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25.01.2022 When you know you are starting to live from the soul

25.01.2022 Happy Harmony Day for the year 2020 Harmony Day began in 1999 with a celebrations and acknowledgement around cultural diversity, having conversations and embracing harmony within ourselves, our homes, communities, countries and the world. May you find and work on inner harmony to spread that through out and grow the collective harmony through out

24.01.2022 With clients we explore this topic from time to time as it appears relevant to some. This might help shed light to others, remind those who are working through it and help you investigate the depth of the statement. Onions layers....heal by peeling back one layer at a time

22.01.2022 Another great post to help you unpack your baggage to allow yourself to rise and allow yourself to be well in all facets of life; relationships, health, career and home. Release release release

22.01.2022 And so it was divinely inspired What in your life has been divinely inspired?

21.01.2022 This morning we stand with veteran Adam and ask Australians to support the ANZAC Appeal to help veterans turn their life around.

20.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the mums, step mums, grandmothers, and those who take on the mother role models! May you feel the love and appreciation from your family and be appreciated as such. To those who are working, may you find some downtime and be pampered at some stage of today.

15.01.2022 Food for thought

14.01.2022 Happy Leap Day On this leap day be sure to ask the devine for clear signs so you progress and leap forward enhancing future plans. Pay attention to the people around you, music lyrics, numbers, colours, messages and your dreams. ... Wishing you a very happy healthy and constructive leap forward to peace gratitude and unconditional love

13.01.2022 The feel is for real... (-an excerpt from ‘Hearticulations’)

13.01.2022 Just saw this and had to share Quite often we are so desperate to ask for what we want that we over look the very people and opportunities placed in front of us as its not how we thought things would happen, we didnt have the sequential order occur, we didnt get it to hit us straight in the face or we didnt see it because we are so busy looking, searching, driving instead of being mindfully present and peaceful within. We often get so worked up over wanting what we want,... instead of working with what we have and working with those people and opportunities literally in front of us. Those same opportunities that we asked for but over look because they are not as perfect or shiny as we thought or simply because we over look them. This month is about appreciating who and what you have. Working on bigger and better things and embracing your true hearts desires to do good for yourself and others. Random acts of kindness create a ripple effect. Spread love. Send a heart felt message to a friend. Pay for a strangers coffee through the drive through or at a local caf. Donate your time to a worthy cause close to your heart. Take a bath, read a book. Call that friend you miss. See that movie you wish to see. Hug your loved ones so tight and appreciate them for they are and those who are on this journey with you, as they often get overlooked the most as we become so entranced in mundane survival. We all are learning and all are teachers on this journey of life. Be kind. Help each other to find the peace within and love yourself. Look foe the opportunities to grow and face the hardships to over come adversity, help others and become more than you thought. - Blessings Trixity Zen x

13.01.2022 Prayer is not just for the dark times

12.01.2022 Mindfulness Monday What do you need to be mindful of thanks to Viberational Life

12.01.2022 International Firefighters Day We thank you! Be sure to thank the career staff and the volunteers!

11.01.2022 Terrific Tuesday What a gorgeous loving soul to do this for others. Brings happy tears to my eyes as you never know what a kind gesture no matter how big or small can mean to someone. Too many people are focused on money power and greed. This brings you back to reality of how tough some people have it and how we are all in this together. ... Lighten someones load! I am hopeful we can spread this near which will ripple further out. Bless her and her family x We can learn a lot from other people

11.01.2022 Men often struggle to reach out for help. They also struggle to be taken seriously in some situations and get the support they need. Men are human too. All humans need love, support, compassion and understanding. Make sure you take time out to speak with the men in your life and if you are in a position to raise or impact male children do so by validating their feelings and teaching them to look after themselves by getting help, using tools to curb behaviours and focus on their feelings. Lets start preventative measures early on instead of reactive measures later on!

11.01.2022 "There is no tomorrow to remember if we dont do something today, and to live most fully today, we must do that which is of greatest importance. Let us not procrastinate those things which matter most." ~ Thomas S. Monson

10.01.2022 Terrific Tuesday Thanks Crystal Energies and the everyday warrior As much as you want to get to the destination as you grow, ( or some like to remain stagnant in their safe box/zone ) it is vital to remember the integration part.... Just like learning you need time to integrate what you learn to what you practice. Be kind to yourself and timetable and accept integration.... Let the shit settle!

10.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day! To all women young and old, big and small! May we continue to lift each other up, inspire the younger generations and pave the way for self love, acceptance, peace and gratitude, with pizzazz, desire and ambition. May we remind each other that despite the fact we are expected to raise a family like we do not work, yet work as well; being everything and more, with in some cases such little help and support, that at the end of the day this is ou...r life! We choose what and how we do things and there is no perfect or right way. May we embrace each others uniqueness,diversity,choices and decisions without judgement. May we have the confidence to juggle out timetables as we see fit for our lifestyle and with loves ones. May you be bold and brave enough to follow your heart, your dreams and be a shining example of love. For those who are not as privileged as we are; who are abused, have no rights and remain slaves and second class citizens due to governments and religion may we continue to advocate for change. Blessings x

09.01.2022 Happy World Kindness Day Today 13th November 2020 Spread the word be extra kind and help uplift the energy in your world by doing little acts of kindness to/with/for other people, loved ones and yourself For more helpful tips and hints to what this day is aiming for click the link above List below something kind you did for yourself, a loved one and someone in your community

08.01.2022 Another aspect we look at in Kinesiology is where your mind set is, where the growth needs to occur, where the blockage or imbalance lays and cause and effect. Ego vs higher self can be challenging to accept as some humans like to deny and avoid or even supress emotions, instead of feeling and healing.

