Triple B Brangus | Agriculture
Triple B Brangus
Phone: +61 7 4935 8556
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24.01.2022 2020 Annual Production Sale Catalogue -
24.01.2022 We are proud of the next generation of bulls that Triple B sires are producing.
24.01.2022 We definitely would...
23.01.2022 Triple B Brangus commercial cows coming out of the Dawson Range at Glendarra for weaning and pregnancy testing this week. #triplebbrangus #branguscattle #commercialfocus #weaning #pregtesting #australianbrangus
23.01.2022 STEERS A couple of photos of the commercial steers we have available at CQLX store sale tomorrow, before they loaded out of our forestry country this afternoon. These steers are all sired by Triple B Brangus bulls. Their sisters will be available at our Annual Production Sale on the 29th of September 2021. #triplebbrangus #brangusaustralia #branguscattle #brangus #beefaustralia #steers #moretraitsmoreaccuratelymoreoften #backedbyacattlemanseye
23.01.2022 Introducing new stud sire Pheasant Creek PCB P-126. Packed full of genetics we have been observing closely for some time, with Tannyfoil Jackson and Pheasant Creek Duke. We are excited about the impact this bull will bring to our herd with his exceptional scanning statics. 26 months, 964kg, 14mm Rump Fat, 10mm Rib Fat, 146cm EMA & 5.2% IMF... #triplebbrangus #brangusaustralia #pheasantcreekbrangus #australianbrangus #rockybrangussale #brangussires #brangus
22.01.2022 Rainfall Update - 10/02/2020 Araluen: 71mm - Largest single day rainfall in almost 3 years (March 2017). Doubling our 2020 rainfall overnight to 142mm Namoi: 34mm to make the 2020 total 278mm... Glendarra: 28mm to bring the 2020 total to 309mm
22.01.2022 There is another fundraiser for the youth of Brangus not to be missed! The ABCA and Rockhampton Sale Committee have put together an exciting fundraiser auction raise funds for the Brangus Youth Fund. The Youth Fund has been established to provide opportunities for Youth Programs within the Brangus Society including supporting the Brangus Youth Camp. Check out the catalogue link: Auction will be starting on Monday the 12th of October 2020 at 6:30pm. Online bidding is available on StockLive if you cannot be there in person. Once again, thank you to all sponsors involved! Buckaroo Boutique Triple B Brangus Oaklands Brangus Duarran Stud Rocky Feed & Seed Pheasant Creek Brangus Shae Palmer - Artist Bonox Brangus Georgie Marketing Feedpro
21.01.2022 As the sunsets on Sale Week 2020, we would like to thank everyone that has helped us have another successful sale. Thankyou to the Royal Flying Doctors Rockhampton for keeping everyone well fed on sale day, thankyou to everyone who supported them to raise $1,544 from the day. Thankyou to the team at SBB/GDL, Elite Livestock Auctions, Wayne York, Kent Ward and Paula Driscol for all your professional help and advice along the way to a successful 8th Annual Sale. Sale week would not be possible without the support of alot of friends and family, so an extra special thankyou to you all that have supported us through a very challenging 2020. #thankyou #triplebbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #branguscattle #brangusaustralia #bullsales #brangussires
20.01.2022 Dam cleaning at Araluen. Thanks Barlows Earthmoving Pty Ltd.
19.01.2022 2020 SALE TEAM FACTS 88 Brangus Bulls & 150 Purebred Females DNA Results: - 92% Homozygous Poll (PP)... - 84% Homozygous Black (ED/ED) - 82% have full Parent Verification with remaining 18% Sire Verified Breeedplan: - Sale Team Average is above Breed Average for 12/16 Traits (10 Traits above 35%) Sale Team Information now available on our website: - - also listed on Australian Brangus Cattle Association website under Sale Catalogues, where you have the option of searching and sorting the catalogue for your breeding objectives. #triplebbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #australianbrangus #salebulls #brangusbulls #branguscattle #brangus #brangusaustralia #elitelivestockauctions
19.01.2022 #familytime #triplebbrangus #winternights #brangusaustralia #branguscattle
19.01.2022 !! IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT SALE DAY & COVID-19 !! Your safety is important to us. For this reason we ask that on Sale Day tomorrow everyone is mindful of the current climate surrounding COVID-19. A few things to consider; If you are unwell, displaying COVID-19 symptoms, have been overseas in the last 14 days or in close contact with a confirmed corona virus case, we ask that you please refrain from attending the sale. ** Online bidding options are available through Elit...e Livestock Auctions; with supplementary data, photos and videos all available to aid your selection. ( **Selling agents Savage, Barker & Backhouse are also happy to accommodate any of your needs or questions over the phone. If you are attending the sale; **Please be mindful of physical distancing & hand hygiene at all times. Hand sanitiser will be available at various locations on the day & the selling complex organised accordingly. ** All attendees will be required to sign a COVID declaration and registration upon arrival. Please ensure that this is done before entering the yards and selling complex. ** As usual food and refreshments will be available on the day from the Royal Flying Doctors. In spite of these extra precautions we are very proud of this years draft of bulls and excited to welcome you on property at Araluen Dingo tomorrow, Wednesday 30th September. Should you have any questions or concerns we welcome you to please get in touch. See more
