Tweed Heads Markets in Tweed Heads, New South Wales | Market
Tweed Heads Markets
Locality: Tweed Heads, New South Wales
Phone: +61 401 018 713
Address: Recreation St 2485 Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1344
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25.01.2022 New to the Markets... "Simply Jane's". They've got all your favourite hot and cold drinks plus a tasty snack, both savoury and sweet.
25.01.2022 Market Stallholder Profile: John travels up from the Kongara Nursery in Alstonville most Sunday mornings and offers up a luscious range of succulents, tree saplings and locally grown produce, all in great condition and at reasonable prices. Be sure to say hello to him and pick up some super additions to your balcony garden or backyard orchard.
25.01.2022 Market Stallholder Profile. Everyone needs a buddy sometime in their life ....Well, here's one for you. "Buddy", as he likes to be called, has a small allotment on his son's farm and comes to the market to sell his surplus seasonal produce. He also carries Knotsbury Farm, fully accredited free range eggs, so drop by sometime and say ..."Hey buddy, how much for the pumpkin?"
24.01.2022 I'm going away for several days... so feel free to talk amongst yourselves... here's a nice cat tax photo in the meantime.
24.01.2022 Sweet pineapples are plentyful at the moment and cheap. You've probably had them sliced up and served cold most of your life... how about serving them up hot! This recipe uses a BBQ grill, which tastes fantastic, but a non-stick frypan works just as well... enjoy!
23.01.2022 Stop in at the market on Sunday for a hot beverage or a tasty snack, go on, you know you want to... The baristas from "Currumbin Coffee Specialty Roasters" will be waiting there to take your order.
23.01.2022 We all seem to need that early morning pick-me-up these days... let alone at 7 o'clock in the morning. Drop by to see Adrian from Currumbin Coffee Roasters for a hot cup of coffee, or tea, in which ever form you like to have it. Preferably in a cup... Thanks for the update Adrian.
23.01.2022 One of our, "I'm there every Sunday whether it be, rain, hail or shine" market stalls, is "Nanay Tess Kainan" (i.e. Mother Tess Dining). Tess and Selwin serve up some fantastic Filipino inspired snacks or meals, including, the best spring rolls on either side of the border. Yummo!
22.01.2022 Why is the Qld/NSW border where it is? Why isn't it the Tweed River to start with? "Where possible, borders followed straight lines of latitude and longitude but in areas where natural features existed (e.g. mountain ranges or watercourses). For ease of effort in surveying and administering land, these features were adopted. This is why the beginning of the Queensland and New South Wales border from Point Danger is not a straight line. The border follows the top of ranges and... rivers until flat country and a lack of watercourses flowing in the required direction meant that the line of latitude of 29o was adopted as the border." Take a look at this QLD government website for some more interesting border details and history.
21.01.2022 Strawberries are cheap as chips at the moment. Why not keep those summer memories alive by making a couple of jars of jam, one or two for you, and some as Christmas gifts.
20.01.2022 Here is a sample of some of the lovely fruit and vegetables available at last Sunday's market.
19.01.2022 Thank you to all the dedicated (and damp) stall holders who braved the atrocious conditions on Sunday to sell their wares. And well done to all the brave shoppers who came out to support them. (Edit). Ohhh ...and thanks to the Men's Shed members who braved the conditions to work the market on Sunday despite the cold, the wet, the darkness and the early start! You know who you are.
18.01.2022 Here is a picture of all the rain that turned up at the markets last Sunday... NOT!!!!!!! BOM predicted a 60% chance of rain, but thanks to Mother Nature and her love of our market, it never eventuated... Zilch! So, don't aways believe what they say will happen, will actually happen... just come along to the market and enjoy the morning. PS. If next week, they predict 0% rain, sunshine and no clouds... make sure to bring your umbrella... just in case.
18.01.2022 A big well done to all those that braved the wind and heat, although one certainly helped with the other... 60 stalls today.
17.01.2022 "Bric-a-brac" (from French),[1] first used in the Victorian era,[2] refers to lesser objects d'art forming collections of curios, such as elaborately decorated teacups and small vases, compositions of feathers or wax flowers under glass domes, decorated eggshells, porcelain figurines, painted miniatures or photographs in stand-up frames, and so on. Read the full Wiki article here:
16.01.2022 As we who live in either Tweed Heads, or Coolangatta, know quite well (and the Southern states are only NOW finding out) that our two communities are normally as one ... and in the past at least, possessing of a virtually invisible border running between us ...not so much these days. Here is an old postcard photo from 1979, showing a slightly different aerial view of Coolangatta back then. Have a look at the coolyreunions Face Book page for some other great Coolangatta stories, photos and memorabilia.
