Unearthed Vic/Tas Global Interaction | Community
Unearthed Vic/Tas Global Interaction
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25.01.2022 We had a great day yesterday recording four more episodes for our Missioning podcast. A big thank you to Teagan for all your work in making this happen, and also to our amazing guests Pete (Central Asia), Scott Pilgrim, Deb(Cambodia) and Cat (discerning young adult) who all shared stories of their mission journey and engaged deeply the missiological principles. Deb Zoomed in through a patchy Cambodian internet connection, so praise God the internet held and she could share with us! Well be releasing episodes fortnightly, starting in a few weeks. You can listening to the original Missioning episodes here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Podcast
24.01.2022 Gifts are still coming in for May Mission Month and we are blown away by your faithful generosity, especially during this challenging time. Were so close to our target, can you give a gift today to help us reach it? http://ow.ly/7pzx50AuER0
23.01.2022 Love these questions that Ill be asking my self and others in the coming weeks.
23.01.2022 R U OK? Have you asked your friends and family today? Have you been asked today? Look after yourselves and loved ones today. Reaching out and starting the conversation is the firsy step! #ruokday
22.01.2022 THANK YOU for praying throughout Just Prayer! We'd love to hear how you participated in Just Prayer. Here's a short feedback form to let us know: www.globalint...eraction.org.au/JPfeedback And of course, prayer isn't just for a weekend! Subscribe to our other prayer resources to stay informed all year: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Subscribe
21.01.2022 Registration close tomorrow for this wonderul series!! So many wonderful speakers and conversations to hear!! https://facebook.com/events/s/truth-lab-anti-racism-series/903571946832033/?ti=as
21.01.2022 What is your own mission statement? @Sulari over the last couple of months has been inspired by a mission statement one of her friends shared with her. "Loving those in front of me." (Cat Lacey). Sularis is "Be you, bring you and bring Jesus through you!". Global Interactions is "Empowering communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus". What are the words that represent who you are in faith, in your journey, what ignites your passion? ... What are the words you live by...what is your own mission statement? Elle
21.01.2022 Life-changing steps lead to a decade of transformation... thats Micks story. Global Interaction intercultural workers in Thailand, Muana and Villy, met Mick b...ack in 2007. When they met him, he was a Buddhist Monk and now he is a passionate follower of Jesus and a leader in his Ethnic Thai faith community. But this transformation didnt happen overnight! In this video, Scott shares Micks journey of transformation and the difference your partnership with intercultural workers like Muana and Villy is making. Partner with Global Interactions life-changing ministry by giving a gift today: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Appeal
21.01.2022 New episodes of our Missioning podcast are released fortnightly. The next one is coming out tomorrow! To make sure you dont miss an episode, subscribe to the p...odcast here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/MissioningSubscribe And to catch up on past episodes, head to: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Missioning
20.01.2022 Thats a wrap! We were thrilled to have over 100 people join us across the globe for Strategic Mission Week. It was such a valuable opportunity to gather togeth...er and grapple with how we can step forward and participate in the mission of God. Special thanks to our facilitators, those who shared their stories and all who joined us! www.globalinteraction.org.au/SMW
17.01.2022 Take a look at the flowers and plants blooming around you. They didnt worry their way to awesomeness. And you cant either. God cares about you, so let Him carry your worries and fears (1 Peter 5:7). It is strange times indeed at the moment. It has been raining all weekend in Melbourne. In a space which already felt insular and inward, the rain added to my sense of disassociation from the world. Dissociation from anxiety, grief, stress, responsibilities, pain at the inabilit...y to act in social justice and not being able to see loved ones.This is not an unique feeling. We would all be experiencing different degrees of this pain at the moment. I came across this 1 Peter 5:7 when seeking guidance out of a state of disassociation with the world and space around me. Instead of feeling all my worries disappear instantly in prayer, I felt the sense to dare to begin; so I did. I took the first step. For me that was going out into the rain. Walking in creation and in prayer. Feeling washed and renewed...choosing to reside in Jesus for rest and renewal. I then turned to some things that feed my soul, help me feel like I am doing something, moving in his will: 1. Surrender Truth Labs Anti Racism Series- A series beginning this Friday (28th), into September, that explore racism and conversation with key Elders and leaders of marginalised groups, who have been paving this difficult path for many generations before us. This series is for anyone willing to learn and grow, and work towards racial justice. Registration close TODAY!! https://facebook.com/events/s/truth-lab-anti-racism-series/903571946832033/?ti=cl 2. Mike Frosts Article So this is what it feels like to lose your country. Written in January in response to the 2020 Bushfires, there themes and reflections that apply to our current circumstances. An article that helps with feeling heard in greif for what our world looks like currently https://mikefrost.net/so-this-is-what-it-feels-like-to-los/ 3. Music. Its powerful. Let it Rain by Jesus Culture sees topical for the moment. The live version is great Elle
17.01.2022 Out now! Missioning Episode 5: Building Authentic Relationships In this episode, Intercultural Worker Pete shares rich stories form Central Asia. Listen to be e...ncouraged of Gods activity around the world and leave with practical ways to engage with your local community. Listen here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Missioning Subscribe to Missioning here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/MissioningSubscribe
