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Travlin' Country Two | Musician/band

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Travlin' Country Two

Phone: +61 457 916 454

Address: 37 Ritchie Street 3953 Leongatha, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Great gig today at the Korumburra brewery . Fantastic to have some of our Gippsland Country Music Club friends there . First time that we have played inside and did not know how the acoustics would be given the concrete floor and corrugated iron but we were very pleased with the sound . Our mate Alan Lazarus came to support us and did a few numbers from his cd . It was good to have him on board . He will be with us at Leongatha senior citizens on 18th October for another gig. Will keep everyone posted . Cheers from Graeme and Phil .

22.01.2022 Travlin Country Two will be at the Meeniyan market on Friday evening 7 th February from 5.30 . Playing all your favorite classic country music covers . Come along and see us and stop and say G. Day .

21.01.2022 The last of our christmas gigs today at Woorayl Lodge nursing home here in Leongatha They are a fun mob there and we love our monthly visits . Played a good mix of Christmas songs and some favorite country classics . Even got some staff members up to sing ,much to the delight of the residents .

17.01.2022 Great afternoon at Senior Citizens Club in Leongatha on Friday . The annual Melbourne Cup day Lots of fun , fashion on the field hats .We drag out all the horsey songs . The only time that I will sing the theme from Mr Ed .

16.01.2022 Phil Benson & Graeme Drury aka TRAVLIN COUNTRY TWO had a great time performing at Inverloch yesterday ,as part of the Music in the Glade concert organised by ...the Invy Lions Club in the new sound shell . We were privileged to be given 2 spots during the day and we had a great time .Thanks to the Lions Club for inviting us to play Special thanks to John Taylor from Gippsland Audio Visual for producing the magnificent sound . See more

16.01.2022 Travlin Country Two were were back at Prom Care nursing home at Foster today for their Christmas party . Was a great gig . Friends and family of the residents were there and made for a top day . It was good to see our country music mates from Nicholson , Marj and Pete there . We got Pete up to sing a few songs with us . Santa arrived with his helpers on and electric tricycle and gave out pressies to all . It was a fantastic day of carols and country music . We are planning to go up to Nicholson for the New Year so stay tuned for posts about that . Hope all our friends and fans have a merry christmas and a happy New Year . Cheers from Phil and Graeme .

15.01.2022 Travlin Country Two had a great afternoon with the Peninsula Country Music Club . First time that we have been able to get down to Rye and it certainly won't be the last . Lovely friendly club , we were received well and made most welcome . Some of our Morwell mates were there too . Great to see Eric and Vida also Max Hubbard and of course Liz and Tony Kristalyn . Cheers from Graeme and Phil .

15.01.2022 Great gig at Leongatha Bowls Club christmas dinner yesterday . Had our mate Alan Easterbrook sit in with us on keyboards . Good mix of carols and christmas theme songs along with some popular country classics . All in all a top day . Two more gigs now before a bit of a break , been flat out ,busy but enjoyable .... Merry Christmas to all our friends and fans . Cheers. Graeme and Phil PS. The aura around Phil is not real . He,s not that good See more

14.01.2022 Great day at Gippsland Country Music Club at the Boolarra Hotel . Perfect weather and good country music

13.01.2022 Travlin Country Two were at Koorooman House high care nursing home here in Leongatha . We have been doing this gig for a number of years now and love going to put on a show for the residents and guests . We do a mix of Christmas theme songs and carols along with some good old country favourites . It's great to see the enjoyment people get . Makes it a pleasure . Very busy over the next couple of weeks . Cheers from Graeme and Phil .

13.01.2022 Fantastic gig last Friday at Leongatha senior citizens club with our great mate Alan Lazarus . It's a joy to play music with this guy . Sound mix was excellent and balanced . Great set list and the audience loved it . Will have to get down to his neck of the woods sometime and do a show . On Sunday Phil and I were able to get to Gippsland Country Music Club at Morwell . It was a great day and good to catch up with our friends and fans there . Cheers from Graeme and Phil

12.01.2022 Has been a bit quieter musically since our gig at the Burra Brewery . Just a couple of our montjhly nursing home gigs which we love doing . We will be at the Dakers Centre Leongatha on Friday 18 th of October at 1.00 pm singing at the Senior Citizens Club , all welcome to come along .. Appearing with us will be our great mate Alan Lazarus . We are very fortunate to get to play music with this talented guy , with beautiful autoharp and amazing vocals he adds another dimension to our act . Alan has recently released a cd featuring some songs he has written and will have copies for sale on the day . We will be including some in the set list . Love to see any of our friends and fans there . Cheers from Graeme and Phil ...Travlin Country Two .

12.01.2022 A bit over a week to go until Travlin Country Two will be at the Friday evening market at Meeniyan . From 5.30 on come over listen to your favorite classic country music covers . LOVE to see our fans and friends there . Grab a meal , a drink and enjoy the show .

11.01.2022 Travlin Country Two along with Graeme McCaughn (guitarist from Phil's old band Buffalo Boys )supplied the entertainment for the Gippslanders CMCA chapter Christmas rally in Yarram . Great night of music and friendship . Fantastic venue for a rally

05.01.2022 Travlin Country Two will be performing at Leongatha Senior Citizens Club , Smith st Leongatha on Friday next 28th February at 1.00. As a special guest artist , Gippsland Country Music Club regular Marya Stait will be with us . Come and enjoy and afternoon of your favorite classic country music covers . Love to see you there .

05.01.2022 Reminder to all that Travlin Country Two will be at the Meeniyan market tomorrow evening from 5.30 with a great selection of popular classic country music covers . Come along and grab a delicious meal at the Pantry Cafe and enjoy the show . Love to see our friends and fans there .

02.01.2022 Great gig today at Senior Citizens Christmas dinner Dakers Centre Leongatha . We had our mate Alison Chapman with us . Love gigging with this talented lady . Pleased to be back at Meeniyan Tavern Night tomorrow night then a birthday party on Sunday followed by our regular couple of nursing home gigs next week . Busy busy .

02.01.2022 Phil and I had a successful trip to the country music festival at Weethalle NSW recently . We had a great time and were thrilled to be asked by Ged and Trudi to conclude the walk up program to finish that part of festival on a high note . Very happy to be able to find a great bass player in John McLuckie to join us . Great festival

01.01.2022 Travlin Country Two (Graeme Drury & Phil Benson ) . Will be performing at the Leongatha community market this coming Saturday 27 th Feb . Come along , sa...y g/day and enjoy browsing around the stalls .grab a drink and something to eat and listen to our selection of classic country music covers . Love to see all our friends there . See more

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