Tumut MTB | Community
Tumut MTB
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25.01.2022 Tumut 3 hour is on! Sunday 28th April 2019 starts at midday. This is a taster for some of the trails that will be ridden on the day. The track fairies have just finished a new section this year, and it has never been ridden in an event before! Its a challenging section and huge fun. Online entries are OPEN. As usual, you can enter on the day but we will charge you a little more for that privilege so get online, enter and plan to come to Tumut for a great family day out. Check out the video that Toms Outdoors has been kind enough to make as an event sponsor. Some of the new trails are included. https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430
25.01.2022 A great summary Written by Jon E Jon E Clayton to Wagga MTB Facebook page. Thanks John!! Nath Why you should ride the Tumut 3hr - from an amateur cyclists perspective.... Are you sitting on the fence trying to decide to have a go? The much anticipated annual Tumut 3hr is on this Sunday and the weather forecast is positive for another fantastic day. What race day means to me is an opportunity to be better than I was before. I will never get a podium or set a track record but I will have a great day, improve my skills and meet like minded people. Who knows I may even jag a lucky spot prize and get some Batlow apples. As the day gets closer I begin to wish I started to train more than a week out from the event, always wish I had lost those extra 10 kilos, wish I was younger and fitter. But for one day I still feel like an athlete. I look forward to getting my bike cleaned and prepared, packing a bag the night before, checking for gels, drink bottles, helmet and shoes. I look forward to the start line nerves and then the adrenaline of the 1st lap. Its a buzz and something that will stay with you. At the end I will be exhausted, dirty, tired and just stuffed. I will be cheered in from family, friends, officials and complete strangers all of which make the day memorable. I will no doubt inhale a couple of cold beers, have a laugh and share stories of the days events. It doesnt matter if you are an elite athlete or an amateur you can be assured of a fun day designed to challenge yourself. So if you are wondering should I give it a go, quite simply yes why not.
23.01.2022 RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... Ok I have sorted it out, in what appears to me, an unconventional way. Results are on our page! Good luck if you can find them! I know where to look, and its not where you might think! If you want to get your results you might want to pretend youre looking at a ...??? MENU!!... I will see if there is a better way to share them when I find it out, but at least they are up there for you to browse and see how consistent your lap times were! Cheers Nath
22.01.2022 MTB this is an opportunity to have your say. Pls read the master plan and respond. Step up and make a difference
21.01.2022 Its just over a week until entries close! Get in and beat the on the day price rise. Enter now at: https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430 With the recent run of warm weather the trails are dry and dusty, so fingers crossed for some rain next week! Rain will give us excellent grip and fast times, so come get your entry in and race on one of the most picturesque tracks going around!
21.01.2022 A longer video of the 3 hour coming down fast fire road into single track on a loose surface. Of all the riders in this clip there is only one finding the gravel! If thats all you want to see fast forward to the 12th or 13th minute.
21.01.2022 Reminder that this years 3hr IS NOT ON. We are hoping to hold an event later in the year. Keep posted.
21.01.2022 Heads up again Wilful sabotage is still a problem in the trail networks. Kindly sorted out by a rider today but please be careful and look for trees dragged onto the trails. Pls keep commenting below so others know the status of the trails... Thank you all for having each others backs.
19.01.2022 IT IS ON AGAIN - our annual 3hr event. Save the date for a trip to tumut. This note is just a Heads up. The three hour is on. Sunday 28 April keep the date free for some fabulous riding. The track fairies have been busy and there will be new trails in this years course We will update when we have more news but SAVE THE DATE ........ Sunday 28th April 2019
19.01.2022 Tumut MTB ers. Wagga is on next Sunday. Link to entries looking forward to seeing you there.
19.01.2022 Hi All It appears MTBA were having issues with the web page. If you were having troubles entering on line it is now working again. Use this link: https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430 Cheers Nathan
18.01.2022 Not quite MTB but you could do this on your mountain bike. And there is a lot to beautiful Tumut.
17.01.2022 Nice share from Wagga MTB.
16.01.2022 RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... Here they are. Thanks to Conrad for the advice! 3 Hour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xzk2kvd3503zhsg/tumut-2019.pdf... See you all again next year!!
