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25.01.2022 An individual is eligible if they are: Over 18. Currently enrolled at a CRICOS registered education provider in Queensland that is: Not a university based in or with a campus in Queensland. Not TAFE Queensland.... Not a primary or secondary school. If you study at one of these institutions, please contact your institution for information about accessing hardship support. Hold an international student visa to study at a Queensland education and training provider. Currently living in Queensland. Currently have $1500 or less in their bank account with proof of transactions from 19 May 2020 onwards. Must have an Australian bank account. If you are deemed ineligible it is because you do not meet the requirements above, please contact a Queensland Student Hub to meet with a case worker and discuss your needs. If you believe you will be eligible, please follow the Study Queensland Facebook page so you know when the portal is open. Other international students If you are an international student in Queensland but do not seem to meet the criteria above there is still help available for you. Please reach out to one of our qualified case workers at the Queensland Student Hub to discuss areas of support.
25.01.2022 Sevgili Yalchin Oytam korona virusun yayilma hizini yorumluyor. Son iki haftadr Viktorya'da günlük vaka saylar giderek yükseliyor. Cumartesi 108 olan günlük vaka says Pazartesi günü 127'ye yükseldi. Eyalette vaka saylarnda büyük patlama gerçeklemesinden korkuluyor.... 12 posta kodunun kapsad mahallelerde sokaa çkma kstlamalar uygulanrken, 3 bin kiinin yaad dokuz sosyal konutta yaayanlar resmen kilit altna alnd. Peki, bu sk tedbirlerin almasna yol açan virüsün bulama hz nasl ilerliyor? NSW Salk Bakanl Veri Müdürü Yalçn Oytam, koronavirüsün eski kuvvetini kaybettiini söylüyor. Melbourne'daki vaka saylarndaki art ise uygulama eksikliklerine ve test yaptrmak istemeyenlerin oranna balyor. Virüs kapan her hastann iyilemeden önce en az iki kiiye hastalk bulatrdn söyleyen Oytam, virüsün yaylma hzyla birlikte 30 kiinin 5 hafta içinde 3 bin kiiyi enfekte edebileceini vurguluyor. Oytam'la söyleimiz podcastmzda.
25.01.2022 Australians severely ill with COVID-19 have recovered at an extraordinary rate throughout the pandemic, with 85 per cent of patients admitted into intensive care units surviving the deadly virus. The latest data provided to the federal and Victorian governments on Tuesday suggests that, so long as the second wave of infections does not overwhelm the intensive care capacity of hospitals, Australia is unlikely to face a catastrophic loss of life.
24.01.2022 Morrison Hükümeti, biz COVID-19 pandemisinden çktkça Avustralya’nn uluslararas örenciler için öncelikli bir hedef olarak kalmasn salamak için örenci vizesi düzenlemelerinde bir takm deiiklikler yapyor. Uluslararas örenciler Avustralya’nn ekonomisi için son derece önemlidir, yllk 40 milyar dolar katkda bulunur ve 250.000 ii destekler. Birçou Avustralya vatandalar olmaya devam ediyor. Uluslararas snrlarnn kapatlmas korona virüsün yaylmasn yaval...atmadaki baar için kritik öneme sahipken, Avustralya bu konuda lider olmakla birlikte, hem Avustralya’da hem yurtdnda eitim sektörüne ve örencilere zorluklar getirmitir. Bu be vize deiiklii, uluslararas örencilerin korona virüs pandemisi nedeniyle daha kötü olmamasn ve Avustralya’nn dier ülkelerle rekabet halinde kalmasn salayacaktr. Deiiklikler unlar içerir: Bir süredir örenci vizeleri için onaylar verilmiyordu. Hükümet artk örenci vizelerinin onaylanmasn izin verecektir. Bu, snrlar yeniden açldnda, örencilerin zaten vizeleri olacak ve seyahat etmek için düzenlemeler yapabilecei anlamna gelir. Uluslararas örenciler, COVID-19 nedeniyle çalmalarn orijinal vize geçerlilikleri içinde tamamlayamazlarsa, ücretsiz olarak baka bir örenci vizesi bavurusu yapabilirler. COVID-19 nedeniyle Avustralya dnda eitim gören mevcut örenci vizesi sahipleri belirli online eitimleri mezuniyet sonras çalma vizesi için kullanabilecektir. Örenci vizesi olan mezunlar, COVID-19 nedeniyle geri dönemezlerse Avustralya dnda mezuniyet sonras çalma vizesine bavurabilirler. COVID-19’un