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25.01.2022 Ah... There's a new dawn on the horizon. Mercury went direct and now it's integration time. Mercury rules your mind and consciousness.... The reason you are not meant to make big decisions during Mercury Retrograde is because your mind is constantly changing. With Mercury in the sign of the soul, Pisces, your heart was changing as well. Perhaps now you have more clarity about what is and isn't right for you. Perhaps you have more questions. Be gentle on yourself if you feel confused or indecisive. As you integrate the influx of intuitive downloads you've been receiving, you will have more clarity, Enjoy the journey.
23.01.2022 The luckiest day of the year! Jupiter - the planet of Abundance - greets the Sun today with a celestial kiss. They're connecting in the super optimistic sign o...f Sagittarius. This is Jupiter's home sign, so there's a stellar feeling all around. This planetary feel-good meetup between Jupiter and the Sun in Sagittarius only comes along once every twelve years. Mercury is coming along for a joyride as well, since it's currently retrograding in this sign. Perhaps you can use this optimistic energy to look at your past, present, and future in a whole new light. A little gratitude goes a long way! Remember to lighten up and look at what's working well in your life, rather than what you lack. You're doing much better than you realize. Enjoy the energies!
21.01.2022 Marvelous March is here!! We say goodbye to frenetic February. Last month was non stop. Was it not? I'm happy to say Mercury goes retrograde this month (March - 28th). This is a gift from the heavens! It will give you a chance to SLOW down (at last!) so you can reflect and re-evaluate. That said, I'm going to get your forecast video to you in a couple of days. I've been a busy bee welcoming my B School Inner Circle members (you can still join me, enrollment ends TODAY! In the meantime, breathe a beautiful sigh of relief. Remember to stop and smell the flowers!
17.01.2022 November is ending with a shabang! Venus (the planet of love and self-worth) is opposing Uranus (the planet of freedom and revolution) for the third and final t...ime this year. This opposition teaches you how to define yourself in relationships more so you can have more freedom. You are gaining more sovereignty in your relationship to yourself and the world. Our Moon is in Virgo, which gives you the gift of discernment. So many lessons to integrate. Today is a great day to take some time to process. Enjoy the energies! Photo by pixabay
17.01.2022 Energy forecast for the week of January 28 - February 3. What an action packed first month this has been. It’s sure to be a life changing year. This week you mi...ght be wrapping up some unfinished business. THE PAST- OCTOPUS You might feel as if need 100 arms to do all that you’ve set out to do. You’ve most likely taken in too much. Perhaps you’ve taken on other people’s energy too. It’s time to unravel yourself from people and projects that get you wrapped up in anxiety. THE PRESENT- OWL Like the wise owl, you too have the ability to see in the dark. There are messages beneath words, written in energy that you are perceiving. They are worth paying attention to. Those areas of your life where you feel you’re being judgmental or imagining things - they are messages for you. Tune into what your intros trying to tell you and don’t ignore the subtle signs. THE FUTURE- SPIDER As you untangle from other people’s energy, you can begin to weave a new web. You can craft a life of magic and meaning. I love how similar the symbol for octopus and spider are - with their many legs. Yet spider is using the same deep perception that owl has to carefully craft the web of her own creation rather than get entangled in others’ stories. It’s time for you to create a new way of being. One based on your inner knowing rather than other people’s expectations. What a magical time! . Have a great week! . Animal Spirit Oracle Cards by @kim_krans. . #weeklyspread #weeklyforecast #divination #tarotspread #tarotreadersofinstagram
