UMMSS Community and Wellbeing | Community
UMMSS Community and Wellbeing
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25.01.2022 AMSA Academy has created online Wellbeing courses! The first two modules being released are Prevention and Coping, and Thriving over Surviving Check them out here: You can access them for free with your university email address!
25.01.2022 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
25.01.2022 UMMSS Community and Wellbeing are thrilled to announce our winners for the 2020 Clinical School Cup : The Rural Cows will be receiving $500 for their clinical school budget to be used for events and food catering for all rural clinical school students. Congratulations to everyone in the Rural Cows. ... We would like to thank everyone who has participated in our COVID-friendly Community and Wellbeing initiatives this year! Points have been awarded for participation in C&W events (Med vs Law Strava Running Competition, Vampire Cup, our 2 X Games Nights, Trivia Night, Iso-share, the Social Connection, Blue Week Wellbeing activities and Among Us Competition), participation in Peer Tutoring and Mentoring, Orchestra and Medleys, and attendance of the pre-lockdown PFAs. Special thanks goes to the 2020 CWO, Amy Luo and the rest of the C&W team, who have been absolutely amazing and put so much time and effort into organising all the COVID-19 friendly events for us this year! Good luck with exams and hope you are all staying well during quarantine!
25.01.2022 ***2019 Clinical School Cup Results*** The Community and Wellbeing Team are thrilled to announce that the winner of the 2019 Clinical School Cup is THE AUSTIN ALPACAS, who will be receiving $1000 for their clinical school budget! We would like to thank everyone who has participated in various Community and Wellbeing initiatives over the past year! Points have been awarded for participation in C&W events (Med vs Law Sports Cup, Vampire Cup, MDSC Random Acts of Kindness, Interc...linical School Netball and Futsal Cup, 5km Scrub Run and Board Games Night), money fundraised for Australias Biggest Morning Tea and Blue Week, participation in Peer Tutoring and Mentoring, Orchestra and Medleys, and attendance at PFAs. Special thanks goes to the 2019 CWO, Sally Chen, and the rest of the C&W team, who have all put a tremendous amount of time and effort into organising these events for everyone to enjoy! Good luck for exams and make sure to look out for each other :)
24.01.2022 Remember to take some time out of your daily routines for self-care. Colour your troubles away and share with us your creative masterpieces!
23.01.2022 Grab a group of friends, cook up some delicious food to share and host your own WELLBEING FEAST!!! AMSA Activ8 Mental Health has just launched the event for our first pillar, FOOD! Its the perfect excuse to get together with friends, share delicious food and get talking about mental health! Need even more incentive. Host a Wellbeing Feast, take a photo with your crew, upload it to facebook or instagram and tag @amsamentalhealth and #activ8food for your chance to win a $1...00 voucher!! READ BELOW FOR MORE INFO! Weve been inspired by @NCDFREE Feast of Ideas Campaign to bring you an event that gets you enjoying delicious food with friends, brainstorming and sharing your own wellbeing and mental health experiences, challenges, ideas and goals! Over the next month (March 12th - April 12th) host a dinner, breakfast, lunch, or any meal with your friends! Each bring a plate or two to share and get talking about mental health. We hope that in sharing Wellbeing Feasts across Australia, together as a medical student community we can encourage each other to start talking about mental health, breaking down stigma, brainstorming sustainable solutions and creative ways to improve wellbeing and reform the hospital culture!
22.01.2022 The Australian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians (ACSEP) along with Beyondblue are running a Doctor Dash on Sunday the 27th May. Their aim is to increase awareness of the issues affecting health professionals and medical students following research from beyondblue demonstrating high rates of suicide, depression and substance-abuse within the community. For more information head to to get involved!
20.01.2022 Todays Blue Week theme is MOOD. How do we foster positive moods whilst accepting and coping with negative emotions? Moods come and go, and are sometimes said to be as changeable as the weather. Experiencing negative emotions is normal, and such feelings dont deserve judgement. Write a list of 5 things you can do to: ... -Improve a good mood -Challenge a medium mood -Raise a low mood See more
20.01.2022 Feeling stressed, anxious or rundown? Need a little time for yourself? Try Headspace! Its a wonderful app that helps you to relax through guided meditations and mindfulness techniques. Set aside 5-10 minutes each day and teach your mind to proactively deal with stress so that you can be at your best. The app has lots of cool features which you can use for free, but if you want more, you are also able to get the paid version. Give it a go today and get some Headspace!...
