Ulverstone Anglican in Ulverstone, Tasmania | Anglican Church
Ulverstone Anglican
Locality: Ulverstone, Tasmania
Phone: +61 3 6425 1003
Address: 6-10 Kings Parade 7315 Ulverstone, TAS, Australia
Website: ulverstoneanglican.weebly.com/contact.html
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25.01.2022 Thoughts and prayers with the Atkins family
25.01.2022 Hi Church Family. Here is the link to the Livestream for the funeral of a Peter Atkins Snr for those who would like to connect with that. Please follow the link and join the group to be ready for the funeral on Monday at 11am https://www.facebook.com/groups/peter atkinsfuneral/?ref=share
24.01.2022 Many admire the sacrifice of soldiers and emergency workers - risking their life in the call of duty, let us admire the sacrifice that Jesus made. A necessary sacrifice to save us from our sins and to gift us eternal life. Jesus died in our place, his blood covered our sins, so that we can live forever with him.
23.01.2022 Due to the current COVID situation, Anglican Camping Tasmania has decided to revise how they will be running camps for 2021. This year they will be running some fun day programs throughout January in place of the normal week-long camps. All camps in 2021 will be DAY ONLY camps in southern Tasmania. Pick and drop off to the site will be required each day.
22.01.2022 Forgiveness changes lives - as we see in Paul - he is so grateful to his Saviour and Lord. He says, Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example.
21.01.2022 You are invited to like Fostering Hope https://www.facebook.com/fosteringhopecommunity/
21.01.2022 Banner is up outside the Parish Center. Van re-commences, Tuesday, 16th June, 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
20.01.2022 Following on from the "Thanksgiving" last Sunday: "On Sunday the 2nd of August 2020 Legana Christian Church was blessed to be able to thank the Premier of Tasmania Peter Gutwein and Health Minister Sarah Courtney for their leadership through the COVID-19 crisis on behalf of the churches of Tasmania. This video is the Premiers response to the service and many video messages from Church leaders from all over Tasmania."
20.01.2022 My friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin.
20.01.2022 Paul writes the gospel I preach is not of human origin: That means it is from God! If that be the case, woe to preachers that do not preach it: Blessed are those that do preach it and share it. Woe to those that try to distort it: Blessed are those that share it faithfully. Woe to those that do not obey it: Blessed are those that do!
19.01.2022 Musings from Melvin & Maude
19.01.2022 Gods plans are bigger than our plans, give him your life and he will use it. Isnt that the pattern that we see over and over again in the Bible? People giving their life to God and God uses that gift to bless others. Dont withhold your gift from him. Give him your life and he will take that precious gift and use it to bless you and others.
19.01.2022 Mainly Music is back for term 3
19.01.2022 These problems Australia faces today are signposts to the real problem, that Australias have turned away from Jesus and in the Church, peoples love can be as cold and unforgiving as the stones of their buildings.
19.01.2022 Only ten or so minutes from Ulverstone.
18.01.2022 Come for a fly, where the Forth River meets the sea! Between Ulverstone and Devonport, theres a lifestyle called Turners Beach! Rick Eaves
15.01.2022 Jesus stood with eleven disciples on a mountain in Galilee, and said, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Almost two thousand years later on a beach around 14,000 kilometres away, the Spirit of the risen Jesus continues touch the lives of his disciples.
15.01.2022 Hi everyone Were excited to announce that with COVID-19 restrictions easing, we now have a date set to start the food van up again. Well be at Ulverstone Ang...lican Church, Kings Parade (next to McDonalds) every Tuesday evening from 5:30pm to 6:30pm, commencing on Tuesday, 16 June 2020. We will be serving nutritious takeaway hot meals and this will be done in a way that will adhere to all safety restrictions required. Our focus will be on the local community who have been disadvantaged by COVID-19, i.e. loss of jobs, those who are socially isolated/ living alone, single parent families, the homeless - basically anyone in need - so please share this information to get the word out there. Looking forward to the 16th
15.01.2022 Certain people come along teaching that for Jesus to save you, you need to do something extra, being a Christian is not enough, you must also be Jewish, to be saved you must follow the Jewish laws as well. Paul and Barnabas dont like this a bit. Paul and Barnabas believe that you only have to put your trust in Jesus - to have faith in Jesus. No one should try to up-sell Jesus and add more things. (This mornings message - part1)
14.01.2022 They preach the good news of Jesus and lots of people believe. Lots of people are saved for eternal life. All because Paul and Barnabas have the courage to speak the gospel of Jesus Christ. They could have stayed at home, they could have not said a word about Jesus, but they choose to speak.
