Under the Birch Tree | Pregnancy care centre
Under the Birch Tree
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25.01.2022 How cute is an infant dolphin? Their gestation is around 11-12 mths and they birth in the summer mostly having singletons. The baby weighs around 10kg and drinks mamas milk for 7-18 mths. They can have babies from 5yrs old and live for 30. Check out the Cetacean placenta. It weighs around 2500gr and implants over the entire uterus with no free membranes. The cord implants into one horn (fleshy part) and they are typically birthed tail first. ... The cord is short usually around 30-40 cm. It contains two large arteries and two large veins, rarely only three vessels. Humans cords have three vessels, rarely two. Most Dolphins do indeed eat their placenta! It is due to a sudden drop in hormones after birth resulting in low mood and energy. These hormones are present in the placenta and therefore replace some of the lost hormones elevating mood and energy. Although similar to human mammals the cetacean placenta is very different in function and appearance. However equally miraculous and beneficial to both the foetus and the mother! #peterchinn . . . #dolphin #dolphinbirth #placentaencapsulation #placentagoldcoast #marinebiology #goldcoastplacenta #dolphinplacenta #animalplacenta #placenta #marinebirth #babydolphin #dolphinseattheirplacenta #placentophagy #placentalove #placentamedicine #naturesmedicine #dolphinanatomy #inutero #digitalart #mammalbirth #mammalmama #mammalbaby #pregnancy #dolphinbaby See more
24.01.2022 There is a section on the booking form called, Artistic requests, where you can let me know what you’d like me to try and achieve with your keepsakes. E.g. cord in a heart shape, print like a flower, cord in a spiral, a word or letter. You can even email me a picture of what you’re hoping for and if it’s possible I will do my best to give you exactly what you describe. . . . #birthkeepsakes #digitalart #digitalprints #bloodprints #placentaprints #birthtreasure #uniqueart #bloodart #babykeepsakes #birthmemories #treeoflife #treeoflifeprint #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #goldcoastplacentaexpert #goldcoastplacentaencapsulation #placentagoldcoast #treeoflifeart
22.01.2022 For some women their placenta is the centre of their postpartum plan, the main support they will have for one reader or another. This is why I offer you full postpartum support from me. I’m a fully qualified and very experienced Birth & Postpartum Doula and Before that I work with families going through child behaviour issues, finding the strengths and weaknesses that are driving them and blocking family happiness. So my entire life’s work has been supporting and caring fo...r families so that they get the best start and the best chance at a happy and stable family life. #lovemyjob . . . #underthebirchtree #placentaservicegoldcoast #placentaencapsulation #placentaencapsulationgoldcoast #placentacapsules #placentaremedies #mandala #betterpostpartum #newmumsupport #supportnewfamilies #placentapills #samanthabirch See more
21.01.2022 How gorgeous is this newborn cuteness in his emerald wrap?! Swipe to see his placenta with a #circummarginate variation. It’s not clinically significant and is a common variation. As you can see it kept this cutie in great health through his gestation. . . . #sweetnewborn #newbornbaby #babywraps #placenta #placentaencapsulation #placentagoldcoast #goldcoastplacenta #newmummy #newbornbaby #goldcoastbaby #goldcoastmaternity #babyandplacenta #postbirth #placentaexpert #samanthabirch #underthebirchtree @3littlebabes
20.01.2022 The tiniest of Loves! (Swipe for more) This package was so fun to make. Sometimes the cord can’t do what is requested especially if it’s a short cord. This one was 30cm and it just wanted to be the cutest and tiniest word Loveand give this family everything they wanted. I just adore the cord incorporated with the print so it looks like the roots of the Tree of Life. So special! . .... . #keepsakes #birthkeepsakes #birthtreasure #placentaencapsulation #placentaart #birthart #placentacapsules #newbaby #goldcoastbaby #goldcoast #goldcoastplacenta #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentagoldcoast #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch See more
20.01.2022 What’s in your package. Everyone gets a Guide and a business card with a discount to pass on to a friend, if you chose keepsakes they look something like these beauties and of course, your capsules, two jars with each steamed & raw or just the one jar. Plus there is always a little gift from me to you, books or chocolates are it at the moment but you never know what it will be. . . .... #placentagoldcoast #goldcoastplacenta #goldcoastplacentaexpert #goldcoastplacentaencapsulation #halfandhalf #placentaart #placentaprint #cordkeepsake #placentapackage #naturalpostpartum #placentaremedy #uniquepackaging #newmamalife #newmumpowerup #goldcoastmumsandbubs #grownbyyoumadebyme See more
20.01.2022 Raw Dry Placenta Capsules Placenta Essence Placenta Oil Blood Prints Cord Keepsake... How will you get the most from your home grown natural medicine? . . . #homegrownmedicine #naturalmedicine #postpartumhealth #postbabypower #mamaspowerup #placentapower #cordkeepsake #postpartumpowerup #postnatal #energybooster #goldcoastmama #goldcoastplacentaexpert #goldcoastplacentaencapsulation #placentacapsules #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #placentabloodprint #placentaessence #placentalove See more
