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Ukrainian Artists Society of Australia | Art

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Ukrainian Artists Society of Australia

Phone: +61 423 363 008


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25.01.2022 ! ! , , . ! -... (1996) . # #_ #__

22.01.2022 Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas! With much love from the Karens !!

22.01.2022 We are saddened to hear the passing away of one of our Ukrainian community pioneers - Yurij Mishalow (1928-2010). Yurij became active early in the history of the Ukrainian community in Sydney in 1953 he was already on the board of the Ukrainian Students' Union and was writing articles for the Ukrainian newspaper, The Free Thought. He gained qualifications as an electronic engineer in 1955 from Sydney University, the first Ukrainian to graduate from this university. Yurij wo...rked professionally first at AWA, and then 21 years at ABC-TV, but he also made his professional services available to help with Ukrainian community events. An early adopter of computerisation, Yurij single-handedly created Ukrainian cyrillic fonts for use in typesetting of Ukrainian publications in Australia, when no such fonts were commonly available. Yurij Mishalow was active on various Ukrainian committees, including being involved with the Ukrainian Scout leadership in the 1950s, the board of the Ukrainian Central School in the 1960s, and the Ukrainian Study Group Forum in the 1990s. A modest, but very capable man, Yurij used his knowledge of audio to record his son Victor's, bandura playing in digital audio - a ground-breaking technique at that time. He helped Victor to professionally produce a number of mainstream records and CDs of bandura classical and folk music, which have been sold internationally. Perhaps his contribution to the Ukrainian community can also be measured in another way the legacy of his children, both who promote Ukrainian culture daughter Roxolana is active in Ukrainian schooling and eduction, and son Victor is a world-famous bandura player and musicologist. May Yurij rest in blessed peace.

21.01.2022 #уцейдень, 21 червня, народився укранський австралйський мистець Петро Кравченко (1921, Кив - 2009, Сдней). Петро Кравченко закнчив у 1940 роц Кивську ху...дожню школу м. Тараса Шевченка. Був моблзований в радянську армю, потрапив у нмецький полон. По завершенню Друго свтово вйни перебував у Д-П таборах в Нмеччин, де працював художником-декоратором. У 1949 роц емгрував до Австрал, оселився у мст Сдней, продовжив навчання: у 1955 роц закнчив Школу телевзйного вишколу, а в 1958 роц нститут комерцйного мистецтва в Мельбурн. У 1967 роц став одним з засновникв Сплки Укранських Образотворчих Митцв Австрал (СУОМА). Близько двадцяти рокв митець пропрацював на австралйськй державнй телестуд СН-2 як дизайнер бутафор. Його роботи використовувалися на рзних телешоу, а також в Сднейськй опер. Петро Кравченко вдомий своми реалстичними портретами та жанровими сценами. Вн автором численних декорацй та ескзв костюмв до укранських вистав. Також саме Петро Кравченко розробив грамоту СУОМА, а в 1964 роц за участ клькох колег спроектував пам’ятник Т. Шевченку для парку в Лдкомб. З здобуттям Украною незалежност мистець вдвдав батьквщину, а в 1994 роц став почесним членом Нацонально сплки художникв Украни. У 2000-х роках йому вдалося налагодити культурне спвробтництво мж Кивом та Сднем. На фото - Петро Каравченко пише портрет свого друга, художника Степана Хвил. Австраля. 1980-т роки. Свтлина передана до фондв Музею укрансько даспори сином мистця - Павлом Кравченком. #diasporadates #украна_австраля #музей_укрансько_даспори

20.01.2022 Two examples of Ukrainian Australian art displayed in the hall of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Adamstown, NSW.