14.01.2022 What is your God story? Where does your story and Gods story connect? Paul and Barnabas share Gods story and invites those listening to join with Gods story.
13.01.2022 Freedom can, so easily, be misused, we have always, two paths - one is pleasing ourselves - it is attractive and enticing - that is the path Adam and Eve took! The other path is pleasing God, and that is the path that Jesus took! Jesus did not satisfy the desires of the flesh, instead he walked by the Spirit.
12.01.2022 Anglican Aid has launched an emergency appeal to provide relief to those affected by yesterdays deadly explosion in Beirut. We are working closely with Christi...an partners in the Middle East to help them support their neighbours in this time of crisis. Donate at https://anglicanaid.org.au/care-for-beirut #careforbeirut #letgraceflow
12.01.2022 The early Church was familiar with suffering - Peter the apostle writes, To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. Many have grown up - not in a suffering Church, but a comfortable Church, and when things go bad, they dont understand, it shakes their faith! It doesnt shake Pauls, he got up and went back into the city. He doesnt let fear cower him, not does he let suffering stop him!
11.01.2022 Todays message is taken from a message by Billy Graham, and I think it answers the question raised last week, why were people so hostile to the good news that Paul preached about Jesus. You, yourself may have experienced hostility, indifference or opposition when you have spoken about Jesus. I have made a few adaptions to his talk to bring it up to 2020, but the essential message is unchanged. David
11.01.2022 The story of Paul is remarkable, and may seem beyond many of us, but all of us can be like Ananias, to go to those sitting in darkness, in spiritual darkness, and pray that they may see and be filled with the Holy Spirit. We dont need to make anything up or construct clever stories, just tell others what you know about Jesus. How your faith has helped you, tell them a parable, and pray that the spirit of Jesus would open their eyes.
11.01.2022 Supporting our local schools - West Ulverstone
11.01.2022 Rocket Park Mainly Music are having a farm trip! Come along and feed some animals, have heaps of fun together. After we have seen the animals we will have a bbq lunch. $10 per family includes, farm visit, animal feed & bbq! Guide Falls Farm at West Ridgley.
10.01.2022 Have you heard of the story of Archie Williams? Archie was imprisoned at the age of 22 for a crime he did not commit and sentenced to life without parole. He served 36 years in prison before being officially exonerated last year. https://www.facebook.com/AGTLiveTour/videos/1135096396861859/
10.01.2022 The "Op-ed" from todays (1.8.20) Mercury Newspaper, by Bishop Richard. Our government has been prepared to take very hard decisions. THE Roman philosopher Cice...ro said, Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others. Expressing gratitude by saying thank you to others is powerful because it gives honour to people for what they do and encourages them to continue. Perhaps a bright spot in the dark COVID-19 experience could be to express our gratitude to our parliamentarians (of all colours) and their advisers, our state controller, our healthcare professionals and others on the front line of our coronavirus response. Their leadership has been courageous and strong, as they have taken costly decisions to protect the life and wellbeing of Tasmanians during this pandemic. Make no mistake, our government continues to be faced with a very difficult predicament, having to balance economic demands with the need to protect peoples lives. We recognise the hard decisions that it has made. We have seen the pain etched on the face of the Premier and Health Minister as they have announced each of the 13 unfortunate deaths from the virus, and we join them in feeling deeply for their family and friends. We are very thankful that we have a government that doesnt trivialise or deny the impact of coronavirus, as we have seen in other parts of the world. We are grateful that the response has not been plagued by bipartisan bickering, so common on other issues. Instead, our government has been prepared to take very hard and costly decisions, protecting the sanctity of life, especially the lives of vulnerable Tasmanians. The sanctity of human life is a key principle of our culture. It is precious and worth protecting. Our parliament continues to demonstrate this principle in action in its unified approach to closing our borders and protecting us by its safety measures. We will continue to bear the economic cost of these decisions for years to come, but we do so gratefully for the lives it has saved. And so we want to say thank you to our parliamentarians. We are grateful for your courage and wisdom. Churches across Tasmania will pause tomorrow to publicly thank our political leaders, to let them know we have been praying for them, and to give thanks to God for their leadership over us. Whether you are a person of faith or not, this is an opportunity for us all to express our thankfulness for the way our leaders have done the right thing. We are so grateful that at the start of the pandemic our Premier called on Christians to pray. For our part we will continue to pray for our leaders for wisdom, for courage, and for good priorities, to balance sound economic decisions with protecting the lives of all Tasmanians. And we encourage you all to do the same. We are grateful and say thank you to our healthcare workers and people on the front line, who put their lives at risk to protect the lives of others. Could Sunday be a day of thanks across our state? Could you write to your local member of parliament to express your thanks and gratitude for their leadership during this pandemic? We invite you to join us in church, online or just from your home in giving thanks for our Premier and all members of parliament, for our healthcare and frontline workers. Your life, your health and your safety are in their hands. Reverend Dr Richard Condie is Anglican Bishop of Tasmania. Copyright 2020 News Pty Limited
