The Road Travelled | Businesses
The Road Travelled
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21.01.2022 We got the most beautiful surprise on returning from a walk this morning - a home delivery of gorgeous native flowers with the kindest words from someone that had us capture a "Road Travelled" story for a beloved relative. While totally unnecessary, it was such a lovely thing to do, and we're so chuffed to know that people are really loving the process of recording a Road Travelled, as well as the end result. Very kind Michelle, thank you (and beautiful blooms from Tynte Flowers!)
19.01.2022 RECORD YOUR ROAD TRAVELLED STORY ON ZOOM! On the back of our April 30 day challenge, we wanted to create a "socially-distanced" way for people to capture and share their stories with their voice. Normally we bring some flash AV gear to your dining table to record your voice crisp & clear, while you share your story over a cup of tea. It’s a beautiful, warm, human experience which our Road Travellers tell us is a highlight of the process. Right now of course, that’s a little ...tricky, so we’ve created a temporary alternative. We’ve set up a Road Travelled Zoom Channel. During May, June & July, you can book in a 1.5 hour Zoom recording session with us, where we’ll ask you some questions and get you to share some memories & tales with us. We’ll then record them as both audio and video files, which we’ll tidy up and save on commemorative USBs for you. The audio quality won’t quite be as flash as it normally is, but it will be you, telling your stories in your voice, during a strange period in history (and that adds a bit of colour!). Normally our Road Travelled Audio Production Packages start at $2,600. For the next 3-4 months, for a 1.5 hour Zoom audio & video package (recorded, tidied up and shipped out to you onto 4 x commemorative USBs), your investment will be just $770 including GST. If you’d like to capture your story or the memories of a loved one during these winter months, just email [email protected] and we’ll walk you through the steps. And if you didn’t complete the 30 day challenge? That's OK we’ll package the questions up and send them out to you, for thinking about before the interview. We hope we can capture some wonderful memories for you and your loved ones during this strange time (what a record for tomorrow?!). Simply get in touch and we’ll safeguard some of the important moments on YOUR Road Travelled.
19.01.2022 THE FREE RIBBON TO WRAP YOUR 30 DAY CHALLENGE GIFT... It’s been a huge pleasure opening up some of The Road Travelled interview process for you via our 30 Day Challenge during this strange confinement period. We figured we can’t get into peoples dining rooms to record their Road Travelled stories just yet, but we can give people the gift of memory prompts and some encouragement to document! We hope you enjoyed it, and that you took the chance to think, remember, share a...nd capture a few experiences from your road travelled. It is a free and generous gift you've created that will hold more value in years to come than any other hand-me-down. It is beyond monetary value. To wrap our gift of the last 30 days up in a bow, here’s one final freebie the offer to put your name on a printable cover and back cover, which we’ll email you back and you can print it out (along with all the notes you made through April), staple it together (or bind it), and put it away somewhere safe (or gift it on now). If you’d like to take us up on this, just email [email protected], say thanks, I’d love my name on that! (along with your name), and we’ll get it back to you ASAP, free of charge. There’s one final offer we’d love to make but it’s not free. It is super-cheap though. We’ll tell you about it on Monday, but it involves capturing your stories told in your voice via Zoom. More Monday Have a wonderful start to May!
17.01.2022 THE POWER OF ONE VOICE SHARING THEIR STORY... If you're looking for something compelling to watch during this stay-at-home period, check out "The Last Dance" on Netflix. It's a documentary about the Chicago Bulls Basketball Team and their greatest player, Michael Jordan. You don't need to be a basketball fan to find it riveting. It's a story of drive, of hunger, of commitment and sacrifice and the ups and downs on the road to becoming the greatest. It talks about teamwork, ab...out struggles, about leadership and work ethic and the power of never giving in. Most powerful about it though? It's the reflections and memories shared by Michael Jordan, today, looking back on his career 20+ years earlier. Told in his voice, his way. About his Road Travelled. These reflections, this story captured, is a gift to anyone that loves basketball. And we don't even know the man. Your gift? Telling your story, in your words, for the benefit of tomorrow... for those that love you? Invaluable. If you'd like to get started while there's some time on your hands, please get in touch. (And watch "The Last Dance" - it really is remarkable...