bu hizmetlere eriimi kesintiye uratt ngilizce dil sonuçlar salamak için bavuru sahiplerine ek süre verilecektir. Göçmenlik Bakan Vekili Alan Tudge, deiikliklerin halihazrda Avustralya’da bulunan ve COVID-19 snr kapatmalar nedeniyle seyahat edemeyen uluslararas örencilere güvence verdiini söyledi These measures back the international education sector our fourth largest export sector and will assist its recovery. In making these changes, we have been guided by the principles that the health of Australians is key, but that international students should not be further disadvantaged by COVID-19. We are a welcoming nation with a world-class education system and some of the lowest rates of COVID-19 in the world. Students want to study here and we want to welcome them back in a safe and measured way when it is safe to do so. Doing so will not only support the education sector, it will also have flow-on effects for many local communities and businesses, including accommodation services, tourism, hospitality and retail. Daha detayl bilgi için yetkili danmanmz Feriha Güney (Registered Migration Agent MARN 0960690 & Student Counselor QEAC C102) ve Av. Ceren Güney’ye ulaabilirsiniz: [email protected] +90 212 800 79 11 | +90 546 946 38 11 veya T: +61 2 9232 7055 | +61 477 524 039
24.01.2022 Türkiyeli oyuncu Senol Mat n da rol ald The Taverna bu hafta sinemalarda ... Meet Omer, Head Chef at #TheTaverna and the sweetest most loving man you will ever meet. But don’t ask him to hurry up the order, he’s going as fast as he can. #TheTaverna In Cinemas July 2
23.01.2022 Direktörümüz, Kaytl göç danman (MARN: 0960690) Feriha Güney, yeni açklanan federal bütçenin e ve nian vizeleri için öngördüü deiiklikleri SBS Türkçe için deerlendirdi.
21.01.2022 Avustralya babakan kameralara konuurken gazetecilerden biri yakndaki bir evin bahçesine girmi. Adam çplak ayakla dar çkp kardeim yeni tohum attm, çimlere basma çk dar diyor. Babakan da ya kusura bakmayn, arkadalar öyle beri gelin diyor. Buras böyle ite, adamn umuru deil babakanm falan.
21.01.2022 Tasmanya ve Viktorya Hukumelertinden sonra NSW hukumetininde benzer bir aciklamay yapacagi bekleniyor. The Victorian Government has announced it will provide one-off relief payments of up to $1,100 for international students who have lost work during the coronavirus pandemic and cannot access federal social support payments. Jobs Minister Martin Pakula said the $45 million fund could support up to 40,000 international students in the state.... There are more than 150,000 international students in Victoria in total. "The Government contribution will provide a payment of up to $1,100 per student which is effectively the equivalent of two weeks' worth of JobSeeker payments," Mr Pakula said. "It is very important for international students, they are doing it very tough."
16.01.2022 Kültürel Paylam Sydney in katld ve Feature koro olarak Neet Erta n Bir Bakita Yaktn Beni türküsünü söyledii 10 Kasm 2019 Pazar günü City Resital Hall da sergilenen SingOutSydney etkinliinin videosu ABC 702 Sydney tarafindan yayinlandi. On Sunday 10 November, ABC Radio Sydney celebrated the joy of singing with 21 choirs sharing stories and songs from the diverse communities around Sydney and NSW. The final song was Christine Anu’s beautiful Kulba Yaday, sung by t...he 560 choristers in Kalaw Kawaw Ya language from the north western island of the Torres Strait. Listen back to the full event, and sing along with our 13 feature choir performances: Northern Beaches Chorus - This is Me The Jubilate Singers - Hlohonolofatsa Sydney Jasmine Chamber Choir - Youth and Flowers Endeavour Harmony Chorus - Fix You PakinSong - I'm Still Me (The PakinSong Song) River City Voices - Other Plan Bondi Sings Community Choir - Don't Dream It's Over Soulfood A Capella - Love Will Keep Us Together Voice Male - Mad World Central Coast Ukulele Club Choir - Can't Get You Out Of My Head Cultural Commune Sydney - Bir Bakista Yaktin Beni The Vocal Company - Shosholoza Endeavour Harmony Chorus - Can't Stop The Feeling Kulba Yaday was written by Christine Anu and arranged for choirs by Sarah Penicka-Smith. with Feriha Kula Guney and 15 others.
