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25.01.2022 Awwww who wouldn't want a Maverick in their life!!
25.01.2022 Bluey is one of more than a dozen ABC programs that will be audio described on the ABC’s Main Channel, ABC ME, ABC Comedy, ABC Kids and ABC News. The ABC, as well as SBS, will broadcast around 14 hours of audio described content each week commencing June 28. Yes we're excited....!
25.01.2022 Filmed and set in Melbourne during the month of the Hungry Ghost Festival, when the Vietnamese community venerate their dead, this four-part drama series event premieres over four consecutive nights this week on SBS Australia More importantly - all episodes will be audio described and subtitled in Simplified Chinese, Arabic and Vietnamese. Hungry Ghosts reflects the extraordinary lived and spiritual stories of the Vietnamese community and explores the inherent trauma passed d...own from one generation to the next, and how notions of displacement impact human identity long after the events themselves. With one of the most diverse casts featured in an Australian drama series, Hungry Ghosts comprises more than 30 Asian-Australian actors and 325 Asian-Australian extras.
24.01.2022 Santa has come early!!! So excited to let you all know that TODAY the Federal Government announced that they will fund both ABC and SBS to deliver Audio Description and they expect this to happen by mid 2020!!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to each and every one of you who have campaigned along the way, written to your MPs, spoken to others, called, petitioned and got this issue of AD to the front of the agenda for the government. Australia is the only English spe...aking nation in the OECD not to offer audio description on free-to-air television. We believe that it is long overdue for our national broadcasters to introduce audio description for their audiences, Minister Fletcher said. Merry Christmas to you all with much love from #TV4ALL
24.01.2022 BCA have been busy with another very important project - if you are interested in employment (either as a person who is vision impaired or as an employer looking at employing staff) then you'll want to check out this new page and follow!
24.01.2022 For Pete, audio description improves the television experience for the whole family. What's your favourite show to watch together with audio description? #TV4All ABC Australia SBS Australia
22.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I know I've been a little quiet on posting of recent but now there is a big push that we need YOUR help with. Parliament is sitting this week, from the 29th to the 1st, and it's the first time since the election (be just like school on the first day back from holidays!!) Senator Jordon Steele-John introduced an amendment to the Broadcast Bill back on February (you may remember our excitement and parliamentary visit ), but it wasn't able to be debated or discusse...d. can now be re-introduced and this is where we need YOUR support for this change to legislation. We need as many MPs and Senators to back this, so could you take 5 mins and contact your Federal MP by email or phone to state your support for Audio Description on TV. They may have changed, so for an updated list you can search here: Please let us know if you do make contact, any feedback you get, that type of thing via a comment here, or a private message. We need to show not only the demand for AD on TV, but also the general public support. As I said, 5 minutes out of your day to contact them, and potentially help make the change to allow everyone the right to watch TV. #TVALL Piccie is of a small blackboard next to a cup of coffee with the words written in chalk, "Take Action Now!"
