Tuna Champions | Interest
Tuna Champions
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25.01.2022 Slice and dice! How many cuts can you get off a #sbt? . . . .... . . . #tunachampions #tunasolutions #tuna #southerbluefintuna #filleting #skills #sliceanddice #howtofillet #filletlikeapro #sustainable #sashimi #tunabelly #freshisbest #organic See more
25.01.2022 There are so many ways to enjoy southern bluefin tuna ! Have you tried preserving tuna before? It tastes great and has a good shelf life (if you can stop yourself from eating it all ). #prepare #southern #bluefin #tuna #preserved #olive #oil #bluefin #forever #tuna #champions #nowaste
25.01.2022 Got a friend who refuses to eat "raw" tuna? Well this recipe will have them begging for more! Head to www.tunachampions.com.au for the full recipe and plenty more great ways of preparing your southern bluefin tuna!
23.01.2022 Ever tried Beetroot & Lemon Thyme Cured Tuna? We now have a dedicated "Tuna Champions Kitchen" on our website where you can find plenty of great ways to prepare your southern bluefin tuna! Make sure you check it out at www.tunachampions.com.au and be sure to #tunachampions on any great tuna recipes you prepare and post yourself!
22.01.2022 Good luck to @tunachampions ambassador @patrickdangerfield in the GF tonight!!
21.01.2022 And that means our winner is Nick @nikfisho Congrats Nick! Big pack of prizes on their way to you including tuna champs apparel, @madfishgear chill bag, @ebbtidetackle / @jackfin_official /@tunachampions collab stickbait, @panaquatica Ike Jime kit and more! Our guest judge @brindles_beard from @ester_au said: #1 tempura fried tuna Firstly, I have never considered serving tuna in this manner. thank you for sharing this technique.... You have highlighted the tuna as being the focal point of the dish which I feel is important considering that this is a tuna cooking competition. Your tuna is served rare which is exactly how it should be served. The use of the glace style marinade is a nice addition and would impart good flavour. My only consideration for the dish would be to temp the fish (bring to room temperature) 1 hour before commencing the dish as it will allow for a more even cuisson (gradient of doneness throughout the loin). #fishing #eating #tuna #bluefin #sbt #competition #winner
18.01.2022 There are so many ways to enjoy southern bluefin tuna ! Have you tried preserving tuna in olive oil before? It tastes great and has a good shelf life (if you can stop yourself from eating it all ). #prepare #southern #bluefin #tuna #preserved #olive #oil #bluefin #forever #tuna #champions #nowaste
17.01.2022 Beautiful colours on this SBT. #tuna #champions #bluefin #forever #stickbaits #single #hooks #southern #bluefin #tuna
16.01.2022 50% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE TUNA CHAMPIONS STORE. AS AN ADDED BONUS SANTA IS GOING TO SLIP A LIMITED EDITION @ebbtidetackle @jackfin_official LURE INTO A RANDOM PARCEL. www.tunachampions.com.au/shop We can’t guarantee parcels will be delivered by Christmas given postage delays over this busy period. Fishers are patient people though so they will understand if they have to wait for a late gift Promotion will run for a limited time only ... #tuna #apparel #fishing #fisherman #fisher #bluefin #christmas #present #clothing
13.01.2022 In case you missed it - Lochie got it The Mercury TAS: Ten-year-old Lochie Miller already has an Australian record for the biggest southern bluefin tuna, and he has all but secured himself another when he hauled in a whopping 88kg beast. PHOTOS, STORY + WHERE HE JAGGED THE FISH >> https://bit.ly/3maGKPc
12.01.2022 Insane bluefin fishing off Sydney for a cracker episode of FWM firing right now on 7Mate Australia wide @almcglashan #tunafishing #bestshow #bluefin @mercurymarine_aust @shimano.fish @clubmarine_insurance #fishingsydney #7mate #fish
12.01.2022 The first cut is (not) the deepest... The artery you're aiming to cut to bleed your SBT is really close under the skin. Want to see exactly how it's done? Watch our TC video - How to bleed your SBT: https://youtu.be/bTp3LGnhTNw
12.01.2022 Keep them cool! Straight into the ice slurry . #tuna #champions #ice #slurry #southern #bluefin #tuna #bluefin #forever #chill #out
10.01.2022 #food #tunachampions #tuna #competition
05.01.2022 Meet our newest Ambassador, chef and fisher Nathan Brindle who recently judged our TC Kitchen comp. So get ready for some very cool tips and tricks for making the most of your SBT. Correctly handling bluefin is often overlooked, so I like to promote practical ways to ethically handle and utilise this revered marine species. Nathan is the head chef at Ester restaurant in Sydney and says fishing has dictated his lifestyle choices ... You can meet Nathan and all our Ambassadors at www.tunachampions.com.au/gallery @offaltarian.brindles #nathanbrindle #offalatarian #tunachampionambassadors #tunachampions #fishhandling #dontwastethefish #southernbluefintuna #bluefintunafishing #fishinglife
03.01.2022 Skill up on our website with plenty of hot tips and cool ideas for catching, handling , tagging, releasing and preparing southern bluefin tuna . #tuna #champions #bluefin #forever #prepare #catch #handle #keep #tag #release
03.01.2022 How good does this smoked #bluefintuna look from @portlincolnsmokehouse #Repost @portlincolnsmokehouse with @get_repost Our Cold Smoked Bluefin Tuna Paired with kewpie mayo and shaved lime rind! .... 100% Australian made Family run and owned Australian Bluefin Tuna Vacuum sealed for 3 months of freshness . . #australianmade #tuna #australianproduce #ichoosesa #portlincoln #eyrepeninsula #southaustralia #smokedtuna #smokedfood #australiansmokers #foodinspo #fish #australiantuna #supportlocal #grazingboard #portlincolnsmokehouse See more
03.01.2022 This is what we love to see! Tuna feeding hard on the surface. #tuna #champions #bluefin #forever #bustups #southern #bluefin #tuna
02.01.2022 Tuna travel tales: Where did that bluefin go? Tag ID 115784: Tagged off the Tassie Peninsula, this 13kg bluefin took off for South Australia soon after. It lost its tag off the eastern shelf break after 40 days. . Find out how to correctly tag a small bluefin here: https://youtu.be/s6IGn53uSIY (link in bio) .... #southernbluefintuna #tunatraveltales #fishtagging #tunachampions #bluefintuna #bluefin #bluefintunafishing #fishinglife #fishhandling #bluefinresearch See more
01.01.2022 The comp is on!! A while back we put a call out for photos of people’s best tuna dishes to enter a competition to win a heap of prizes! We have now made a short list of 10 entries. It is now your turn to vote to get down to a short list of 3 (finishes 7pm 6th October). We will then invite a chef to pick the final winner. So make sure you look at our following posts and like your favourite dish!
01.01.2022 What's your guess???
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