19.01.2022 A Parent’s Love No gift on earth is greater, No treasure held above, The joy that comes from knowing, A parent’s endless love.... In spite of how it’s tested, It grows from year to year, Providing strength and comfort, It always draws us near. It warms and it protects us, And guides us from afar, Shedding light upon us, Like a bright and shining star. And when all things are measured, Not one shall rise above. Or be compared in value By a parent’s endless love. By Unknown . . . #parentslove #endlesslove #love #umbilicalcordkeepsake #cordkeepsake #lovecordkeepsakes #goldcoastplacenta #placentagoldcoast #placentaencapsulation #placentaremedies #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentaencapsulation #newmummy #birthkeepsake #birthtreasure #birthplan #samanthabirch #underthebirchtree See more
18.01.2022 220 placenta capsules #twins . I use size 0 Vegan capsules made from rice, so they suit everyone. . .... #twinpregnancy #placentaencapsulation #placentaremedies #naturalpostpartum #postpartumhealth #goldcoastplacentaexpert #goldcoastpregnancy #goldcoastnewborn #grownbyyoumadebyme #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #placentacapsules #placenta #goldcoastwomeninbusiness See more
17.01.2022 Ever wondered why these little beauties are shaped like storks? Embroidery scissors didn’t start out as scissors at all, they were first umbilical clamps! Made with silver so they could be boiled they often came with little turtles as supports on the finger rings, a symbol of longevity and to stand them upright to keep them clean and free from contaminates. They would be held together with a tie or band but it’s unclear how effective they were until the addition of a fixing m...echanism later. They were used with forceps shaped like snakes. Yep, snakes... symbolic of the Rod of Asclepius, associated with the Greek god of healing and medicine. Pretty cool ha? Stork scissors trace back to the 19th century and have gone through a lot of changes to today. Originally 10 - 15 cm long with heads at a 45 degree angle, beaks being blunt heavy clamps that didn’t cut, only restricting blood flow in the cord before cutting. For extra cuteness some had babies hidden in the body so they were seen when the clamps were open and were often given to the family as a birth gift. (Slide left to see old school clamp with baby.) As we know birth can take some time and were often home births in the early days so midwives would pass time doing needle work waiting for baby. They would use their stork clamps from the birth bag to also cut threads and that’s how they became scissors. Why did storks bring babies according to legend? Well storks are migratory birds and their arrival coincides with the spike in birth rates in spring. Lots of storks, lots of babies! We have one species of stork in Australia, the Black-Necked Stork, the rest are from Europe, Africa, Nth America and Asia. As storks fly really high it’s easy to see they pick babies up from heaven bringing them down to those deserving on earth. The ancient Egyptians associated storks with reincarnation. In German folklore the storks found babies in caves or marshes bringing them to the chosen family in baskets. In the caves were Stork Stones that babies hatched from, black and white stones that children often threw over their heads to let storks know they wanted a brother or sister. Folklore on storks is in nearly all cultures. See more
17.01.2022 Infant loss, Babies with wings, Mamas with empty arms and aching hearts. We will always love the ones no one sees as much as the ones here, seen. I’ve lost, I’ve witnessed loss and it’s the same for all, a confusion that grows into the heaviest pain that evolves to many different emotions over time. Time heals, yes it does, but this is the most different of healing, one that isn’t descriptive, only felt. Yesterday I walked my garden and sat with each plant for each of the li...ttle souls that grew their wings, four Mamas this year with bursting hearts for they went home with tears in their eyes in place of their baby in their arms. Four other trees the butterflies love in my garden, all named by the babes they honour, the Mamas that will love them always all knowing these trees are here, lovingly tended by me with their memory in my heart. #neverforgotten . I’ll take this opportunity to let you know that if this is ever needed by anyone on the Gold Coast, I offer my services for free. Why? Because I’m experienced in loss, I’ve supported many families in loss and the cord connecting you to baby can be incredibly healing to have and hold, to keep forever. Not a symbol, the real connection. Prints, oils, tincture, balm and photos can also be given if the placenta can be saved. This is an important addition to an in-depth #birthplan ask to keep your baby’s cord and placenta if possible. I’ve done this too many times, it’s healing, it’s so so special and fully supported by many hospitals and birth professionals, even religious leaders. It only takes a call from a friend or midwife to have me lovingly honour mother and baby. All my love to all of you. . #infantloss #infantlossawareness #infantlossawarenessmonth #babieswithwings #iam1in4 #goldcoastinfantloss #miscarriage #stillbirth #bornsleeping #waveoflight #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #babylossawarenessweek #pregnancylosssupport #stillbirthdaydoula #stillbirthsupport #stillbirthisstillbirth See more