20.01.2022 It's hard to remain mentally and emotionally strong all the time! Make sure you take time out for some self care and self love. Credits to: the awkward yeti
19.01.2022 For those seeking a little perspective:
19.01.2022 Move for mental health! Todays theme is MOTION. Exercise is a fantastic way of beating away the blues, building self confidence, and catching up with friends. Struggling to work exercise into your routine? Active transport is a great way to save time, and money. is a fantastic website that enables you to find safer cycling routes. Whats your favourite form of exercise? Whats the most out there activity youve tried? Let us know below. ... A reminder that Blue Week updates can be found on the UMMSS, and UMMSS Community and Wellbeing Facebook pages, the UMMSS Common Room group, as well as in posts from your CVPs in your clinical school groups. Medical School-wide events on today: -Know the answer to: In what order did Avatar Aang learn the elements? Take a well-deserved break from study tonight and join us for Blue Week trivia!
19.01.2022 Escape the doom and gloom of a study-filled weekend. Grab some friends and go on a road trip. Get some fresh air and come back feeling refreshed and ready to take on the week.
18.01.2022 We know that you're stressed, maybe even Troy level stressed, but make sure to take time out for yourself. Take study breaks, eat some nutritious meals (not just Vs), SLEEP and exercise!
18.01.2022 Hey everyone, hope you have all been keeping well in these trying and uncertain times. Weve experienced some big changes over these past couple of weeks, and have suddenly found ourselves needing to adjust to online uni life. Many of you are probably quite stressed or anxious at the moment, and wed like to acknowledge that it is completely normal to be feeling this way, you are not alone! Please do not hesitate to reach out to UMMSS and the Health and Wellbeing Practitioner...s for support :) The UMMSS Community and Wellbeing team have compiled a few tips and resources which may be of some help. Also, watch this space for some exciting online events to come! : - - waking up and sleeping at a regular time, eating 3 healthy meals a day, doing some physical activity - - social distancing does not have to mean social isolation (and more on that from C&W very soon) - - the never-ending news cycle about coronavirus could be doing more harm than good by contributing to your worries and anxiety : - : - : - : : - - free Weathering the Storm program which includes meditations, sleep, workouts - - sleep, meditation and relaxation Free additional resources: - - mindfulness and meditation : LIFELINE on 13 11 14 KIDS HELPLINE on 1800 551 800 MENSLINE AUSTRALIA on 1300 789 978 SUICIDE CALLBACK SERVICE on 1300 659 467 BEYOND BLUE on 1300 224 636 HEADSPACE on 1800 650 890 REACHOUT at VICTORIAN DOCTORS HEALTH PROGRAM at UNIMELB HEALTH AND WELLBEING PRACTITIONERS at
17.01.2022 ISO-SHARE is here! UMMSS Community & Wellbeing has some cute and wholesome iso activities lined up for the next few weeksgenerously organised and run by your fellow students! Starting off next week, Joshua has offered to run a beginners Chinese class for English speakers! It belongs to a series of three classes, all running on Wednesday evenings (beginning 06/05). The sessions will be for a small group of students - no Chinese language ability needed! On Saturday (09/05),... Janny has invited us to come and make some scones with her! SCONES. Jump on Zoom with Janny, get your hands a bit dirty, and end up with hearty and homemade comfort food. The signup sheet contains more information about these sessions, including any preparation, and the specific date and time. Well add more sessions as we finalise them! Activities we have lined up include weekly workouts, a poetry class, a make-up tutorial, etc. Stay strong guys! Dont know about everyone else, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Big love from the C&W team
17.01.2022 This year has been quite difficult with all the disruption that COVID-19 has caused to our lives. The upcoming exams might also be adding to this stress. Sometimes in times like this it is extremely helpful to have someone to talk to. The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners are offering a 30 minute where students can talk about any stresses they may be experiencing. This service is designed to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. If this is ...something you would be interested in, just shoot them an email. You are also able to make an appointment online via:
17.01.2022 "It is an attention-demanding tragedy when doctors deaths are attributed to their work, which, after all, is in the service of others" An interesting look at how to tackle mental health and wellbeing as a doctor and a medical system. Worth a read!
