U-bounce Fitness in Sandringham, Victoria | Health/beauty
U-bounce Fitness
Locality: Sandringham, Victoria
Phone: +61 438 319 918
Address: 77 Beach Road 3191 Sandringham, VIC, Australia
Likes: 805
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25.01.2022 This popped up and Id like to re-share it again
25.01.2022 Happy Thursday early morning !! The birds are singing and the sun is up - who else loves an #earlymorningworkout ? Come and join my 7 am #online #rebounding #classes on TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS at 7 am ( Melbourne, Australia time) !!... Bounce to it and #letsubounce together !! DM or call me 0438 319 918 If you are in #melbourne , , our Studio classes start next week #ubouncefitness #bounce #circuittraining #intervaltraining #minitrampoline #reboundingrocks #rebounding #reboundingfitness #onlinefitness #corestrengthtraining #happyhormones #fullbodyworkout #baysidemelbourne #baysidefitness #melbournefitness #funfitness #groupfitness #strongbonesandjoints #lowimpacthighenergy #letsubounceaustralia #melbournewellness #fitwomenbayside #sandringhamfitness #wellnesscoach #bodyandsoul
25.01.2022 HAPPY TUESDAY bouncy friends!! As always I feel the most happy when I’m bouncing ! #putalittleloveinyourheart #putalittlebounceinyourstep #ubouncerocks #funfitness #happyhormones #smileformiles
24.01.2022 Heyyyy its Wednesday !!! The weeks are bouncing by at the moment and its almost Spring here in Melbourne - can you feel it in the air ?!? #staybouncymyfriends #keepsmiling #breatheinlove ... Bouncy smiles (crazy pic I know lol, to make you all smile , come fly with me!!) #rebounding rocks @ubounce_fitness Gaby xx
24.01.2022 Some days might be a bit slower than others , thats ok, just never miss a bounce !! here Im singing you should be dancing, yeah!!, you should be bouncing woohoo Happy Thursday my bouncy amigos!! Xx
24.01.2022 Hello my bouncy friends !! It’s my business birthday this month - !! 6 years ago I conceptualised my new business @ubounce_fitness , pretty much at this beachside place in Melbourne , where I had encouraged my friends to meet me with their #minitrampolines (evangelist me had convinced them , they needed one ) ... I had finished my Cert 3&4 in Fitness and was still working full time in my Tourism Marketing Business - talk about being on fire then haha !! My passion to encourage people to feel GREAT, HAPPY and extra BOUNCY has grown every day in these 6 years! It is seriously the BEST thing I ever did! Following my gut, my heart and just doing something no one else was doing here in Australia. My workouts are well structured (I am a certified fitness trainer) yet such fun, you won’t want to stop efficient but not muscle tearing unbelievably endorphin raising and full body tickling never boring My community of #myawesomeubouncers has grown over the years and I have met and bounced ( still am ) with the most wonderful people. If you have ever thought about doing something different, and your heart is bursting with passion, but you have doubts ( totally normal) I’d say DO IT!! Now is a really good time to put into action what you’ve always wanted to do. Get fitter, learn an instrument, start a business - go for it. My motto is, a ship isn’t built to be safe in the harbour. If you’ve been following me for a while , come on, join us NOW . Online classes enable you to be miles away, yet still be part of my wonderful community - you will love it. Here’s to following your instinct and doing what you love!! Happy day xx
24.01.2022 Meet #myawesomeubouncers Today, please meet the amazing Simone Simmy, how I call her, has bounced with me for over 4 years now. ... When she first started she was in a highly stressful job , her sister Morgan introduced her to rebounding and the rest is history as they said. From the moment Simmy started it was obvious that she loved it, big smiles and always a nice word for everyone in the bouncy gang Simmy bought her own #trimilin rebounder of me a while back to bounce daily, as she says it keeps her happy and feeling strong. Have a listen .. I swear I did not tell anyone what to say and I love that Simmy bounces the whole tone shes talking - fit, hey ! Who needs a PR team when you have happy bouncy girls like this - thank you so much!! If youre sitting on the fence and not sure if you should join my next 10-week program , buzz me ! Lets chat about it and see how I can help you feel fit, happy and strong Have an awesome day bouncy friends!! #reboundingrocksatubounce
24.01.2022 By chance, I came across this movie today GO REBOUND-THE FILM !! If you have 30 minutes to spare , do yourself a favour and watch this - now you may understand (even more), why I am SO PASSIONATE and evangelistic about REBOUNDING its miraculous !!! And if youre still not bouncing /rebounding, WHY THE HECK ARENT YOU? ... Lots of love, Ms Bouncy xx https://youtu.be/vB7gahR1uXI
23.01.2022 Power brekkie post class -yum Cacao Oats with some nourishing friends and my dog Billy Bounce sharing the banana - its a tradition - we share our fruit & veg with him ... Enjoy your breakfast bouncy friends and fave a wonderfull day !!