16.01.2022 Yay...look out for this coming out this week! Geoff is our new State Director! Cant wait to hear it!
16.01.2022 Mike Frost posted that a recent university study into the religious life of Gen Z reveals the church needs to embrace a complete game change to business-as-usual approaches to apologetics and evangelism if its going to survive generational change. As Lesslie Newbigin predicted, Here, surely, is the most challenging missionary frontier of our time.
16.01.2022 If you are passionate about mission in any context, love grappling with the big issues and welcome being challenged by real-life stories of contextualisation in... action... then why not join other passionate followers of Jesus at Strategic Mission Week. Find out more or register (for the whole week or single days) here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/SMW
15.01.2022 One of our special guests for our Reflect Day, meet Kim! Were excited to hear from her on Monday.
14.01.2022 Love to reach out to any of our Baptist pastors and leaders of Young Adults in Australia! Hoping we can grab two minutes of your time to fill this out. Really important for a national perspective from you. Australian Baptist Youth Ministries is conducting a survey and would like your help. The aim is to help Baptists across Australia better understand the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults (18- to 25yearolds), and to create resources to assist them through th...e current crisis. www.surveymonkey.com/r/ABM_YA_Survey
13.01.2022 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2762052704038854&id=1735138430063625
13.01.2022 Each Friday our Executive Director Scott Pilgrim will be inviting our FB community to share in prayer. This weekend lets unite in upholding our teams across As...ia, Africa and Central Australia as they continue to build relationships and share the hope of Jesus in the midst of the pandemic. Our teams, although facing unique challenges, all identify with the emotional rollercoaster of this stretching season. But they also praise God as they continue to see Him at work in the lives of people in their communities. Prayer is a gift and its integral to our mission. Lets pray together this weekend! See more
12.01.2022 What spiritual practices are you implementing that are sharpening your faith? Soak yourself in scripture, never underestimate how powerful the word is Elle... Proverbs 27:17 17|As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. 18|The one who guards a fig tree will eat its fruit, and whoever protects their master will be honored. 19|As water reflects the face, so ones life reflects the heart.
12.01.2022 Its our Unearthed Reflect day next Monday! Very excited to enter into a space to switch off and dig in with God. Join us in a dedicated day to delve into scripture and your faith
12.01.2022 As always, the latest Vision is packed full of stories! In this edition we celebrate Keith and Pams almost 50 years of faithful and fruitful service and highlight the ministry among the Ethnic Thai. Read these encouraging articles and more, here: www.globalinteraction.org.au/Vision
12.01.2022 As we wake up to devastating and heartbreaking news around the world, we encourage you to turn to God. These are unprecedented times, and it is always a useful reminder, especially when we are physically unable to help, locked down in our homes, to turn to prayer. Whilst Beruit tends to the physically wounded and the much bigger scheme of damage, and the word is still dealing with COVID-19, take a moment to be with your own mental health. These are heavy happenings. On Mond...ay we are hosting our reflect day, as you would have seen. In light of Victorias lockdown, and the aforementioned events, a day to STOP and reflect, spend time in prayer and scripture is a way to regain hope and peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lebanon, those who are sick and being worst hit with COVID-19
11.01.2022 We thank God for each and every one of you! Your faithfulness in sowing into global mission during this stretching time has blown us away. Just last week we rea...ched our May Mission Month giving target! THANK YOU! Your generosity to partner with our ministry, teams and projects is enabling our called, sent workers to share the Good News with people who may otherwise never hear it in a way that makes sense to them. Watch and download Scotts May Mission Month thank you message here: https://vimeo.com/446705836
10.01.2022 Some excellent sessions, bring your leadership team and grow together! Register today!
10.01.2022 God is on the move among the Yawo! Tim and Mel are witnessing God at work in the midst of Covid-19 restrictions. Read about it here: https://www.globalinteraction.org.au//god-is-on-the-move-m
09.01.2022 Heres an easy sock mask! Just make sure you wash the sock before attempting this! But an important update from friend Dr Miriam... Sock masks are pretty much useless in terms of protection. You could use it over a surgical mask to hold it in place though. Great idea! Thanks Miriam! Legend!