16.01.2022 #lavendersmudgesticks one of these heavenly scented sticks is heading up north! The other two up for grabs! . . . #smudgestick #lavender #sage #rosemary #cleanseyourspace #homemade #gardenharvest #naturalhome #naturesmedicine #trustnature #goldcoastlife #sagesmudge #goldcoasthome #goldcoastgarden #spiritualhealing #energyclearing #sageandlavender #positivevibes #paganwitch #earthremedy #naturelover #flowers #herbs
15.01.2022 #keepsakepackages . . . #placenta #placentagoldcoast #goldcoastplacenta #placentaencapsulation #placentacapsules #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentaremedies #postpartumhealing #postpartumhealth #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastmaternity #birthplan #postpartumsupport #newbabygift #blessingwaygift #babyshowergiftidea #birthmemories #birthkeepsakes
15.01.2022 E book update It’s growing! Sorry everyone I’ve expanded so it’s going to take a bit longer. However it will give you more options and examples of individuals experience and usage. If there is anything else you think it should have put it in the comments. . .... . #placenta #placentaencapsulation #placentatincture #ebook #newmumpowerup #mamaslittlehelper #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #grownbyyoumadebyme #placentapotion #womenshealth #postpartumhealing #birthplan #postpartumsupport #birth #goldcoast #goldcoastplacenta #placentagoldcoast See more
13.01.2022 Meet my newest family member Nakoa He is the first boy in the family, number 11. He’s also my first great godson after 6 goddess daughters and 3 great goddess daughters. The little guy decided to arrive 11 weeks early and give us all a scare. He did so well in the first week and is super strong. My Goddess daughter Imogene followed her intuition and with the help of her Muma pushed for answers and action. Preterm birth isn’t describable, it takes its toll on baby, Mum and t...hose supporting them. I wish I could have been there for them in Cairns but I had so many of you here to support. I’m looking forward to some cuddles when he gets stronger and and can go home. And I’m secretly hoping two of my great goddess daughters will be there too, 7 of my girls and this guy. . . . #greatgodson #29weeks #pretermbirth #preterm #earlybaby #inlovewithhim #newbaby #preemiepower #prematurebaby #babyboy #goddessmother #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastplacenta #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentagoldcoast #tinybaby #goldcoast See more
12.01.2022 I’d love for you to read this beautiful family’s story and do what you can to help. Help comes in many forms so please don’t dismiss thinking your hard earned cash is the only way. Donate something for auction (I’ve been working on something for awhile now to donate) Share some cash Share this post If you know anyone that might be of help, let them know, these little ones need their Papa! Hayley needs her lover by her side.
11.01.2022 Sun Catchers A stunning way to display your cord keepsake. Hang in a bright spot to see the vessels encased in your unique amber cord. A beautiful addition to baby’s nursery or a beautiful ceremonial piece to use for baby’s naming or 1st birthday celebration honouring their connection to the earth and life. .... . . #suncatcher #birthkeepsake #birthart #birthplanning #umbilicalcordkeepsake #umbilicalcordart #uniqueceremonyideas #babynamingceremony #honouryourbirth #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastplacenta #placentagoldcoast #goldcoastmaternity #postpartumhealing See more
10.01.2022 #birthmemories Amy from @mamas_medicine reminiscing her last birth with one of my favourite prints! I tend to remember details, I can recall the consistent dusky pink colour, the intricate pattern of the well drained vessels and perfect circular shape of Amy’s placenta. It’s like recognising a face, placenta’s are so unique they are hard to forget. I’m so happy to have had the honour of being acquainted with this beauty. . . . #womensupportingwomen #placentaencapsulation #placentacapsules #placentaart #placentaprint #birthkeepsake #goldcoastbaby #placentaexpert #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastmaternity #treeoflife #treeoflifeprint #naturalart #birthplan #birthplanning #bloodart