20.01.2022 An oldie but a Goldie - the days when I rented big halls including the huge gymnasium at Brighton Recreation Centre What is U-bounce? Check it out and while youre there, please subscribe to my YouTube channel ... Lets U-BOUNCE amigos!! https://youtu.be/lOV7p0i3MDg
19.01.2022 Woohoo thank you so much for 800!! Likes on Facebook - that’s a lot of people , if you put them all next to each other !! Ian Wilson- if you are seeing this, you rounded us to 800 like - if you are in Melbourne and close to my studio, please come for a FREE CLASS ... I’m very grateful to everyone !! Keep following us for some fun bouncy news and inspiration.
18.01.2022 Woohoo Happy Tuesday !!! Its week 9 of our online program and the HEAT gets turned up a notch !! Yes, baby!! You will LOVE IT ... The best DETOX before breakfast- my 7 am classes - seriously the best time to train See you on the rebounder soon!! My next 10 week program starts on 5 OCTOBER - join us !! Lets U-bounce !!
18.01.2022 This happened today - my beauties doing a 2- Minute plank on the rebounder as part of our workout!! AMAZING !! I am proud like a proud Mama of #myawesomeubouncers !!... Give them some admiration and hey..., why not attempt it yourself!! ???!! Start gradually and build up to a minute, a minute and a half, two minutes .. keep going longer if you wish!! Strong core, legs, arms, minds are made here at @ubounce_fitness
16.01.2022 I love that some of my bouncy girls check-in with me, when theyve done the recorded classes !! Yay, I love being your #accountabiltycoach #motivator #cheerleader !!! I also love that my #onlinerebounding program is seen as the best investment during #lockdownlife !! Its a small investment to your #health #happiness and #wellbeing ... Keep on bouncing amigos, #rebounding is ALWAYS a winner !! #ubouncefitness #livestreaming #zoom #onlinefitnesscoaching #jointhebouncygang #funfitness #bounce #rebounding #intervaltraining #coreworkout #fullbodyworkouts #minitrampoline #rebounding workout #stretches #trainwithme #melbournefitness #getupandmove #supercircuit #livelaughsweat #melbournefitness#wellbeingcoach #wellnessfitness #reboundingaustralia #bodymindspirit
16.01.2022 Todays added bonus to our continuous cardio class was a 1.5 minute plank - next week we will take it up to 2 minutes I love to add these inspirations to show my awesome bouncy gang, his freakin strong and fit theyve become !! Do you love planks?... Learn to love them, start small,20 seconds and build up to it.. yes, lots of it is in your abs, but heaps is in your head!! Remember : Rome wasnt build in a day small steps & positive thinking (and me firing you on of course woohoo !!) ( ps: pic shows reverse plank - we did it the other way to this -hands on the mat, feet on the floor- but you can do a reverse plank too , same fab benefits, depends which way you want to ground yourself or !!) #reboundingrocksatubounce #rebounderworkout #getupandubounce
15.01.2022 Yes!!! Sweating is soooo good for you and rebounding helps your lymphatic system pump out toxins and refresh your blood by 30% more than other forms of cardiovascular exercise (e.g. boxing , running , spin bike etc)- hoe cool is that!!! During a U-BOUNCE class you will rev up your metabolism nicely too, with our interval style training and burn off excess caloric energy and pump up the tank with muscular energy ! ... Your abs are going to love this form of training so much , as will your core and glutes- you will get so STRONG - in a rather short period of time !! And if thats not enough, you will laugh, you might scream lol ( happy screams) so your facial muscles get a workout too!!! #nobotoxneeded Are you u-bouncing with joy yet?!? I hope so Join me for LIVE classes via ZOOM Tuesdays -Fridays Remember, you dont have to be perfect, you just have to be real Todays classes were so much fun! Best way to start your day!! Happy #rebounding !!! #reboundingrocksatubounce