08.01.2022 Ignite 2020....Join us today! ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/94356070403 Meeting ID: 943 5607 0403 Password: ignite2020
07.01.2022 For those who want to join in last minute for Ignite tomorrow & didnt register, the zoom details are: ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/94356070403... Meeting ID: 943 5607 0403 Password: ignite2020
06.01.2022 Since podcasts are the iso thing, here is some good stuff for your ears! Our very own Geoff Maddock lends his experience and voice to the Reimagine Mission Podcast. Listen on Spotify now Episode 6 ~This week on the podcast Andrew catches up Geoff Maddock. Geoff is the new state director for Global Interaction in Victoria and Tasmania but has been involved in and has had a raft of experience with mission and missional communities both here and overseas. In this insightful conversation, Geoff not only shares some of his experience he shares his heart and the theology behind what he does. This is going to be a podcast you dont want to miss!~
05.01.2022 Young Adults, join us on Monday 3rd August as Dema and Carolyn share their experiences with Buddhism, spirituality, and discipleship. You wont want to miss this fascinating conversation. Follow the link and register: http://ow.ly/CBJb50AzKk3
05.01.2022 "In 2020 we can focus on our unmet expectations and challenging circumstances, or we can embrace afresh Gods gracious invitation to the adventure of mission." - Scott Pilgrim
04.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day! Really looking forward to engaging with everyone tomorrow as we dig in with God. See you 9:45 am
04.01.2022 Love using your skills to sow into the Kingdom? We have three newly created roles available within our Australian based office team. To find out more, visit: w...ww.globalinteraction.org.au/PositionsAvailable Available Positions: 1. Next Generation Specialist (2.5 days per week) 2. Recruitment Specialist (4 days per week) 3. Supporter Engagement Manager (4 days per week)
03.01.2022 Another answer to prayer! Sally has safely arrived in Malawi on her way to Mozambique. THANK YOU for covering Sally's travel in prayer. Here she is joyfully reu...nited with teammate Heather in Malawi. Sally writes, "I am so thankful to God that despite a pandemic, despite short lay overs and potential visa issues, I am here!"
03.01.2022 Ignite 2020! Such a great day! Loved Jon Owen, Fatais beautiful singing, break out groups, noodle competition, Ta Hays testimony, The Octave, KPop dancing and hearing about Mission and opportunities with the BUV! An amazing day! Well done Charlene Delos Santos & Meewon Yang!
02.01.2022 Gunther and Sarah are preparing to serve with Global Interaction among the Yawo in Malawi. They are excited to join the team on location and are passionate abou...t seeing the Yawo develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus! They are building a partnership team to support them financially and prayerfully. Contact the WA office to connect with Gunther and Sarah: www.globalinteraction.org.au/contact/wa If you are interested in exploring intercultural mission, please email [email protected]
02.01.2022 Discernment weekend with Global Interaction with these incredible ladies! Sharing our stories, Gods call on our lives, prayer, reflection and encouragement.
02.01.2022 CALL FOR HELP: There are several thousand people in lockdown in public housing in Melbourne, Australia. This post is not to debate the goods and bads of the pol...icy nor is to open a debate on social housing in Australia - if you do not know my views on that, you do not know my homelessness work for a few decades now! This post is to advise how you can help those in lockdown: 1. Flemington Kensington Legal Centre have employees and volunteers on the ground. https://www.fclc.org.au/Donate 2. Foodbank Victoria who are sourcing food -they will accept food or cash donations https://www.foodbank.org.au//make-a-donation/donate-funds/ 3. Moving Feast who are helping provide food https://movingfeast.net/ Thank you in advance.
02.01.2022 What does it mean to be missionally minded in your context at the moment? Melbourne and Victoria are still well in the thick of lockdown, and since we are going to be here a bit longer, what can you do in your space, to bring Jesus to where you are? It may look like reaching out to a neighbour...... Supporting the small local store that is still open... Reaching out to those you know are in solitude... Or maybe it means checking in with your own mental health and spending some time digging in with God or reaching out to a friend. Whatever it looks like, we encourage you to take strength from His word and find hope in His purpose and love for us. ~Elle Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God Philippians 1:3
01.01.2022 Join us for our very first Global Missions Forum Thursday 10th September, 2020. Global Missions Forum (GMF) is a forum to bring the missions community together... to further Gods global mission. Our theme for 2020 is Mission Moving Forward. We are looking at what mission will look like moving forward in a post pandemic world. GMF is a new initiative of Missions Interlink and will take the place of our annual Representatives Retreat. The forum is for representatives from Mission Agencies, Training Colleges, Mission Pastors and Student Group Leaders. For more information and to register visit: https://missionsinterlink.org.au
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