Unified Education | Consultation agency
Unified Education
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23.01.2022 Children have A LOT of questions. For example... How do you say ‘Hello’ in this country? (Points to random teeny tiny island) How do planets stay in space?... What type of bird lives in that nest? ...are just some of the questions I have been asked just in the last fortnight But you know what? It is okay not to have all the answers! In fact, by not having the answers you are actually supporting learning more. Instead respond with, What do you think? How could you find out? Through this approach you are encouraging children to observe, think critically, problem solve, extend their own learning and develop independence. You will not always be there with the answers but developing these learning dispositions means they won’t need you to be!
21.01.2022 What can I do to help my child learn? This is one of the questions I hear most from the families I work with. Every parent/carer/guardian wants the best for their children and of course want to provide the best opportunities for them to grow and develop to be the best they can be. But how? There are so many ways! ... Follow their interests -engagement is key! Spontaneous learning opportunities- count fence posts on your walk, brainstorm words to describe your breakfast, the opportunities are endless Set clear expectations early to develop good habits Do not force learning on a child who is not ready or interested - this is when learning attitudes and dispositions are developed. You do not want your child to have a negative mindset about learning Let them explore and experiment! This list could go on and on! If you feel like you need some support in providing the best learning support for your child, get in touch! https://unifiededucation.com.au/contact-us/
20.01.2022 Our 'Inclusion Matters' session focuses on practical strategies for implementing an inclusive approach in your service including; How to support children with diverse needs Developing appropriate strategies based on individual needs Ensuring consistency across the service... Developing positive staff attitudes for inclusion A holistic approach to working with families and everyone's favourite... Documentation! Contact us now!
14.01.2022 Learning Spaces! The physical environments we create and resources we provide play a huge part in early childhood development. Here are some examples of some of the learning spaces in our household ... One of the things our family consultations can support with is providing effective play and learning spaces in your home. Get in touch for more information!
13.01.2022 COMPETITION CLOSED- WINNER IN COMMENTS WIN A FREE 1 hour face to face training session on one of my favourite topics "Building Positive and Responsive Relationships with Children" All you have to do is ... Like our page Share this post OR Tag a friend who would love a free session Comment with your service name and postcode Good Luck! Winner will be announced on Sunday 21st July. Open to services within 150 km of Ballarat.
12.01.2022 Welcome to the launch of Unified Education! We are a training and consultancy company specializing in Early Years Education. Our services include Face to Face Service Training Off the Shelf Training Packages... Private consultations for families focused on how to support Early Education in the home You can find more information at our website www.unifiededucation.com.au
12.01.2022 Every Child is an Artist - Picasso Art is such a beautiful way for children to explore their creativity, experiment with different tools, develop fine motor skills and express their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Showing respect for children’s artwork can be a challenge for families and educators alike. Especially for those children who loooove to create and can give their parents a little bit of artwork fatigue! ... A few tips for showing respect for children’s artwork; Acknowledge children’s efforts and dispositions, not just the final product. For example, I love how much focus you are showing or I can see how you have experimented with different techniques Ask them to tell you about their artwork in an open ended way. Don’t assume what they have created. For example, instead of What a beautiful house you have painted try Tell me about your painting. This promotes language development, provides an opportunity for them to share their thoughts and won’t impact on their confidence if you assume wrong. If they are too young to sign their own name on their art, ask them where they would like you to write it for them or provide a way for them to record it themselves such as a printout they can glue on. When you simply revert to recording their name on the top corner you are making decisions about the aesthetics of their artwork. This is a hard habit to crack! Find a way to keep or display their artwork that doesn’t damage them. In our classroom we have pegs on twine. At home I love using magnet clips on the fridge and an A4 frame for pieces my son particularly wants to showcase. I also recently took all his artwork out of the keepsake box they were in and have put them in an A3 display book so that they are safe and accessible which we all love! Blutack is a common and very handy tool and we use this a lot as well. Just use it with caution. If you leave pieces blutacked for too long it can be hard too remove and cause the corners to tear. Blutack used close to heating can also become unstuck and cause the artwork to fall down. How do you display your children’s artwork at home or at your service!?
11.01.2022 Training session today (participating not delivering) What are your must haves to get through a professional development session?
11.01.2022 The best resources support learning in multiple areas. We love these Montessori Knobbed Cylinders Fine motor ... Problem solving Focus Persistence Beginning math concepts: dimensions Vocabulary: bigger, smaller, wider/broader, thinner
07.01.2022 Another one of my favourite resources and it’s another Montessori one. Maria Montessori said What the hand does, the mind remembers These sandpaper letters provide an opportunity for children to explore symbols with the sense of touch. ... A few rules of thumb when teaching letter recognition; Use a variety of tools. Do not always show children letters in the order of the alphabet. This can result in learning the order rather than what the symbols mean individually Start with letters of their name. These statistically are letters they are going to be seeing and using most often in the beginning and they will be able to connect more with the letter sound relationships Teach both upper and lowercase symbols but be careful of always teaching them together, for example ‘T t’. This can result in the child recognising one of the symbols and not both Have fun! There are so many ways you can explore letter symbols. Look for them wherever you go, draw them in the sand, the mud, shaving cream on the shower wall, make them out of play dough, cook letter pancakes... the only limit is your imagination Disclaimer: I am not a Montessori trained educator just a fan of the resources
06.01.2022 Got a Spotlight bargain this weekend. $2 for bags of foam stickers. Below is $4 worth of fun! Fine motor skills Sensory exploration ... Letter recognition See more
05.01.2022 I want to share a little about why I have started this venture and why training and mentoring is so important to me. This industry is hard work. There is so much responsibility in what we do as we know the early years are so important for the development of the little people in our care. ... Educators often work for little pay, work extra hours each week and often have inadequate administrative time to provide the program and environment that they know these kids deserve. Too often do I hear educators say they feel unsupported. Too often do we see educators moving through the motions and forgetting why they got into this work in the first place. Too often do educators feel burnt out, moving from centre to centre or leaving the industry for good. I want to inspire educators to be the best they can be I want to provide practical approaches to make documentation and reflection simple and achievable I want to support the understanding of behaviour and how to build positive and responsive relationships with ALL children It IS possible. Support NOT punishment. Scaffolds NOT unrealistic expectations. Unified together.
03.01.2022 There’s no such thing as bad weather just inappropriate clothing Experiencing the outdoors in different weather types supports children to; Experience how different weather changes their surroundings Use their senses to explore ... Connect with nature Develop fine and gross motor skills Experience joy and curiosity It is a common misconception that children get sick by playing in cold weather. In fact the germs that lead to colds and flus are more easily spread indoors in enclosed spaces. As long as they are dressed appropriately, not left in wet clothing for a long period of time and the weather is not dangerous such as strong winds or storms then it is perfectly fine to enjoy the outdoors in any weather!
03.01.2022 If this video helps one child grow up in a healthier way I'm happy
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