07.01.2022 The human placenta begins its life after implantation. It is the first organ of the fetus to develop. It starts from the outer layer of the pre-implanted embryo, the blastocyst. Its Implantation into the uterine wall triggers trophoblast cells to differentiate into two layers, cytotrophoblast (inner layer) & syncytiotrophoblast (outer layer). The inner layer proliferate new cells that move into the outer layer forming a mass. The outer layer sends out fingers that imbed into ...the uterine wall. Spaces like bubbles are formed that fill with maternal blood, as they fill they grow and join together to form larger spaces like a network throughout the outer layer. This is the base for the placentas formation and establishment of circulation. 2 weeks later the inner layer begins to expand into the outer layer mass forming primary vili, think plant stem. In the center of the inner and outer layers is the egg sac which is developing into your baby. The vita line emerges from the yolk, this develops three different systems. (This will be a different post) The yolk and vita line are surrounded by a cavity containing amniotic fluid then the membranes, amnion & chorion, a maternal blood reservoir and then the uterine wall. Primary villi create the secondary villi like roots coming from the plant stem. By four weeks these form vessels that turn into the tertiary villi, think tree trunk. These in turn form a inner layer shell (anchoring villi, Ancoring the trunk to the shell) these villi grow branches that are surrounded by space that house maternal blood for exchange between the mothers and her baby’s blood. By five weeks fetal blood flow has begun and the placenta has formed. . I know it’s complicated! . . . #formationoftheplacenta #embryo #fetus #uterus #growingababy #howdoestheplacentaform #placenta #placentaformation #humanlife #understandingplacenta #placentaanatomy #growingababy #growingaplacenta #obstetrics #science #placentabasics #birth #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentaexpert #pregnancy #whathappensinpregnancy #pregnancyfacts #placentafacts #educateyourself #birthinfo #informedbirth #birtheducation #birthclass See more
04.01.2022 Each placentas landscape is unique. Each baby nourished and developed just as uniquely. Each cell supplying vital support. Each postpartum equally supported and nourished. The Miracle of life.... .. .. .. #placenta #placentaencapsulation #placentamedicine #placentaformation #placentaremedy #placentacapsules #afterbirth #placentagoldcoast #treeoflife #goldcoastplacenta #goldcoastplacentaexpert #placentaexpert #birth #postpartumwellness #postpartumhealth #postpartumhealing #stability #energy #naturalmedicine #postbabyhealth #unique #oncenurturingbabynownurturingyou #stemcells #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #goldcoast See more
03.01.2022 I’m often asked to keep something from the placenta to Give back to the Earth this can be a little frozen package ready to go straight into the ground from the freezer in biodegradable papers and string. Or dry in a little vile ready to poor into the earth. I love doing this for families and fully support any type of ceremony honouring your birth and baby. #givingbacktotheearth #ceremony #placentaburialceremony . . . #placentaencapsulation #placentacapsules #treeoflife #babystree #babynaming #birthceremony #goldcoastplacenta #placentagoldcoast #goldcoadtmumsandbubs #goldcoastmaternity #honouryourbirth #birthright #sacredwoman #postpartumjourney #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch
03.01.2022 One jar of #placentacapsules will typically last you through the initial phase of your postpartum, around 6-8 weeks. This is the time your #bodyandmind go through many changes, first healing and producing milk, followed by keeping up with your rapidly growing babe and returning to your #prepregnancy self (almost we are changed forever!) Placenta capsules #support your body and mind through those #changes helping to keep you #stabilised #revitalised and #energised If y...ou want to talk to someone about using your placenta, call the #expert #samanthabirch Chair of Placenta Services Australia and one of the longest running placenta businesses in Australia to discuss what your placenta can do for you. . . . #placentaencapsulation #placentaremedies #placentacapsules #placentapills #placentastemcell #placentagoldcoast #placentamedicine #naturalpostpartum #postpartumcare #postpartumhealth #grownbyyoumadebyme #trustnature #naturalhealth #naturalmedicine #goldcoastmaternity #goldcoastplacentaexpert #goldcoastnaturalhealth See more
02.01.2022 Look at this sweet little egg yolk remnant! They never get old, seeing them always brings me so much awe that it has been safe and sound in baby’s Muma since she was in her mother’s womb. What a journey! . .... . #humaneggyolk #eggyolkremnant #humananatomy #humanreproduction #beginnings #underthebirchtree #placenta #placentacapsules #goldcoastmums #goldcoast #babysbeginning #nature #beginnings #yolksac #birth #humanegg #goldcoastplacenta #howwebegan #incredible #placentagoldcoast #pregnancy #incredible #goldcoastplacenta #samanthabirch #birth #whereitallbegan #myworkismypassion See more
01.01.2022 On booking you are most welcome to send a picture (it doesn’t have to be mine) of any keepsakes you like the style of. I can usually accommodate most ideas but occasionally the cord isn’t suitable so a few ideas can be good just in case. Your other option is more intuitive where I let the cord tell me what it wants to be. . . .... #placentaencapsulation #placentaencapsulationgoldcoast #goldcoastplacentaencapsulation #birthtreasure #underthebirchtree #samanthabirch #goldcoastmums #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastmaternity #pregnancygoldcoast #birthart #treeoflife #bloodart #umbilicalcordkeepsake #umbilicalcord #birthkeepsake See more
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