16.01.2022 Another big turnout this Sunday, 56 Stalls......
16.01.2022 We had a great turnout last Sunday, 45 odd stallholders helped make it a very popular day, especially for the Bric-a-brac'ers, both sellers and buyers. Our normal fruit and veg suppliers are finding things difficult with the border issues but are doing their best, to supply their best. Well done and thank you to all...
14.01.2022 COVID-19 will be with us for some time to come. But we can all do some simple things to stop it spreading. Think about your safety, and others when coming to the market. Please use the hand sanitizers supplied by the stall holders. Wearing a mask helps, our workers use them. Remember your social distancing.
14.01.2022 Hi Folks... Sunday is going to be very sunny and potenially, very hot, so don't forget to SLIP, SLOP and SLAP on that sensible sun hat. Stallholders especially, if you don't have a market canopy of your own, then please wear a wide-brimmed hat, try to erect some sort of shade for yourselves and bring an esky full of ice and lots of bottled water. Have a good day everyone!
14.01.2022 Thao and his crew are back at the markets this Sunday. They start setting up from 4 am so as to have their vast array of fresh fruit and vegetables out on display, ready for those early morning customers wanting to get first choice or to beat the crowds coming later on. They haven't been with us for a while due to border restrictions, so make sure you check out their produce and welcome them back.
14.01.2022 If you're at the market on Sunday and are in need of hydration with added flavour, then go pay a visit to Daniel and his "Big Orange", he'll sort you out.
13.01.2022 Have you ever wondered why the street next to the market oval is called Recreation Street? ...I thought you had...... Back in the day, the oval area was used for many sports including: Horse racing, Greyhound racing, Football and Athletics. The Tweed Heads Croquet Club is still there, and has been for over one hundred years. The photo, is courtesy of Terry Baker and his father and can be found on:
13.01.2022 Another beautiful day in Tweed Heads and a cracker of a day for Tweed Heads Markets, 43 stalls today. Well done everybody.
13.01.2022 Not really market related... but interesting none the less.
13.01.2022 Health, well being and safety update: COVID-19 is on the rise again, so do your bit to keep it down to managable or nil levels. Think about your safety, and others when coming to the market. Please use the sanitizers supplied by the considerate stall holders. Wearing a mask doesn't hurt, it has been proven to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and remember your social distancing. Together we can keep NSW and QLD open and active, and not have to suffer the lockdown our Victorian neighbours are currently living through.
11.01.2022 If you wake up with the munchies on Sunday, then head on down to the market for a quick snack, or a whole meal. Judy and Shaun at "Laksmi's Authentic Vegetarian Food" are guaranteed to help you satisfy your early morning appetite cravings. They specialize in Indian and Asian styled cuisine and are at the markets every Sunday.
10.01.2022 What with last Sunday's fine weather, the Bric-a-Brac'ers were out in force. If you couldn't find a bargin then weren't really trying!
08.01.2022 The market is run on EVERY Sunday from 7am to 12pm. Fees are $15 per single site, 5m x 5m in size. Plus an Extra $10, if you don't have your own Public Liability Insurance. (Proof of insurance is required and it must be up to date). No prior booking is required. ***JUST TURN UP***. Set up before 7 am. No vehicle movement on oval after 7am.... Managed by: Tweed Heads Community Men's Shed Inc. Contact: 0401 018 713 COVID-19 RULES. Leave a couple of metres between you and the next stall. All stalls to have hand sanitizer available for public use. 1.5 metre social separation to be observed at all times. Cue up on the marked lines. Don't crowd into a stall. See more
08.01.2022 When buying fresh fruit and vegetables, you have to go home to your kitchen, to make a great meal. So don't forget that when you come to the market, you can get a wonderful meal right away, from several of our takeway food suppliers. It's a tasty treat, but also it can give you a much needed break from those onerous kitchen duties. So grab a snack, breakfast or an indulgent treat this Sunday.
08.01.2022 Say hello to Mason. Young Mason was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of cancer known as Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) at just 17 months old, after doctors found a tumour under his left eye. His family and friends are hosting a stall at this Sunday's Market to help raise funds to pay for his ongoing treatment and care. Please visit "Mason's Market Stall" and see if there is something there you might like to buy... or you can donate through his Facebook page if you like.
08.01.2022 Yahooooo... Australian mangos are starting to appear around town and hopefully very soon at the market. They say that if you eat them over the kitchen sink, they're not fattening! (I'm not sure who THEY are, but I applaude their marketing prowess). Another good way to enjoy these flavour bombs is a classic indian drink, the lassi. Great for an early morning energy boost, or served along side of a fiery curry... give it a go. Or should I say ... "Give it a mango!"
07.01.2022 Sometimes the most simple recipe, can give you the most surprising result. This moorish recipe, using ingredients that are found in most household pantries, will warm you up ...and fill you up! Don't forget to buy some of the incredibly fresh vegetables available from the Tweed Market stalls to go with it.