17.01.2022 All roads leading to our 8th Annual Production Sale in 120 days (30th September 2020). Some additional gravel being added to the Araluen driveway this week. #triplebbrangus #bullsale #branguscattle #brangus #brangusbulls #countryroads #earthworks
17.01.2022 A fabulous sunset. A wonderful 29mm at Araluen in the last 3 days. #triplebbrangus #rainfall #sunsets #willbecoldtomorrow
17.01.2022 Just over 50 days to our Annual Production Sale on the 30th of September. The bulls are spending the day enjoying the sunshine, after a beautiful 10mm of rain on Friday. #sleepysunday #afternoonnap #sunbaking #brangusaustralia #branguscattle #bullsales #brangussires #triplebbrangus
16.01.2022 Wonderful what happens when you just add rain to the equation. After a down pour of 75mm in less then half an hour Friday evening at Araluen. We finally have all dams by washing for the first time in 3 years it is just wonderful. Hope that all the gaps get filled in for everyone soon.
15.01.2022 We will again be using TSUs for further testing in the coming months. This will insure the entire draft of 80 Sale Bulls set for our Annual On-Property Production Sale, to be held 30th September 2020, will have a full DNA Profile. #triplebbrangus #brangus #bullsales #australianbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #brangusbulls #branguscattle
15.01.2022 PAINT BRANDING DAY Things are in full swing with Sale Day only two sleeps away. #triplebbrangus #paintbranding #salebulls #australianbrangus #annualproductionsale #branguscattle #brangussires
13.01.2022 Only 150 Days to go...
13.01.2022 Very happy to be supporting the Australian Brangus Youth Program with the limited release of Networth Semen. This is the only semen we will offer in Networth this season. We are very excited by the potential of this sire and the impact he will have in our breeding program.
13.01.2022 Wow what a week!!! Started with getting Lindsay and the boys off to the Inaugural Brangus Youth Camp, where they all had a fantastic time learning lots and making life long friends. (Picking up a couple of ribbons in the judging classes was a bonus). Drought feeding and water pumping continued while the boys were away as we watched storms go around in all directions.... But were woken to beautiful rain on Friday morning putting some water in some dams and relieving some of the water issues and giving us hope that it can still rain. Araluen received 36mm, Glendarra had 30mm and Namoi 25mm (largest fall since March 2019). Still a long road to recovery but one step in the right direction, fingers crossed follow-up is not to far away.
13.01.2022 All branded and ready to go back to their paddock at Glendarra. #triplebbrangus #greengrass #muster #branding #brangus #branguscattle @ Dingo, Queensland, Australia
12.01.2022 VITAL DECISIONS... Today has been spent drafting bulls. #theyallmakethegrade #youbethejudge #makingadifference #herdbuilders #bbbbullsdothejob #triplebbrangus #paddockbulls #salebulls #brangus #australianbrangus #2020bullsale #branguscattle #brangusbulls
12.01.2022 VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE This year we have taken a short video of every lot in our sale (including female lots). These are now available via this Link. Happy #triplebbrangus #brangussires #brangus #branguscattle #bullsales #annualproductionsale #cattlevideos #australianbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #brangusaustralia
12.01.2022 Photos of 2020 Triple B Brangus Annual Production Sale Team - 30th September 2020 More information available at #triplebbrangus #salebulls #theaustralianbrangus #brangus #brangussires #branguscattle #brangusbulls #brangusaustralia
11.01.2022 THE COUNT DOWN IS ON. 120 days until the 2021 Triple B Brangus Annual Production Sale on the 29th September. Last week we finalised all data collection and this week the sale team has been selected. #triplebbrangus #brangus #branguscattle #beefaustralia #brangusbulls #saleteam #beefbulls #brangusaustralia #moretraitsmoreaccuratelymoreoften #backedbyacattlemanseye
11.01.2022 More Triple B Sires available at our Annual Production Sale on the 30th of September 2020. #triplebbrangus #brangusbulls #bullsales #nextgeneration #branguscattle #theaustralianbrangus #brangusaustralia #australianbrangus
11.01.2022 #wewillrememberthem #anzacday2020 #lestweforget
11.01.2022 Triple B Networth N284 #triplebbrangus #homebredsire #brangus #brangussires #brangusbulls #branguscattle #australianbrangus #kentbward #lindsaynfiona
11.01.2022 Happy Australia Day. Feeling very greatful. How things can change in just 3 days. Have gone from checking dams daily and being a matter of weeks off not having water at our forestry country to almost full dams, such a relief. We have received 96mm at Glendarra and 110mm at Namoi. Araluen has had some small showers with a total of 18mm.... Hoping that all our friends and clients receive good relief rain very soon.