08.01.2022 A wise person once said, "the only easy day was yesterday"!

06.01.2022 Speak your truth (with love)

06.01.2022 May we remember what was done so we can learn from it, may we help others heal by apology and understanding the impact it had

05.01.2022 A challenging experience repeats until you understand the lesson. If you have noticed a recurring pattern in your life, pay close attention and listen to the message it carries for you. When you discover it, you are finally free and the challenge transforms into a blessing!

05.01.2022 Soulful Sunday Happy First Day of March You create your own hurdles based on your thought, emotions, inactions or actions. What do you need to acknowledge from the past so you can leave it there and continue on creating a life you can be present in. ... Love the life you live.

05.01.2022 Just a reminder :) Sending blessings to all Reminder release the fears and work through your emotions if you cannot just simply let them go

05.01.2022 To the mothers with children in heaven You are still a mother and always will be! It just means your little ones are sending blessings from heaven, pause a moment, what can you hear, feel, see and know?! What messages are being sent to you.... Remember to self love even more on days like today and know its okay to feel how ever you feel, just let those feelings flow xx Much love, X

04.01.2022 Beautiful reminder that no matter what you are going through/ have been through and even if you think your trauma has been healed, know that changes in life, especially restrictions like covid-19 can bring up these feelings, memories or mind playing tricks on you. There is nothing wrong with you. This is your bodys way of telling you to send some love to yourself, become aware of what needs to be lovingly let go of and a healthier habit or thought replaced. No matter your ag...e, your size, your sex or sexual orientation, we as the soulful beings all want to feel safe, loved, connected and belong. And we also want to be able to give that. Pause, reflect, bring awareness to the emotions that are surfacing within you, allow it to flow through you and then allow it to go. Do not suppress and repress these feelings as they will only grow bigger and explode with time. The more you acknowledge and let them flow, the easier they will flow and not get stuck within you in the future. If you are feeling down reach out and make time to face what is going on within, the sooner the easier to deal with instead of building up and making it harder. Seek therapy, healing, coffee with a mate, ring a help line for a chat, take a walk and be kind to yourself. Do what ever works for you as long as you acknowledge what you are feeling and let that emotion flow out of you in a healthy manner as you learn better ways of managing your emotions. Love to you all x

04.01.2022 Mental health is pertinent to us all and effects us all in some way at some time. We are all mental and emptional beings, not just physical beings. Some of us get stuck in feelings, situations and habits longer than others and need more assistance, support and understanding to grow through the adversity. Be kind, he truthful, he supportive and where you can help people to help themselves and restore that balance of life quality Remember your best friends and family will support you to be the best version of you possible and support you in achieving wellness

04.01.2022 Soulful Sunday Quite often in life we choose the easy option as we do not want to face our fears, denials so we avoid and stay in what we have created as easy and comfort zones. Quite often we are discontent and sometimes miserable though, but due to it being familiar we stay. We do not dare to venture out as its scary out there, depsite our intuition telling us we need to move forward we need to grow and we need to evolve.... If you are truly at peace inside and come from a space of unconditional love trust the path presented to you. It will be hard,it will be scary and at times you will doubt. Remember the best things in life come from overcoming fears and daring to do the hard work.

02.01.2022 Thought of the day

02.01.2022 A really good read :D

01.01.2022 For those needing assistance with allergies and sensitivities check this out :D

01.01.2022 Happy International Nurses Day In honour of Florence Nightingale "Lady with the Lamp", who nursed British and allied Soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War. She also established the first formalised scientific based nursing school which became the basis of modern nursing ... A special thank you to all nurses past, present and those who are studying. We honour you.

01.01.2022 We all embody a soul and are at a crossroads right now, self included. We are all being called to trust in the divine and make the changes necessary to be on the path for our highest good and soul purpose. DO NOT BE AFRAID, FEAR False Evidence Appears Real - during times of upheaval our minds play tricks on us and logical brain kicks in to go back to comfort, how we dealt with life in the past (as our brain says do what you did last time because you survived).... It is up to you to acknowledge your logical brain and thank it for its concern, send off the energy and thought and then tune in to your soul, and let your heart and the divine guide you on your path. Live for uplifting one another and not settling for less than what you want to choose for yourself. Have the courage to go after your dreams and shape your new reality in alignment with your purpose. SPREAD LOVE NOT FEAR To those clients I have not yet replied to please note I am working through them and aim to return to assisting you in more of a capacity on your journey in July.

01.01.2022 ANZAC DAY is a national day of remembrance where we pause and reflect on the Australian and New Zealand Soldiers; those who served in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice due to these operations. May we also pause and remember the contribution and suffering for those who were left behind, loosing loved ones and those whose loved ones returned forever changed. May we also remember those who are currently serving or served ...and are facing challenges both mentally and physically due to their service. May we remember to learn from our past and treat our Soldiers with compassion, understanding, dignity and respect; by vowing to support them in any way we can, including, remembering them and looking after our mates, just like the mate ship you see through the ANZAC SPIRIT. I also urge you, if you can, to support the ANZAC appeal. Our Veterans are the true heroes of our nation! Lets get behind them and donate to the ANZAC APPEAL every donation big and small adds up. This allows our servicemen and women assistance to improve their lives and give them a helping hand up! Lets support our Nations Heroes! Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up! We will remember And We will act

01.01.2022 My WISH for YOU!

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