

18.01.2022 Calm Seas Make Bad Sailors And you know what, I really want to be a better sailor, I do. But when the rough seas come into my life it usually feels like I have done something wrong, messed up, am being punished or are not deserving. That is the voice of the ego, who for the most part, would prefer to lounge back on the deck in the calm waters with a drink in its hand in the eternal sunshine... I know it sounds good but it is a unfulfilled place where the soul is bored.... So, are you in the calm waters? If so enjoy the hell out of them, it is a fine place. But if you are anything like me be mindful not to do too much to avoid the storms otherwise the cyclone is coming. It seems like most people are in some kind of turbulence at the moment, some people live there, I feel like I am in the eye of the cyclone. It is easy to get swept up in the trouble of the times and lose perspective. An important idea to remember is that there is no neutral result, either you will grow into a bigger more fulfilled version of your life or there will be some kind of regression. This is your life so make it count So, some tips for the rough times.. You chose this! Not your ego but deeper parts of your self that are more concerned with the bigger picture. There is a element of loss in all the rough times even if it's just the loss of ease in your life so you need to go through the grieving process of anger, blame, bargaining, denial, guilt, sadnesses ect, but don't get stuck there because there is gold in them there hills. What do you need to become/develop to come out of the rough times on top... that is why they are here, so get to it, it is better than pissing and moaning about it. Maybe you need to show more leadership in your life, you may need to quit a job or a relationship. Making it wrong or blaming others just pulls up the handbrake in shitsville. If you are honest with yourself you will know where to start. The rough times are clarifying, some people you considered friends will be no shows while others will really step up. It's good to know who is really in your corner and who are the fairweathers. True bonds are made from weathering these times together so love these people or be one of them. There is no way to be anywhere but where you are, so have some moments of peace in the storm, or maybe even some fun. The journey is always longer and is more important than the destination so honour that and be in the moment. We need to be more enamoured of the process and not fixated on the goal. Finally, trust, trust and trust again. We narrate the story of our lives, it can be a hero's journey or a sad tale of woe. You can be 'right' either way. Your trust of the silver lining will turn it, in time to full sunshine. The rough seas are an opportunity not a punishment, there is no risk of failure here just how much or how long we want to suffer. Good luck if you are in the rough seas, let me know if I can help.

18.01.2022 Creativity is the only outcome of conflict that satisfies the soul.

13.01.2022 A good conversation with a friend the other night reminded me of this passage from Seth.. There is nothing more stimulating, more worthy of actualisation, than the desire to change the world for the better. That is indeed each persons mission. ... You begin by working in that area of activity that is your own unique one, with your own life and activities. You begin in the corner of an office, or on the assembly line, or in the advertising agency, or in the kitchen. You begin where you are. When you fulfill your own abilities, when you express your personal idealism through acting it out to the best of your ability in your daily life, then you are changing the world for the better. To change the world for the better you must begin by changing your life. You begin by accepting your worth as a part of the universe and granting every other being that same recognition. You begin by honouring life in all its forms, by changing your thoughts towards your contemporaries, your country, your family and workmates, by acknowledging your existence in the framework of nature; you must recognise the vast cooperative processes that connect each species to each other one. If you truly use your prerogatives as an individual, you can exert far more power than you do now. Each time you affirm the rightness of your existence you help others.

13.01.2022 'We have ego attitudes as well as cultural beliefs that are too narrow for what's inside ourselves' Michael Meade I came across this one and it really resonated with me, what is inside of everyone is totally gifted and utterly unique but we live in a society that often pressures us to conform and be 'normal'. So much so that we often suppress our own spontaneity and inner light. 'They' don't do it to us, we do it to ourselves. So here's to throwing off the shackles and swimming upstream

12.01.2022 'if you do not pretend to be more than you are, you will dare to be all that you are.' Eva Pierrakos

08.01.2022 Maybe your like me, an expert at seeing other peoples shit and what they should do about it. I was diagnosing one of my friends this morning, very accurately and very insightful. He is trying to get the physical things of his life in more order, it's just I can see limiting beliefs and other personal 'stuff' that will keep derailing him, unless he becomes more aware of and changes them. He needs to do the healing work I say to myself... Then I hear the soft voice saying, advice, what about you buddy? I dismiss it, I'm all about the healing, but if you really want the truth it will show itself to you and there was truth here, with my busyness I have been neglecting and not prioritising my healing practices. Other people show us to ourself, in many different ways. It's just a theory but I like it. Most of us can be a little rigid in our ego, the ego likes continuity and doesn't ever want to have made a mistake so it can distort things. So we have other people show it to us, often in more excessive and dramatic versions. It's easy to make them wrong because it usually fits quite well but it could be very valuable to ask with a open mind, what's the value here for me? I could do the same thing in a different way or if I am being impatient or judgmental towards someone else I would do that to myself too. There could be any number of different reasons why this 'outside' event could be trying to bring something related to me to the surface. So blame people, make them wrong but when you are done there maybe take another pass and look deeper for things of value for yourself... they may not be in plain sight but they will always there See more

03.01.2022 Do not forget today that there can be no form of suffering that fails to hide an unforgiving thought. Nor can there be a form of pain forgiveness can not heal.... A Course In Miracles It is a bold statement, but I feel its truth in my bones, What can we forgive today?

02.01.2022 Innocent until proven guilty? I was driving behind a vehicle yesterday that professed to sell 'guilt free deserts', I felt inspired to write some things around guilt. We enjoy a freedom to make conscious choices... and sometimes unconscious choices, on most things in our lives, much more so than our animal friends who are for the most part guided by the framework of instinct....Continue reading

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