15.01.2022 Energy forecast for the week of March 11 - 18. We’re in the thick of Mercury Retrograde in Pisces. So remember, there’s some soul searching happening. You’ll likely have some fears and doubts come up. Roll with it! THE PAST- TURTLE (longevity) This card shows a depiction of a sea turtle. This creature has a challenging start and once through those early challenges- a long colorful life. You might be in the beginning of an ambition phase - struggling with feelings of self worth or the external challenges life has presented you. Fear not! This is just the beginning of a rich and rewarding journey. You’ve got everything you need to succeed! THE PRESENT- PEACOCK (inspiration) I actually live near a park where peacock run wild. Every so often I see one on the street and gasp at their beauty. It’s amazing how nature created something with such extraordinary colors. This is you. You have a tapestry of talents so inspiring we can all delight in your beauty. Please share them with the world in all your eccentric colors. Amazing. THE FUTURE- OCTOPUS (intelligence) This magnificent creature is known for its intelligence and adaptability. It has eight arms - a number representing infinity and prosperity. It reminds me of Kali - the goddess who helps us destroy our illusions so we can live our truth. That’s your job right now. How authentic can you be? Octopus can also change colors. Make sure you are sharing your TRUE colors. Not the ones you feel we want to see. Have a magnificent week! #mercuryretrograde #inspiration #weeklyspread #weeklyoracle #weeklydivination #tarotspread #tarotreadersofinstagram #pisces . These beautiful cards are the Animal Kin Oracle by Susan Wilder
13.01.2022 Make this a lazy Sunday. The Moon is in the sensitive sign of Cancer. This is a nesting sign, so you might not feel like leaving your house! :) It's also the 2...5th day of the month, a number that lends itself to meditation and reflection. Whatever you choose to do, be easy on yourself and enjoy! Photo by Kasya Shahovskaya on Unsplash
11.01.2022 Many creatures are serving our planet in beautiful ways, such as the pelicans and rhinoceroses who are holding the wisdom of the great civilization of Mu for us.... The big cats are defending our planet from lower energies. Little rats are clearing our physical and psychic rubbish. Whales are keeping the frequency of the oceans high. Every creature is here for a purpose and plays a part in the great tapestry of life. Birds are here to teach. They have nothing to learn. They demonstrate many qualities but mostly they show us how to be free and joyous. Every time you look into the sky and see a bird flying or gliding overhead, it is a reminder to set your consciousness free. Every time you listen to one singing, its song carries keys that remind you of who you truly are. Reptiles still hold their original blueprint and remind us of the purity of being true to your divine essence. Every variety of tree carries a quality that it can impart to you if you are ready to receive it. They are wise sentient beings, keepers of knowledge. It is the birds, animals and fish who hold the frequency of the ley lines of our planet, along with the dragons and other etheric beings who serve Lady Gaia. I am sure I have only scratched the surface of the secrets of nature. You can do your part to help those we share our world with: Bless any creature you come across or think about. Each time you do so a spurt of higher energy touches them. When you acknowledge or thank an animal, bird, insect, reptile, fish or tree, it feels the energy of your notice and gratitude and is enlivened by it. Pray for the natural world. Every prayer is heard and makes a difference. Listen to the birds and absorb their messages. Be observant. What is the natural world teaching you? Extract from The Archangel Guide to the Animal World.
11.01.2022 We say goodbye to fantastic February after today. As I mentioned in my monthly forecast - this month has been all systems go-go-go! We've had absolutely no plan...etary retrogrades this month. It made for an abundance of action-packed adventures. Some more serious grounding energies come to play today. We have a grounding Capricorn Moon. The serious energy of Capricorn will help you focus on what's important, and help you make some plans for your future. I suggest you take time to focus on your deepest intentions and discern what you need to do to make it happen. Enjoy the last day of this incredible month!
04.01.2022 This is a day of integration. You could use that right? It's been a VERY busy few weeks - emotionally and intellectually. A lot of changes are swirling around ...and you might not know what to focus on. The eclipses aren't a one time event. They have energetic repercussions. You are changing your plans and intentions, and that's a good thing! This is the 24th day of the year. 24/6 is composed of all even numbers. This is balancing. Our Moon is also in Virgo - a sign of integration. This is a gift to help you process all the new insights you've been receiving and refocus your intentions. It's a magical time. Enjoy the process.
01.01.2022 Your peace leads to world peace!
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