19.01.2022 #, 21 , (1921, - 2009, ). 1940 ... . . , . - , -. 1949 , , : 1955 , 1958 . 1967 (). -2 . , . . . , 1964 . . , 1994 . 2000- . - , . . 1980- . - . #diasporadates #_ #__

19.01.2022 - . ... An interesting review of the new Ukrainian-Hollywood film "Zakhar Berkut", posted on the UA (,...) Facebook page (Reviews, impressions of Ukrainian books, films). From the sound of it, unless you like Ivan Franko's story characterised by Rambo-like flavours and enjoy American accents in films set in Europe, it may be better to just read the book.... ;-)

17.01.2022 Some topical art from Ukraine's LOOMA

16.01.2022 A Sydney event organised by the UKRAINIAN FREE KOZAKS OF AUSTRALIA .

14.01.2022 Примно, що Музей укрансько даспори да честь нашим мистцям.

14.01.2022 - . Interesting online-exhibition about Ukrainian-Australian and other artists from the diaspora.

14.01.2022 Цкавий онлайн-проект музею Музей укрансько даспори про художникв Австрал з даспори. Interesting online-exhibition about Ukrainian-Australian and other artists from the diaspora.

13.01.2022 The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (UCS), based in Adelaide, is pleased to announce the upcoming release of a new Personalised stamp, first day cover and Australia Post pictorial postmark (from Woodville SA 5011 post office) to commemorate 70 Years of post-WWII Ukrainian Settlement in Australia, that began with the first arrival in 1948. Also to be released is a commemorative envelope, prepared and printed in Lviv, Ukraine, marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the UCS. Interested persons can order these unique collectibles by contacting the UCS at: [email protected] An Information Sheet and Order Form will be emailed to you. The very last day to place an order is Sunday night, 4 August 2019. See more

12.01.2022 This film should be seen by every young person of Ukrainian heritage. It is the best documentary available to graphically explain the difficult and problematic history of Ukraine during the time of the mid-20th Century when it was a victim of brutal invasion and suppression from both Russia and Germany. It is explains clearly the dilemma Ukrainians faced when confronted by regimes intent on conquering and enslaving the Ukrainian peoples. It will explain why millions of Ukra...inians chose to emigrate to the West after WWII rather than return to their "homeland"... Narrated by Hollywood actor of Ukrainian descent, Jack Palance, the film chronicles the struggle between the Nazi and Soviet regimes, from a Ukrainian perspective. The documentary recounts the events in Ukraine on the brink of the Second World War, during the Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine (19391941), the German-Soviet War, the Nazi occupation of Ukraine and the second Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine (1944). The impact of these events, which claimed 8 to 10 million Ukrainian lives, is depicted through segments on the scorched-earth policies of both powers; the tragedy of the Jews; and the 2.3 million Ukrainians taken as slave labourers (Ostarbeiters). The Ukrainians struggle against the Nazi occupiers and the Ukrainian Insurgent Armys fightagainst both totalitarian powersfor Ukraines independence are is portrayed. The film also deals with the forcible repatriation of Ukrainians to the Soviet Union, Displaced Persons (D.P.) camps and emigration. Between Hitler and Stalin features eyewitness accounts, documentary material, rare film footage, photos and documents obtained from myriad sources. The film is in English, though with Russian subtitles. The Ukrainian version was expunged from Youtube for some reason.

12.01.2022 #tbt - an invitation to an exhibition organised by artists of the UASA from 1973, held at the St Andrew's Ukrainian Catholic Church, Lidcombe hall

11.01.2022 Archival historic photos of Ukrainian Saturday schools in Sydney, Newcastls and Wollongong, from 1951 onwards. This is a tribute to the teachers and organisers who gave their time, energy and money to build an educational foundation for the children of migrants from Ukraine. May we never forget their dedication and sacrifice!

11.01.2022 Your last chance to see the UKRAINIAN FILM FESTIVAL SYDNEY 2020 Sunday 15 March 1.00 pm at the Ukrainian Youth Centre, Lidcombe "Censored" is a metaphorical story about the tragic and mysterious death of the most powerful Ukrainian poet of 1960s the human rights activist, hero of Ukraine Vasyl Stus and his struggle with the Soviet system. The events of the film unfold during the last attempt by the KGB to seduce the poet with a whimsical "freedom". The film is in Ukrainian,... with English subtitles. Tip: there will be very tasty pyrizhky available for purchase made by CYM Sydney volunteers to raise money for the Debutante Ball.