16.01.2022 It's time for Mindful in May! Mindfulness means to be present and in the moment. It allows us to engage with the here and now, and approach our lives with greater clarity and peace of mind. It is often in the more repetitive, day-to-day activities that we find ourselves switching into auto-pilot. So why not embrace these moments and see them as an opportunity to be more mindful? Sign up here: ... Or alternatively there are numerous mindfulness apps you can download such as smiling minds etc. to get involved for free!
16.01.2022 Feeling tired? Not sleeping as well as youd like? Check out these sleep hygiene tips
15.01.2022 We hope that this week inspires the continuation of many good habits, which is why todays Blue Week theme is MAINTAIN. What are some specific ways you can maintain your healthy habits? Studies show it takes 30 days to create a new habit, but you dont have to do it alone weve been finding the Fabulous- Motivate Me! app very helpful! ... Med School-wide events on tomorrow: 1. Mental Health Foundation Australia is holding a 4km Mental Health and Wellbeing Walk bright and early from 8am-9:30am tomorrow, from Federation Square to the banks of the Yarra River, with refreshments, entertainment, and good company. 2. Prefer a sleep-in? Join WMSS on a Blue Week 1000 Steps trip at 10am Escape into a world of vibrant native birdlife, spectacular Mountain Ash trees and lush fern gullies, for the perfect dose of exercise!
14.01.2022 We know that it's getting towards that scary end of semester but keep going everyone, the end is in sight! Keep up with your self care routines and check in with your friends to make sure they're ok too.
14.01.2022 Whether you are looking to get back into reading or are simply looking for a new book, reading about how to improve your mental health can do wonders! Whilst reading in general is known to be beneficial for one's mental health, reading about how others have handled their own mental health can provide some perspective and help inform us of different strategies to be at our best :) So go on and dive into one of these books!
12.01.2022 COVID-19 is becoming more well controlled in Melbourne and restrictions are starting to ease off, but we understand that this still may be a difficult time for some of you who were isolated by quarantine. The Health and Wellbeing Practitioners are great at providing mental wellbeing support, especially when we are feeling isolated. They are currently providing offering a 30 minute to support students who are feeling off. If this is something you would be interested in, just shoot them an email. You are also able to make an appointment online via:
12.01.2022 The Melbourne Medical School Health and Wellbeing Practitioners are offering a new 30 minute . Similar to a general health checkup, this service is designed to ask students about exercise, sleep, diet, stress, connection to family and friends, and more. This can also operate as a debrief service, where students are encouraged to have a chat about any difficulties they may be going through. Isolation has impacted many of the supports that students rely on, and the Health and Wellbeing Practitioners would like to fill this gap with a service that aims to foster health promotion and reduce the stigma that may be associated with accessing mental health support services. Please contact the Health and Wellbeing Practitioners via email if you would like to access this service, or make an appointment online here:
11.01.2022 With coming up tomorrow, our University of Melbourne Health and Wellbeing Practitioners would like to share some important messages with you Please reach out to them if you need some support: : [email protected] : [email protected]... : [email protected] Or book online:
10.01.2022 The University of Melbourne Medical Students Society is proud to support marriage equality. We are aware that this message comes at a late stage. However, in r...ecent weeks, UMMSS has closely reflected on our representative role in what is a polarising political issue. UMMSS has not previously supported political movements and thus discussion and consultation was required to reach the consensus that, as with other MedSocs, we have a significant role to play in advocating for the rights of all our members. Discrimination against LGBTIQ people is a very real issue with ongoing and severe consequences on both the mental and physical health of affected individuals, as well as their communities. UMMSS values the strengths that diversity and inclusion bring to the medical community. We recognise that marriage equality is a human rights issue, and that legislative reforms will create a social environment that promotes equality for all. For our LGBTIQ friends, family, peers, colleagues and patients, UMMSS votes YES. #VOTEYES AMSA: AMA:
09.01.2022 Just a reminder that if you are having a tough time or need to talk to someone to figure out your next step, Melbourne Med School has two wonderful Health and Wellbeing practitioners. Book in for an appointment with Lachlan or Danielle here: Alternatively there is the online MD Connect Tool NextStep:
08.01.2022 : - The MD1 Meerkats have started off strong, great both in numbers and in skill, dominating much of our . However, the Rural Cows are keeping up the pace, running fast and far as part of the . . Last year's winners, the Austin Alpacas, showed their community spirit and took out the . And not to be outdone, the RMH Quokkas fought back in Trivia, showcasing their talent and knowledge beyond medicine. But none of these teams should get too complacent, as the St Vincent's Scorpions, Western Cherubs, Epworth Tigers and Northern Wolves are hot on their heels! : ? Created with the aim to promote student wellbeing and increase community spirit within the medical cohort, the Clinical School Cup is a competition held between all clinical schools (and MD1s). Points will be awarded based on participation in Community and Wellbeing events, which focus on physical and mental wellbeing, and community initiatives, as well as several other year-long activities run by UMMSS and some of its affiliated clubs. Scaling will be applied to ensure fairness due to differences in numbers and accessibility. The Clinical School Cup Champions will be announced towards the end of the year, and they will receive a trophy and prize to be used for students at their clinical school!