09.01.2022 Love seeing progeny by Triple B Sires. Lawman was purchased at our 2017 Annual Production Sale. Looking forward to seeing Lawman sons offered by Kulkyne Brangus at Society sales later this year.
07.01.2022 Sunday Lunch is served.
06.01.2022 Bulls 400 day weights and scrotal circumferences collected today. Very pleased with the development of this group of bulls. #triplebbrangus #2021salebulls #branguscattle #brangus #breedplan #brangusbulls #paddockreared
06.01.2022 OPEN FOR INSPECTION We are closely watching the unfolding COVID-19 situation, particularly in regard to sale day, 30th September. In preparation, to ensure all... client and future client safety, we have decided to open for inspections throughout all of September, leading up to our sale. Inspections will be by appointment only. People are able to gather with as many or few people present as they would like. If you are someone at risk or potentially worried about attending, we welcome you get in touch and book in a time. For more details please contact Lindsay 0407 760 079 or Josh Heck on 0409 732 676 #triplebbrangus #openforinspection #brangusaustralia #brangusbulls #branguscattle #theaustralianbrangus #brangus #bullsales #elitelivestockauctions #sbb #gdl #kbconsulting #ruraldesign
06.01.2022 The 2020 sale preparations are well underway, stay up to date with the latest news by following our Triple B Brangus Annual Production Sale Event Page.
06.01.2022 Our 2020 Sale catalogue is now ONLINE! Dont hesitate to contact us to make sure you are on our mailing list. We will also be uploading the catalogue to our website today ( ...
04.01.2022 We are LIVE & ONLINE from Central Queensland Wednesday 30th September for the 2020 Triple B Annual Production Sale on behalf of Lindsay & Fiona Barlow. On offe...r are 88Triple B Brangus Sires & 170 Purebred Brangus Females all presented for genuine sale with Wayne York & Josh Heck each rattling them through the sale ring from 11:00am at Araluen Dingo on the Central Highlands. Check out the online catalogue complete with photos and videos of all lots For details contact Lindsay & Fiona Barlow 07 4935 8556 0407 760 079 or Selling Agents Josh Heck 0409 732 676 & Georgie Connor 0428 347 550 of SBB / GDL or simply click to bid at Selling at auction is true price discovery... Triple B Brangus Annual Production Sale 2020 Australian Brangus Cattle Association York Auctioneering Savage Barker & Backhouse - GDL Lindsay N Fiona Barlow Wayne Matthew York Josh Heck StockLive
04.01.2022 SEMEN TESTING DAY 2020 Sale Team were semen tested today, with all 88 bulls passing their crushside mortality exam by Ced Wise. Morpholgies have been sent to Rocky Repro for evaluation. #triplebbrangus #sementesting #bullsales #brangusaustralia #branguscattle #brangussires #brangus #brangusbulls #australianbrangus
04.01.2022 Congratulations to all in the Dingo Rodeo & Campdraft Assn on another successful weekend of Campdrafting. We were happy to support the campdraft again this year... with the donation of these heifers for the first round of the open and final of the novice. #campdraft #triplebbrangus #branguscattle See more
03.01.2022 Yearling Sale Heifers for our 2020 Annual Production Sale. #triplebbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #australianbrangus #brangus #branguscattle #branguscattle #annualproductionsale #brangusaustralia
03.01.2022 Stutzview Pancho 475 available as Lot 172 at the 44th Annual Rockhampton ABCA Sponsored Sale, 13th October 2020
03.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.... LEST WE FORGET
03.01.2022 DATA COLLECTION - W6 Been a great couple of days with David Reid here to collect W6 weights and traits for the entire 2019/2020 drop. Keeping these animals in large contempories and running together allows for higher accuracy EBV's. This data is the last to be collected for this group and we are excited to see the June EBV's once this data has been analysed. #triplebbrangus #brangus #branguscattle #datacollection #moretraitsmoreaccuratelymoreoften #backedbyacattlemanseye
02.01.2022 Annual Production Sale Supplementary Sheet -
01.01.2022 Gracemere Cattle Sale - Wednesday 9th June For more info:
01.01.2022 2020 Annual Production Sale Team #triplebbrangus #saleteam #salebulls #australianbrangus #theaustralianbrangus #branguscattle #brangus #brangusbulls
01.01.2022 Thank-you to the Donoghue Family for your continued support of the Triple B Program.
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