15.01.2022 I love Facebook memories and be reminded that everyone who ever tried rebounding with me, LOVES it!! Check out the gorgeous Anna & Michael, who joined me at my Sunday sessions lululemon Australia and New Zealand Melbourne /Moorabbin a few years ago
14.01.2022 Rebounding wake me up- come join me !! song Whats going on- by 4 Non Blondes for entertainment purposes only
14.01.2022 Happy bouncy sunny Sunday vibes from my balcony today - enjoy this glorious day my bouncy friends !! You can bounce anywhere !! #reboundingrocksatubounce #reboundingispurehappiness#freedom
13.01.2022 #myawesomeubouncers - finally!! We got to hang out face to face, such a wonderful early evening , sitting at the beach, talking, sharing food, laughing , simply just seeing each other live!! Thank you for everyone able to make it - Marie, Morgan, Heidi,Vicky, , Claire, Christeen , Shazzie , Daisy & Simmy ... There’ll be another catch up in December for sure Big love to you all, my bouncy gang , you’re such a great bunch of woman xxx
13.01.2022 Lets get excited , my new 10- week program starts on TUE 6 October Its a fun, muscle tickling-yet gentle- happy Hormone raising program with workouts that you can do if you are fit or just getting fit , young or old- you will feel incredible after just one class!!... Thats a big statement, but thats what my U-bouncers say over and over again My program is based on interval style training, with cardio and strength training and a gradual incline of intensity. Dont let that scare you, as you probably wont notice it until youre doing exercise you never thought you could, all while laughing, feeling confident and strong Join us LIVE (Zoom) or do the ON DEMAND/IN YOUR OWN TIME recorded classes and feel yourself come ALIVE !! One weekly payment for Unlimited classes & recordings, unlimited fun! You will bounce out of your skin , you will feel THIS great !! BYO rebounder or if in Melbourne, hire (super limited numbers- get in quick!) or buy a top quality german made one from me. Call or message me with any questions and how to join Gaby :0438 319 918 Timetable is in the comments below Lets U-bounce amigos!! of course, you will meet Billy Bounce, my loyal assistant, too *Packages of my Online program & a new rebounder are available - please contact me
12.01.2022 Happy Saturday my bouncy friends!! Heres a little Tabata style workout video I produced last year - good example to show you, why I dont wear runners on my rebounder - barefoot training is best!! Your spine is aligned and you have more grip on the mat with your feet , than feeling wonky as I did into ally here , with runners on!... If you have a less bouncy rebounder though or one what doesnt have much give , wear runners!! or better still - invest in a good quality rebounder. Rebounding is not the same on a hard mini trampoline- all the health benefits and low impact benefits on your joints and bones, literally go out the window! You also dont get the deep bounce you need for better lymphatic system activation, aka detoxing . Dont be fooled by the rebounding workouts you see that use crappy rebounders, holding onto a bar. It might be fun, but it is not the training I teach I believe your body is your best machine, add the rebounder and bounce barefoot (socks are ok ;)) and you have a DREAM MACHINE Lets U-BOUNCE amigos!! Xx PS: Please subscribe to my YouTube channel, Im planning to bring more content to you on all things rebounding and happy living https://youtu.be/f7dNihQzmxI
11.01.2022 Stay wild and free and wonderful !! Happy Saturday, make a splash at the beach or a snow angel - wherever you are- Life is there to be lived, not feared !!... Bouncy love, Gaby xx #ubouncefitness #bounce #circuittraining #intervaltraining #minitrampoline #reboundingrocks #rebounding #reboundingfitness #onlinefitness #corestrengthtraining #happyhormones #fullbodyworkout #baysidemelbourne #baysidefitness #melbournefitness #funfitness #groupfitness #strongbonesandjoints #lowimpacthighenergy #letsubounceaustralia #melbournewellness #fitwomenbayside #sandringhamfitness #wellnesscoach #bodyandsoul
