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True Charlie Co.


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25.01.2022 If only we could all just get along.....

24.01.2022 As we all start going back to work the concern is real........

23.01.2022 Oh my! Check out one of our NEWEST leads! The Sasha rope lead in a head-turning aqua! Aluminium joints and rubber accents make this lead feel and look slick! ... With our True Charlie Co. quality manufacturing behind it, this lead will last! If its time you got you and your pooch a new lead then make sure you check out the Aqua Sasha today, before theyre all gone!

22.01.2022 Watch until the end! This little fella has home isolation all figured out!!

21.01.2022 Doesnt Truffle look stunning in her new Red Slip Lead?! Truffle is a beautiful, 2 year old labrador who loves her frisbee and also exploring her home town of Melbourne with her adoring owners! Also, she is the happy owner of one of the newest leads in our range, the Original Charlie in Velvet Red!... Great stuff Truffle! Doesnt she have beautiful eyes?! We get such a thrill hearing about all the wonderful dogs and dog owners who have given us the chance to be a part of their lives together! If you have any photos youd like to share with us then please reach out on any of our social media channels or email [email protected] We cant wait to hear from you

21.01.2022 Back when a tennis ball actually posed a challenge to Chuck! Now they barely last 30 seconds!

21.01.2022 Jack and Charlie walking like bosses! "Taking photos is boring, lets keep walking!" - Jack "Jackie-boy, tell them to hurry up and get going!" - Chuck... After 15 minutes of trying to get a photo with the both of them looking at the camera without any luck we gave up and wanted to get back on the walk too!

20.01.2022 Auction live NOW! Check it out below to nab yourself a bargain! This is for a great cause and features some great products (including some True Charlie Co. leads!!) BULL ARAB RESCUE - THE PAWFECT COMPANIONS is a great initiative and we love supporting those who support our four legged pals!...

20.01.2022 It sure would have made school a lot more tasty!

18.01.2022 Well, its true, isnt it??

17.01.2022 Chuck, always being concerned about maximising efficiency, thinks that watering the vege patch is also a great time to have a drink!

16.01.2022 Hello team! Charlie needs your help! We have people all over the country asking us for dog trainer recommendations to help using slip leads! We know of a great trainer in Geelong ( Jimmys Dog Training ) but we dont know of many in other parts of the country!... Please help out fellow dog owners by completing a super short survey by clicking the link, Charlie doesnt like long surveys so its only 2 questions long! Thanks so much guys! Lots of love, Chuck

16.01.2022 Hes at it again....If only there was a way we could attach the horrendous level of snoring that accompanied this photo!!

16.01.2022 The current Covid-19 world must be so confusing for our little furry pals!

16.01.2022 Just another lazy day for the Chuck-man! Always knows how to make himself comfortable!!

15.01.2022 Thanks Mum!!! We hope youve had a great day and feel all the love!

15.01.2022 Charlie on tour! What a beautiful day spent exploring Robe, South Australia! We were lucky enough to have wonderful weather when we visited the Robe Obelisk. ... We loved the rugged coastline and turquoise water! This was a family holiday back in early 2020, before Covid hit out shores and it is memories like this that keep us pushing forward during some pretty trying times! Note: The slip lead is actually on upside down in this photo . When using your slip lead, the loop should come up from under your dogs neck to join the rest of the lead!

15.01.2022 "Let's play mum and dad!" This tyre is Chuck's go-to toy for playtime! It doesn't matter the weather or time of day, if Charlie is up for a play (which is basically all the time) then he'll be looking for this toy!

15.01.2022 This surely cant be comfortable Charlie?! Of all the comfy things he could sleep on...Of course you decide to sleep on a kitchen drawer!

15.01.2022 ...said every dog in history thats ever been to a dog park!

13.01.2022 Throwback to when the weather was a little warmer, we were allowed to see other people and Charlie was chewing on a bone! This shot was taken at the family beach house on the beautiful Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria! Down in Wallington, near the stunning Ocean Grove beach is where Charlie has had some awesome times running around, playing in the grass and trees. ... He has spent many days down at the beach, playing with other dogs and swimming after us in the waves! Were looking forward to the warmer months coming ahead and hope that they also bring some happier news than we seem to be surrounded with at the moment. Stay strong Australia!