16.01.2022 At the end of year long uncertainty that caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many the Covid-19 vaccines are approved for use across the world that will bring some relief. The countries that are hard-hit by the virus already are started vaccination process their most vulnerable population. Australia Government is planning to do the same, as Australian Ministry of Health officials anticipate the first round of The Covid-19 vaccines to be delivered as early as mid-February. WHICH COVID-19 VACCINES WILL BE AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA? The Australian Federal Government has entered into four separate agreements for the supply of COVID-19 vaccines , which will be delivered once each vaccine is proven to be safe and effective.
16.01.2022 We've compiled 70 words and phrases we've all used wrong at some point. They're cringe-worthy. They're hilarious. And they're going to help you never make the same mistakes again.
11.01.2022 Bakanlik 2019-2020 Göç Programnn ayrntl sonuçlarn yaynlad. 2019-2020 yllarnda kalc göç program için 140.366 kii kabul edilmitir. Göç program baz veri özetleri;... - Vizelerin %70 i, toplamda 95.843 kii yetenekli göçmen vizelerinden faydalanmtr. - Geçtiimiz 2019 Kasmnda balatlan Yetenek vizesi için bu kontejyanda 4.109 kii yer almaktadr. - Krsal bölgelere tahsis edilen 25.000 kiilik kontejyandan 23.372’ si teslim edilmitir. - Aile program kapsamnda 37.118 Partner vizesi dahil 41.961 bavuru onay almtr. - Özel Kontenjan (Special Eligibility) program dahilinde 81 onay verilmitir. - Çocuklar için 2481 onay verilmitir. - Kalc vizelerin üçte ikisi, halihazrda Avustralya'da geçici bir vizeden daimi ikamet iznine geçen kiilere verilmitir. Bu sonuçlar, Avustralya’ya örenci, yeni mezun mühendis veya dier geçici vize türleri ile gelmenin avantajlarn bize göstermektedir. Bu sonuç, hükümetin bütçe süreciyle belirlenen 160.000 kiilik kontejyan planlama tavan içindedir. COVID-19, ngilizce Dil testi, biyometri, salk ve karakter kontrolü gibi destek hizmetlerinde yaanan aksaklk nedeniyle 2019-2020 Göç Programnn sonucu üzerinde önemli bir etki yaratt. Planlama tavanlarna ulaan kategoriler Seçkin Yetenek ve Nitelikli Çalma Bölgesiydi (Bölgesel kategori içinde). Aile Ak, novasyonu ve Yatrm kategorisindeki teslimat özellikle etkilenmitir. Genel Göç Program bavurular 2018-19'da 198.710 iken 2019-20'de 174.170'e yüzde 12,3 dütü. Bunun balca sebebi, konaklama yerlerinde Aile aknda yüzde 13,3'lük ve Nitelikli Bamsz kategorisinde yüzde 67,4'lük azalmadr. Detayl bilgi için yetkili göçmenlik danmanmz Feriha Güney (Registered Migration Agent MARN 0960690 & Student Counselor QEAC C102) ve Av. Ceren Güney’ye ulaabilirsiniz: [email protected] +90 212 800 79 11 | +90 546 946 38 11 veya T: +61 2 9232 7055 | +61 477 524 039.
09.01.2022 COVID-19 virüs salgn Avustralya’da ki uluslararas örencileri maddi açdan da sarst. Salgn yüzünden mali güçlük yasayan uluslararas örencilere federal hükümetten fazla destek olmamakla birlikte, eyalet hükümetleri yardm için kollar svad. Lisansl Göçmenlik ve Eitim Danmanmz Feriha Güney (MARN 0960690), Avustralya’da uluslararas örencilere verilen yardmlar sizler için derledi.