11.01.2022 29 (International Dance Day). , , 198...2 (International Dance Council, CID) . , , , , , , . , , . , , . , . . . , - , , , ! !, 125- , , , , .

06.01.2022 ' . . !

06.01.2022 - 1952 - (. 1951 .), YMCA.

05.01.2022 1972 , . Sydney School of Bandura, , .

04.01.2022 Щороку 29 квтня по всьому свту вдзначаться Мжнародний день танцю (International Dance Day). Це свято, присвячене всм стилям танцю, почали вдзначати з 198...2 року за нцативою Мжнародно ради танцю (International Dance Council, CID) ЮНЕСКО. , звичайно ж, в цей день весь танцюючий свт колективи театрв опери балету, сучасн танцювальн трупи, ансамбл сучасного бального народного танцю та нш, як професйн, так самодяльн артисти вдзначатимуть сво професйне свято. А укранц, як вдомо, одн з найтанцюючих нацй в свт. Укранськ танц запальн й лричн, нестримн й повльн, полонили весь свт. У них яскраво виявляться характер, висока й самобутня культура укранського народу. Народн танц стали невд’мною частиною художнього життя Украни свтово хореограф. Вони вже бльше як столття приносять насолоду поцновувачам народно хореограф продовжують свй розвиток на сучаснй сцен. Пропонумо у цей день згадати батька укранського танку Василя Авраменка та його послдовникв, долучившись до перегляду документального онлайн-прокту ЦДАЗУ Ой, гоп, чобтки, пддайте охоти! Потанцюм досхочу пдем до роботи!, присвячений внеску представникв укрансько даспори у розвиток народного танцювального мистецтва та приурочений 125-рччю вд дня народження Василя Авраменка видатного укранського балетмейстера, хореографа, актора, педагога, кнорежисера. Детальнше за посиланням

04.01.2022 Some interesting Ukrainian films that will be screened by the Ukrainian Community of Queensland Inc.

03.01.2022 One of the challenges when digitizing and restoring old photographs is dealing with prints made on patterned paper. The texture on the print shows up very clearly when scanning and is quite tricky to remove. There are a number of techniques that can be used, with most of them requiring making multiple, rotated scans or using different, manipulated layers in a graphics program. Consider using a techniqe called FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). The magic using this technique can be seen in the "before" and "after" images below. Because the details are very fine in the original (eg. notice the pearls in the necklace are smaller than the individual repeating texture pattern), techiques using "blurring" will destroy detail. However, you can see that the FFT technique removes the pattern, while leaving the details.

02.01.2022 Probably the best collection of paintings by famous Ukrainian-Australian artist Michael Kmit will be auctioned in Sydney in November. This collection, representing some of Kmit's best works was collected by a Ukrainian art enthusiast, who recently passed away. You can contact the auctioneers online by following the link, or by contacting Veronica Owens on [email protected] or Sydney number (02) 98755527


02.01.2022 Another Ukrainian-Australian artist honored by the Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora in Kyiv (@ ), this time, the talented artist Svetlana Soldatova.

02.01.2022 ! ... . , , [email protected], ! 13 2020 50 . . , . 19 , . , . , , . . , . . - -, : , , , . , , , , . , , -! , . , , , . ?? . , , !!!

01.01.2022 , ( ), 1960 . , . 1956 . 1960 36 , 1961 . . . ================ 1960 - Ukrainian Saturday school in Auburn (suburb of Sydney). This school was established in 1956 by a parents' committee and held classes at St Johns Primary School. Its director was Ms Vira Procz. Four classes (36 pupils) were taught in this school till 1960. In 1961 the school was transferred to Lidcombe to the Ukrainian Central School - . . .

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