07.01.2022 Welcome to the markets... "Meo Meo Hanoi", they carry a very tasty range of Vietnamese street food snacks, meals and drinks. Just what you need to get those taste buds into gear on a cool Sunday morning... P.S If you need something to put all your newly purchased market goodies into, well, they sell a great range of handmade baskets too....
06.01.2022 Crystal Creek Farms are a virtual fixture at the market every Sunday. They're usually the first stall to "sell out" of their stock of farm fresh bananas, avocados, limes and passionfruit. So be early, or be quick, 'cause yah gunna miss out, if you're not...
06.01.2022 Did you know that the "Tweed Heads Market" is managed and run by members of the Tweed Heads Community Men's Shed. A large percentage of the money earned from running the market is plowed back into the local community through donations to worthwhile charities, groups and causes.
06.01.2022 COVID-19 RULES and FAQ's. Leave a couple of metres between you and the next stall. All stalls to have hand sanitizer available for public use. 1.5 metre social separation to be observed at all times. Cue up on the marked lines. Don't crowd into a stall.... Think about wearing a mask... we do! Fees $15 per site. Extra $10, if you do not have your own Public Liability Insurance. No prior booking required. Just turn up. 5 m x 5 m sites. Set up before 7 am. Managed by #TweedHeadsCommunityMensShed Contact: 0401 018 713
05.01.2022 Here is a fantastic recipe from my sainted Mothers' hand-written cookbook which I'm going to share with you all. BANANA CUSTARD. Ingredients: 1 x Ripe Banana... 1 x Carton of fresh Custard Method: 1: Cut banana into slices and place in a dessert bowl. 2: Pour cold custard over the top of the banana. 3: Eat with a spoon. Next week. Smashed avocado on toast.
04.01.2022 An interesting article from this weeks "Tweed Valley Weekly". Not the best quality, sorry, but you can go to the on-line version (Page 39) for better clarity.
04.01.2022 Going by all the recent requests and inquiries about stall space, park access for vehicles and what time vendors can start setting up, this coming Sunday market is shaping up to be one of the biggest and most popular market days of the year. So, it's not too late to clean out the closet, spare room or garage and load up the car with booty to sell at Sunday's market. Likewise with vendors, fire up your food trucks, breakout the BBQ's and store owners with excess stock, you should all head on down to the Tweed Heads Market early on Sunday morning. Buyers too should break open their piggy banks, dust off the credit card, or visit an ATM, and be ready for a buyers bargin bonanza.
04.01.2022 Did you know that the banana is actually, botanically classed, as a BERRY! So, why not buy a bunch and then ask your friends or family members if they would like some berries to eat, and then watch the mirth and merriment ensue.
04.01.2022 For a healthy and flavourful breakfast, an early power lunch or just a quick snack, why not try something from the quality range of meals at "Healthy Bowl 4 You", when you're next at the Sunday Market.
04.01.2022 Health and well being update: COVID-19 with be with us for some time to come, so do your bit to keep it down to managable levels. Think about your safety, and others when coming to the market.
03.01.2022 Another regular stallholder at the Tweed Heads Market is "Clothiers Creek Fresh Produce". They always have a great selection of freshly picked seasonal fruit and vegetables, grown in the rich volcanic soils of our very own Tweed Valley.
02.01.2022 Zucchinis are always plentiful at the markets, although they can get a bit boring just steamed or microwaved. How about trying them in a savoury slice, there's not too many ingredients required and it'll make a sumpuous snack... or a spendiferous supper. Enjoy!
02.01.2022 No doubt by now you're probably aware that the Tweed Heads Market is managed by some dedicated members of the Tweed Heads Men's Shed. Ever wonder what the Men's Shed is all about and what they get up to in that mysterious green building? Well, click on the hyperlink below and have a looksy...
02.01.2022 You know Summer's coming... right? A tasty salad will do the trick for a refreshing meal without to much fuss. Try adding some "Microgreens" to the mix for some fresh crunch and a great source of vitamins. Go see Shae and Sandon for some (Micro)green goodness and give that boring salad a lift.
02.01.2022 Another beautiful (as in no rain) market day today. Here are the "Lads" heading out. Think COPS the TV show. "Bad boys, bad boys... whatcha gunna do when they come for you?"
02.01.2022 Thank you to Dennis Cuthel for his wonderful musical tones and tunes filling the market oval this morning.
02.01.2022 Very tasty... and very scary... all at once. In season at the moment, the BLOOD ORANGE. The blood orange is a variety of orange (Citrus sinensis) with crimson, almost blood-colored flesh. The distinctive dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of polyphenol pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits. Chrysanthemin (cyanidin 3-O-glucoside) is the main compound found in red oranges.... Juice a couple of them today... if you dare!
01.01.2022 Good News !!! Thao Der will be back this Sunday with his fruit and vegetables.Good News !!! Thao Der will be back this Sunday with his fruit and vegetables.
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