09.01.2022 The Supreme Court decided the previous day it was unlawful to protest. That broadcast seemed to have made a lot of people more determined to attend. Close to 200,000 march in Black Lives Matter rallies across Australia. The organisers of the Sydney rally Indigenous Social Justice Association, Anticolonial Asian Alliance and USYD Autonomous Collective Against Racism went to great lengths to help participants to stay safe. Yet the NSW Police took them to court to try and st...op the protest or at least scare people from turning up. But it backfired. Estimates of the size vary, but organisers have put it at around 50,000. What was clear, though, is that it was huge, overwhelmingly young and angry. Speakers included Dunghutti woman Leetona Dungay, the mother of David Dungay Jr who was killed in custody in 2015 and whose last words were also I can't breathe. Leetona was determined that the rally would go ahead, despite the NSW Police and state government trying to put a stop to it, using the coronavirus as the excuse. Justice won't wait, she said. The Supreme Court decided the previous day it was unlawful to protest. That broadcast seemed to have made a lot of people more determined to attend. And just as the march was about to leave, we were told that a Court of Appeal had overturned the decision. But it was the court of the streets that had already made the decision that the rally was proceeding. Speakers drew the similarity between the death of African American man George Floyd and Aboriginal deaths in custody here. There have been at least 432 Indigenous deaths in custody in Australia since 1991, and not one conviction for these deaths. The size of the rallies and the mood at them indicates that the Black Lives Matter movement has a strong reasonance in Australia.
09.01.2022 Avukatmz Ceren Güney IDP’nin düzenledii, Avustralya Konsolosluunun destekledii, Avustralya Eitim Fuar online etkinliinde uzman konuk olarak Avustralya’da yaam, göçmenlik ve mezuniyet vizeleri konularnda bilgi verecektir. Cumartesi, 28 Kasm! Ücretsiz kayt için:
09.01.2022 She's only gone and done it again! Ash Barty was confirmed as the year-end world number one, for the second consecutive season, after the WTA Tour published its final rankings today.
08.01.2022 If you have not sign yet, don't delay for freedom of Press in Australia. Kevin Rudd " Australians have watched with growing anger at what the Murdoch media monopoly is doing to our country. A cancer on democracy. Today I am launching a national petition to establish a #MurdochRoyalCommission. If you value our democracy, please sign here: Remember to complete all three steps: Personal Details, Confirm & Verify **** UPDATE: Thank you Australians for your huge response to the #MurdochRoyalCommission National Petition. So many thousands have tried to sign that it’s apparently triggered the Parliament’s cyber defences. So please be patient and don’t give up. We’ve been on to the House of Representatives to fix it. "
06.01.2022 Australia's first human trials of a potential COVID-19 vaccine have begun in Melbourne, with about 130 people involved in the program. Clinical research organisation the Nucleus Network will be in charge of the early stages of testing the vaccine NVX-CoV2373, before the trial expands to Brisbane within a week. The participants are healthy people between 18 and 59 years old.... Researchers hope the vaccine will enhance the body's immune response and stimulate high levels of neutralising antibodies. READ MORE:
05.01.2022 Avustralyann 6 eyalet bakentinden 3 ü yaanlas en iyi 10 ehir arasnda, Melbourne (2) sydney (3) , Adelaide (10)
01.01.2022 Avustralya snrlar içinde bulunan sevgili arkadalarm bu iletim sizler içindir. Özellikle de kariyerinin banda olan genç arkadalarma . Turkish Biz Network olarak ana amaçlarmzdan birisi de Avustralya'ya yeni göç etmi genç profesyonellerimiz arasndaki bilgi paylamn kuvvetlendirerek Avustralya i ana daha donanml bir ekilde katlmlarna katkda bulunmaktr. Bunun ilk adm olarak, 16 Eylul Çaramba akam, "Six Steps to Starting a Successful Career in Aust...ralia konulu bir webinar düzenleyecegiz. Webinar sunucumuz Mert Berberoglu içimizden birisi; Avustralya'ya yakin zamanda göç etmi, baarl bir i yaam kurmakla yetinmeyip, nitelikli göçmenlere ve kariyerini Avustralya’da devam ettirmek isteyen örencilere kariyer danmanl yapmayi ikinci bir meslek edinmi bu genç giriimci üyemiz, deneyim ve önerilerini sizlerle paylasacak. Bu webinar, Avustralya’da profesyonel olarak i ve kariyer frsatlar arayan yeni göçmenlerimiz ve ayni amaçl örencilerimiz için tasarlanmtr. Bu nedenle webinarn içerii ngilizce olacaktir. Katilmak isterseniz, lütfen aadaki formu doldurarak ücretsiz webinarmza kayt olmay unutmayn. Katlm 100 kii ile snrl olup, formu dolduran ilk 100 kiiye webinara eriim linki gönderilecektir. Hepinizi webiner serimizin ilkinde görebilmek dileiyle! Salglar, TBN Yönetim Kurulu
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