22.01.2022 Audio Descriptions on ABC TV + iview are making shows like Bluey more accessible, for everyone to enjoy.
18.01.2022 Liz (with some help from Poppi the Guide Dog) chats about why audio description is so important to her and why it needs to be a permanent fixture on free to air TV #TV4All ABC Australia SBS Australia Guide Dogs Australia Vision Australia Vision 2020 Australia VisAbility
18.01.2022 You may have noticed something a little bit different about this Belong TV commercial that has been playing on commercial television since Sunday.... Liz (who is vision impaired) certainly did and was pretty excited! She was in her kitchen cleaning up whilst her hubby was watching Nine News. This ad came on and she couldn't believe she was hearing a major telecommunications company audio describing their TV commercial. She was in such disbelief they rewound it to check!! No...w that's pretty awesome we reckon A SUPER HUGE congratulations to Belong for walking the talk on accessibility. They have committed to 33% of their TV commercial rotation to include this audio described version of their advert. Oh and you may notice in the fine print at the end a cheeky little reference to us - TV4ALL! So a couple of points to leave you to ponder: 1. How good would it be if other major Australian companies could also provide audio described content for the adverts both on TV and online? Who would you like to see go down this path? 2. There's some great research out there around the benefit of audio description for a wider group than just people who are blind or vision impaired such as people with autism. This also shows it's pretty useful at cutting through to people who aren't actively engaged in watching the screen! See more
17.01.2022 So you're probably aware that there's an election coming up ... Hence we're kinda in a bit of a holding pattern around next steps for TV4ALL whilst the government is in caretaker mode. As you may remember an amendment was tabled by Senator Jordon Steele-John to make changes to the Broadcasting Act, but on the legislative side of things, nothing can happen until parliament resumes... However, Audio Description on TV technically doesn't actually need to be legislated to happ...en. What's that you say - I thought that's what we were trying to achieve?? Well, a resounding absolutely yes, we are trying to have AD legislated as then AD on TV becomes mandatory for Free to Air TV Networks to provide. However, in the meantime, those broadcasters could indeed deliver it (just like STAN has started to do, which is great if you pay for streaming - not so great if you don't!). We've had a meeting recently with FREE TV Australia to chat about this and we're also meeting with ABC shortly. We'll keep you updated on the outcomes... In the meantime, we have some plans on how we'd like to encourage the government - once elected - to move on AD and we'll be asking once again for YOUR help to send a message once again shortly after the 18th May. Watch this space
16.01.2022 Anna talks about why audio description is so important to her, how she can now enjoy content subtitled in other languages and why it needs to be a permanent fixture on free to air TV ABC Australia SBS Australia Guide Dogs Australia Vision Australia Vision 2020 Australia #TV4All
16.01.2022 The introduction of Audio Description from June 28 is a landmark step and life-changing milestone in making TV more accessible for people who are blind or vision-impaired.... Who's excited?!!!
12.01.2022 Lyn is really enjoying audio description on Free to Air TV - it makes a huge difference! What about you? We'd love you to send us your videos on your experiences with AD so we can share. Send via messenger or to [email protected] and let everyone know the difference this has made to your life. #TV4All ABC Australia SBS Australia
12.01.2022 You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have, says Sally Aurisch, Blind Citizens Australia General Manager - Projects and Engagement "White Cane Day is a day that is very close to my heart. While a white cane may appear to be just a piece of metal with a plastic ball on the end to many, to me it’s the tool that supports my ability to be independent. It’s the thing that gets me out of the house and to where I want to be safely, helping me ...navigate lights of stairs, crowds, cluttered sidewalks and so many more obstacles. It’s in that independence, that ability to do the things I want, when I want that I find my strength, my ability to keep going, trying and persisting, despite the challenges life throws my way." Sally is excited to be hosting tonight's White Cane Day - Celebration of Strong event in partnership with The Kindness Pandemic and involving three incredible panel members Liz Wheeler, Kristy Fitzgerald and Linda Agnew. Come along tonight (Thursday) at 7pm AEDT (6pm QLD time, 6.30pm SA time, 4pm WA) and join us as we discuss White Cane Day, the work of Blind Citizens Australia and hear from our panel members who will be sharing about their lives and what being strong means to each of them. Please note this is a public event - all welcome - and will be recorded. More details via this event link:
12.01.2022 Four more sleeps until the offical launch.... Great insight from Lynne Davis in this article as to why AD is needed.
10.01.2022 Jane Britt talks about the exclusion faced daily by people who are blind or vision impaired. YES we do want to watch TV #TV4ALL
10.01.2022 Dawn has been enjoying audio description on Free to Air TV and the freedom of choice that it brings. ABC Australia SBS Australia #TV4All
10.01.2022 Thank you Pro Bono Australia for helping raise awareness about Audio Description.
09.01.2022 So this just happened ... We're a little bit excited about this promise from Australian Labor Party. So not that we're suggesting who you should vote for..... but thank you Michelle Rowland MP and Senator Carol Brown for committing to providing funding for broadcasters to deliver Audio Description on Free to Air TV during 2019-20. And again another thank you to Senator Jordon Steele-John for his support in our campaign to allow ALL Australians the opportunity to watch television. Hmmm, now the question is - what are your plans Senator Mitch Fifield and Paul Fletcher? We'd absolutely love to see you match or better this commitment pre-election. How about it guys? Feel free to let us know...
