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23.01.2022 Pilates for Performance - Octane fitness fuel for high performers From Ballerinas to Black Belts this workout block is designed for children aged 8 and over who are involved or interested in being involved in sport and aesthetic arts at a competitive level. Building strong young bodies from the inside out, it’s the perfect partner to existing training schedules.
20.01.2022 Our aim has always been to increase the Pilates population, to make movement accessible to as many people as possible. Our cost is reflective of our philosophy, so for the cost of an Almond latte a week, you can access the life changing effect of Pilates too. To subscribe, follow the link in our bio
19.01.2022 Stretching is so often a two minute tag on to our training regime, never the main event. In our Bend and Stretch block we place it front and centre because we know the importance of lengthening muscles and mobilising joints. Bad posture prevention is so much more favourable than fixing form down the track
19.01.2022 If your house is GAME ON from 7am due to and and multiple breakfast orders, set yourself up to succeed by filling your tank first. Set your alarm for 6am, select two work out blocks and press play
19.01.2022 We like to keep things simple round here All you’ll need to workout is a mat, some water, and a smile on your face.
18.01.2022 Our aim is to provide access to pilates at the press of a button. Practice that can happen at anytime, anywhere for however long you have available. If you have a want to move, you can find a way to make it happen via @tscondemand Link in bio
13.01.2022 Small (but strong) fry The My Miniature and Me block is heavy on fun and less focussed on finessed flows. Purposeful playtime for big people and their small people
10.01.2022 The subtly of Pilates exercises are often observed as being easy. This would be a classic example. If connection is fully understood and executed, ‘easy’ transitions to super tough in just 5 reps! You can learn about connection in The Principles block
09.01.2022 Pilates...calm on the outside , firing all cylinders on the inside.
09.01.2022 Yesterday was a really special day. It marked the first birthday of our studio @thespringcollectivepilates home of @tscondemand It’s where we play, we programme and put our workout blocks into practice on our pilates people. This smile is because of you all. I’m incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. Thank you for your support, on and offline
08.01.2022 We are spending longer sat at desks, and glued to screens than ever before. WFH has many advantages, but the effect on posture is not one. Let’s us motivate you mobilise via the Stretch and Mobility block.
07.01.2022 Pilates for Performance provides octane fitness fuel for high performers in sport and aesthetic arts. . Coming soon to @tscondemand
05.01.2022 Encouraging a malleable spine throughout all regions, is a primary objective of pilates practice. Always remember that the spines starts at the neck in the cervical region so when we talk about top to tail this landmark is our reference for top and the sacrum within the lumbar spine the landmark for tail. Articulation is imperative to spinal health which is why you’ll find it throughout all workout blocks
04.01.2022 Balance, flexibility and spinal mobility. The multifaceted magic of Pilates via the iconic teaser. We will teach you how to get there, one block at a time.
02.01.2022 When the going gets tough BREATHE through it and you’ll BREEZE through it Thinking of our friends and family back home today as they enter lockdown 2.0. We encourage you all the keep moving and are here to help you. Hop on for a 7-day free trial today