Tree House Family Counselling in Morphett Vale, South Australia | Pregnancy care centre
Tree House Family Counselling
Locality: Morphett Vale, South Australia
Phone: +61 401 356 584
Address: WOW Sensory Centre, 17-19 Stanley Street 5162 Morphett Vale, SA, Australia
Likes: 846
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15.01.2022 Received this voucher of awesomeness from Miss 8 today. My reward? You don't have to look after me and baby Sis all day, Dad will. They made me breakfast in bed and now I'm lying on the couch......not bad hey? Struggling with feelings of guilt at my laziness'
15.01.2022 As mothers, we are experts at neglecting our own needs. Many of us don't even know what we need, let alone how to ensure those needs are met!
15.01.2022 For the new mums in 2020 (and those still to come) - ---- it's okay to be angry that you had to change your expectations around pregnancy, birth or postpartum. ---- It's okay to grieve the plans you made that had to change.... * If you didn't get the pregnancy care you wanted * If you were unable to have the support you wanted during your labour and birth * If you couldn't have your village look after you in your postpartum I'm sorry. --- Any feelings you have about your experience are valid --- you don't just have to 'suck it up because it's a pandemic' --- your experience matters to you, it matters to your baby and it matters to me. **If you are not doing okay and need some extra support, please reach out** Thanks @jojofordillustration for the sweet graphic.
13.01.2022 Playing around with the Roots of Parenting workbook, having fun making it even more pretty! When you book a private Roots of Parenting workshop with me, I will ask you to complete this little workbook to get you thinking about your childhood experiences, core beliefs, values and strengths so that you can begin to create a framework for the parent you truly want to be. I have just 2 spots left for private, custom Roots of Parenting workshops before February, DM if you want... to chat about making one of them yours - available in your home or my office in Adelaide - available online anywhere in Australia - customised to suit pregnancy, postpartum or early parenting, no matter how many kids you have! (Suitable for pregnancy, postpartum and early parenting) #parentingworkshopadelaide #earlyparenting #parentingworkshoponline #newparents #newmums #4thtrimester #pregnantinadelaide
12.01.2022 Christmas, time with family, traditions and rituals can uncover a lot of different feelings for parents. We want to create joy, wonder and connection for our kids but if it hasn't always been joy to the world for you at this time of year that can bring up some discomfort. Join me tonight at 8pm for a Facebook live to talk about the holiday season and your inner child. ... Link in bio or events tab to join me. #innerchildwork #innerchild #innerchildparenting #mumsneeds #christmasanxiety #newmums #newbaby #postpartumdoula #postpartummentalhealth #live
11.01.2022 Me and my baby resting together without guilt. In my session with my amazing therapist last night, I was reminded that this little girl and I are still inside the same bubble. Our needs are intertwined and like in the 4th trimester, I have important needs that I need to focus on so that I can continue to meet hers. The things I need to remind myself of when planning my day/week;... - I am breastfeeding - giving out a LOT of nutrients and energy from my body. - Babe and I still wake several times a night, every night. - I am a 40 year old woman with a short menstrual cycle. - I have 2 beautiful children that have very different needs but both have a need for conscious connection from their Mama. - My needs are important too - in fact my needs are my priority and meeting them is part of my responsibility to my children. Mothers in the early stages of parenting, your needs are important. DM me if you would like to talk about how I can support you to focus on your needs. #breastfeeding #mumshaveneedstoo #oldermum #nightimeparenting #nightwaking #newbaby #earlyparenting #4thtrimester #firstyearparenting #mumsofbabies #pregnantinadelaide #3rdtrimester #counsellingadelaide #counselling #parentingcourseadelaide
11.01.2022 I don't agree with all of Dr Spock's parenting ideals but there is no denying this quote of his - 'What good parents instinctively feel like doing for their babies, is usually best after all' When we can access our deeper knowing as parents, uncovering all of the layers that hide our true instincts, we can parent from our values, rather than our core beliefs and unhelpful patterns of caring and relating. #instinctiveparenting #instinctivemothering #newbaby #newparents #parentingworkshop