06.01.2022 Todays Blue Week theme is MUSTER. We see mustering as three-fold: Mustering our own strengths and mental health skills Mustering strong and resilient networks of friends, family, and colleagues Mustering resources of information and means to take positive steps towards wellbeing ... To give you the strength to muster your resilience please find these wonderful recipes collated by the UMMSS Global Health Collective
05.01.2022 Exciting news about reducing the barriers to seeking help for mental health!
05.01.2022 The Unimelb MD cohort is full of versatile brilliant individuals, who have come from a multitude of different paths and backgrounds. We are proud to be amongst a cohort of people who have achieved such amazing things. Unfortunately due to the current circumstances we are unable to meet each other in person to share our stories. We believe its especially important to stay connected as a cohort during self-isolation and thus we are launching our new initiative HUMANS OF MEDICINE (@humansofummss) on Instagram. Through this platform we aim to share interesting stories from some of these amazing people in our cohort. Make sure you give us a follow on Instagram to stay connected (dont worry we follow back). Tag your friends below who you think we should hear from or comment below if you would like to share your story with us.
04.01.2022 Apply now to become part of the Community and Wellbeing Subcommittee! We are looking for enthusiastic team players who have fresh ideas of how to better promote student wellbeing and support students to feel connected and supported throughout Medical School. Please contact [email protected] if you any further questions
03.01.2022 This Thursday is Please take this opportunity to reach out to your loved ones, but remember that the conversation should not stop after this day. The University of Melbourne has organised a number of events and webinars in light of R U OK Day, which are available to all students. Please find the registration forms and more details for each event below. ' ' ( )... Time: Thursday 10th September, 1-2pm ( ) Time: Thursday 10th September 1-1:30pm ( ) Time: Wednesday 9th September (5-6pm, 7-8pm), Thursday 10th September (10-11am, 5-6pm, 7-8pm) ( ) Time: Friday 11th September 12:30-1:15pm
03.01.2022 Today is ! During unprecedented times like this, our mental health deserves as much attention, if not more, as our physical health. While we are keeping physically distant, we believe it is more important than ever that we remain socially and emotionally connected. In the spirit of taking care of our mental wellbeing, the C&W team has summarised a handful of handy tips in the graphic below. The university is also holding a series of webinars t...hroughout the week aimed at both students and staff: -: - - This feature webinar will help us understand why we respond the way we do in uncertain and challenging times. In discussions guided by CAPS counsellors, you can discover a range of healthy and adaptive ways we can stay psychologically healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. - , -. ( , -:) This webinar aims to introduce the experience of cultivating calm and wellbeing from within. On University Mental Health Day (and beyond!), you can give your brain a break from study or work at home by joining a CAPS counsellor in a guided mindfulness meditation. - - - International student life is an enriching and unique experience. During these unusual times, there can be added complexities that may leave you feeling overwhelmed. This webinar will allow you to connect with other international peers, get support from each other, and learn ways to better cope with stress and take care of yourself. We may all need a little extra support during this time, so lets be kind, stay connected, check in with each other, and encourage people to seek professional support when they need it. Much love, UMMSS Community and Wellbeing team
03.01.2022 "Once you give yourself permission to, and specifically allocate time for leisure, studies show that people become more productive, less stressed and well, just happier humans." Taking a break is important! Some wise words for the start of semester 2