11.01.2022 Never go a day without a little bit of bouncing , amigos !! Happy Day !! #bounceback ... #ubouncefitness #reboundingrocks #movetothebeatofyourowndrum See more
10.01.2022 Hands up if youre ready to try something new, like #rebounding Trying a new form of exercise (or anything for that matter), fires up your brain as it creates new neuropathways, it makes you feel joyful, adds vitality and also self confidence (yay, I did it)! You will laugh , feel so alive and #raiseyourvibrations ! ... When we are up , our close environment gets lifted up, too, its a beautiful, healing ripple effect - thats what life is all about , isnt it?!? Come and join us! #reboundingrocksatubounce , my workouts are diverse, easy to follow, FUN and super effective to get fit both physically and mentally! Lets #bounceback together! What are YOU waiting for? See you on your #rebounder /#minitrampoline soon !!
10.01.2022 HAPPY DAY BOUNCY PEOPLE!! In Melbourne we are celebrating the opening up of our hospitality and retail industries tomorrow and more in the coming weeks!!! It’s so exciting, hence my happy dance-Bounce-boogie ... Be gentle with yourself, you don’t have to rush anywhere, curb the FOMO and just enjoy the sunshine !! Let’s U-bounce!! Turn the music up and just move your body any way you like Xx https://youtu.be/qTddq4mqUDk
09.01.2022 What’s the main reason you’ve joined /want to join @ubounce_fitness ? Is it the Fun, easy, effective rebounding/boxing workouts?... The relaxed community vibe? The personable , extra motivating instructor ;)? The feeling of happiness you get during & after? The strong booty, leg and abs muscles ? Accountability to not slack off ;)? Welcoming atmosphere, where everyone knows each other’s name? The feeling of I can do anything & looking fab, and 10 years younger? Tell me YOUR reason why you love #rebounding with us!!! I hope it’s all of the above and more #bouncysmiles , Gaby xx
08.01.2022 Happy Wednesday amigos !!! I just did an IG live wake-me-up bounce for you , just checking if you can see this if you click through? Silly me, I thought the song was ok if I say for entertainment only, but IG now says video blocked ... If you cant see it, pop on GOOD FEELING by Flo Rida and bounce the house down my lovelies !! Adios!! Xx https://www.instagram.com/tv/CEnCBtznXYC/
08.01.2022 Good morning my bouncy friends !! Heres todays more gentle wake/pick me up !! You can do these any time you need a little stretch, a little breather, a little sanity - hop on your rebounder or do them on the floor Remember, even a few minutes of rebounding & movement, 2-3 times a day is AWESOME and will bring you health benefits ... Enjoy your day, much bouncy love Gaby xx
08.01.2022 I love adding this yoga pose in my stretching sequence at the end of my classes. Its also a gentle stretch for your hamstrings, inner thighs and hips /groin are. I find it totally relaxing Its a fab stretch to do daily, especially now as we all sit so much more , working at home, for kids & adults homeschooling or if youre driving or standing a lot.... A little bit of stretching goes a long way Xx Enjoy being happy babies and have a great Friday !! @naturalcures89 #stretchingexercises #ubouncefitness #livestreaming #zoom #onlinefitnesscoaching #jointhebouncygang #accountability #funfitness #getstrongereveryday #bounce #rebounding #intervaltraining #coreworkout #fullbodyworkouts #minitrampoline #reboundingworkout #stretches#stayhomestaysafe #trainwithme #melbournefitness #getupandmove #supercircuit #livelaughsweat #melbournefitness#wellbeingcoach #wellnessfitness #reboundingaustralia #bodymindspirit