12.01.2022 Charlie dreaming of warmer weather! Big Chuck is a bit of a daydreamer, he has trouble staying focussed at the best of times but when hes relaxing on the beach with us, he is truly in his happy place and his mind has been known to drift away! Good luck trying to get his attention because his mind is a million miles away in this photo...... The only things that might get him to snap out of it would be literally ANY type of food or another dog to sniff and play with! At True Charlie Co. were looking forward to some warmer weather so we can get back to the beach and let Charlies mind (and body) run free!

12.01.2022 @dog_feelings nails it again!

12.01.2022 Old chuck is getting a bit stir crazy, just like the rest of us

12.01.2022 Good morning Charlie! Being the ridiculously spoiled dog that he is, Charlie likes to greet us most mornings by getting up close and personal! This is the view we get while were still blurry-eyed ourselves! And we absolutely love it! ... A constant argument we have with the Chuck-man is why he isnt allowed to sleep on our bed, or at least, allowed to sleep in our room... Weve explained to him many times that his out-of-this-world snoring is just not conducive to a proper nights sleep for us. He doesnt see what the problem is...

12.01.2022 Throw back to our time in South Australia! Fire, good food, good wine, good company, and of course.....Charlie! What more could you ask for?!

11.01.2022 Time to relax and shake off the week like....

11.01.2022 Save the date and grab yourself a bargain all while supporting a great cause! Its a pleasure to help out organisations trying to improve the lives of some unlucky pooches! BULL ARABS THE PAWFECT COMPANION

10.01.2022 The face of an angel! You wouldn't suspect this face of chewing everything in sight and producing some of the most foul odours known to mankind would you??

10.01.2022 In Charlies world, the treasure is always a marrow bone!

07.01.2022 Have you been having fun Chuck?? Always the explorer, Charlie managed to find the deepest, dirtiest mud puddle in the whole neighbourhood on our walk today! Luckily we have a beautiful new all-natural dog shampoo in our range to make him sparkle again! ... Check it out for yourself at

07.01.2022 We were talking about how the world has changed for us at the moment with all the restrictions due to Coronavirus and then we got onto talking about how Charlies world has changed...... Going by this photo, it hasnt changed much at all! He still spends most of his time sleeping! Is your dog a world champion sleeper too????

06.01.2022 Talk about patience! The lab in the middle has some restraint that we dont see very often in dogs! Especially not labradors! Glad to see he gets the rewards in the end though! Eat up big guy!

06.01.2022 Charles making sure he stays warm on those chilly winter days!

06.01.2022 Ohhhhhhh so thats why Chuck likes to make it look like our floorboards are actually carpet?!

05.01.2022 Did someone say new Slip Lead?! Our new Velvet Red slip lead is sure to standout on your next walk with your favourite pooch! Made from 12mm wide, top quality, nylon climbing rope with reinforced stitching, The Original Charlie is fully adjustable and easy to slip on and off. Its soft texture means its comfortable for your best mate, but also easy-going on your hands.... With cracker leather features (yes, real leather!), this is a lead thats bound to turn heads at the dog park! Check it out here:

04.01.2022 "And the World Champion of Sleeping award goes to........Charlie!" Congrats mate, your ability to manufacture an unlimited supply of s is finally starting to pay off!

03.01.2022 Bruiser auditioning for Baywatch! Bruisers television career never really took off, but it wasnt through a lack of trying! One of his favourite things to do was to elegantly gallop through the shallow waters on Ocean Groves main beach...of course, with his trusty footy in his gob! ... He loved crashing through the waves, but wasnt too sure about the deeper water, he certainly liked to have his feet planted firmly on the ground! Even though he isnt with us anymore (he died a few years ago), our memories of the big fella still give us a lot of laughter and happiness! Good boy bruiser!

03.01.2022 Charlie looking photogenic as ever! We've been off having a bit of a break but we're back! We thought we say G'day by posting a beautiful photo of our boy Chuck!

01.01.2022 We would always flip Charlies ear back

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