17.01.2022 To help people capture their Road Travelled stories while we continue to socially distance, we've temporarily employed Zoom as a simple, low-cost means of safeguarding your memories, told in your voice. Normally packages begin at $2600 - now with Zoom, we're offering 1.5 hour Zoom recordings for just $770! Simply email [email protected] to inquire.
12.01.2022 DAY 30 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... Were you to shuffle off this mortal coil tomorrow, and you could leave a snippet of parting wisdom for others, what would head the list? The biggest, most important things that a lumpy, windy journey along lifes road has taught you. The small pieces of advice that make the biggest difference. The insights, the gift of hindsight, the "always wear sunscreen" tips you wish you'd known much earlier (and maybe they won't listen or heed, but you'd to give them the opportunity to try). The final words to live by... what would yours be? Think. Write. Capture. Share. And that, my friends, brings us to the end of your 30 day challenge! WOOHOO! Well done! Congratulations to those of you that had the discipline, the generosity of spirit and the foresight to see what a powerful, valuable keepsake and treasure this little daily investment during confinement would become. This has been an investment that will compound like the greatest blue chip superannuation portfolio on the planet, and it cost you zero dollars to make. Cash can be blown. Memories and wisdom will outlast it. As a bonus thanks and additional gift for everyone that tackled this memory project, tomorrow we'll release an extra piece for you to tie it all together, allowing you to package your 30 day project up for others. Finally, as the scariest part of this strange period in history looks to be calming and settling just a fraction, we hope you're staying well and feeling a little upbeat about what's ahead. Lots more for you to do on the roads you've left to travel. The rear view mirror is powerful. But the next step forward is where your new experiences & memories begin. Happy & safe travels. (And thanks for playing!) Troy &The Road Travelled Team.
12.01.2022 LOVE LETTERS OF OLD... Do you still keep any old letters from your early days? Letters from your parents or grandparents, everyday correspondence or expressing love and longing? Sentiments and emotions and a written picture of how things were, how people felt, what was important to them at a time in history? Letters are one of the most valuable keepsakes we have, scribed by someones very own hand, pored over with rapt attention to put words on a page and convey a message to... others far away. The Road Travelled service takes that one step further. It gives your words your voice. And where beautiful cursive is wonderful to read, hearing your actual voice telling your stories, decades, centuries from now? That's irreplaceable. We'd love to help you capture your road travelled, by Zoom, or soon, face-to-face. Get in touch if you want to discuss it - [email protected]. It is one of the most valuable gifts you will ever create and bestow. Image credit - New York Times.
09.01.2022 DAY 25 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... What are some of the most expensive, extravagant or memorable purchases you can remember making? The first home... that pair of shoes you couldn't justify and cost 2 weeks wages (but such killer heels...)... the pool table... that ring... a holiday of a lifetime... the jacket of your dreams... a bunch of flowers to impress when you didn't have 2 cents to rub together... when did you splurge in a way that stuck in your memory?... Recall it, capture it, tell the story. Your gift to tomorrow. Just 5 days remaining in your 30 day challenge - you're nearly there! Well done! Image credit - John Lockwood via Unsplash.
09.01.2022 Lest we forget... No matter who you are or the road you've travelled, if you're fortunate enough to live in Australia, then the freedoms and way of life we're so fortunate to enjoy are the gift of a generation gone. Their sacrifices, their efforts, their roads travelled (and those of all servicemen and women that've come after them) are the reason our lives are so free. Today on ANZAC day, we remember them, and take a moment to show respect and gratitude for all they've given us. Lest we forget. Image from the RSL's Light Up The Dawn campaign.
08.01.2022 Have you connected to your loved ones for video chats yet? There are lots of options - Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom meetings, Teams, House Party and more. They're mostly free, and they're a really good way to stay connected (even when you're having to hang out at home more than usual). Give it a try!