03.01.2022 The Victorian Doctor's Health program is an independent, confidential service for Doctors and Medical students. You can contact them 24/7 via phone on (03) 9280 8712. They connect you to Doctors and services experienced in caring for medical professionals. They are also free from mandatory reporting issues, unless there are concerns for your patient's safety. ... Take note of them for the future and tell your friends so we can spread the word about this great service
02.01.2022 The Melbourne Medical School Health and Wellbeing Practitioners are offering a new 30 minute . We all have our off days sometimes and especially with exam period coming up, we might feel overloaded with stress. Speaking to someone can be a great help in relieving our negative emotions. Our lovely Health and Wellbeing Practitioners are always open to offer a listening ear or have a chat with you. Please contact the Health and Wellbeing Practitioners via email if you would like to access this service, or make an appointment online here:
01.01.2022 UPDATE: The time has been changed to 3:30-4:30pm, on the same day (Thursday 30th April), and the Zoom link is below UMMSS Community & Wellbeing and MEDitate are joining forces to bring you a meditation class on Thursday 30th April, 3:30-4:30pm via Zoom. Tibetan Buddhist Nun Ani Dechen will be giving a talk on 'Overcoming Fear and Uncertainty', which will be of great help during this time. Look out on the MEDitate page for the Zoom link, which will be posted next week! UPDATE ...Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 912 862 3958 Password: 033033
01.01.2022 Do you struggle to go with the flow? Does shifting priorities in the moment stress you out? Todays Blue Week theme is MALLEABILITY. A career in medicine will see us face big changes at many timepoints. Sometimes those changes are obvious: the shift from pre-clin to clin, clin to the workforce, or moving for rural placement. Sometimes those changes are less momentous, but equally, must be met with malleability. This might include shifting our mindset when a patients condit...ion changes, re-prioritising what needs to be done on the ward, or altering plans on the fly when were kept back at the hospital. The skillset to adapt both in the moment and over time helps us foster wellbeing. Today, lets think and talk about the skill of malleability. Med School-Wide events on today: Dont forget head on down to the Union House Forecourt at 6pm today to relax and unwind. Weve teamed up with Gravity to bring you Sunset Yoga, and best of all its free!
01.01.2022 : First it was Epworth. Then it was Austin. Whos going to come out on top as champions in 2020? It is said that third times lucky, and it really is anyones game this year. So without further ado, we are excited to announce the 3RD ANNUAL CLINICAL SCHOOL CUP! ... ? Created with the aim to promote student wellbeing and increase community spirit within the medical cohort, the Clinical School Cup is a competition held between all clinical schools that runs for the entire year. (And dont you worry MD1s, youll be competing as your own team!) Points will be awarded based on participation in Community and Wellbeing events, which focus on physical and mental wellbeing, and community initiatives, as well as several other year-long activities run by UMMSS and some of its affiliated clubs. Scaling will be applied to ensure fairness due to differences in numbers and accessibility. The Clinical School Cup Champions will be announced in September, and they will receive a TROPHY and PRIZE MONEY to be used for students at their clinical school! ? Vampire Cup - a blood donation drive and competition between all Australian medical schools Interclinical School Futsal / Netball - sports competitions with clinical schools playing against each other Med vs Law Sports Day - med teams and law teams competing in futsal, netball and dodgeball, with a BBQ provided Australias Biggest Morning Tea - bake sales held across all clinical sites to raise funds for the Cancer Council Random Acts of Kindness (MDSC) - Kris Kringle/Secret Santa across all year levels and clinical schools taking place at MDSC Mental Health Skills Night - presentation and Q&A with external speakers involved in mental health advocacy 5km Scrub Run - 5km run/walk wearing your clinical school scrub tops Board Games Night - a relaxing night playing board games with your friends Blue Week - activities taking place over the week to increase awareness of the importance of mental health for medical students, including a trivia night