07.01.2022 Are you ready to become a raving rebounding fan, a happy, fit, vibrant and super energetic person? Awesome!!! I have a VERY limited number of PREMIUM QUALITY GERMAN MADE REBOUNDERS left for sale .... With people working out from home and the start of spring, these are now in super high demand- if you want one , order one NOW!!! I will NOT be getting more REBOUNDERS in the foreseeable future, so this is it!!! Once they are sold, thats it Dont procrastinate ! Call or message me if you are interested to buy one of the BEST QUALITY rebounders you can buy in Australia (and only through U-bounce fitness). A similar model with less features, is actually hundreds of dollars more than this one , and NOT readily available in Australia. The video below will show you the model I have left for sale You can find out more on the Trimilin website www.trimilin.com Vario 100 Model I have a few silver cover & black mat and green/blue cover & azure blue mat left - first in, best dressed!! and .. if you order one by Sep 11- Receive a FREE SET OF HANDWEIGHTS and 1 WEEK of ONLINE CLASSES FREE OF CHARGE (live or recordings) What are you waiting for? Invest in top quality, anything less will end up not giving you the results and enjoyment you are looking for -and end up on your hard waste! I have researched most popular rebounder models , bought them myself mostly and ended up throwing them out , I felt too embarrassed to even give them away I have been bouncing on my Trimilin rebounder for 6 years now- its simply THE BEST! Book in a call with me or if in Melbourne a free trial Gaby : 0438 319 918 I have very competitive courier rates within Australia , too. No profit made on fees whatsoever -I try to get the best rate for you (Eg. One Freight to Sydney $25) Lets U-BOUNCE !!! Fun, effective, versatile and addictive (in a good way) , thats rebounding https://youtu.be/KJlUcCBQFqk
07.01.2022 Just a short little insight into a U-bounce class - if thats looks like FUN to you, why not join us?? My next 10- week #rebounding program starts on Monday 5 October !!! The LIVE classes via ZOOM as well as our popular ON DEMAND/DO AT YOUR OWN LEISURE sessions will continue !!... NEW : There will be a NEWCOMER program, too, if youve not exercised for a while , feel a bit stiff , nervous even -,or have not rebounded ever and need a trained motivator to get you kickstarted, this will be for you !! Ill have you bouncing fit with just 1x live class a week and a few minutes rebounding on your own a day! Gentler exercises , slower pace , accountability , small personal group training Contact me to find out more and lets U-bounce !! Gaby 0438 319 918
07.01.2022 Meet #myawesomeubouncers Meet the gorgeous Tanja, long time bouncy girl , good friend and #reboundingenthusiast !! Have a listen to this short video , how rebounding has helped Tanja not only stay fit, but also to bounce back after surgeries. ... Im so grateful that I get to do what I absolutely LOVE and fully believe in , with wonderful people like Tanja #reboundingrocksatubounce
05.01.2022 Happy bouncy Tuesday bouncy friends !! Personally, I LOVE exercising first thing in the morning, when I’m still half asleep, I just throw-on my exercise gear , well a bra at least lol as sometimes I do bounce in my nighty or pjs , turn on the music and just go!!! #rebounding is THE BEST wake up, not only for your brain, but every system in your body - amazing for people with lymphatic system issues!! ... #gentleonjoints #highlyeffective for #metabolism #hearthealth #bonestrength and of course to #boostyourmood !!! It’s so much fun, you won’t even realise how much you move and you won’t feel sore afterwards REBOUNDING = HAPPINESS Have an awesome day !! Xx Gaby (Ps: check my stories to see #billybounce)
04.01.2022 First class back and we are HAPPY!!!! I can’t wait to see you all soon , online again this week on THURSDAY and from next week MONDAY 18 Jan also at the studio !!... Let’s U-bounce Australia!!