16.01.2022 More track made today. More next weeekend weather permitting.
16.01.2022 Its ANZAC day, and with that there is just over 48 hours until online entries close. So if you dont have plans for Sunday bring the family and cut some laps at Tumut. https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430
16.01.2022 Hi All, Firstly I have the results from today. However technology is not playing fair. I have frozen my computer and iPad trying to share the results. Until I get it sorted I wont be able to upload. Hopefully it will be tonight but at this stage it is looking more like tomorrow. I have an early start on a farm so wont have internet access, so it maybe tomorrow night. My apologies but I am doing my best to get them up for you all. Secondly thank you all for making the effor...t to come to Tumut and ride our trails. Wed love it if you all come back next year and bring half a dozen of tour friends with you! Thanks for your patience. Cheers Nathan
14.01.2022 Despite Covid-19 trail building and maintenance continues. If any one wants to give the track fairies a hand with the digging and trail finishing get in touch. These images show the work currently under construction. This bit of track will link MTB loop to the rest of the trail network in a new and user friendly way. No 3hr this year but the trails are open. Practice social distancing and abide by any gathering restrictions in place and enjoy the ride.
13.01.2022 Social ride and a movie. Thanks for the opportunity Ground Up Tumut
13.01.2022 WE WANT YOU! LATER JUST A BIT LATER!! Good morning MTB community, unfortunately due to the current circumstances we have had to postpone the Tumut 3hr. Hopefully this all passes us by and we are back to normal as soon as possible, so keep your eyes and ears posted for a new date, hopefully in Spring! In the meantime practice your social distancing and keep your hygiene standards high! We look forward to seeing you on the trails and at our event when we hold it. Cheers Nath
10.01.2022 Hooray! First on line entries received today - get entered early for a chance to win a fabulous spot prize. Tumut 3 hour Sunday 28th April - the tracks are in fabulous condition and we are expecting great weather. https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430
10.01.2022 Holiday Shuttle Day Rail Trail sod turning Wonder whats next and how youre going to burn those easter eggs off? ... The Tumut 3hr is a great local MTB race. There is also a 1hr novice / junior option. Let us know in the comments if youre planning on going and/or would be interested in car-pooling. If there is enough interest the club could potentially look to take a bus and trailer down. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/256025475344997/
09.01.2022 A long wait between novice riders enjoying the downhill run into transition.
08.01.2022 Love the Tumut cycling kit? It is available again from the on line store. Full details in the flyer Please share this, store is open until mid May and future opportunities depend on the level of interest - minimum order quantities apply so we can only offer the kit when there is sufficient interest. A lot of people have asked about the running singlets - they are available, please share this post with those you know may want a running singlet.... Full details of how to order in the flyer - log in, order, pay and I will get on touch with you when I have the kit. Orders close mid May so hopefully the kit will be available from mid June.
07.01.2022 https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430 Enter online now before the big fella finds you and drags you kicking and screaming to ride a SS! Of course the track fairies built the trails to be ridden on a SS, you wont find too many better! Look out you just might find a fairy or two out on the trails preparing for the big day!
07.01.2022 If youd like to see some awesome photos from the Tumut 3hr David John Blucher has heaps on his Facebook page.
07.01.2022 Old poster but included for effect. Sunday 3rd May. Put it jn your calendars. Tumut 3hr
07.01.2022 Thank you Ground Up Tumut for sponsoring an amazing day out in Tumut today and to all the riders and movie goers who supported the Return to Earth. A whooping $907.00 for trail signage and other expenses donated to Tumut Mtb Park. Tumut rocks.
06.01.2022 Online entries close at 11.00am tomorrow (Saturday). The forecast is ideal for racing, so come on get online and enter! https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430
06.01.2022 Tumuts annual MTB ride is on this Sunday - if youre not in the Kimberley there is no excuse. The weather is promising to be perfect and we have heaps of fabulous prizes on offer and some glory for the winners. Thanks Truenorth Helicopters for the support
05.01.2022 Tumut MTB 3 hour is nearly here! Get your entries in! https://online.mtba.asn.au/ERegister.aspx?E=6430
04.01.2022 Tumut novice event start at 11.00am today. A good time was had by all. A big thanks to True North Helicopters for funding the u16 MTBA day license! Easing the cost for families gett9ng their kids to ride! Also to Snowy Hydro for funding the apples!
03.01.2022 RESULTS...RESULTS...RESULTS... 1 Hour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3u2k2kt492/Tumut2019-Juniors.pdf
03.01.2022 Please read and comment to snowy valleys council. Have your say!
03.01.2022 We’ve had a ripping day of singletrack to kick off our NSW Snowy Mountains road trip. The trails in Tumut are hard, fast, and incredibly well built by the hardw...orking local volunteers. There’s plenty there already, and plenty more going in. Keep an eye out for our full feature in Issue #186! See more
01.01.2022 On Line Entries for the 3 hour are now open! Follow the link. A new poster is in the wings, watch this space! Cheers Nath https://online.mtba.org.au/ERegister.aspx?E=8005
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