05.01.2022 We know it's a really challenging time for elderly people, people with restricted mobility and immunocompromised people (and their loved ones). There are birthdays, anniversaries, even just everyday visits that can't have the normal human interactions we've taken for granted for so long. But it's also bringing out a wonderful creative side of humanity. The phone still works. The video conferencing options are amazing. And if you're willing to put a little effort in, you can still make some wonderful memories that, one day, when you reflect on your road travelled, will be quite the story for the kids! If you want some help capturing and documenting an important road travelled, we're doing some affordable video conferencing options right now - just reach out! Image -
04.01.2022 Our last Road Travelled Interview package heading out the door for a little while, until we can again safely sit with a cup of tea listening to & recording the memories and stories of a life from the comfort of a lounge or dining table. (We've been asked about whether Road Travelled Interviews can be done over the phone or video conference. They sure can - the audio quality isn't quite as flash, and phone systems over a couple of hours can have a few glitchy moments, so we ...think they're much better done in person (part of the joy is the process of sitting & telling your story to an in-the-flesh avid listener!). That said, we're working on a tech-enabled way to ensure anyone, anywhere can capture their Road Travelled story in their voice... more soon...) (PS our 30-day "Stay @ home & write your story" challenge starts tomorrow! Get ready to put 10 mins aside to start capturing some memories of your life, for the future!)
03.01.2022 DAY 26 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... What are some really nice things you remember other people doing for you? Blanche Dubois may have depended on the kindness of strangers, but chances are you've benefited from the thoughtfulness or good deeds of others along your road. What do you remember of times when you were in trouble, stuck or struggling, and a hand of friendship was extended to pull you up or give you a boost? Who showed you that when the chips are down, there are still... real friends you can count on? Who can you look back along the road and say "I'm grateful to them - they helped me and played a big role in me being where I am today"? Who's on the nice list on you memory roll call? Just 4 days left in your 30 day challenge - thumb through all the memories you've already captured in under 4 weeks. This gift you're building... it's important. Image credit - Vida Nordli Mathisen via Unsplash.
03.01.2022 DAY 29 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... What's left atop your bucket list - things to do, places to go, people to meet? Is it skydiving, bungee jumping or shark cage diving? Is it a hike to Machu Picchu, a stroll down 5th Avenue or baguettes and brie on the Champs Elysees? Would an audience with the Pope, Michael Jordan or Beyonce do it for you? What's on the dream list, the wish list, the still-have-to-find-a-way-to-do list, that you'd absolutely love?... Think about it. Capture it. Share your hopes, dreams and passions. Give tomorrow insights into what you strove to do today. This is the penultimate day of your 30 day challenge. Tomorrow, we wrap it up. Your memories and experiences. Your story. You've done an amazing job for getting this far... final step tomorrow (you've got this!)
02.01.2022 DAY 28 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... Your final ultimate dinner party... the food, the place, the company... what's yours? If you could fill a table with the guests you'd most love to dine with (real or imaginary, dead or alive, known to you or otherwise), and you could lay on the meal you'd most like to eat if it was your last... and it could be ANYWHERE you can imagine... what does that look like? Do you go for a Michelin Star feast with Heston at the pass, chewing the (duck) ...fat with Elvis or Jacinda or Mahatma? Do you stack your own dining table with the ultimate local fresh produce and keep it to a few of your most beloved friends? Is it a romantic night with "the one" eating strawberries and enjoying Dom on the beach? Or is donning the uggies, fire roaring, bunched up on the couch with the kids chowing down on Grandma's spaghetti and a bowl of the best icecream? (Your dinner party... tell us about it!) Just 2 days left to wrap up your 30 day challenge. Your stories, your memories, your moments, your road... hold your nerve just a couple of days more (it'll be worth it!) (Image credit - Troy Forrest - Victoria Park, Adelaide)
02.01.2022 DAY 27 OF THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE... Of all the places you've been, which ones have the happiest memories? Was it an early morning walk around Central Park in New York on a great holiday of a lifetime? An afternoon sipping cold drinks looking out over the Mediterranean? A family caravanning trip to the Kimberley? Maybe it was a weekend on the river skiing with great friends? Or Sunday afternoon drives in the hills stopping for coffee and conversation with loved ones? Maybe the h...appiest place of all was a home? Where in your memory banks do you go when you want to remember "deeply happy"? Remember, smile and jot a few memories down, and the place they are connected to. Just 3 days remaining in your 30 Day Challenge. Keep going, this is a treasure you're carving! Image credit - Anthony Reungare via Unsplash.
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