04.01.2022 U-bounce is back !! Online classes start 12 Jan (next week) Studio classes start 18 JanU-bounce is back !! Online classes start 12 Jan (next week) Studio classes start 18 Jan
03.01.2022 Happy first day of SPRING to my Australian Bouncy Friends!! Longer days, warmer weather, blossoming trees, birds singing louder and us bouncing stronger .. every single day!!! woohoo Lets hop to it and u-bounce !!!... My online program is still running, so dont be shy to try out a class or two - Im pretty sure, you will LOVE it !! Send me a message to find out how you can feel more bouncy Bouncy smiles Gaby xx
03.01.2022 The smile of this gorgeous new U-bouncer /rebounder owner @angewotherspoon says it all , sitting on her brand spanking new Trimilin rebounder - yayyy !! Im thrilled to meet my clients, it brings me such pleasure to meet the face behind a name and then get to induct them into the #funfitness and #wellbeing you get from #rebounding !! Enjoy bouncing Ange !!... #letsubounce #reboundingrocksatubounce
03.01.2022 Happy bouncy vibes shared with Adrian Franklin , the great host of Ticker News at TICKER TV (formerly Fox Sports News reporter) !! Enjoy watching Ms Bouncy giggle her way through the interview !! Have a brilliant day my bouncy friends xx ... Tickertv thank you for having me
02.01.2022 Happy Monday my bouncy friends !! #stretching and #relaxationtechniques are all a big part of my program. My philosophy is that body and mind connectivity brings the best results and makes you feel extra fantastic.... I love this stretch , you can do it inside or why not head outside into your garden , a park or the beach and connect to the earth while youre there Take some nice deep breaths in and out and feel the benefits of this pose immediately Enjoy and have a great start to the week My next 10-program runs from 6 October -11 December ( ONLINE)- be there !! Contact me for details #letsubounce
02.01.2022 Meet #myawesomeubouncers Meet the gorgeous Wendy, a long time bouncy girl , who when she started told me that she dislikes gyms and hasnt found a form of exercise she enjoys . Fast forward ... she LOVES #rebounding , have a listen to her own words .. ... I wish I could join Wendy for a coffee Im grateful to be the one who made her love rebounding exercise and feel fantastic , job done .. more feedback- testimonials bouncing in., stay tuned , here Join us from 6 October - ONLINE via ZOOM for 10- weeks of #funfitness #reboundingrocksatubounce
02.01.2022 When Facebook reminds you of a wonderful moment in my bouncy life, running a few classes with these amazing junior U-bouncers I love kids!! They simply bounce more naturally than us for starters, but they also tell you honestly, if they love it or hate it What kids love about rebounding sessions with me is that they dont have to perform, they dont come 1., 2. or 3., they are not compared , it doesnt matter how fit/unfit they are , they just hop on and off t...hey go!!! Time we all got together again face to face , to share the love, energy, laughs and vibes #ubouncefitness #livestreaming #zoom #onlinefitnesscoaching #jointhebouncygang #accountability #funfitness #getstrongereveryday #bounce #rebounding #intervaltraining #coreworkout #fullbodyworkouts #minitrampoline #reboundingworkout #stretches#trainwithme #melbournefitness #baysidefitness#getupandmove #supercircuit #livelaughsweat #wellbeingcoach #wellnessfitness #reboundingaustralia #bodymindspirit
02.01.2022 Happy Wednesday my beautiful bouncy friends!! Sticking to a little routine or having rituals is the way to go right now , to stay in a good , positive head space . Please share any routines you do, maybe some new ones you picked up during Covid times- Id love to hear ... Have a wondeful day !!
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