07.01.2022 What does approaching Christmas and the holiday season bring up for you? Joy? Mild anxiety? Dread?... Join me to chat about the what and why of how you feel about this time of year
06.01.2022 The Roots of Motherhood Live Show will be hosted HERE on the Tree House page this week (and next) - This week I will be talking about The Needs of Mothers and why they are so often neglected, Click going or interested on the event to get notified of the live and Il see you Thursday for the live show. Xx #facebookliveshow #rootsofmotherhood #mothersneeds #whatmumsneed #pregnantinadelaide #4thtrimester #pregnancysupport #postpartumdoula #postnatalsupport #parentingsupport #earlyparenting
05.01.2022 When I'm tired, I can rest. (Even in my office! AND I am not too old to snuggle a weighted doggy! Your needs are important too Mum.... As mothers, we are experts at neglecting our own needs. Many of us don't even know what we need, let alone how to ensure those needs are met! Why is it that we don't feel comfortable prioritising ourselves and what we need? What role does our societies view on motherhood have on how we feel about our needs? What has our own childhood and how our parents did things got to do with it? Join me tonight (Thursday) at 7pm Adelaide time on the Tree House Facebook Page, to hear my thoughts on this.
05.01.2022 Tonight in The Roots of Motherhood Live Show I am answering the following questions from members question 1 - My toddler (18mths) makes this noise that I would call whining A LOT. Now I know toddlers do this stuff but I have a reaction inside of me like i'm filling up with RAGE! I usually manage to keep calm but sometimes have to leave the room or ask him to stop (which of course makes him do it more!) I think it is something to do with my own toddler-hood but I can't really ...remember. What can I do in the moment and also to unpack it some more to take the edge off?! Question 2 - I really want to breastfeed my baby (due in a few weeks) because I have read about all the benefits for me and baby but the thought of actually doing it seems really weird and off putting. What can I do to get over it before my baby is born? If you are pregnant or early parenting, come and join us in the free community to hear my thoughts........ #earlyparenting #pregnantinadelaide #4thtrimester #newmum #breastfeeding #toddlerparenting #innerchild #bigemotions #triggeredparents #breastfeedingeducation #normalisebreastfeeding #breastfeedingfears
04.01.2022 My girl just turned 1 and today we went to the zoo. We went to the zoo because she is into animals at the moment and I wanted to show her some in real life. We went to the zoo because she was ready to really enjoy that experience and I was following her lead. ... Tonight IV been reflecting on that and the year we have had and here are some of my thoughts...... 2020 has not been the first year I expected to have with my littlest babe. *We barely went anywhere that we couldn't walk. *We didn't join any playgroups or classes. *We spent most of our time at home or locally with a handful of family and friends. On reflection, I spent the year leaning in to truly meeting the needs of this little human, tuning in to her and learning her communication, wants and interests. In the first year of life, babies needs are so simple but can be so difficult to meet, especially when your needs as a mother are not being met. ---The pressures we put on ourselves to 'do it all' ---The pressure we feel from society to 'get back out there' ---The pressure from family and friends to 'have a "good" baby' All leave us more exhausted, isolated and confused than we ALREADY are as new mums! In the first year of their lives ALL babies need *-A well supported, well mother-* (or primary care giving parent) Who understands how to listen to their instinct and find their deeper knowing. Who can ask for and accept the help and support that ALL new mums need. Who feels emotionally well enough to truly tune in to their babies. What do you need to be a well supported, well mother? If you have a baby due in 2021 and would like to discuss options for support to prepare for parenting and postpartum and 1st year support - DM me to book a free call.
03.01.2022 I was taught everything I know about sandplay therapy by an incredible woman named Marg Govan. Marg recently died and this was the tray I created in honour of her death, her spirit and everything she gave to me. It will remain in my tray over the Christmas period as my tribute to her.... Marg was a no bullshit therapist who always found exactly what was at the heart and soul of her clients and students (including me) through their creations in the sand. Marg, you will be missed. #sandplayaustralia #marggovan #sandtraytherapy #sandplaytherapy
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