09.01.2022 Come along to tonight's Happy Hour via Zoom (details below) and give your feedback directly to representatives from ABC Australia and SBS Australia on audio description....
08.01.2022 BCA issued a media release regarding the way forward with AD and acknowledging the support in getting to this point. #TV4ALL
05.01.2022 The reduction of online delivery services by the major supermarkets has impacted upon our community as we rely heavily on online shopping as an accessible alter...native. Our health is at increased risk given we rely on touch to identify products and because many of us shop with the assistance of supermarket staff. Woolworths has created Priority Assistance to allow access to delivery services for vulnerable customers. They will be providing a Priority Assistance service with dedicated delivery windows. Eligible customers include seniors, people with a disability and those with compromised immunity or who are required to self-isolate. We are hopeful that Coles will provide a similar service.
05.01.2022 Blind Citizens Australia CEO Emma Bennison and President John Simpson enjoyed a catch up with Senator Jordon Steele-John today whilst visiting Perth to chat about all things audio description and how the TV4ALL campaign is progressing. We are waiting on a response from public broadcasters in reply to Minister Senator Mitch Fifield request for more information on how this could be delivered. *Picture of left to right; Emma, Jordan and John *
05.01.2022 Still some work to do....
04.01.2022 We're launching the #BeThatPerson campaign this week and are keen to get some messaging out far and wide to the general public about social distancing and the challenges for our community. You can help us by copying the below text and then sharing with your friends and work networks. The image has been described in Alt Text. Guide dogs can’t read signs So if you notice someone with a white cane or a guide dog looking a little confused, please don’t just grab them on the arm.... Say hi and ask if they need any help. Social distancing is difficult for everyone, so consider the challenges if you can’t see the markings on the floor, the new signs on the wall or the screens that have been installed. #BeThatPerson that offers to help. We’re #AllInThisTogether
03.01.2022 Lest we forget. This Remembrance Day we will remember the soldiers who fought and the dog guides who helped them recover. Dog guides, as we know them to be toda...y, began during the First World War, with thousands of soldiers returning from the Front blinded, often by poison gas. A German doctor, Dr Gerhard Stalling, got the idea of training dogs en masse to help those affected. While walking with a patient one day through the hospital grounds, he was called away urgently and left his dog with the patient as company. When he returned, he saw signs, from the way the dog was behaving, that it was looking after the patient who was blind. Dr Stalling started to explore ways of training dogs to become reliable guides and in August 1916 opened the world’s first guide dog school for the blind in Oldenburg. The school grew and many new branches opened in Bonn, Breslau, Dresden, Essen, Freiburg, Hamburg, Magdeburg, Münster and Hannover, training up to 600 dogs a year. These schools provided dogs not only to ex-servicemen, but also to people who were blind or vision impaired in Britain, France, Spain, Italy, the United States, Canada and the Soviet Union. To read more about this history, check out this article:
03.01.2022 As most would be aware, audio description on ABC and SBS commenced on Sunday. I'm really hoping you're enjoying the service and are making good use of it - what better way than to watch a great flick like Hunt for the Wilderpeople! I'd also encourage you to follow the SBS Australia page (just click on this link and follow) and share your thoughts and comments about what AD means for you, your family, your friends? ABC TV + iview also have a page that you can follow (again click on the highlighted link in this sentence) to add your thoughts. By doing so we make our presence felt. We are able to be part of the conversation. And we are able to ensure both broadcasters understand how important it is to all of us that AD is here to stay....
02.01.2022 Want to know how audio description directly affects people? Nas Campanella posted this piece about how it all works. Did we mention the official launch date in only 5 sleeps away on the 28th June? Yes we're a bit excited....!!
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