09.01.2022 This Sun. 4-5pm. You are invited to join the Bishop of Tasmania, and hundreds of others across the Diocese, in prayer for our Nation and World. Please click this URL to join: https://zoom.us/j/99669908446 Or join by phone: 03 7018 2005 Webinar ID: 996 6990 8446
08.01.2022 Sunday services commence July 5, 9am and 10:30am. A Wednesday service will be held each week at 1:30pm, commencing July 1st. As we missed Easter this year, the Wednesday service will have an Easter theme, and you are welcome to attend. Reminder to keep 1.5 metre spacing where practicable. Please sit in the places marked, members of the same household may sit together. Standard advice still applies, stay home if sick, wash your hands with the sanitizers provided and vulnerable people should take special care. We must remain vigilant, the spike of new cases in Victoria is very concerning and demonstrates how easily this virus spreads if safe practices are ignored (leading to re-imposing of restrictions)
07.01.2022 The message of Jesus is spreading, it started in Jerusalem, Paul failed to stop it in Damarcus. And now it has reached Antioch. At that time, Antioch was the capital of Syria and the third largest city in Roman Empire. The message is being sown into these large metropolitan areas, its finding good soil and it is growing.
06.01.2022 How are you staying connected with God and each other? The parish is currently running 9 small groups at various times and days, send a message if you wish to know more. Services are planned to recommence mid-July (possibly earlier) - Sunday, 9am & 10:30am, Wednesday, 1:30pm. Meanwhile there are many online services offered, see: https://anglicantas.org.au/online-church/
05.01.2022 Bishop Richard shared this post earlier in the week. "Next Wednesday evening - Gafcon Australasia Event. Wed love you to join us." https://facebook.com/events/s/gafcon-australasian-celebratio/590758308240424/?ti=icl
05.01.2022 The supreme test for the love of Jesus was on the cross; although his love was tested every day with unbelieving crowds, an unbelieving family, hostile leaders, doubting disciples - yet he loved them through it all!
05.01.2022 Beware of preachers that become wealthy through their preaching, all they have created is a pyramid scheme with themselves on the top, and their followers or victims on the bottom. Psalm 119 says give me the desire to obey God’s laws - rather than the desire for selfish gain and a desire to get rich.
05.01.2022 Bishop Richard has written to Aboriginal organisations across our state today sharing with them his Reconciliation Statement. His statement and accompanying video are now available on our website. https://anglicantas.org.au/reconciliation-statement-2020/
04.01.2022 This Saturday. Please let us know if you are able to attend.
04.01.2022 Over the years, Christians have had disputes and fallen out, over baptism and communion. Over church structure and organization, over minor points of doctrine, over speaking in tongues, the Sabbath, creation, over which version of the Bible to use, and when and how Jesus returns, and so on. When disputes are not handled well, peoples faith can be damaged! (This mornings message - part2)
03.01.2022 Are you a knitter? Do you know about this campaign?
02.01.2022 Celebrating the life and ministry of Peter R. Atkins (Snr.) Monday, 16th November, 11.00am at 'Pathway to Life' Church, 22 Nicholls Street, Devonport. The service will also be live-streamed to the Parish Centre of Ulverstone Anglican Church, 6-8 Kings Pde. at 11am. All welcome.
02.01.2022 When the going gets tough the tough witness! That’s what Paul does! .. what would you say? .. be ready. Sadly, many Christians are not! In a conversation, or opportunity, they are like a ship that is under attack, that sinks without firing a single shot back. Paul spent years in jail for the faith, be thankful if all that God requires of you is to share your faith in conversation with your friends, relatives and the people of this town.
02.01.2022 When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited Apollos to their home. I imagine that it would take some courage, to invite a guest speaker home from church to correct them. Especially one with the passion and knowledge and brilliant skill of Apollos. Do you admire the courage and sensitivity of this Christian couple and their confidence in saving message of Jesus? They don’t bail Apollos up during the morning tea after the service, they don’t call out and interrupt his message, instead they invite him home. What a gentle example of how to correct someone. How much better it is to give such private help to this preacher whose ministry is defective than to correct or denounce him publicly.
02.01.2022 Cup of Kindness, this evening, 5:30-6:30pm.
01.01.2022 Another beautiful day in Ulverstone. Sun shining, champagne air.
01.01.2022 CMS Tasmanias latest missionaries - Maurice & Amanda Jacobson!!!
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